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/ Chip: Shareware for Win 95 / Chip-Shareware-Win95.bin / ostatni / powerj / setup.ins (.txt) < prev    next >
InstallShield Script  |  1997-02-06  |  108.8 KB  |  1,119 lines

  1. Stirling Technologies, Inc.  (c) 1990-1994
  15. SHARED
  16. UNINST
  17. ISRES
  18. ISUSER
  29. _sdRECT
  30. right
  31. bottom
  32. _sdSIZE
  33. SelectObject
  34. GetTextExtentPoint
  35. EnableWindow
  36. GetClassName
  37. GetDC
  38. GetDlgItem
  39. GetFocus
  40. GetWindowLong
  41. GetWindowRect
  42. GetWindowWord
  43. IsIconic
  44. IsWindow
  45. IsWindowEnabled
  46. MoveWindow
  47. USER    
  48. ReleaseDC
  49. SetFocus
  50. SetWindowText
  51. ShowWindow
  52. LoadString
  53. KERNEL
  54. GetModuleHandle
  55. GetClientRect
  56. SetWindowPos
  57. PostMessage
  58. ShowCursor
  59. SystemParametersInfo
  60. RegisterOCXComponent
  61. ChangeDW050EXE
  62. KERNEL
  63. GetDiskFreeSpace
  64. KERNEL
  65. GetVolumeInformationA
  66. optres.dll
  67. optres.dll!
  68. Powersofta
  69. Jato$
  70. Preview
  71. Powersofta
  72. Jato$
  73. " Preview
  74. Prerelease Version 1bL
  75. An older version of a
  76. Optima++$
  77.  is installed on this machine which is not$
  78.  compatible with this version of $
  79. Jato$
  80. . You must uninstall $
  81. Optima++$
  82.  before you can install this version of $
  83. Jato$
  84. Optima++a
  85. Optima++bW
  86. Optima++
  87. Optima++$
  88. Optima++*
  89. Optima++a
  90. is already installed in: "$
  91. ". You must install $
  92. Jato$
  93.  to the same directory, or $
  94. exit this setup and uninstall $
  95. Optima++$
  96. Powersofta
  97. Jato$
  98. Optima++
  99. Optima++a
  100.  Program Folder$
  101. Powersofta
  102. Jato$
  103. hsys.za
  104. rc.za
  105. bhelp.za
  106. ihelp.za
  107. *.hlpB
  108. ihelp.za
  109. *.cntB
  110. odbc.za
  111. *.licB
  112. odbc.za
  113. woflt09.dllB
  114. odbc.za
  115. woutl09.dllB
  116. odbc.za
  117. wobas09.dllB
  118. odbc.za
  119. wodrv09.hlpB
  120. odbc.za
  121. wodrv09.cntB
  122. odbc.za
  123. *.gidB
  124. odbc.za
  125. wodrv09.ftsB
  126. odbc.za
  127. wodrv09.ftgB
  128. odbc.za
  129. wobtr09.dllB
  130. odbc.za
  131. wobtr09.hlpB
  132. odbc.za
  133. wobtr09.ftsB
  134. odbc.za
  135. wodbf09.dllB
  136. odbc.za
  137. wodbf09.hlpB
  138. odbc.za
  139. wodbf09.ftsB
  140. odbc.za
  141. woxls509.dllB
  142. odbc.za
  143. woxls509.hlpB
  144. odbc.za
  145. woxls509.ftsB
  146. odbc.za
  147. woxls09.dllB
  148. odbc.za
  149. woxls09.hlpB
  150. odbc.za
  151. woxls09.ftsB
  152. odbc.za
  153. woidp09.dllB
  154. odbc.za
  155. woidp09.hlpB
  156. odbc.za
  157. woidp09.ftsB
  158. odbc.za
  159. wotxt09.dllB
  160. odbc.za
  161. wotxt09.hlpB
  162. odbc.za
  163. wotxt09.ftsB
  164. ocxcomp.za
  165. *.ocxB
  166. ocxcomp.za
  167. *.hlpB
  168. ocxcomp.za
  169. *.gidB
  170. ocxcomp.za
  171. *.ftsB
  172. ocxcomp.za
  173. *.licB
  174. ocxcomp.za
  175. *.dllB
  176. Components
  177. opcomp.za
  178. lib.za
  179. hpp.za
  180. sqlbase.za
  181. sademo.logRV
  182. sademo.log
  183. sqldos.za
  184. win32
  185. sqlwin32.za
  186. sqlwind.za
  187. sqlwin95.za
  188. sqlsys32.za
  189. odbc*.*B
  190. sqlsys32.za
  191. ds*.*B
  192. sqlsys32.za
  193. msvcrt20.dllB
  194. dll.za
  195. dlldir.za
  196. *.*B-
  197. special.za
  198. ctl3d32.dllB-
  199. special.za
  200. oleaut32.dllB-
  201. java.za
  202. Java\.hotjava
  203. msjdksys.za
  204. *.*B-
  205. msjdkwin.za
  206. Optima++
  207. system.za
  208. Template
  209. template.za
  210. Objects
  211. Targets
  212. image.za
  213. *.*B,
  214. jvreadme.hlpa
  215. jvreadme.hlp!
