home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994
- _sdRECT
- right
- bottom
- _sdSIZE
- SelectObject
- GetTextExtentPoint
- EnableWindow
- GetClassName
- GetDC
- GetDlgItem
- GetFocus
- GetWindowLong
- GetWindowRect
- GetWindowWord
- IsIconic
- IsWindow
- IsWindowEnabled
- MoveWindow
- ReleaseDC
- SetFocus
- SetWindowText
- ShowWindow
- LoadString
- GetModuleHandle
- GetClientRect
- SetWindowPos
- PostMessage
- ShowCursor
- SystemParametersInfo
- RegisterOCXComponent
- ChangeDW050EXE
- GetDiskFreeSpace
- GetVolumeInformationA
- optres.dll
- optres.dll!
- Powersofta
- Jato$
- Preview
- Powersofta
- Jato$
- " Preview
- Prerelease Version 1bL
- An older version of a
- Optima++$
- is installed on this machine which is not$
- compatible with this version of $
- Jato$
- . You must uninstall $
- Optima++$
- before you can install this version of $
- Jato$
- Optima++a
- Optima++bW
- Optima++
- Optima++$
- Optima++*
- Optima++a
- is already installed in: "$
- ". You must install $
- Jato$
- to the same directory, or $
- exit this setup and uninstall $
- Optima++$
- Powersofta
- Jato$
- Optima++
- Optima++a
- Program Folder$
- Powersofta
- Jato$
- hsys.za
- rc.za
- bhelp.za
- ihelp.za
- *.hlpB
- ihelp.za
- *.cntB
- odbc.za
- *.licB
- odbc.za
- woflt09.dllB
- odbc.za
- woutl09.dllB
- odbc.za
- wobas09.dllB
- odbc.za
- wodrv09.hlpB
- odbc.za
- wodrv09.cntB
- odbc.za
- *.gidB
- odbc.za
- wodrv09.ftsB
- odbc.za
- wodrv09.ftgB
- odbc.za
- wobtr09.dllB
- odbc.za
- wobtr09.hlpB
- odbc.za
- wobtr09.ftsB
- odbc.za
- wodbf09.dllB
- odbc.za
- wodbf09.hlpB
- odbc.za
- wodbf09.ftsB
- odbc.za
- woxls509.dllB
- odbc.za
- woxls509.hlpB
- odbc.za
- woxls509.ftsB
- odbc.za
- woxls09.dllB
- odbc.za
- woxls09.hlpB
- odbc.za
- woxls09.ftsB
- odbc.za
- woidp09.dllB
- odbc.za
- woidp09.hlpB
- odbc.za
- woidp09.ftsB
- odbc.za
- wotxt09.dllB
- odbc.za
- wotxt09.hlpB
- odbc.za
- wotxt09.ftsB
- ocxcomp.za
- *.ocxB
- ocxcomp.za
- *.hlpB
- ocxcomp.za
- *.gidB
- ocxcomp.za
- *.ftsB
- ocxcomp.za
- *.licB
- ocxcomp.za
- *.dllB
- Components
- opcomp.za
- lib.za
- hpp.za
- sqlbase.za
- sademo.logRV
- sademo.log
- sqldos.za
- win32
- sqlwin32.za
- sqlwind.za
- sqlwin95.za
- sqlsys32.za
- odbc*.*B
- sqlsys32.za
- ds*.*B
- sqlsys32.za
- msvcrt20.dllB
- dll.za
- dlldir.za
- *.*B-
- special.za
- ctl3d32.dllB-
- special.za
- oleaut32.dllB-
- java.za
- Java\.hotjava
- msjdksys.za
- *.*B-
- msjdkwin.za
- Optima++
- system.za
- Template
- template.za
- Objects
- Targets
- image.za
- *.*B,
- jvreadme.hlpa
- jvreadme.hlp!
- jvreadme.hlp
- jvreadmea
- .cnt$
- jvreadmea
- jvreadmea
- Jato Samples
- samples.za
- gallery.za
- Components
- Projects
- sademo.logRV
- sademo.log}
- 1996/01/01
- sademo.log
- regsvr32.exe%
- msjava.DLL$
- /s b[
- regsvr32.exe%
- vmhelper.DLL$
- /s b[
- regsvr32.exe%
- javaprxy.DLL$
- /s b[
- jdbgmgr.exe
- -regserverA
- rundll32%
- msjava.dll RegisterJavaClass com.ms.applet.BrowserAppletFrame {9365cf60-dac1-11cf-9034-00aa006024ba}
- Java\Classes\ClassR.exe
- \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell FoldersR
- Programs21
- Desktop21
- Powersofta
- Optima++
- Optima++$
- jvreadme.hlp3
- WINHLP32.EXE -i Optima__Read_Me_First__Informationb[
- optres.dll!
