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859 lines
version 1.0
Copyright (C) 1989 by Eduardo Martins
____|__ | (tm)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
Pyramid User's Manual
Pyramid 1.0 is the latest addition to my line of shareware solitaire
games. Like its predecessors, it features high-resolution EGA graphics,
full mouse support, and a sleek, easy to use interface. Pyramid goes one
step further by including a Tournament mode in which you can play
against a friend, or try your luck against the computer. While there are
other implementations of Pyramid solitaire available, I have tried to
make this one the finest, and think that its crisp, colorful graphics,
cheerful sounds, and polished user interface have no match. Users of my
previous programs generally regard them as the best in their class; I
hope you'll find the same holds true for Pyramid 1.0. It took me a lot
of time and effort to develop it; please encourage the development of
other high-quality shareware programs by sending the enclosed
registration form and the registration fee.
A little plug: if you enjoy solitaire games, chances are you will like
my other games, Klondike (current version as of December 1989 is 2.3),
and Poker Solitaire (current version is 2.0). They can be found on
CompuServe (IBMNEW Library 6, as KLDK23.EXE and PSOL20.EXE), GEnie
(IBMPC RoundTable Library 7, as KLONDK23.EXE and PKRSOL20.EXE), and on
major Bulletin Board Systems all over the country, or you can get a
diskette with the latest versions directly from me by sending a $5
check. Note that the $5 are only to cover the diskette and mailing
costs, each program has a registration fee of $15 (registration only) or
$20 (registration, latest version on disk, and printed manual).
Pyramid 1.0 runs on an IBM-PC or compatible running under MS-DOS 2.0 or
greater, with an EGA/VGA monitor and display adapter and 256 Kbytes of
available memory. A Microsoft-compatible mouse is strongly recommended,
but the game can be played from the keyboard. If you want to use the
mouse, the mouse driver (usually called MOUSE.SYS or MOUSE.COM) must be
installed before you load Pyramid; please refer to your mouse
documentation for instructions. Make sure that the files PYRAMID.EXE,
PYRAMID.PCL, and PYRAMID.HLP are all on the current directory. If you
are running Pyramid from a floppy disk, make sure that the disk is not
write-protected, since the program writes configuration information to
Pyramid User's Manual
Deal twenty-eight cards in the form of a pyramid. The first row has one
card, the second two cards, and so on. The last row has seven cards, and
each row overlaps the previous one, so that each card (except in the
seventh row) is partly covered by two cards of the next row. At the
beginning of play, the seven cards of the last row are available. The
removal of any two adjacent cards uncovers one card in the row above.
Each card wholly uncovered becomes available. From the available cards,
discard pairs of cards that total thirteen (aces are worth one, jacks
eleven, queens twelve, and kings thirteen). Discard kings singly. Turn
cards from the Pack one at a time, putting unplayable cards in a Waste
Pile. The top card of the Waste Pile is always available, and may be
paired with the next card turned up from the Pack or with any released
card in the pyramid. The game is won if you remove all cards from the
pyramid, Pack, and Waste Pile.
Par Pyramid
Par Pyramid is a method of scoring that establishes degrees of victory.
Two redeals are allowed. If you win the game in one deal, score 50
points. If you clear away the pyramid on the first deal, use the redeals
to deplete the Pack, if possible, and score 50 less the number of cards
left in the Waste Pile. Similarly, if you clear away the pyramid on the
second or third deal, score 35 or 20 respectively, less the number in
the Waste Pile. If you do not clear away the pyramid, subtract from your
score the total number of cards left undiscarded. Par is a net score of
zero in six games, and any net plus may be considered a win. Par Pyramid
may be played competitively by two or more, each playing six games with
his own deck. The best final score wins.
This implementation of Pyramid can be played in two ways. On the first,
'Standard Play', a single game is played, with two redeals allowed. On
the second, 'Tournament Play', a series of six games, with two redeals,
is played either by a single player, by two competing players, or by a
player competing against the computer.
Pyramid User's Manual
To select a card, place the mouse cursor over it and press the left
mouse button. The selected card will be highlighted. Notice that when
the cursor is over a card that can be selected it will change from an
arrow shape to a pointing hand. If you select a card by mistake, place
the mouse cursor over it and press the left button again to deselect it.
After you select the first card, select the second one. If the two
selected cards total thirteen, they will be removed from the board,
otherwise a beep will sound and an error message will be displayed. To
move a card from the Pack to the Waste Pile, press the right mouse
button. The mouse cursor does NOT need to be over the top card of the
Standard Play
The following commands are available during play, and can be issued by
placing the mouse cursor over the corresponding 'command button' (on the
lower right hand corner of the screen) and pressing the left mouse
HINT: highlights two cards that total thirteen and that can be
removed from the board. The cards remain highlighted as long
as you keep pressing the left mouse button; when you release
the button the highlights will disappear. If no cards can be
removed, a beep and a message will tell you so.
NEW: interrupts the current game and starts a new one. You are
asked to confirm by selecting either 'Yes' or 'No' from a
dialog box. Use the left mouse button to enter your selection.
TOUR: switch to Tournament Play. Select 'None' for no
opponent, 'Human' to play against another player, or
'Computer' to play against the computer. You can also select
'Restore' to resume a previously saved game.