  216. jvreadme.hlp
  217. jvreadmea
  218. .cnt$
  219. jvreadmea
  220. jvreadmea
  221. Jato Samples
  222. samples.za
  223. gallery.za
  224. Components
  225. Projects
  226. sademo.logRV
  227. sademo.log}
  228. 1996/01/01
  229. sademo.log
  230. regsvr32.exe%
  231. msjava.DLL$
  232. /s b[
  233. regsvr32.exe%
  234. vmhelper.DLL$
  235. /s b[
  236. regsvr32.exe%
  237. javaprxy.DLL$
  238. /s b[
  239. jdbgmgr.exe
  240. -regserverA
  241. rundll32%
  242. msjava.dll RegisterJavaClass com.ms.applet.BrowserAppletFrame {9365cf60-dac1-11cf-9034-00aa006024ba}
  243. Java\Classes\ClassR.exe
  244. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell FoldersR
  245. Programs21
  246. Desktop21
  247. CTSLID32.OCX
  248. CTSPIN32.OCX
  249. CTCLIP32.OCX
  250. CTCLOK32.OCX
  251. CTDATE32.OCX
  252. CTGAUG32.OCX
  253. CTMETR32.OCX
  254. Powersofta
  255. Optima++
  256. Optima++$
  257. jvreadme.hlp3
  258. WINHLP32.EXE -i Optima__Read_Me_First__Informationb[
  259. optres.dll!