- system%
- dw050.exe
- dlldir.za
- *.*2>
- dll.za
- *.*2<
- system.za
- *.*2@
- *.*2D
- hsys.za
- *.*2H
- lib.za
- *.*2J
- rc.za
- *.*2F
- hpp.za
- *.*2L
- bhelp.za
- *.*2R
- samples.za
- *.*2V
- ihelp.za
- *.*2X
- image.za
- *.*2Z
- template.za
- *.*2N
- gallery.za
- *.*2B
- sqlwin32.za
- *.*2^
- sqlbase.za
- *.*2a
- sqldos.za
- *.*2c
- sqlsys32.za
- *.*2d
- sqlwind.za
- *.*2f
- sqlwin95.za
- *.*2h
- ocxcomp.za
- *.*2\
- opcomp.za
- *.*2P
- java.za
- *.*2j
- Optima++,
- Optima++
- Optima++
- log.fil7
- \Software\a
- Optima
- \CurrentUserQ
- UserA
- Optima++*
- Optima++a
- Optima++
- Optima++
- Optima++
- Optima++
- \Software\a
- Powersoft$
- Optima$
- RegisteredOwner21
- RegisteredOrganization21
- \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion,
- \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion
- RegisteredOwner21
- RegisteredOrganization21
- \Software\a
- Optima$
- \CurrentUser
- User21
- \Software\a
- Optima
- \CurrentUserP
- Optima!
- \CurrentUserQ
- UserA
- Log.fil
- \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b-
- Optima++
- Optima++
- System
- c:\tmpdir.lex\$
- Powersofta
- Jato$
- Powersofta
- Optimaa
- \Software\a
- Powersoft$
- Optima$
- \CurrentVersion
- VersionNumber21
- BuildNumber21
- \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersionR
- ProgramFilesDir21
- Program Files
- Powersoft$
- Optima$
- installdir21
- LangCpp21
- LangJava21
- Powersoft%
- Optima20
- Powersoft%
- Optima20
- Powersoft$
- Optima$
- ArtGalleryDir21
- Powersoft\Art Gallery 1.0
- Powersoft\Art Gallery 1.0
- Powersoft$
- Optima$
- ComponentsDir21
- Powersoft\Component Gallery 1.0
- Powersoft\Component Gallery 1.0
- \SOFTWARE\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\a
- installdir21
- SQLAny50
- SQLAny50
- INTERSOLV OEM 2.12 32-BIT Btrieve
- INTERSOLV OEM 2.12 32-BIT dBASEFile (*.dbf)
- INTERSOLV OEM 2.12 32-BIT Excel5Workbook
- INTERSOLV OEM 2.12 32-BIT ExcelFile
- INTERSOLV OEM 2.12 32-BIT ParadoxFile (*.db)
- INTERSOLV OEM 2.12 32-BIT Text (*.*)
- /opt=!
