# Setup Builder generated ProJect file - Do not modify
COMMENTS=//~~// This is a sample project to demonstrate~~// a number of the features supported by~~// Setup Builder~~//
OPTINSTALL1=Install Notepad
OPTINSTALL2=Install Calculator
SETUPMSG=Starting %Application% Setup...
NEXTDISK=Please insert the diskette labelled '$'
WELCOME1=Welcome to the %Application% Installation Program.
WELCOME2=This program will install the %Application% software in the|directory you specify on your hard disk.
ABOUT=(Compuserve ID: 100105,536)||Setup is supplied with the Setup Builder|software and is the copyright of G.Plowman
DEINST1=Please make a selection from the following options:
DEINST2=Install the %Application% software
DEINST3=Un-Install the %Application% software
DEINST4=The %Application% software is about to be removed from your machine.||All files, directories and the appropriate Program Manager Group will be deleted.||Are you sure you wish to continue ?
DEINST5=De-installation aborted - the %Application% software has not been deinstalled.
DEINST6=The %Application% software has been successfully de-installed.
DEINST7=To re-install the %Application% software you should re-run this|installation program.
DEINST8=The %Application% software has not been correctly installed.
DEINST9=The De-installation procedure is unable to de-install the %Application% software.
ASKPATH1=The install program will copy the %Application% files into the|following directory:
SPACECHECK1=The %Application% software requires %Required% bytes of disk space and there is only %Space% bytes free on your %InstallDrive% drive.||Do you wish to continue to install the software ?
INUSE1=Setup has found that the file:||$||is already in use by Windows.||Do you wish to overwrite it anyway ?
MAKEGRP=Setup can create a Program Manager group|for the %Application% application.||Do you wish to create a Program|Manager group and icons ?
LICENSE1=Please enter the following licensing information for|the %Application% software:
ERROR1=An error occured during installation of the %Application% software.
ERROR2=|The %Application% software has not been fully installed.
QUIT1=Installation has been terminated. You should rerun this installation program at a later time to install %Application%.
QUIT2=|The %Application% software has not been installed.
SUCCESS1=|%Application% installation has been successfully completed.
DIRERROR1=|Failed to create the installation directory '%MakeDir%'.
DIRERROR2=|Unable to install the %Application% software in the specified directory.
USERCODE1=// This is where you insert script code to initialise~~// variables at the begining of the script for later use~~// by your extra script code.~~~~GetProfileString("Install", "NotePad", "0", "%IniFile%", %Option1%)~~GetProfileString("Install", "Calculator", "0", "%IniFile%", %Option2%)~~~~SET %Option1% = NOT %Option1%~~SET %Option2% = NOT %Option2%~~
USERCODE2=// This is where you insert script code to do things~~// prior to file copying, but after the 'ASKPATH' dialog.~~~~// In this example, we save the installation path specified in~~// the 'ASKPATH' dialog so that the de-install feature can~~// use it at a later date. We also save the application version~~// number for future use, although we don't use it in this script.~~// Future install scripts might need to know what version of an~~// app is installed before overwriting with a new version. For~~// example, there might be file format differences.~~~~// Save the application version number~~WriteProfileString("Install", "Version", "1.00", "%IniFile%")~~~~// Save what we've installed~~WriteProfileString("Install", "Notepad", "%Option1%", "%IniFile%")~~WriteProfileString("Install", "Calculator", "%Option2%", "%IniFile%")~~
USERCODE3=// This is where you insert Setup Script to do things~~// after all files have been copied from diskette.~~// Normally, this will be any manual copying of files such as~~// those specified in their attributes as 'Do not copy'.~~// Note that 'Do not copy' files are always placed on the~~// last diskettes of your installation suite so that when the~~// script processing reaches this stage, the correct diskette~~// is already in the drive.~~// You might want to check for file presence and ask for the~~// next disk if you have 'Do not copy' files spreading across~~// more than one diskette.
USERCODE4=// This is where you insert Setup Script to do things~~// after Program Manager group creation, for example,~~// manually creating some more icons~~IF %PmGrp% == IDYES MakeIcon("Notepad2", "%InstallPath%notepad.exe")
USERCODE5=// This is where you insert script code to do things at the~~// end of an installation, for example, running notepad.exe~~// to show a file. This appears after the 'Install Complete/Success' dialog.~~MessageBox("Do you want to view your AUTOEXEC.BAT ?", "Setup", MB_YESNO, MB_ICONQUESTION)~~IF %ERROR% == IDYES WinExec("%InstallPath%notepad.exe c:\autoexec.bat")
USERCODE6=// Some parts of application de-installation must be coded manually using~~// the Setup Script language because every application installation is~~// different and requires different de-installation procedures to be used.~~// This only applies to non-standard activities done via script code during~~// the installation procedure - such as special directories being created.~~// The de-install will automatically remove all files installed, the main~~// application directory, the application .INI file and any program manager~~// group/icons which may have been created~~~~// Remove the application sub directories~~Delete("%InstallPath%TEMP\*.*")~~RmDir("%InstallPath%TEMP")~~