  260. COMP.DLL
  261. COMP.DLL
  262. COMP.DLL
  263. system%
  264. dw050.exe
  265. COMP.DLL
  266. dlldir.za
  267. *.*2>
  268. dll.za
  269. *.*2<
  270. system.za
  271. *.*2@
  272. *.*2D
  273. hsys.za
  274. *.*2H
  275. lib.za
  276. *.*2J
  277. rc.za
  278. *.*2F
  279. hpp.za
  280. *.*2L
  281. bhelp.za
  282. *.*2R
  283. samples.za
  284. *.*2V
  285. ihelp.za
  286. *.*2X
  287. image.za
  288. *.*2Z
  289. template.za
  290. *.*2N
  291. gallery.za
  292. *.*2B
  293. sqlwin32.za
  294. *.*2^
  295. sqlbase.za
  296. *.*2a
  297. sqldos.za
  298. *.*2c
  299. sqlsys32.za
  300. *.*2d
  301. sqlwind.za
  302. *.*2f
  303. sqlwin95.za
  304. *.*2h
  305. ocxcomp.za
  306. *.*2\
  307. opcomp.za
  308. *.*2P
  309. java.za
  310. *.*2j
  311. Optima++,
  312. Optima++
  313. Optima++
  314. log.fil7
  315. \Software\a
  316. Optima
  317. \CurrentUserQ
  318. UserA
  319. Optima++*
  320. Optima++a
  321. Optima++
  322. Optima++
  323. Optima++
  324. Optima++
  325. \Software\a    
  326. Powersoft$
  327. Optima$
  328. RegisteredOwner21
  329. RegisteredOrganization21
  330. \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion,
  331. \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion
  332. RegisteredOwner21
  333. RegisteredOrganization21
  334. \Software\a
  335. Optima$
  336. \CurrentUser
  337. User21
  338. \Software\a
  339. Optima
  340. \CurrentUserP
  341. Optima!
  342. \CurrentUserQ
  343. UserA
  344. Log.fil
  345. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b-
  346. Optima++
  347. Optima++
  348. System
  349. c:\tmpdir.lex\$
  350. Powersofta
  351. Jato$
  352. Powersofta
  353. Optimaa
  354. OPTIMA.EXE!
  355. \Software\a    
  356. Powersoft$
  357. Optima$
  358. \CurrentVersion
  359. VersionNumber21
  360. BuildNumber21
  361. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersionR
  362. ProgramFilesDir21
  363. Program Files
  364. \SOFTWARE\a    
  365. Powersoft$
  366. Optima$
  367. installdir21
  368. LangCpp21
  369. LangJava21
  370. Powersoft%
  371. Optima20
  372. Powersoft%
  373. Optima20
  374. \SOFTWARE\a    
  375. Powersoft$
  376. Optima$
  377. ArtGalleryDir21
  378. Powersoft\Art Gallery 1.0
  379. Powersoft\Art Gallery 1.0
  380. \SOFTWARE\a    
  381. Powersoft$
  382. Optima$
  383. ComponentsDir21
  384. Powersoft\Component Gallery 1.0
  385. Powersoft\Component Gallery 1.0
  386. \SOFTWARE\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\a
  387. installdir21
  388. SQLAny50
  389. SQLAny50
  390. INTERSOLV OEM 2.12 32-BIT Btrieve
  391. INTERSOLV OEM 2.12 32-BIT dBASEFile (*.dbf)
  392. INTERSOLV OEM 2.12 32-BIT Excel5Workbook
  393. INTERSOLV OEM 2.12 32-BIT ExcelFile
  394. INTERSOLV OEM 2.12 32-BIT ParadoxFile (*.db)
  395. INTERSOLV OEM 2.12 32-BIT Text (*.*)
  396. /opt=!
  397. Winhelp,
  398. Winhlp32
  399. Optima20
  400. Optima20<
  401. Projects
  402. Template
  403. Jato Samples<
  404. Jato Samples%
  405. Application%
  406. Debug
  407. Jato Samples%
  408. Jato Samples\Application\Release\Application.class
  409. Applicationb[
  410. Jato Samples%
  411. Check_Box%
  412. Debug
  413. Jato Samples%
  414. Jato Samples\Check_Box\Release\Check_Box.class
  415. Check_Boxb[
  416. Jato Samples%
  417. Command_Button%
  418. Debug
  419. Jato Samples%
  420. Jato Samples\Command_Button\Release\Command_Button.class
  421. Command_Buttonb[
  422. Jato Samples%
  423. Cursors%
  424. Debug
  425. Jato Samples%
  426. Jato Samples\Cursors\Release\Cursors.class
  427. Cursorsb[
  428. Jato Samples%
  429. DDir_Walker%
  430. Debug
  431. Jato Samples%
  432. Jato Samples\DDir_Walker\Release\DDir_Walker.class
  433. DDir_Walkerb[
  434. Jato Samples%
