1001 Name brand model of the computer. You can fill this out by right-clicking on the SYSTEM analyzer in the Details tab and selecting Properties. In the Database tab, you can change the Brand or Notes fields for other systems.
1002 Manufacturer of the BIOS in this system, followed by the revision date that is stored in the BIOS ROM.
1003 Types of expansion buses available on your system. Common types include ISA, EISA, PCI, and PCMCIA. VESA local bus (VL-Bus) slots cannot be detected by Windows, so your system may also have VL-Bus slots that are not indicated here.
1004 Notes on this test run. You can fill this out by right-clicking on the SYSTEM analyzer in the Details tab and selecting Properties. You can change the Brand or Notes for other systems through the Database tab.
1005 Additional BIOS information from the ROM.
1006 Wintune creates this number to be unique for any system that has the same configuration of operating system, BIOS type, and bus type. It is used by Wintune to create a unique identification for each system.
1007 Date and time that testing was performed.
1008 These currently running applications often use significant amounts of CPU time or other resources. If they are left running they may interfere with Wintune's testing and cause subpar performance results.
1009 These applications are currently running. There is a possibility they may interfere with Wintune's testing and cause subpar performance results.
1010 Advanced Power Management (APM) is supported by this system. APM conserves power by slowing down or turning off system components. Some APM settings can degrade system performance.
1011 Operating system being used, and its version informaton.
1101 Click the Analyze Now button to start testing.
1102 Compare your system to others in the database.
1201 When you click the Analyze Now button, Wintune will test the major components of your system. Testing will usually take less than five minutes to complete. After testing, Wintune will analyze the results and recommend ways to improve performance.
1202 Wintune's database has a wide selection of systems that you can compare to these results using charts or reports.\n\nIf this is the only tip you received, Wintune did not detect any serious configuration problems that require action.