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- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * WSimpleString
- *
- *************************************************************************/
- #ifndef _WNO_PRAGMA_PUSH
- #pragma pack(push,8);
- #pragma enum int;
- #endif
- # include "wstrdata.hpp"
- #endif
- class WSimpleString;
- extern template WArrayReference<WSimpleString>;
- extern template WArray<WSimpleString>;
- typedef WArray<WSimpleString> WSimpleStringArray;
- //
- // WSimpleString
- //
- class WCMCLASS WSimpleString {
- public:
- /**********************************************************
- * Constructors and Destructors
- *********************************************************/
- WSimpleString() : _string( NULL ) {}
- WSimpleString( const WChar *string, WULong numChars=USE_STR_LEN ) : _string( NULL ) { Create( string, numChars ); }
- WSimpleString( const WResourceID & id, WModuleHandle module=_ApplicationModule ) : _string( NULL ) { Create( id, module ); }
- WSimpleString( const WMessageID & id, WModuleHandle module=_ApplicationModule ) : _string( NULL ) { Create( id, module ); }
- WSimpleString( const WString & s, WBool makeCopy=FALSE ) : _string( NULL ) { Create( s, makeCopy ); }
- WSimpleString( const WSimpleString & s, WBool makeCopy=FALSE ) : _string( NULL ) { Create( s, makeCopy ); }
- ~WSimpleString() { Clear(); }
- /**********************************************************
- * Properties
- *********************************************************/
- // Character
- //
- // Set/get an individual character in the string. Forces
- // the string to be the default type.
- WWidestChar GetCharacter( WULong index ) const;
- WBool SetCharacter( WULong , WWidestChar ) { return FALSE; }
- // Dirty
- WBool GetDirty() const { return TRUE; }
- WBool SetDirty( WBool =TRUE ) { return FALSE; }
- // Double
- //
- // Convert the string to a WDouble, optionally setting an error
- // flag.
- WDouble WCMRETURNSFLOAT GetDouble( WBool *ok=NULL ) const;
- // Empty
- //
- // TRUE if the string is null or is empty.
- WBool GetEmpty() const { return( !_string || *_string == 0 ); }
- // Length
- //
- // Returns the length of the string in characters, not
- // including the null terminator.
- WULong GetAnsiLength() const { return _string ? GetData()->_stringLength : 0; }
- WULong GetUnicodeLength() const { return 0; } // TODO
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- WULong GetLength() const { return GetUnicodeLength(); }
- #else
- WULong GetLength() const { return GetAnsiLength(); }
- #endif
- // Long
- //
- // Convert the string to a WLong, optionally setting an error
- // flag.
- WLong GetLong( WBool *ok=NULL ) const;
- // Null
- //
- // TRUE if the string is a null (but not an empty) string.
- WBool GetNull() const { return !_string; }
- // Size
- //
- // Returns the size of the string in bytes, not including
- // the null terminator.
- WULong GetAnsiSize() const { return _string ? GetData()->_stringSize : 0; }
- WULong GetUnicodeSize() const { return 0; } // TODO
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- WULong GetSize() const { return GetUnicodeSize(); }
- #else
- WULong GetSize() const { return GetAnsiSize(); }
- #endif
- // Text
- //
- // Set/get the actual text of the string. The optional parm
- // on the set controls whether or not the string should store
- // just a pointer to the text or make a copy of the text.
- const WChar *const GetText() const { return GetAnsiText(); }
- WBool SetText( const WChar *str, WBool makeCopy=TRUE )
- { return SetAnsiText( str, makeCopy ); }
- const WAnsiChar *const GetAnsiText() const
- { return _string ? _string : ""; }
- WBool SetAnsiText( const WAnsiChar *text,
- WBool makeCopy=TRUE );
- const WUnicodeChar *const GetUnicodeText() const;
- WBool SetUnicodeText( const WUnicodeChar *text,
- WBool makeCopy=TRUE );
- // Type
- //
- // Sets/gets the primary type of a string.
- WStringType GetType() const { return WAnsiString; }
- WBool SetType( WStringType ) const { return FALSE; }
- // ULong
- //
- // Convert the string to a WULong, optionally setting an error
- // flag.
- WULong GetULong( WBool *ok=NULL ) const;
- /**********************************************************
- * Methods
- *********************************************************/
- // Chop
- //
- // If given a non-negative value, removes all the characters
- // up to but not including charPos. If given a negative value,
- // removes the last charPos*-1 characters.
- WBool Chop( WLong charPos );
- // Clear
- //
- // Frees the string, leaving a null string.
- void Clear();
- // Compare
- static int Compare( const WSimpleString & a, const WSimpleString & b,
- WBool caseSensitive=TRUE, WULong numChars=0 );
- static int Compare( const WSimpleString & a, const WAnsiChar *b );
- static int Compare( const WSimpleString & a, const WUnicodeChar *b );
- static int Compare( const WAnsiChar *a, const WSimpleString & b )
- { return -Compare( b, a ); }
- static int Compare( const WUnicodeChar *a, const WSimpleString & b )
- { return -Compare( b, a ); }
- // Create
- //
- // Various constructors for building a new string. First
- // frees the old string.