- Winhelp,
- Winhlp32
- Optima20
- Optima20<
- Projects
- Template
- Jato Samples<
- Jato Samples%
- Application%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\Application\Release\Application.class
- Applicationb[
- Jato Samples%
- Check_Box%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\Check_Box\Release\Check_Box.class
- Check_Boxb[
- Jato Samples%
- Command_Button%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\Command_Button\Release\Command_Button.class
- Command_Buttonb[
- Jato Samples%
- Cursors%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\Cursors\Release\Cursors.class
- Cursorsb[
- Jato Samples%
- DDir_Walker%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\DDir_Walker\Release\DDir_Walker.class
- DDir_Walkerb[
- Jato Samples%
- DJDBC_LookUp%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\DJDBC_LookUp\Release\DJDBC_LookUp.class
- DJDBC_LookUpb[
- Jato Samples%
- Forms_Modeless%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\Forms_Modeless\Release\Forms_Modeless.class
- Forms_Modelessb[
- Jato Samples%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\FTP\Release\FTP.class
- FTPb[
- Jato Samples%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\HTTP\Release\HTTP.class
- HTTPb[
- Jato Samples%
- idir_walker%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\idir_walker\Release\idir_walker.class
- idir_walkerb[
- Jato Samples%
- ijdbc_lookup%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\ijdbc_lookup\Release\ijdbc_lookup.class
- ijdbc_lookupb[
- Jato Samples%
- IURL_Poller%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\IURL_Poller\Release\IURL_Poller.class
- IURL_Pollerb[
- Jato Samples%
- Java_ActiveX%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\Java_ActiveX\Release\Java_ActiveX.class
- Java_ActiveXb[
- Jato Samples%
- JDBCTransaction%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\JDBCTransaction\Release\JDBCTransaction.class
- JDBCTransactionb[
- Jato Samples%
- List_Box%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\List_Box\Release\List_Box.class
- List_Boxb[
- Jato Samples%
- Scroll_Bar%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\Scroll_Bar\Release\Scroll_Bar.class
- Scroll_Barb[
- Jato Samples%
- Socket%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\Socket\Release\Socket.class
- Socketb[
- Jato Samples%
- Sortable_Vector%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\Sortable_Vector\Release\Sortable_Vector.class
- Sortable_Vectorb[
- Jato Samples%
- Sybase_JDBC_Driver%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\Sybase_JDBC_Driver\Release\Sybase_JDBC_Driver.class
- Sybase_JDBC_Driverb[
- Jato Samples%
- Threads%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\Threads\Release\Threads.class
- Threadsb[
- Jato Samples%
- Timing_Intervals%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\Timing_Intervals\Release\Timing_Intervals.class
- Timing_Intervalsb[
- Jato Samples%
- Web_Crawler%
- Debug
- Jato Samples%
- Jato Samples\Web_Crawler\Release\Web_Crawler.class
- Web_Crawlerb[
- Jato Samples
- Jato Samples
- \.urlR
- \shell\open\command
- system\homepage.url
- Jatob
- -i Optima__Read_Me_First__Information a
- jvreadme.hlp
- system\wimgedit.exe
- system%
- jvmain.hlp
- Jato%
- system%
- jvguide.hlp
- Jato%
- system%
- jvstart.hlp
- Jato%
- system%
- jvsample.hlp
- Jato%
- system\resimg.hlp
- win32\isql.exe
- Win32
- odbcad32.exe
- Win32\scview.exe
- Win32
- Win32\dbeng50.exe
- sademo.db
- Win32
- Win32\dbeng50w.hlp
- Win32
- Uninst.exe
- Powersoft$
- Optima$
- \Components
- \OldComponents$
- Components
- Powersoft$
- Optima$
- VersionType23
- VersionTypeA
- Powersoft$
- Optima$
- DefaultFormClassA
- powersoft.jcm.ui.AppletA
- DefaultTargetTypeA
- Java;AppletA
- Powersoft$
- Optima$
- Read Only Directories Time23
- Read Only Directories TimeA
- \Read Only Directories Time
- Powersoft$
- Optima$
- JavaQ
- enabledA
- Java%
- java\lib\classes.zip;%
- java\lib;$
- AAPIClassesA
- LangJavaA
- Powersoft$
- Optima$
- \StandardComponents
- System\dtjva00.dll
- Java ComponentsbZ
- System\dtjcl00.dll
- Java Components (UI)bZ
- Powersoft$
- Optima$
- \Components
- \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Help(
- ctclip.hlpb<
- ctspin.hlpb<
- ctslide.hlpb<
- ctclock.hlpb<
- ctgauge.hlpb<
- ctdate.hlpb<
- ctmeter.hlpb<
- Powersoft$
- Optima$
- \CurrentVersion
- VersionNumbera
- BuildNumbera
- Powersoft$
- Optima$
- RegisteredOwnerbQ
- RegisteredOrganizationbR
- TempDirectoryb9
