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- /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Copyright (C) 1994, by WATCOM International Inc. All rights %
- % reserved. No part of this software may be reproduced or %
- % used in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic or %
- % mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or %
- % information storage and retrieval systems - except with the %
- % written permission of WATCOM International Inc. %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- */
- #ifndef _WNO_PRAGMA_PUSH
- #pragma pack(push,8);
- #pragma enum int;
- #endif
- #define WOLE_IFACE(name) struct _w##name { int dummy; }; \
- typedef const struct _w##name * name
- WOLE_IFACE(WPIUnknown );
- WOLE_IFACE(WPIDispatch );
- WOLE_IFACE(WPIStorage );
- WOLE_IFACE(WPIClassFactory );
- WOLE_IFACE(WPIClassFactory2 );
- WOLE_IFACE(WPIDataObject );
- WOLE_IFACE(WPIPicture );
- WOLE_IFACE(WPIErrorInfo );
- // **** The following represent a minimal cover for the data types
- // **** defined in the OLE Automation header files
- typedef unsigned int WDispIndex;
- typedef long WDispID;
- typedef WDispID WMemberID;
- typedef long WScode;
- typedef long WHRESULT;
- typedef short WVARIANT_BOOL;
- typedef double WDate;
- typedef long char * WBStr;
- /**********************************************************
- * Typedefs for standard scalar types
- *********************************************************/
- typedef unsigned long WOLE_COLOR;
- typedef long WOLE_XPOS_PIXELS;
- typedef long WOLE_YPOS_PIXELS;
- typedef long WOLE_XSIZE_PIXELS;
- typedef long WOLE_YSIZE_PIXELS;
- typedef long WOLE_XPOS_HIMETRIC;
- typedef long WOLE_YPOS_HIMETRIC;
- typedef long WOLE_XSIZE_HIMETRIC;
- typedef long WOLE_YSIZE_HIMETRIC;
- typedef float WOLE_XPOS_CONTAINER;
- typedef float WOLE_YPOS_CONTAINER;
- typedef float WOLE_XSIZE_CONTAINER;
- typedef float WOLE_YSIZE_CONTAINER;
- typedef WBool WOLE_CANCELBOOL;
- typedef unsigned int WOLE_HANDLE;
- enum WOLE_TRISTATE { WtriUnchecked = 0, WtriChecked = 1, WtriGray = 2 };
- typedef struct {
- unsigned long dwLowDateTime;
- unsigned long dwHighDateTime;
- } WFileTime;
- typedef struct {
- unsigned long Lo;
- long Hi;
- } WCurrency; // CY
- typedef struct {
- unsigned long cElements;
- long lLbound;
- } WSafeArrayBound;
- typedef struct {
- unsigned short cDims;
- unsigned short fFeatures;
- unsigned long cbElements;
- unsigned long cLocks;
- void *pvData;
- WSafeArrayBound rgsabound[1];
- } WSafeArray;
- // the following are the feature flags for the WSafeArray
- #define WFADF_AUTO ( 0x1 )
- #define WFADF_STATIC ( 0x2 )
- #define WFADF_EMBEDDED ( 0x4 )
- #define WFADF_FIXEDSIZE ( 0x10 )
- #define WFADF_BSTR ( 0x100 )
- #define WFADF_UNKNOWN ( 0x200 )
- #define WFADF_DISPATCH ( 0x400 )
- #define WFADF_VARIANT ( 0x800 )
- #define WFADF_RESERVED ( 0xf0e8 )
- typedef struct {
- WDWord LowPart;
- WLong HighPart;
- typedef struct {
- WDWord LowPart;
- WDWord HighPart;
- #define WLISet32(li, v) ((li).HighPart = (v) < 0 ? -1 : 0, (li).LowPart = (v))
- #define WULISet32(li, v) ((li).HighPart = 0, (li).LowPart = (v))
- #define WLongFromLI(l, li) ( (l) = (li).LowPart)
- #define WULongFromULI(ul, li) ((ul) = (li).LowPart)
- typedef struct {
- WDWord Data1;
- WUShort Data2;
- WUShort Data3;
- WByte Data4[ 8 ];
- } WGUID;
- typedef WGUID WIID;
- typedef WGUID WCLSID;
- extern "C" const WGUID WGUID_NULL;
- WBool WEXPORT WIsEqualWGUID( const WGUID & guid1, const WGUID & guid2 );
- #define WIsEqualWCLSID WIsEqualWGUID
- #define WIsEqualWIID WIsEqualWGUID
- extern WBool WEXPORT operator==(const WGUID& guid1, const WGUID& guid2 );
- extern WBool WEXPORT operator!=(const WGUID& guid1, const WGUID& guid2 );
- typedef struct {
- WDWord tdSize;
- WUShort tdDriverNameOffset;
- WUShort tdDeviceNameOffset;
- WUShort tdPortNameOffset;
- WUShort tdExtDevmodeOffset;
- WByte tdData[ 1 ];
- } WDVTargeTDevice;
- #ifndef _WNO_PRAGMA_PUSH
- #pragma enum pop;
- #pragma pack(pop);
- #endif