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- Save Format v1.3
- @begin ClassFile "DynamoConnection"
- Exported 0;
- Abstract 0;
- Interface 0;
- PackageName "";
- Language "Java";
- @begin UserFunction "initDynamoConnection(String arg0)"
- @end;
- @begin UserFunction "Prototype for initDynamoConnection(String arg0)"
- Private 1;
- GencodeSrcLine -1;
- FunctionName "DynamoConnection::Prototype for initDynamoConnection(String arg0)";
- @end;
- @begin UserFunction "DynamoConnection()"
- GencodeSrcLine 23;
- FunctionName "DynamoConnection::DynamoConnection()";
- @end;
- @begin UserFunction "Prototype for DynamoConnection()"
- Private 1;
- GencodeSrcLine -1;
- FunctionName "DynamoConnection::Prototype for DynamoConnection()";
- @end;
- @begin UserFunction "getQuery()"
- GencodeSrcLine 43;
- FunctionName "DynamoConnection::getQuery()";
- @end;
- @begin UserFunction "Prototype for getQuery()"
- Private 1;
- GencodeSrcLine -1;
- FunctionName "DynamoConnection::Prototype for getQuery()";
- @end;
- @begin UserFunction "getHandle()"
- GencodeSrcLine 61;
- FunctionName "DynamoConnection::getHandle()";
- @end;
- @begin UserFunction "Prototype for getHandle()"
- Private 1;
- GencodeSrcLine -1;
- FunctionName "DynamoConnection::Prototype for getHandle()";
- @end;
- @begin UserFunction "getDocument(int handle)"
- GencodeSrcLine 71;
- FunctionName "DynamoConnection::getDocument(int handle)";
- @end;
- @begin UserFunction "Prototype for getDocument(int handle)"
- Private 1;
- GencodeSrcLine -1;
- FunctionName "DynamoConnection::Prototype for getDocument(int handle)";
- @end;
- @begin UserFunction "setHandle(int handle)"
- Private 1;
- @end;
- @begin UserFunction "Prototype for setHandle(int handle)"
- Private 1;
- GencodeSrcLine -1;
- FunctionName "DynamoConnection::Prototype for setHandle(int handle)";
- @end;
- @begin UserFunction "getSession()"
- GencodeSrcLine 77;
- FunctionName "DynamoConnection::getSession()";
- @end;
- @begin UserFunction "Prototype for getSession()"
- Private 1;
- GencodeSrcLine -1;
- FunctionName "DynamoConnection::Prototype for getSession()";
- @end;
- @begin UserFunction "getConnection()"
- GencodeSrcLine 83;
- FunctionName "DynamoConnection::getConnection()";
- @end;
- @begin UserFunction "Prototype for getConnection()"
- Private 1;
- GencodeSrcLine -1;
- FunctionName "DynamoConnection::Prototype for getConnection()";
- @end;
- @begin HPPPrefixBlock
- @begin-code HPPPrefix
- // Copyright (c) 1996 Sybase Inc. All rights reserved.
- /**
- * The DynamoConnection class is a wrapper interface to the NetImpact Dynamo query.
- * DynamoConnection should not be used directly, instead use methods of the predefined
- * document, session, or connection objects.
- *
- * Lifetime: created when the servlet starts.
- * Becomes garbage when the servlet exits.
- *
- * See SQL Anywhere documentation on NetImpact Dynamo for a description
- * of the methods, but be aware that, in Java, the first character
- * of a method name is always in lower case.
- */
- @end-code;
- GencodeSrcLine 6;
- @end;
- @begin CPPPrefixBlock
- @begin-code CPPPrefix
- @end-code;
- GencodeSrcLine -1;
- @end;
- @begin ClassContentsBlock
- @begin-code ClassContents
- // add your data members here
- protected static final int CONNECTION = 1000;
- protected static final int DOCUMENT = 1001;
- private protected int _dynamoHandle; // opaque type: handle to Dynamo
- private protected boolean _connected; // set if initialization succeeded
- private protected static boolean _dllload; // set when DLL loaded
- @end-code;
- GencodeSrcLine 93;
- @end;
- @begin-code BaseClassList
- extends Object
- @end-code;
- @begin-code GeneratedClassContents
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "DynamoConnection::Prototype for initDynamoConnection(String arg0)"
- public:
- static native boolean initDynamoConnection(String arg0);
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "DynamoConnection::DynamoConnection()"
- public @CLASSNAME@() {
- _dynamoHandle = -1;
- _dllload = false;
- _connected = false;
- }
- public @CLASSNAME@(int handle) {
- _dynamoHandle = handle;
- _dllload = true;
- _connected = true;
- }
- public @CLASSNAME@(String args[]) {
- if (args.length >= 2 && ! _dllload) {
- // Load connection DLL and keep a private handle to the
- // calling Dynamo requestor
- System.load(args[1]);
- }
- _dynamoHandle = -1;
- _connected = initDynamoConnection(args);
- }
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "DynamoConnection::Prototype for DynamoConnection()"
- public:
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "DynamoConnection::getQuery()"
- public Query getQuery(String name) throws DynamoException
- {
- // Return a query object referring to named query defined
- // in this template.
- // Throws DynamoException if that query does not yet exist.
- // NOTE: does not yet work -- Dynamo must be altered.
- return new Query(_dynamoHandle, name);
- }
- public Query getQuery() throws DynamoException
- {
- // Return the default SQL query object (if it exists).
- // Does not yet work.
- return new Query(_dynamoHandle, "SQL");
- }
- public boolean getConnected() {
- return _connected;
- }
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "DynamoConnection::Prototype for getQuery()"
- public:
- Query getQuery();
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "DynamoConnection::getHandle()"
- public int getHandle()
- {
- return _dynamoHandle;
- }
- protected boolean setHandle(int handle)
- {
- _dynamoHandle = handle;
- _connected = true;
- return true;
- }
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "DynamoConnection::Prototype for getHandle()"
- public:
- int getHandle();
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "DynamoConnection::getDocument(int handle)"
- public Document getDocument()
- {
- // Create a new Document object.
- // Used to create the initial "document" object.
- return new Document(_dynamoHandle);
- }
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "DynamoConnection::Prototype for getDocument(int handle)"
- public:
- Document getDocument(int handle);
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "DynamoConnection::Prototype for setHandle(int handle)"
- private:
- boolean setHandle(int handle);
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "DynamoConnection::getSession()"
- public Session getSession()
- {
- // Create a new Session object.
- // Used to create the initial (empty) "session" object
- return new Session(_dynamoHandle);
- }
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "DynamoConnection::Prototype for getSession()"
- public:
- public Session getSession();
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "DynamoConnection::getConnection()"
- public DBConnection getDBConnection()
- {
- // Create a new Connection. Used to create initial "connection" object
- return new DBConnection(_dynamoHandle);
- }
- // Internal native methods.
- protected native String getStringProperty(int id, String property);
- protected native int getIntProperty(int id, String property);
- private native boolean initDynamoConnection(String args[]);
- @end-code;
- @begin-code Code "DynamoConnection::Prototype for getConnection()"
- public:
- Connection getConnection();
- @end-code;
- @end;