- \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Java VM%
- java\classes\classes.zip;%
- java\classes;.$
- Classpathb\
- \java\trustlib\tclasses.zip
- TrustedClasspathbZ
- java\trustlib
- TrustedLibsDirectorybZ
- java\lib
- LibsDirectorybZ
- System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VXD\JAVASUP
- StartA
- StaticVxDa
- Software\Classes\CLSID\{08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608500}
- Java(TM) Support for Internet Explorer
- Software\Classes\CLSID\{08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608500}\InstalledVersion
- 1,0,0,1251%
- msjava.dll
- PathbZ
- Software\Microsoft\Java VM
- EnableJITa
- EnableLogginga
- \.ico
- icofile
- \icofile\shell\open\command%
- System\wimgedit.exe" "%1"$
- Optimaa
- \User Settings
- \.wxu
- Optimaa
- \Resource
- \.wxr
- Optimaa
- \Target
- \.wxt
- Optimaa
- \Class
- \.wxc
- Optimaa
- \Form
- \.wxf
- Optimaa
- \Project
- \.wxp
- Optimaa
- \JApplet
- \.class
- Optima$
- Optima++a
- Class
- \Class
- Optima++a
- Target
- \Target
- Optima++a
- Project
- \Project
- Optima++a
- Form
- \Form
- Optima++a
- Resource
- \Resource
- Optima++a
- User Settings
- \User Settings
- Optimaa
- \Project\shell\open\command
- " "%1"
- Optimaa
- \JApplet\shell\open\command
- jview.exe"$
- /cp:p "%
- Java\lib" "%1"$
- Optimaa
- \Project\DefaultIcon
- system\proj.ico
- Optimaa
- \User Settings\DefaultIcon
- system\wxufile.ico
- Optimaa
- \Target\DefaultIcon
- system\wxtfile.ico
- Optimaa
- \Class\DefaultIcon
- system\wxcfile.ico
- Optimaa
- \Resource\DefaultIcon
- system\wxrfile.ico
- Optimaa
- \Form\DefaultIcon
- system\wxffile.ico
- Powersoft$
- Optima$
- installdirb:
- Powersoft$
- Optima$
- \h\sys;$
- Read Only DirectoriesbL
- Powersoft$
- Optima$
- ComponentsDirb<
- Powersoft$
- Optima$
- ise_sqlb;
- Powersoft$
- Optima$
- ArtGalleryDirb=
- \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\DBENG50.EXE%
- Win32
- \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ISQL.EXE%
- Win32
- \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\SCVIEW.EXE%
- Win32
- Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0a
- Installed
- \Win32\wod50t.dll
- DriverbZ
- \Win32\wod50t.dll
- SetupbZ
- Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0 Translatora
- Installed
- \SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0 Translator$
- \Win32\wtr50t.dll
- TranslatorbZ
- \Win32\wtr50t.dll
- SetupbZ
- SQL Anywhere 5.0 Samplea
- Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0
- \SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\SQL Anywhere 5.0 Sample$
- \Win32\wod50t.dll
- driverbZ
- descriptiona#
- Sybase SQL Anywhere Sample Database$
- \sademo.db
- DatabaseFilebZ
- \Win32\dbeng50
- StartbZ
- \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IniFileMapping\sqlany.ini
- Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0a
- USR:Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere
- ISQLa%
- USR:Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\ISQL
- SQL Centrala,
- USR:Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\SQL Central
- ServiceManagera/
- USR:Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\ServiceManager
- \SOFTWARE\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0
- \SOFTWARE\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\ISQL
- \SOFTWARE\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\SQL Central
- \SOFTWARE\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\ServiceManager
- \SOFTWARE\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\a
- installdirb;
- \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SQL_ANYWHERE\Performance%
- win32\sqlactrs.dll
- LibrarybZ
- Opena
- OpenSqlAnywherePerformanceData
- Collecta!
- CollectSqlAnywherePerformanceData
- Closea
- CloseSqlAnywherePerformanceData
- wobtr09Bt
- APILevela
- ConnectFunctionsa
- DriverODBCVera
- 02.50
- FileUsagea
- FileExtnsa
- *.dta
- SQLLevela
- wodbf09Bu
- APILevela
- ConnectFunctionsa
- DriverODBCVera
- 02.50
- FileUsagea
- FileExtnsa
- *.dbf
- SQLLevela
- woxls509Bv
- APILevela
- ConnectFunctionsa
- DriverODBCVera
- 02.50
- FileUsagea
- FileExtnsa
- *.xls
- SQLLevela
- woxls09Bw
- APILevela
- ConnectFunctionsa
- DriverODBCVera
- 02.50
- FileUsagea
- FileExtnsa
- *.xls
- SQLLevela
- woidp09Bx
- APILevela
- ConnectFunctionsa
- DriverODBCVera
- 02.50
- FileUsagea
- FileExtnsa
- SQLLevela
- wotxt09By
- APILevela
- ConnectFunctionsa
- DriverODBCVera
- 02.50
- FileUsagea
- FileExtnsa
- SQLLevela
- comp.dll
- Dialogb
- Dialog!
