home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Save Format v2.0(1)
- @begin Form "WebCrawler"
- Exported 0;
- Abstract 0;
- Interface 0;
- PackageName "";
- @begin Object "powersoft.jcm.ui.Form"
- Font "Dialog-Plain-8";
- ControlScope "Private";
- BackColor "Color.lightGray";
- ForeColor "Color.black";
- Text "";
- Visible "1";
- DataSource "NULL";
- DataColumns "";
- BoundControl "0";
- @begin Event "powersoft.jcm.event.Create"
- GencodeSrcLine 104;
- FunctionName "WebCrawler_Create";
- @end;
- @begin UserFunction "Form1()"
- Compiler 1;
- GencodeSrcLine 86;
- FunctionName "WebCrawler::Form1()";
- @end;
- @begin UserFunction "addLink(String newURL)"
- GencodeSrcLine 98;
- FunctionName "WebCrawler::addLink(String newURL)";
- @end;
- @begin UserFunction "Prototype for addLink(String newURL)"
- Private 1;
- GencodeSrcLine -1;
- FunctionName "WebCrawler::Prototype for addLink(String newURL)";
- @end;
- ResID 102;
- DesignName WebCrawler;
- TabIndex 0;
- DesignRect 133,180,262,257;
- @end;
- @begin Object "powersoft.jcm.ui.Label"
- Font "<Inherited>";
- BackColor "Color.lightGray";
- ForeColor "Color.black";
- Text "Starting URL:";
- Visible "1";
- DataSource "NULL";
- DataColumns "";
- BoundControl "0";
- ResID 100;
- DesignName label_1;
- TabIndex 0;
- DesignRect 0,10,55,10;
- @end;
- @begin Object "powersoft.jcm.ui.TextBox"
- Font "<Inherited>";
- PasswordCharacter "0";
- BackColor "Color.lightGray";
- ForeColor "Color.black";
- Text "";
- Visible "1";
- DataSource "NULL";
- DataColumns "";
- BoundControl "0";
- ResID 101;
- DesignName textb_startingURL;
- TabIndex 1;
- DesignRect 55,5,145,15;
- @end;
- @begin Object "powersoft.jcm.ui.CommandButton"
- Font "<Inherited>";
- BackColor "Color.lightGray";
- ForeColor "Color.black";
- Text "Crawl";
- Visible "1";
- DataSource "NULL";
- DataColumns "";
- BoundControl "0";
- @begin Event "powersoft.jcm.event.Click"
- GencodeSrcLine 111;
- FunctionName "cb_crawl_Click";
- @end;
- ResID 102;
- DesignName cb_crawl;
- TabIndex 2;
- DesignRect 210,5,45,15;
- @end;
- @begin Object "powersoft.jcm.ui.ListBox"
- Font "<Inherited>";
- Sort "0";
- DataTrackRow "0";
- DataBindAsLookup "0";
- DataLookupSource "NULL";
- DataLookupColumns "";
- BackColor "Color.lightGray";
- ForeColor "Color.black";
- Text "";
- Visible "1";
- DataSource "NULL";
- DataColumns "";
- BoundControl "0";
- ResID 103;
- DesignName lb_links;
- TabIndex 3;
- DesignRect 0,40,255,175;
- @begin ComponentData "lb_links"
- @end;
- @end;
- @begin Object "powersoft.jcm.ui.Label"
- Font "<Inherited>";
- BackColor "Color.lightGray";
- ForeColor "Color.black";
- Text "Links Found:";
- Visible "1";
- DataSource "NULL";
- DataColumns "";
- BoundControl "0";
- ResID 104;
- DesignName label_2;
- TabIndex 4;
- DesignRect 0,30,60,10;
- @end;
- @begin Object "powersoft.jcm.ui.CommandButton"
- Font "<Inherited>";
- BackColor "Color.lightGray";
- ForeColor "Color.black";
- Text "Clear Links";
- Visible "1";
- DataSource "NULL";
- DataColumns "";
- BoundControl "0";
- @begin Event "powersoft.jcm.event.Click"
- GencodeSrcLine 120;
- FunctionName "cb_ClearLinks_Click";
- @end;
- ResID 106;
- DesignName cb_ClearLinks;
- TabIndex 5;
- DesignRect 190,220,65,15;
- @end;
- @begin HPPPrefixBlock
- @begin-code HPPPrefix
- // add your custom import statements here
- @end-code;
- GencodeSrcLine 15;
- @end;
- @begin CPPPrefixBlock
- @begin-code CPPPrefix
- @end-code;
- GencodeSrcLine 15;
- @end;
- @begin ClassContentsBlock
- @begin-code ClassContents
- // add your data members here
- PageSeeker _firstPageSeeker;
- @end-code;
- GencodeSrcLine 140;
- @end;
- @begin-code BaseClassList
- extends powersoft.jcm.ui.Form
- @end-code;
- @begin-code GeneratedClassContents
- WebCrawler();
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "WebCrawler::Form1()"
- //****************************
- /**
- * This class displays the form and components. It also
- * handles the user generated events.
- */
- public @CLASSNAME@()
- //****************************
- {
- super();
- }
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "WebCrawler::addLink(String newURL)"
- public void addLink(String newLink)
- //****************************
- {
- lb_links.add( newLink );
- }
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "WebCrawler::Prototype for addLink(String newURL)"
- public:
- void addLink(String newURL);
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "WebCrawler_Create"
- public boolean WebCrawler_Create(powersoft.jcm.event.CreateEvent event)
- {
- textb_startingURL.setFocus( true );
- return false;
- }
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "cb_crawl_Click"
- public boolean cb_crawl_Click(powersoft.jcm.event.ClickEvent event)
- //****************************
- {
- String startingURL = textb_startingURL.getText();
- _firstPageSeeker = new PageSeeker(this, startingURL);
- return false;
- }
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "cb_ClearLinks_Click"
- public boolean cb_ClearLinks_Click(powersoft.jcm.event.ClickEvent event)
- //****************************
- {
- lb_links.deleteAll();
- return false;
- }
- @end-code;
- @end;