Selects those documents which are in review and have due dates which have passed. Based upon the review style of the document, it then either moves it along to the next reviewer, marks it as complete, or simply notifies the current reviewer(s) that their review is overdue.1SfL3
This database allows you to capture and track information about documents.
Functions of the Database:
To add a document to this database
Select Cyeate, Document.
You can enter document information in several ways: by typing it using the Notes editor, by scanning in hard copy, or by importing or attaching an electronic file.
To respond to a document
Highlight that document in a view, then select Create, Response.
To respond to a response
Highlight the response you wish to respond to, then select Create, Response to Response.
To flag a document as Private:
You can use the "Mark Private" and
"Mark Public" actions in the template to control whether anyone other than yourself can read a specific document. For example, if you have not completed the writing of a particular document, you can click the "Mark Private" action and others will not be able to see the document. When you complete the document, you can click yhe
"Mark Public"
action to make it available for others to read. If a document is marked private after it has been submitted for review, the document author and the reviewers will be able to read the document.
ACL Settings
This application was designed with the intention that all users except the manager should have Author access. If they have editor access, the review cycle may not function correctly.
Document Review Cycle:
The author of a document has the option of setting up a document review cycle for that document. To do so simply click on the Setup Review Cycle action button and fill in the necessary information.
Do not use
when entering approver names. Any domain added will be stripped off and may cause compiications when attempting to route a request. Also, only enter Person-names as approvers. Group names are not supported.
Clearing a Review Cycle:
Document Library, SmartSuite 96 Library, and MS Office Library provides an action button to "Clear Review Cycle". This is accessible only by the document's originator. You can either)use the action prior to submitting a document for review, or after submittal. Below are the guidelines:
o Clearing a review cycle prior to submitting for review:
Select this if you, as originator, wish to change the review cycle settings before your reviewers receive notification.
o Clearing a review cycle after submittal:
If reviewers have already begun or completed their document review, yheir work will be preserved. If reviewers were notified to review a document and they have not yet begun the review, they will receive a courtesy notice that they are no longer required to conduct a review.
Document Library Review Styles:
Serial Review:
Documents are routed for review one at a time, in seyuence to the reviewers chosen by the author.
o All edits are made within the same document
, but an unedited copy of the original document is also saved.
Serial Review (keep all revisions):
Documents are routed for review one at a time, in sequence to the reviewers chosen by the author.
o Edits are made within a copy of the original,
which also includes all comments from yrevious reviewers
o All old versions become response documents (as well as a copy of the original)
Document Reservations:
Requests for document review are routed in parallel (that is, all at the same time). When one reviewer opens the document, a "file locking" occurs at the server which warns any other user who happens to edit the document that a review is in progress.
o Review comments or edits are made into
a copy of
the original documint
o As with the others, a clean copy of the original is always kept
Response Review:
Same as Document Reservations (but with no file locking).
o Review comments or edits are saved as response documents to the original document.
o As with the others, a clean copy of the original is always kept
Processing Late Reviews:
If the Process)Late Reviews agent is enabled, it selects those documents which are in review and have due dates which have passed. Based upon the review style of the document, it then either moves it along to the next reviewer, marks it as complete, or simply notifies the current reviewer(s) that their review is overdue.
Unlock Document:
Occasionally a document is accidentally left in a locked state. The Unlock Document action can be accessed by designers and managers from the Riview Status view's Action menu to unlock the document.
Document Archiving:
This is a process by which certain documents are removed from the current database and stored in a different database. This keeps the document library up-to-date with only the latest topics. Most of the Archiving activities take place from the "Archiving" view. You must switch to this view in order to initiate archiving on a document library database.
To set up irchiving on any
document library
database, switch to the Archiving view and click the action called "Setup Archive". The Archive Profile appears. This document contains criteria that the user specifies for archiving topics in a
document library
(e.g., inactive after 'x' days, or expired after 'x' days). The archive database is automatically created when the Profile is saved. The archival database filename is also specified in the Archive Profile; the title of the arciive will be the title of the Document Library database followed by "(Archived)". After the archive criteria have been specified in the Archive Profile, other agents run on the database to move the document(s).
