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Java Source | 1996-12-09 | 11.7 KB | 346 lines |
- /*
- * WebConnection.java
- *
- *
- * Copyright 1996 Sybase, Inc. All rights reserved.
- */
- import java.io.*;
- /**
- * <P>The WebConnection class provides an interface to a World-Wide Web Server,
- * specifically to the WebService class that is used by Optima++ as the basis
- * for servicing a Web request.
- *
- * <P>Lifetime: created from main of application.
- * Becomes garbage when the servlet exits.
- *
- * <P>See Optima++ documentation on creating a Web service DLL for a description
- * of the methods, but be aware that, in Java, the first character
- * of a method name is always in lower case.
- */
- public class WebConnection
- //************************
- {
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Constructors
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Constructs a new WebConnection object
- */
- public WebConnection()
- //********************
- {
- _connected = false;
- _dllload = false;
- _serverHandle = -1;
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a new WebConnection object with the
- * given arguments
- * @param args argument list
- */
- public WebConnection(String args[])
- //*********************************
- {
- if (args.length >= 2) {
- // Load connection DLL and keep a private handle to the
- // calling WebService requestor
- if (! _dllload) {
- System.load(args[1]);
- _dllload = true;
- }
- _serverHandle = -1;
- _connected = initConnection(args);
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Properties
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Returns a boolean indicating whether a connection to the
- * WWW server has been established
- * @return true if connected to the WWW server; false otherwise
- */
- public boolean getConnected()
- //***************************
- {
- return _connected;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a specified value of the multi-valued named variable
- * POSTed from an HTML form
- * @param name name of the variable whose value is to be returned
- * @param index index of the value to be returned
- * @exception WebServiceException If the handle to the WWW server is invalid
- */
- public String getFormVariable(String name, int index) throws WebServiceException
- //******************************************************************************
- {
- return getVariable(FORM_VARIABLE, name, index);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the value of the named variable POSTed from an HTML form
- * @param name name of the variable whose value is to be returned
- * @exception WebServiceException If the handle to the WWW server is invalid
- */
- public String getFormVariable(String name) throws WebServiceException
- //*******************************************************************
- {
- return getVariable(FORM_VARIABLE, name, 0);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the value of the named variable POSTed from an HTML form
- * to the value specified
- * @param name name of the variable whose value is to be set
- * @param value value to set the variable to
- * @return true if the variable has been successfully set; false otherwise
- * @exception WebServiceException If the handle to the WWW server is invalid
- */
- public boolean setFormVariable(String name, String value) throws WebServiceException
- //**********************************************************************************
- {
- return setVariable(FORM_VARIABLE, name, value);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a specified value of the multi-valued named variable
- * from an HTML form (from the URL?name=value)
- * @param name name of the variable whose value is to be returned
- * @param index index of the value to be returned
- * @exception WebServiceException If the handle to the WWW server is invalid
- */
- public String getQueryVariable(String name, int index) throws WebServiceException
- //*******************************************************************************
- {
- return getVariable(QUERY_VARIABLE, name, index);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the value of the named variable from an HTML form (from the URL?name=value)
- * @param name name of the variable whose value is to be returned
- * @exception WebServiceException If the handle to the WWW server is invalid
- */
- public String getQueryVariable(String name) throws WebServiceException
- //********************************************************************
- {
- return getVariable(QUERY_VARIABLE, name, 0);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the value of the named variable from an HTML form (from the URL?name=value)
- * to the value specified
- * @param name name of the variable whose value is to be set
- * @param value value to set the variable to
- * @return true if the variable has been successfully set; false otherwise
- * @exception WebServiceException If the handle to the WWW server is invalid
- */
- public boolean setQueryVariable(String name, String value) throws WebServiceException
- //************************************************************************************
- {
- return setVariable(QUERY_VARIABLE, name, value);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the value of the HTTP response header specified
- * before any write()