- DialogAx
- DialogA
- DialogA
- DialogA
- DialogA
- DialogA
- DialogA
- DialogA
- DialogA
- Dialog!
- DialogA
- DialogA
- DialogA
- DialogAx
- DialogAz
- DialogA{
- Optima
- DialogA
- DialogA
- DialogA
- DialogAx
- Dialog
- Dialog
- Dialog
- Dialog
- DialogAz
- Dialog
- Dialog
- Dialog
- Dialog
- DialogA{
- Dialog
- Dialog
- Dialog
- Dialog
- Dialog
- Dialog(
- Optima(
- Optimab
- ODBC Driversb
- Optima++J
- Optima++a
- Optima++`
- Optima++`
- Optima++
- Optima++`
- Optima++K
- W32sdk(
- Uninstal.bat
- start /wait $
- \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b-
- UninstallString21
- setup.exe -ub:
- uninstal.bat$
- start /m bZ
- DialogA
- DialogA
- DialogA
- DialogAx
- DialogAz
- DialogAx
- DialogA{
- DialogAi
- DialogAj
- DialogAk
- DialogAl
- Installed
- Driverb[
- Setupb[
- edit(
- Disk Space0
- temp.txt
- temp.txt
- In function '%s':
- Unable to create dialog.
- Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB.
- Errorb[
- _sdSIZEa
- %s-%ldb
- \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion,
- \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion,
- RegisteredOwner2
- RegisteredOrganization2
- SdRegisterUserEx!
- ResultA
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- szSerialA
- SdRegisterUserEx!
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- szSerialA
- ResultA
- SdRegisterUser!
- ResultA
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- SdRegisterUser!
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- ResultA
- SdConfirmRegistration!
- ResultA
- SdConfirmRegistration!
- ResultA
- SdConfirmNewDir!
- ResultA
- SdConfirmNewDir!
- ResultA
- SdAskDestPath!
- ResultA
- szDirA
- SdAskDestPath!
- szDirA
- ResultA
- SdWelcome!
- ResultA
- SdWelcome!
- ResultA
- SdShowInfoList!
- ResultA
- SdShowInfoList!
- ResultA
- SdSelectFolder!
- ResultA
- szFolderA
- SdSelectFolder!
- szFolderA
- ResultA
- SdSetupType!
- ResultA
- szDirA
- SdSetupType!
- szDirA
- ResultA
- SdShowAnyDialog!
- ResultA
- SdShowAnyDialog!
- ResultA
- SdDisplayTopics!
- ResultA
- SdDisplayTopics!
- ResultA
- SdShowMsg!
- SdShowMsg/
- _sdRECTa
- _sdRECTa
- bottom2
- SdAskOptionsList!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdAskOptionsList!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdShowFileMods!
- ResultA
- nSelectionA
- SdShowFileMods!
- nSelectionA
- ResultA
- SdShowDlgEdit1!
- ResultA
- szEdit1A
- SdShowEdit1!
- szEdit1A
- ResultA
- SdShowDlgEdit2!
- ResultA
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- SdShowEdit2!
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- ResultA
- SdShowDlgEdit3!
- ResultA
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- szEdit3A
- SdShowEdit3!
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- szEdit3A
- ResultA
- SdAskOptions!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdAskOptions!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdComponentDialogAdv!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- szDirA
- SdComponentDialogAdv!
- szDirA
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdComponentMult!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdComponentMult!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdOptionsButtons!
- ResultA
- SdOptionsButtons!
- ResultA
- SdBitmap!
- ResultA
- SdBitmap!
- ResultA
- SdComponentDialog2!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdComponentDialog2!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdComponentDialogEx
- SdComponentDialogEx!
- SdComponentDialog!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- szDirA
- SdComponentDialog!
- szDirA
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdLicense!
- ResultA
- ResultA
- SdStartCopy!
- ResultA
- ResultA
- SdFinishReboot!
- ResultA
- BootOptionA
- ResultA
- BootOptionA
- ResultA
- ResultA
- BootOptionA
- SdFinish!
- ResultA
- bOpt1A
- bOpt2A
- ResultA
- bOpt1A
- bOpt2A
- 3.00.077