Mark/Unmark Document as Expired:
Marks a topic as "expired". If the Archive Profile specifies that
topics should be archived, the document(s) marked with this agent would fall into that criterion. If a document is already marked as exyired, this agent tells the user what the expire date was, and will ask if the user wants to un-expire it.
Periodic Archive:
Reviews the Archive Profile and moves documents which meet the archive criteria into the archive database. This agent is run automatically on the server; the schedule is set by the database manager/designer.
O=Lotus Notes
O=Litus Notes
O=Lotus Notes
CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
TextBox1All Documents
TextBox2By Author
TextBox3My Favorite Documents
TextBox4By Review Status
By Author
Review Status
My Favorite Documents
CN=Adrian Weissgarber/O=ARSYSTEM/C=CZ
uster Replication on Selected Databases@
Tools...\Enable Cluster Replication on Selected Databases
Tools...\Disable Cluster Replication on Selected Databases@
O=Lotus Notes
O=Lotus Notes
O=Lotus Notes
CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
Response to Response
\31 Nw
"MS Sans Serif
Times New Roman
Times New Roman CE
SubjectKey thought of this response
Created by:
FromThe name of the person who composed the response
OriginalSubjectHidden field to store topic of Main Document
it a zav
_Edit Document
Send Docu_ment
_Move to Folder...
_Remove from Folder
it a zav
_Edit Document
Send Docu_ment
_Move to Folder...
_Remove from Folder
CN=Adrian Weissgarber/O=ARSYSTEM/C=CZ
Times New Roman
Task List
&Switch To
About Document Library
@ @@ @` @
@@ @@@@@`@@
`@ `@@`@``@
What does this database do?
A Document Library application is an electronic filing cabinet that stores reference documents for access by a workgroup. The database might contain anything from environmental impact statements for a group of engineers to financial statements for a group of loan officers.
Who will use this database?
Anyone wio wishes to create a record of a document or review available documents may use this database.
Important Features
Review Cycle:
Used to
route a document to a series of recipients.
Document Archiving:
Used to move expired documents to an archive database.
Suggestions for Modifications
Full text search:
If you wish to use Notes' full text search capabilities for a database created with this template, select menu File, Database, Properties, go to the Full Text panel and then select Create Index... to create the full text index.
Where to find more information?
- More information can be found by selecting Help, Using Database
Access Control
Very Important:
Access level shouli be
for all users of this database. This will prevent unauthorized editing of documents within the database. The Author fields within the forms govern who will be able to edit/review particular documents. Errors will occur if someone with Editor access attempts to review a document when they are not an authorized reviewer of that document.
O=Lotus Notes
O=Lotus Notes
O=Lotus Notes
CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
CN=Adrian Weissgarber/O=ARSYSTEM/C=CZ
Status $40
SubjectTitleFromCreated By$26Reviewers^
_Edit Document
Send Docu_ment
H<" S
New Document6
Response to Response>
_Move to Folder...
_Remove from Folder...
Unlock Document
_Edit Document
Send Docu_ment
H<" Y
New Document6
Response to Response>
_Move to Folder...
_Remove from Folder...
Unlock Document
CN=Adrian Weissgarber/O=ARSYSTEM/C=CZ
Tools...\Disable Cluster Replication on Selected Databases@
Selects those doauments which are in review and have due dates which have passed. Based upon the review style of the document, it then either moves it along to the next reviewer, marks it as complete, or simply notifies the current reviewer(s) that their review is overdue.