- WBool Create() { Clear(); return TRUE; }
- WBool Create( const WResourceID & id, WModuleHandle module=_ApplicationModule );
- WBool Create( const WMessageID & id, WModuleHandle module=_ApplicationModule );
- WBool Create( const WString & s, WBool makeCopy=FALSE );
- WBool Create( const WSimpleString & s, WBool makeCopy=FALSE );
- WBool CreateAnsi( const WAnsiChar *string,
- WULong numChars=USE_STR_LEN );
- WBool CreateUnicode( const WUnicodeChar *string,
- WULong numChars=USE_STR_LEN );
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- WBool Create( const WChar *string, WULong numChars=USE_STR_LEN )
- { return CreateUnicode( string, numChars ); }
- #else
- WBool Create( const WChar *string, WULong numChars=USE_STR_LEN )
- { return CreateAnsi( string, numChars ); }
- #endif
- // Concat
- //
- // Concatenate a string onto another.
- WBool Concat( const WSimpleString & suffix );
- WBool Concat( const WAnsiChar *string );
- WBool Concat( const WUnicodeChar *string );
- WBool Concat( WWidestChar singleChar );
- // Concatf
- WBool Concatf( const WAnsiChar *parms, ... );
- WBool Concatf( const WUnicodeChar *parms, ... );
- // ConvertToInteger
- WInt ConvertToInteger() const;
- // ConvertToLong
- WLong ConvertToLong() const;
- // Format
- //
- // Formats a message.
- // Returns number of characters
- // (not bytes) copied into the string.
- WULong Format( const WChar *format, ... );
- WULong Format( WULong messageID, WULong langID, ... );
- WULong Format( const WModule *module, WULong messageID,
- WULong langID, ... );
- // FormatEx
- //
- // Formats a message, but with more options.
- #define WSTRF_NOFORMAT 0x0200
- #define WSTRF_FROMSTRING 0x0400
- #define WSTRF_FROMMODULE 0x0800
- #define WSTRF_FROMSYSTEM 0x1000
- #define WSTRF_USEARRAY 0x2000
- WULong FormatEx( WULong flags, const WChar *format,
- WByte maxWidth, ... );
- WULong FormatEx( WULong flags, const WModule *module,
- WULong messageID, WULong langID,
- WByte maxWidth, ... );
- // FormatV
- //
- // The basic form of Format/FormatEx.
- WULong FormatV( WULong flags, const WChar *format,
- WByte maxWidth, va_list args );
- WULong FormatV( WULong flags, const WModule *module,
- WULong messageID, WULong langID,
- WByte maxWidth, va_list args );
- // Left
- //
- // Returns the n leftmost characters of a string. If string
- // is smaller than n, just returns the string.
- WSimpleString Left( WULong numChars ) const;
- // Lock
- //
- // Call this if you want to work directly on the buffer
- // inside the WString. It will ensure that no one else
- // is referencing it, that it has a minimum size (in bytes),
- // return its pointer. Call Unlock when you're done.
- WChar *Lock( WULong minimumSize=0, WStringType type=WDefaultString );
- // Parse
- //
- // Parse a string into an array of substrings. The original
- // string is left unchanged. The delimeterList specifies
- // the list of characters that delimit the substrings
- // (default is whitespace). If quoteList is non-NULL,
- // it consists of pairs of begin-end characters which are
- // used to declare a substring with delimiter characters
- // embedded in it. If ignoreMultiple is TRUE, multiple
- // delimiter characters (such as multiple spaces) are
- // ignored. You can specify an index to start and end at.
- // Finally, if allowEscapes is TRUE, you can use a backslash
- // within a quoted string as an escape character to escape
- // either delimiter character or a backslash itself.
- WSimpleStringArray Parse( const WChar *delimiterList=NULL,
- WBool ignoreMultiples=TRUE,
- WBool stripQuotes=TRUE,
- WULong startAt=0,
- WULong endAt=USE_STR_LEN,
- WBool allowEscapes=TRUE ) const;
- // Position
- //
- // Search for a given character or substring in the string
- // and return its position. NOT_FOUND is returned if not
- // found.
- WULong Position( const WWidestChar character, WULong startAt=0,
- WBool ignoreCase=FALSE ) const;
- WULong Position( const WChar *substring, WULong startAt=0,
- WBool ignoreCase=FALSE ) const;
- WULong Position( const WSimpleString & substring, WULong startAt=0,
- WBool ignoreCase=FALSE ) const;
- // Right
- //
- // Return the n rightmost characters of a string. If string
- // is smaller than n, just returns the string.
- WSimpleString Right( WULong numChars ) const;
- // Sprintf
- //
- // Calls with the C function sprintf functionality.
- WULong Sprintf( const WAnsiChar *parms, ... );
- WULong Sprintf( const WUnicodeChar *parms, ... );
- // Strip
- //
- // Remove spaces from one or both ends.