  435. DJDBC_LookUp%
  436. Debug
  437. Jato Samples%
  438. Jato Samples\DJDBC_LookUp\Release\DJDBC_LookUp.class
  439. DJDBC_LookUpb[
  440. Jato Samples%
  441. Forms_Modeless%
  442. Debug
  443. Jato Samples%
  444. Jato Samples\Forms_Modeless\Release\Forms_Modeless.class
  445. Forms_Modelessb[
  446. Jato Samples%
  447. Debug
  448. Jato Samples%
  449. Jato Samples\FTP\Release\FTP.class
  450. FTPb[
  451. Jato Samples%
  452. HTTP%
  453. Debug
  454. Jato Samples%
  455. Jato Samples\HTTP\Release\HTTP.class
  456. HTTPb[
  457. Jato Samples%
  458. idir_walker%
  459. Debug
  460. Jato Samples%
  461. Jato Samples\idir_walker\Release\idir_walker.class
  462. idir_walkerb[
  463. Jato Samples%
  464. ijdbc_lookup%
  465. Debug
  466. Jato Samples%
  467. Jato Samples\ijdbc_lookup\Release\ijdbc_lookup.class
  468. ijdbc_lookupb[
  469. Jato Samples%
  470. IURL_Poller%
  471. Debug
  472. Jato Samples%
  473. Jato Samples\IURL_Poller\Release\IURL_Poller.class
  474. IURL_Pollerb[
  475. Jato Samples%
  476. Java_ActiveX%
  477. Debug
  478. Jato Samples%
  479. Jato Samples\Java_ActiveX\Release\Java_ActiveX.class
  480. Java_ActiveXb[
  481. Jato Samples%
  482. JDBCTransaction%
  483. Debug
  484. Jato Samples%
  485. Jato Samples\JDBCTransaction\Release\JDBCTransaction.class
  486. JDBCTransactionb[
  487. Jato Samples%
  488. List_Box%
  489. Debug
  490. Jato Samples%
  491. Jato Samples\List_Box\Release\List_Box.class
  492. List_Boxb[
  493. Jato Samples%
  494. Scroll_Bar%
  495. Debug
  496. Jato Samples%
  497. Jato Samples\Scroll_Bar\Release\Scroll_Bar.class
  498. Scroll_Barb[
  499. Jato Samples%
  500. Socket%
  501. Debug
  502. Jato Samples%
  503. Jato Samples\Socket\Release\Socket.class
  504. Socketb[
  505. Jato Samples%
  506. Sortable_Vector%
  507. Debug
  508. Jato Samples%
  509. Jato Samples\Sortable_Vector\Release\Sortable_Vector.class
  510. Sortable_Vectorb[
  511. Jato Samples%
  512. Sybase_JDBC_Driver%
  513. Debug
  514. Jato Samples%
  515. Jato Samples\Sybase_JDBC_Driver\Release\Sybase_JDBC_Driver.class
  516. Sybase_JDBC_Driverb[
  517. Jato Samples%
  518. Threads%
  519. Debug
  520. Jato Samples%
  521. Jato Samples\Threads\Release\Threads.class
  522. Threadsb[
  523. Jato Samples%
  524. Timing_Intervals%
  525. Debug
  526. Jato Samples%
  527. Jato Samples\Timing_Intervals\Release\Timing_Intervals.class
  528. Timing_Intervalsb[
  529. Jato Samples%
  530. Web_Crawler%
  531. Debug
  532. Jato Samples%
  533. Jato Samples\Web_Crawler\Release\Web_Crawler.class
  534. Web_Crawlerb[
  535. Jato Samples
  536. Jato Samples
  537. \.urlR
  538. \shell\open\command
  539. system\homepage.url
  541. Jatob
  542. -i Optima__Read_Me_First__Information a
  543. jvreadme.hlp
  544. system\wimgedit.exe
  545. system%
  546. jvmain.hlp
  547. Jato%
  548. system%
  549. jvguide.hlp
  550. Jato%
  551. system%
  552. jvstart.hlp
  553. Jato%
  554. system%
  555. jvsample.hlp
  556. Jato%
  557. system\resimg.hlp
  558. win32\isql.exe
  559. Win32
  560. odbcad32.exe
  561. Win32\scview.exe
  562. Win32
  563. Win32\dbeng50.exe
  564. sademo.db
  565. Win32
  566. Win32\dbeng50w.hlp
  567. Win32
  568. Uninst.exe
  569. \SOFTWAREa
  570. Powersoft$
  571. Optima$
  572. \Components
  573. \OldComponents$
  574. Components
  575. \SOFTWARE\a    
  576. Powersoft$
  577. Optima$
  578. VersionType23
  579. VersionTypeA
  580. \SOFTWARE\a    
  581. Powersoft$
  582. Optima$
  583. DefaultFormClassA
  584. powersoft.jcm.ui.AppletA
  585. DefaultTargetTypeA
  586. Java;AppletA
  587. \SOFTWARE\a    
  588. Powersoft$
  589. Optima$
  590. Read Only Directories Time23
  591. Read Only Directories TimeA
  592. \Read Only Directories Time