Meta-FAQ (odhl=E1=B9en=ED, arch=EDv, FAQ a dal=B9=ED): http://www.linux.c=
from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 5.0.2 (Intl)) with ESMTP id 2000013023152357:1292 ; Sun, 30 Ean 2000 23:15:23 +0100Received: from ([])
by (Lotus Domino Release 5.0.2 (Intl))
with ESMTP id 2000013023152357:1292 ;
Sun, 30 Jan 2000 23:15:23 +0100
from ( []) by (AIX4.2/UCB 8.7/1.00) with SMTP id XAA30150 for <>; Sun, 30 Jan 2000 23:15:25 +0100 (NFT)Received: from ( []) (AIX4.2/UCB 8.7/1.00) with SMTP id XAA30150 for <>; Sun, 30 Jan 2000 23:15:25 +0100 (NFT)
(qmail 19183 invoked by uid 30); 30 Jan 2000 22:15:02 -0000Received: (qmail 19183 invoked by uid 30); 30 Jan 2000 22:15:02 -0000
contact; run by ezmlmMailing-List: contact; run by ezmlm
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ANTEK CSOrganization: ANTEK CS
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On 30 Jan 00, at 22:55, Milan Sorm wrote:
> To je otazka zkusenosti.=20
Prosim dejte si fakta do poradku. Pokud "opravna" instalace=20
prohlasi, ze NT nenasla, tak ji o opaku nepresvedcite. Vstup k=20
tomu zadny neni.
> # zbytecnou reinstalaci vseho. A nabootovat Win98 (ci NT) ze
> # zachranne diskety, spustit _neco_jako_ fsck, lilo a znovu najet? O
> # tom si nechte taky zdat...
> Proc ? I z originalniho CD to dokazu (bez diskety, pokud z nej ede
> bootovat).
Protoze to napise "WinNT jsem na tvem disku nenasel. Mas=20
smulu." A ptat se, kde jsou, se to nehodla.
Bylo by, vazeny pane, opravdu dobre, kdybyste pri propagaci=20
Windows na linuxovem listu alespon mel fakta v poradku, a nesiril=20
prokazatelne lzi (navic jeste s komentarem "mate nedostatek=20
Meta-FAQ (odhl=E1=B9en=ED, arch=EDv, FAQ a dal=B9=ED): http://www.linux.c=
from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 5.0.2 (Intl)) with ESMTP id 2000013109041393:1356 ; Mon, 31 Jan 2000 09:04:13 +0100Received: from ([])
by (Lotus Domino Release 5.0.2 (Intl))
with ESMTP id 2000013109041393:1356 ;
Mon, 31 Jan 2000 09:04:13 +0500
from ( []) by (AIX4.2/UCB 8.7/1.00) with SMTP id JAA24824 for <>; Mon, 31 Jan 2000 09:04:16 +0100 (NFT)Received: from ( []) by (AIX4.2/UCB 8.7/1.00) with SMTP id JAA24824 for <>; Mon, 31 Jan 2000 09:04:16 +0100 (NFT)
(qmail 28406 invoked by uid 30); 31 Jan 2000 08:04:03 -0000Received: (qmail 28406 invoeed by uid 30); 31 Jan 2000 08:04:03 -0000
contact; run by ezmlmMailing-List: contact; run by ezmlm
bulkPrecedence: bulk
mailing list linux@linux.czDelivered-To: mailing list
(qmail 28398 invoked from network); 31 Jan 2000 08:04:01 -0000Received: (qmail 28398 invoked from network); 31 Jan 2000 08:04:01 -0000
EPOS PRO, s.r.o.Organization: EPOS PRO, s.r.o.
normalPriority: normal
1 MIME parts converted to iso-8859-2X-MIME2LATIN2: 1 MIME parts converted to iso-8859-2
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Potreboval bych, aby v urcitem adresari a jeho podadresarich se=20
nastavovala skupina (Group) vytvorenych failu na mnou definovanou.
A ne podle toho, jakou ma zrovna nastavenou uzivatel.
Reseni - v cronu kazdych 5 minut menit skupinu, se mi opravdu neeibi.
Neco jsem cetl o tom, ze v BSD se group bere z parent dir. Coz by se=20
mi libilo, ale kvuli tomu na BSD prechazet nebudu. Spis, jestli by=20
Selects those documents which are in review and have due dates which have passed. Based upon the review style"of the document, it then either moves it along to the next reviewer, marks it as complete, or simply notifies the current reviewer(s) that their review is overdue.