| <A HREF="http://www.ecampus.com/enter/humor/cartoon/gl.cgi?mode=archive">Humor Archive</A> | <A HREF="#strange">Strange or Lie</A> | <A HREF="#humor">Humorous Thought of the Week</A> | <A HREF="mailto:ecampus@panix.com">Cartoon Feedback</A> |<H1>Daily Gagline</H1>
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<P><HR SIZE=4><H1><A NAME="strange">Strange or Lie?</A></H1>
Everybody knows that before CDs and cassettes people use to listen to these things called records. (Think back I know you can remember them.) Most old people (i.e. over 30) can also remember that records came in the "speeds" of: 33, 45, and 78 rotations per minute. What most people don't remember that for a brief time in the 50's (the birth era of modern music you hound dog you) a small Japanese record company experimented with a small record with a speed of <i>156</i> rpm. It never really caught on though as the records spun so fast they would ware down record needles much too fast.
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.ecampus.com/enter/humor/cartoon/gl.cgi#strange"><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="value" VALUE="T" CHECKED> Strange or <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="value" VALUE="F"> Lie<P><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE=" Submit Answer "></FORM><P><HR SIZE=4><P><H1><A NAME="humor">Humorous Thought of the Week</A></H1>
<H2>You may be a hacker if:</H2>
<P> You can get a computers to do anything but you can't get lovers to do anything.
<P> The FBI pays you surprise visits in the middle of the night.
<P> You buy your computer presents on valentines day.
<P> You bought a notebook computer so its easier to read in the bathroom.
<P> You don't know what any of your friends look like in person.
<P> When asked to fill in your name in form you put in your e-mail address.
<P> You have more than 2 e-mail addresses.
<P> You find nothing at all interesting on Baywatch but you salivate when watching Computer Corner.
<P> You think Bill Gates is really macho.
<P> You secretly taunt people who don't know how to use GREP.
<P> You openly taunt people who use Microsoft Bob.
<P> You think seriously about changing your middle name to UNIX.
<P> You subscribe to no magazines but 110 listservers.
<P> You saw the Net twelve times and keep thinking it would be a better movie if they showed less of Sandra Bullock and more of her computer screen.
<P> It doesn't matter what kind of car your driving as long as your computer system is the latest most powerful.
<P> You think documentation and FAQS are for wimps and newbies.
<P> Your day's not complete unless you get in a flame war with somebody.
<P> You use words like newbe, flame war, spamming and FAQ.
<P> You know what words like newbe, flame war, spamming and FAQ mean.
<HR SIZE=4><BR><CENTER>Gaglines has been accessed 1,766 times since January 8, 1996.</CENTER><P><HR SIZE=4>