  593. \SOFTWARE\a    
  594. Powersoft$
  595. Optima$
  596. JavaQ
  597. enabledA
  598. Java%
  599. java\lib\classes.zip;%
  600. java\lib;$
  601. AAPIClassesA
  602. LangJavaA
  603. \SOFTWAREa
  604. Powersoft$
  605. Optima$
  606. \StandardComponents
  607. System\dtjva00.dll
  608. Java ComponentsbZ
  609. System\dtjcl00.dll
  610. Java Components (UI)bZ
  611. \SOFTWAREa
  612. Powersoft$
  613. Optima$
  614. \Components
  615. \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Help(
  616. ctclip.hlpb<
  617. ctspin.hlpb<
  618. ctslide.hlpb<
  619. ctclock.hlpb<
  620. ctgauge.hlpb<
  621. ctdate.hlpb<
  622. ctmeter.hlpb<
  623. \SOFTWARE\a    
  624. Powersoft$
  625. Optima$
  626. \CurrentVersion
  627. VersionNumbera
  628. BuildNumbera
  629. \SOFTWARE\a    
  630. Powersoft$
  631. Optima$
  632. RegisteredOwnerbQ
  633. RegisteredOrganizationbR
  634. TempDirectoryb9
  635. \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Java VM%
  636. java\classes\classes.zip;%
  637. java\classes;.$
  638. Classpathb\
  639. \java\trustlib\tclasses.zip
  640. TrustedClasspathbZ
  641. java\trustlib
  642. TrustedLibsDirectorybZ
  643. java\lib
  644. LibsDirectorybZ
  645. System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VXD\JAVASUP
  646. StartA
  647. StaticVxDa
  649. Software\Classes\CLSID\{08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608500}
  650. Java(TM) Support for Internet Explorer
  651. Software\Classes\CLSID\{08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608500}\InstalledVersion
  652. 1,0,0,1251%
  653. msjava.dll
  654. PathbZ
  655. Software\Microsoft\Java VM
  656. EnableJITa
  657. EnableLogginga
  658. \.ico
  659. icofile
  660. \icofile\shell\open\command%
  661. System\wimgedit.exe" "%1"$
  662. Optimaa
  663. \User Settings
  664. \.wxu
  665. Optimaa    
  666. \Resource
  667. \.wxr
  668. Optimaa
  669. \Target
  670. \.wxt
  671. Optimaa
  672. \Class
  673. \.wxc
  674. Optimaa
  675. \Form
  676. \.wxf
  677. Optimaa
  678. \Project
  679. \.wxp
  680. Optimaa
  681. \JApplet
  682. \.class
  683. Optima$
  684. Optima++a
  685.  Class
  686. \Class
  687. Optima++a
  688.  Target
  689. \Target
  690. Optima++a
  691.  Project
  692. \Project
  693. Optima++a
  694.  Form
  695. \Form
  696. Optima++a    
  697.  Resource
  698. \Resource
  699. Optima++a
  700.  User Settings
  701. \User Settings
  702. Optimaa
  703. \Project\shell\open\command
  704. OPTIMA.EXE$
  705. " "%1"
  706. Optimaa
  707. \JApplet\shell\open\command
  708. jview.exe"$
  709.  /cp:p "%
  710. Java\lib" "%1"$
  711. Optimaa
  712. \Project\DefaultIcon
  713. system\proj.ico
  714. Optimaa
  715. \User Settings\DefaultIcon
  716. system\wxufile.ico
  717. Optimaa
  718. \Target\DefaultIcon
  719. system\wxtfile.ico
  720. Optimaa
  721. \Class\DefaultIcon
  722. system\wxcfile.ico
  723. Optimaa
  724. \Resource\DefaultIcon
  725. system\wxrfile.ico
  726. Optimaa
  727. \Form\DefaultIcon
  728. system\wxffile.ico
  729. \SOFTWARE\a    
  730. Powersoft$
  731. Optima$
  732. installdirb:
  733. \SOFTWARE\a    
  734. Powersoft$
  735. Optima$
  736. \h\sys;$
  737. Read Only DirectoriesbL
  738. \SOFTWARE\a    
  739. Powersoft$
  740. Optima$
  741. ComponentsDirb<
  742. \SOFTWARE\a    
  743. Powersoft$
  744. Optima$
  745. ise_sqlb;
  746. \SOFTWARE\a    
  747. Powersoft$
  748. Optima$
  749. ArtGalleryDirb=
  750. \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\DBENG50.EXE%
  751. Win32
  752. \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ISQL.EXE%
  753. Win32
  754. \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\SCVIEW.EXE%
  755. Win32
