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- @echo off
- if _%1 == _ goto error
- if exist powersoft.sun\nul goto do_sun
- if exist powersoft.syb\nul goto do_syb
- echo Your Java Libraries are not set up correctly! Please reinstall Jato.
- goto done
- :do_sun
- if %1 == sybase goto cont1
- if not %1 == sun goto error
- move powersoft powersoft.syb
- move powersoft.sun powersoft
- :cont1
- echo *** Jato is now setup for usage with Sun's JDBC, version 1.21
- goto done
- :do_syb
- if %1 == sun goto cont2
- if not %1 == sybase goto error
- move powersoft powersoft.sun
- move powersoft.syb powersoft
- :cont2
- echo *** Jato is now setup for usage with Sybase's JDBC, version 1.21
- goto done
- :error
- echo format: switchit [sun/sybase]
- echo.
- echo Use this batch file to switch the Powersoft Java class libraryf or use
- echo with either Sun's JDBC 1.21, or Sysbase's thin client JDBC 1.21.
- goto done
- :done