- * @param name name of the HTTP response header whose value is to be returned
- * @exception WebServiceException If the handle to the WWW server is invalid
- */
- public String getResponseHeader(String name) throws WebServiceException
- //*********************************************************************
- {
- return getVariable(RESPONSE_VARIABLE, name, 0);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the value of the named HTTP response header to the value specified
- * @param name name of the HTTP response header whose value is to be set
- * @param value value to set the variable to
- * @return true if the response header has been successfully set; false otherwise
- * @exception WebServiceException If the handle to the WWW server is invalid
- */
- public boolean setResponseHeader(String name, String value) throws WebServiceException {
- return setVariable(RESPONSE_VARIABLE, name, value);
- }
- /**
- * Removes the specified outgoing HTTP header
- * @param name name of the HTTP header to be removed
- * @return true if the response header has been successfully removed; false otherwise
- */
- public native boolean removeResponseHeader(String headername);
- //***********************************************************
- /**
- * Returns a boolean specifying whether this servlet was run from a form
- * whose variables were submitted with the POST method
- * @return true if the form POSTed its variables; false otherwise
- * @exception WebServiceException If the handle to the WWW server is invalid
- */
- public boolean getIsPostMethod() throws WebServiceException
- //*********************************************************
- {
- if (getInt(POST_METHOD) == 1)
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the HTTP 1.0 result code that is sent to the browser
- * (must be sent before any output)
- * @exception WebServiceException If the handle to the WWW server is invalid
- */
- public int getResultCode() throws WebServiceException
- //***************************************************
- {
- return getInt(RESULT_CODE);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the HTTP 1.0 result code that is sent to the browser
- * (must be sent before any output) to the value specified.
- * @param newcode value of the new HTTP 1.0 result code
- * @return true if the result code has been successfully set; false otherwise
- * @exception WebServiceException If the handle to the WWW server is invalid
- */
- public boolean setResultCode(int newcode) throws WebServiceException
- //******************************************************************
- {
- return setInt(RESULT_CODE, newcode);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs and returns an output stream connected to the WWW server
- */
- PrintStream getStream()
- //*********************
- {
- return new PrintStream( new BaseServletStream( _serverHandle ) );
- }
- /**
- * Constructs and returns a Session object
- */
- Session getSession()
- //******************
- {
- return new Session( _serverHandle );
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Public Methods
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Writes the specified String to the WWW server's client
- * @param s String to be written
- * @return true if the String was successfully written; false otherwise
- */
- public boolean write(String s)
- //****************************
- {
- return writeOutput(s, false);
- }
- /**
- * Writes the specified String, followed by a newline
- * to the WWW server's client
- * @param s String to be written
- * @return true if the String was successfully written; false otherwise
- */
- public boolean writeln(String s)
- //******************************
- {
- return writeOutput(s, true);
- }
- /**
- * Writes the specified String, followed by a newline
- * to the WWW server's client
- * @param s String to be written
- * @return true if the String was successfully written; false otherwise
- */
- public boolean writeLn(String s)
- //******************************
- {
- return writeOutput(s, true);
- }
- /**
- * Sends a redirection message to the browser to redirect to a different URL
- * @param newurl redirection URL
- * @return true for success; false otherwise
- */
- public native boolean redirect(String newurl);
- //*******************************************
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Private Methods
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- private native boolean initConnection(String args[]);
- private native boolean writeOutput(String str, boolean addNewline);
- private native String getVariable(int code, String name, int index);
- private native boolean setVariable(int code, String name, String value);
- private native int getInt(int code);
- private native boolean setInt(int code, int newvalue);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Data
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Class and Instance variables
- // Do not shuffle or change instance variables without also updating
- // isapiconnect/WebConnection.h
- private int _serverHandle;
- private boolean _connected;
- private boolean _dllload;
- protected static final int FORM_VARIABLE = 1;
- protected static final int QUERY_VARIABLE = 2;
- protected static final int SERVER_VARIABLE = 3;
- protected static final int RESPONSE_VARIABLE = 4;
- protected static final int RESULT_CODE = 5;
- protected static final int POST_METHOD = 6;
- }