  757. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0a    
  758. Installed
  759. \SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0$
  760. \Win32\wod50t.dll
  761. DriverbZ
  762. \Win32\wod50t.dll
  763. SetupbZ
  765. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0 Translatora    
  766. Installed
  767. \SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0 Translator$
  768. \Win32\wtr50t.dll
  769. TranslatorbZ
  770. \Win32\wtr50t.dll
  771. SetupbZ
  773. SQL Anywhere 5.0 Samplea
  774. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0
  775. \SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\SQL Anywhere 5.0 Sample$
  776. \Win32\wod50t.dll
  777. driverbZ
  778. descriptiona#
  779. Sybase SQL Anywhere Sample Database$
  780. \sademo.db
  781. DatabaseFilebZ
  782. \Win32\dbeng50
  783. StartbZ
  784. \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IniFileMapping\sqlany.ini
  785. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0a 
  786. USR:Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere
  787. ISQLa%
  788. USR:Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\ISQL
  789. SQL Centrala,
  790. USR:Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\SQL Central
  791. ServiceManagera/
  792. USR:Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\ServiceManager
  793. \SOFTWARE\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0
  794. LOCATIONb;
  795. \SOFTWARE\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\ISQL
  796. \SOFTWARE\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\SQL Central
  797. \SOFTWARE\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\ServiceManager
  798. \SOFTWARE\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\a
  799. installdirb;
  800. \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SQL_ANYWHERE\Performance%
  801. win32\sqlactrs.dll
  802. LibrarybZ
  803. Opena
  804. OpenSqlAnywherePerformanceData
  805. Collecta!
  806. CollectSqlAnywherePerformanceData
  807. Closea
  808. CloseSqlAnywherePerformanceData
  809. wobtr09Bt
  810. APILevela
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  812. DriverODBCVera
  813. 02.50
  814. FileUsagea
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  818. wodbf09Bu
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  820. ConnectFunctionsa
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  822. 02.50
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  826. SQLLevela
  827. woxls509Bv
  828. APILevela
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  830. DriverODBCVera
  831. 02.50
  832. FileUsagea
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  835. SQLLevela
  836. woxls09Bw
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  840. 02.50
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  844. SQLLevela
  845. woidp09Bx
  846. APILevela
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  849. 02.50
  850. FileUsagea
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  852. SQLLevela
  853. wotxt09By
  854. APILevela
  855. ConnectFunctionsa
  856. DriverODBCVera
  857. 02.50
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  861. comp.dll
  862. Dialogb
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  912. Uninstal.bat
  913. start /wait $
  914. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b-
  915. UninstallString21
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  917. setup.exe -ub:
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  937. SETUPSTR862RZ
  938. Disk Space0
  939. temp.txt
  940. temp.txt
  941. In function '%s':
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  943. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB.