- WSimpleString Strip( WBool fromBeg=TRUE, WBool fromEnd=TRUE ) const;
- // SubString
- //
- // Returns the substring starting at position start and
- // of length n. Start is 0-based. If n is not specified,
- // the rest of the string is returned.
- WSimpleString Substring( WULong startAt, WULong numChars=USE_STR_LEN ) const;
- // ToLowercase
- //
- // Convert the string (in-place) to lowercase.
- WBool ToLowercase();
- // ToUppercase
- //
- // Convert the string (in-place) to uppercase.
- WBool ToUppercase();
- // Trim
- //
- // Strip the string in place.
- WBool Trim( WBool fromBeg=TRUE, WBool fromEnd=TRUE )
- { return Create( Strip( fromBeg, fromEnd ) ); }
- // Truncate
- //
- // Truncate the string to the given length.
- WBool Truncate( WULong length );
- // Unlock
- //
- // Call this when done writing directly to the buffer.
- // The string then recalculates its size and length.
- WBool Unlock();
- /*********************************************************
- * Operators
- *********************************************************/
- //
- // [] operator -- Note that a WWidestChar is always used,
- // not a WChar, to ensure that the result
- // can handle the largest type of char.
- const WWidestChar operator[]( int index ) const {
- return GetCharacter( index );
- }
- //
- // casting operators
- //
- operator const WAnsiChar*() const { return GetAnsiText(); }
- operator const WUnicodeChar*() const { return GetUnicodeText(); }
- //
- // = operator
- //
- WSimpleString & operator=( const WAnsiChar *s ) { CreateAnsi( s ); return *this; }
- WSimpleString & operator=( const WUnicodeChar *s ) { CreateUnicode( s ); return *this; }
- WSimpleString & operator=( const WSimpleString & s ) { Create( s ); return *this; }
- WSimpleString & operator=( const WString & s ) { Create( s ); return *this; }
- //
- // == operator
- //
- friend int operator==( const WSimpleString & a, const WSimpleString & b )
- { return( WSimpleString::Compare( a, b ) == 0 ); }
- friend int operator==( const WSimpleString & a, const WAnsiChar * b )
- { return( WSimpleString::Compare( a, b ) == 0 ); }
- friend int operator==( const WSimpleString & a, WAnsiChar * b )
- { return( WSimpleString::Compare( a, b ) == 0 ); }
- friend int operator==( const WSimpleString & a, const WUnicodeChar * b )
- { return( WSimpleString::Compare( a, b ) == 0 ); }
- friend int operator==( const WSimpleString & a, WUnicodeChar * b )
- { return( WSimpleString::Compare( a, b ) == 0 ); }
- friend int operator==( const WAnsiChar * a, const WSimpleString & b )
- { return( WSimpleString::Compare( b, a ) == 0 ); }
- friend int operator==( WAnsiChar * a, const WSimpleString & b )
- { return( WSimpleString::Compare( b, a ) == 0 ); }
- friend int operator==( const WUnicodeChar * a, const WSimpleString & b )
- { return( WSimpleString::Compare( b, a ) == 0 ); }
- friend int operator==( WUnicodeChar * a, const WSimpleString & b )
- { return( WSimpleString::Compare( b, a ) == 0 ); }
- //
- // != operator
- //
- friend int operator!=( const WSimpleString & a, const WSimpleString & b )
- { return( WSimpleString::Compare( a, b ) != 0 ); }
- friend int operator!=( const WSimpleString & a, const WAnsiChar * b )
- { return( WSimpleString::Compare( a, b ) != 0 ); }
- friend int operator!=( const WSimpleString & a, WAnsiChar * b )
- { return( WSimpleString::Compare( a, b ) != 0 ); }
- friend int operator!=( const WSimpleString & a, const WUnicodeChar * b )
- { return( WSimpleString::Compare( a, b ) != 0 ); }
- friend int operator!=( const WSimpleString & a, WUnicodeChar * b )
- { return( WSimpleString::Compare( a, b ) != 0 ); }
- friend int operator!=( const WAnsiChar * a, const WSimpleString & b )
- { return( WSimpleString::Compare( b, a ) != 0 ); }
- friend int operator!=( WAnsiChar * a, const WSimpleString & b )
- { return( WSimpleString::Compare( b, a ) != 0 ); }
- friend int operator!=( const WUnicodeChar * a, const WSimpleString & b )
- { return( WSimpleString::Compare( b, a ) != 0 ); }
- friend int operator!=( WUnicodeChar * a, const WSimpleString & b )
- { return( WSimpleString::Compare( b, a ) != 0 ); }
- protected:
- WStringHeader *GetHeader() const {
- return ((WStringHeader *)_string) - 1;
- }
- WStringData *GetData() const {
- return (WStringData *) GetHeader();
- }
- WBool CopyOnWrite();
- WStringData *GrowTo( WULong size );
- WULong SearchFor( const WChar *buf, WULong size, WULong at,
- WBool ignoreCase ) const;
- protected:
- WChar *_string;
- };
- #ifndef _WNO_PRAGMA_PUSH
- #pragma enum pop;
- #pragma pack(pop);
- #endif