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Java Source | 1996-12-16 | 8.9 KB | 323 lines |
- /*
- * URLList.java
- *
- *
- * Copyright 1996 Sybase, Inc. All rights reserved.
- */
- import java.net.*;
- import java.util.*;
- import java.io.IOException;
- /**
- * URLList stores a list of URLs on the server that will periodically
- * be polled to see if their contents have been modified since the
- * last saved modified date.
- */
- public class URLList
- //******************
- {
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Public Methods
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Add a URL to the list
- * @param URLStr URL to be added
- */
- public void addURL( String URLStr )
- //*********************************
- {
- // Create a new URL and add it to the list
- // NOTE: Use lower case URL as key for hashtable
- try {
- URL aURL = new URL( URLStr );
- String urlKey = aURL.toString().toLowerCase();
- URLItem newURL = new URLItem( aURL, URLStatus.UNKNOWN );
- synchronized( _list ) {
- _list.put( urlKey, newURL );
- }
- } catch( MalformedURLException e ) {
- }
- }
- /**
- * Poll URLs that are currently stored in the list
- */
- public void pollURLs()
- //********************
- {
- try {
- synchronized( _list ) {
- for( Enumeration e = getElements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
- URLItem oneItem = ( URLItem ) e.nextElement();
- URL url = oneItem.getURL();
- String urlKey = url.toString().toLowerCase();
- Date savedDate = oneItem.getDate();
- URLConnection urlConn = url.openConnection();
- long lastModified = urlConn.getLastModified();
- Date newDate = new Date( lastModified );
- URLItem newItem = null;
- // Check if lastModified dates are unknown. If so, set the
- // status to UNKNOWN. If lastModified dates are known, then
- // check if URL has been modified since the saved date or if
- // the dates of last modification are equal; then set the
- // status to NEW or UNCHANGED, respectively
- if( savedDate == null || lastModified == 0 ) {
- newItem = new URLItem( url, null, URLStatus.UNKNOWN );
- } else if( newDate.after( savedDate ) ) {
- newItem = new URLItem( url, newDate, URLStatus.NEW );
- } else if( newDate.equals( savedDate ) ) {
- newItem = new URLItem( url, newDate, URLStatus.UNCHANGED );
- }
- // Replace the old URL
- _list.put( urlKey, newItem );
- }
- }
- } catch( IOException e ) {
- }
- }
- /**
- * Start the polling thread
- */
- public void startPolling()
- //************************
- {
- // Check if the polling thread is running;
- // start it if it isn't
- if( !_urlPoll.isAlive() ) {
- _urlPoll.setURLList( this );
- _urlPoll.start();
- }
- }
- /*
- * Stop the polling thread
- */
- public void finalize()
- //********************
- {
- if( _urlPoll.isAlive() ) {
- _urlPoll.stop();
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Properties
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Returns the number of URLs currently stored in the list
- */
- public int getSize()
- //******************
- {
- return _list.size();
- }
- /**
- * Returns an Enumeration of the URLs stored in the list;
- * includes the URLs, last modified date and status
- */
- public Enumeration getElements()
- //******************************
- {
- return _list.elements();
- }
- /**
- * Returns an Enumeration of the URLs stored in the list;
- * includes ONLY the URLs and their status
- */
- public Enumeration getURLs()
- //**************************
- {
- Vector statusList = new Vector();
- synchronized( _list ) {
- for( Enumeration e = getElements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
- URLStatus oneItem = ( URLStatus ) e.nextElement();
- statusList.addElement( oneItem );
- }
- }
- return statusList.elements();
- }
- /**
- * Returns the polling interval, i.e. time between polls
- */
- public long getPollInterval()
- //***************************
- {
- return _urlPoll.getSleepTime();
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Data
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- static private Hashtable _list = new Hashtable();
- static private URLPollingThread _urlPoll = new URLPollingThread();
- }
- /*
- * URLStatus stores a URL and its status since the last poll
- */
- class URLStatus
- //*************
- {
- public static final int NEW = 1;
- public static final int UNCHANGED = 2;
- public static final int UNKNOWN = 3;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Constructor
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- public URLStatus( URL aURL, int aStatus )
- //***************************************
- {
- _url = aURL;
- _status = aStatus;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Properties
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- * Returns the URL
- */
- public URL getURL()
- //*****************
- {
- return _url;
- }
- /*
- * Returns the status since the last poll of this URL
- */
- public int getStatus()
- //********************
- {
- return _status;
- }
- /*
- * Sets the status of this URL
- */
- public void setStatus( int aStatus )
- //**********************************
- {
- _status = aStatus;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Data
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- protected URL _url = null;
- protected int _status = 0;
- }
- /*
- * URLItem stores a URL, its last modified date, and its status
- * since the last poll
- */
- class URLItem extends URLStatus
- //*****************************
- {
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Constructor
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- public URLItem( URL aURL, int aStatus )
- //*************************************
- {
- super( aURL, aStatus );
- Date newDate = null;
- try {
- // Determine the last modified date of this URL
- URLConnection urlConnection = aURL.openConnection();
- long lastModified = urlConnection.getLastModified();
- if( lastModified != 0 ) {
- newDate = new Date( lastModified );
- super.setStatus( URLStatus.UNCHANGED );
- }
- } catch( IOException e ) {
- }
- _date = newDate;
- }
- public URLItem( URL aURL, Date aDate, int aStatus )
- //*************************************************
- {
- super( aURL, aStatus );
- _date = aDate;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Properties
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- * Returns the (stored) last modified date of this URL
- */
- public Date getDate()
- //*******************
- {
- return _date;
- }
- /*
- * Sets the last modified date for this URL
- */
- public void setDate( Date aDate )
- //*******************************
- {
- _date = aDate;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Data
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- protected Date _date = null;
- }