  944. Errorb[
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  948. \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion,
  949. USER!
  950. RegisteredOwner2
  951. RegisteredOrganization2
  952. SdRegisterUserEx!
  953. ResultA
  954. szNameA
  955. szCompanyA
  956. szSerialA
  957. SdRegisterUserEx!
  958. szNameA
  959. szCompanyA
  960. szSerialA
  961. ResultA
  962. SdRegisterUser!
  963. ResultA
  964. szNameA
  965. szCompanyA
  966. SdRegisterUser!
  967. szNameA
  968. szCompanyA
  969. ResultA
  970. SdConfirmRegistration!
  971. ResultA
  972. SdConfirmRegistration!
  973. ResultA
  974. SdConfirmNewDir!
  975. ResultA
  976. SdConfirmNewDir!
  977. ResultA
  978. SdAskDestPath!
  979. ResultA
  980. szDirA
  981. SdAskDestPath!
  982. szDirA
  983. ResultA
  984. SdWelcome!
  985. ResultA
  986. SdWelcome!
  987. ResultA
  988. SdShowInfoList!
  989. ResultA
  990. SdShowInfoList!
  991. ResultA
  992. SdSelectFolder!
  993. ResultA
  994. szFolderA
  995. SdSelectFolder!
  996. szFolderA
  997. ResultA
  998. SdSetupType!
  999. ResultA
  1000. szDirA
  1001. SdSetupType!
  1002. szDirA
  1003. ResultA
  1004. SdShowAnyDialog!
  1005. ResultA
  1006. SdShowAnyDialog!
  1007. ResultA
  1008. SdDisplayTopics!
  1009. ResultA
  1010. SdDisplayTopics!
  1011. ResultA
  1012. SdShowMsg!
  1013. SdShowMsg/
  1014. _sdRECTa
  1015. _sdRECTa
  1016. bottom2
  1017. SdAskOptionsList!
  1018. ResultA
  1019. ComponentA
  1020. SdAskOptionsList!
  1021. ComponentA
  1022. ResultA
  1023. SdShowFileMods!
  1024. ResultA
  1025. nSelectionA
  1026. SdShowFileMods!
  1027. nSelectionA
  1028. ResultA
  1029. SdShowDlgEdit1!
  1030. ResultA
  1031. szEdit1A
  1032. SdShowEdit1!
  1033. szEdit1A
  1034. ResultA
  1035. SdShowDlgEdit2!
  1036. ResultA
  1037. szEdit1A
  1038. szEdit2A
  1039. SdShowEdit2!
  1040. szEdit1A
  1041. szEdit2A
  1042. ResultA
  1043. SdShowDlgEdit3!
  1044. ResultA
  1045. szEdit1A
  1046. szEdit2A
  1047. szEdit3A
  1048. SdShowEdit3!
  1049. szEdit1A
  1050. szEdit2A
  1051. szEdit3A
  1052. ResultA
  1053. SdAskOptions!
  1054. ResultA
  1055. ComponentA
  1056. SdAskOptions!
  1057. ComponentA
  1058. ResultA
  1059. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  1060. ResultA
  1061. ComponentA
  1062. szDirA
  1063. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  1064. szDirA
  1065. ComponentA
  1066. ResultA
  1067. SdComponentMult!
  1068. ResultA
  1069. ComponentA
  1070. SdComponentMult!
  1071. ComponentA
  1072. ResultA
  1073. SdOptionsButtons!
  1074. ResultA
  1075. SdOptionsButtons!
  1076. ResultA
  1077. SdBitmap!
  1078. ResultA
  1079. SdBitmap!
  1080. ResultA
  1081. SdComponentDialog2!
  1082. ResultA
  1083. ComponentA
  1084. SdComponentDialog2!
  1085. ComponentA
  1086. ResultA
  1087. SdComponentDialogEx
  1088. SdComponentDialogEx!
  1089. SdComponentDialog!
  1090. ResultA
  1091. ComponentA
  1092. szDirA
  1093. SdComponentDialog!
  1094. szDirA
  1095. ComponentA
  1096. ResultA
  1097. SdLicense!
  1098. ResultA
  1099. ResultA
  1100. SdStartCopy!
  1101. ResultA
  1102. ResultA
  1103. SdFinishReboot!
  1104. ResultA
  1105. BootOptionA
  1106. ResultA
  1107. BootOptionA
  1108. ResultA
  1109. ResultA
  1110. BootOptionA
  1111. SdFinish!
  1112. ResultA
  1113. bOpt1A
  1114. bOpt2A
  1115. ResultA
  1116. bOpt1A
  1117. bOpt2A
  1118. 3.00.077