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- Save Format v2.0(1)
- @begin Form "Form1"
- Exported 0;
- Abstract 0;
- Interface 0;
- PackageName "";
- @begin Object "powersoft.jcm.ui.Applet"
- Font "Dialog-Plain-8";
- ControlScope "Private";
- BackColor "Color.lightGray";
- ForeColor "Color.black";
- Text "Application";
- Visible "1";
- DataSource "NULL";
- DataColumns "";
- BoundControl "0";
- @begin Event "powersoft.jcm.event.Create"
- GencodeSrcLine 73;
- FunctionName "Form1_Create";
- @end;
- @begin UserFunction "Form1(powersoft.jcm.ui.AWTAppletEx applet)"
- Compiler 1;
- GencodeSrcLine 60;
- FunctionName "Form1::Form1(powersoft.jcm.ui.AWTAppletEx applet)";
- @end;
- ResID 101;
- DesignName Form1;
- TabIndex 0;
- DesignRect 131,158,341,192;
- @end;
- @begin Object "powersoft.jcm.ui.ListBox"
- Font "<Inherited>";
- Sort "0";
- DataTrackRow "0";
- DataBindAsLookup "0";
- DataLookupSource "NULL";
- DataLookupColumns "";
- BackColor "Color.white";
- ForeColor "Color.black";
- ResizePercentages "[ 0 0 100 100 ]";
- Text "";
- Visible "1";
- DataSource "NULL";
- DataColumns "";
- BoundControl "0";
- ResID 100;
- DesignName lb_systemProperties;
- TabIndex 0;
- DesignRect 5,20,326,150;
- @begin ComponentData "lb_systemProperties"
- @end;
- @end;
- @begin Object "powersoft.jcm.ui.Label"
- Font "<Inherited>";
- BackColor "Color.lightGray";
- ForeColor "Color.black";
- Text "This demo reads the java.lang.System properties and displays them in the listbox below.";
- Visible "1";
- DataSource "NULL";
- DataColumns "";
- BoundControl "0";
- ResID 101;
- DesignName label_1;
- TabIndex 1;
- DesignRect 5,5,285,15;
- @end;
- @begin HPPPrefixBlock
- @begin-code HPPPrefix
- // add your custom import statements here
- import java.util.*;
- @end-code;
- GencodeSrcLine 13;
- @end;
- @begin ClassContentsBlock
- @begin-code ClassContents
- // add your data members here
- Properties _systemProperties;
- @end-code;
- GencodeSrcLine 100;
- @end;
- @begin-code BaseClassList
- extends powersoft.jcm.ui.Applet
- @end-code;
- @begin-code GeneratedClassContents
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "Form1::Form1(powersoft.jcm.ui.AWTAppletEx applet)"
- //****************************
- /**
- * This class displays the form and components. It also
- * handles the user generated events.
- */
- public @CLASSNAME@(powersoft.jcm.ui.AWTAppletEx applet)
- {
- //******************************
- super(applet);
- }
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "Form1_Create"
- public boolean Form1_Create(powersoft.jcm.event.CreateEvent event)
- //******************************
- {
- _systemProperties = System.getProperties();
- for ( Enumeration e = _systemProperties.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
- {
- String propertyName = new String( (String)e.nextElement() );
- String propertyValue =
- new String( _systemProperties.getProperty( propertyName ) );
- lb_systemProperties.add(
- "[ " + propertyName + " ] " + propertyValue );
- }
- return false;
- }
- @end-code;
- @end;