CONFIG: brings up the Configuration menu. This allows you to
customize your copy of Pyramid. The first option, Mouse, can
be set to 'Yes' (always use the mouse; this option is ignored
if a mouse driver is not found when you start Pyramid), 'No'
(always use the keyboard, even if a mouse driver is present),
or 'Ask' (if a mouse driver is found, asks at the beginning of
each game whether or not you want to use the mouse). The
second option, Sound, can be set to 'Full' (songs and beeps
are enabled), 'Partial' (songs disabled, but error beeps
enabled), or 'Off' (both songs and beeps disabled). The third
option, Speed, controls the speed of the computer controlled
player, and can be set to 'Slow', 'Medium', or 'Fast'. The
fourth option, Error Messages, can be set to 'Yes' (displays a
Pyramid User's Manual
context-sensitive error message each time an error occurs), or
'No' (does not display the error messages, errors are
indicated by beeps if Sound is either Full or Partial).
Finally, the fifth option, Use Same Deck, can be set to 'Yes'
(the same deal is used for both players during each game of a
Tournament), or 'No' (the deck is redealt for each player). To
select an option, place the mouse cursor over it and press the
left mouse button. Currently selected options are highlighted.
Press the right mouse button when done. If you are playing
from a floppy-disk, do NOT write-protect the disk, otherwise
Config will not be able to write the configuration
AUTO: the computer finishes the current game for you.
INFO: displays Copyright and Version information, and your
registration number if you have a registered copy. Press any
mouse button to return to the game after you are done viewing
the information.
? HELP: displays a help file. Use the mouse buttons (left
button = page down, right button = page up) to move around the
file, and press both buttons when you are done viewing it.
QUIT: quits Pyramid. You are asked to confirm by selecting
either 'Yes' or 'No' from a dialog box. Use the left mouse
button to enter your selection.
Tournament Play
Once you start Tournament play, you stay in Tournament mode until you
select EXIT to get back to standard play. NEW will start a new
Tournament match, using the same settings (number of players, human or
computer opponent, and player names) of the current match. All other
commands work as described above, except for HINT, TOUR, AUTO and QUIT.
These three commands are not available during Tournament Play, and are
replaced by the following commands:
TOP 10: displays the Top 10 scores. A list of the ten best
Tournament scores (that is, the net score of a series of six
games) is maintained. The score must be greater than zero to
enter the Top 10 list.
SAVE: saves the current game to the file PYRAMID.SAV. The game
can be resumed later by selecting RESTORE from the TOUR menu.
SCORE: displays the current score.
EXIT: exits Tournament mode, getting you back to Standard
Pyramid User's Manual
To select a card, press the number corresponding to the ROW of the card
you want to select (1 to 7), and then the number corresponding to the
COLUMN of the card (again, 1 to 7). Note that the top card of the
Pyramid is 1,1; the left- most card at the bottom is 7,1; and the
rightmost card at the bottom is 7,7. Row numbers are displayed in light
green to the left of the Pyramid; and column numbers are displayed in
yellow at the top of the cards. The selected card will be highlighted.
After you select the first card, select the second one. If the two
selected cards total thirteen, they will be removed from the board,
otherwise a beep will sound and an error message will be displayed. To
select the top card of the Pack, press [P]. To select the top card of
the Waste Pile, press [W]. To move a card from the Pack to the Waste
Pile, press [D] (for Discard). Note that you can use the numeric keypad
to play; use 1-7 for row and column numbers, 8 for Pack, 9 for Waste,
and 0 for Discard.
Note that the NumLock option is automatically turned on when you play
using the keyboard. You can then use the numeric keypad to play. The
keypad keys work as indicated below:
+------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+
|7 | |8 | |9 | | | |7 | |8 | |9 | |+ |
|# 7 | |Pack | |Waste | | | |# 7 | |Pack | |Waste | | |
+------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ | |
+------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ | |
|4 | |5 | |6 | |- | |4 | |5 | |6 | | |
|# 4 | |# 5 | |# 6 | |Quit | |# 4 | |# 5 | |# 6 | |New |
+------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+
+------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+ +------+
|1 | |2 | |3 | |+ | |1 | |2 | |3 | |Enter |
|# 1 | |# 2 | |# 3 | | | |# 1 | |# 2 | |# 3 | | |
+------+ +------+ +------+ | | +------+ +------+ +------+ | |
+---------------+ +------+ | | +---------------+ +------+ | |
|0 | | | | | |0 | | | | |
|Discard | | | |New | |Discard | | | |Quit |
+---------------+ +------+ +------+ +---------------+ +------+ +------+
Standard AT keyboard Enhanced keyboard
Pyramid User's Manual
Standard Play
The following commands are available during play, and can be issued by
typing the highlighted letter from the corresponding 'command button'
(on the lower right hand corner of the screen):
HINT: highlights two cards that total thirteen and that can be
removed from the board. Press any key to remove the highlights
and go back to normal play mode. If no cards can be removed, a
beep and a message will tell you so.
NEW: interrupts the current game and starts a new one. You are
asked to confirm by selecting either 'Yes' or 'No' from a
dialog box. Press either [Y] or [N] to enter your selection.
TOUR: switch to Tournament Play. Select 'None' for no
opponent, 'Human' to play against another player, or
'Computer' to play against the computer. You can also select
'Restore' to resume a previously saved game.
CONFIG: brings up the Configuration menu. This allows you to
customize your copy of Pyramid. The first option, Mouse, can
be set to 'Yes' (always use the mouse; this option is ignored
if a mouse driver is not found when you start Pyramid), 'No'
(always use the keyboard, even if a mouse driver is present),
or 'Ask' (if a mouse driver is found, asks at the beginning of
each game whether or not you want to use the mouse). The
second option, Sound, can be set to 'Full' (songs and beeps
are enabled), 'Partial' (songs disabled, but error beeps
enabled), or 'Off' (both songs and beeps disabled). The third
option, Speed, controls the speed of the computer controlled
player, and can be set to 'Slow', 'Medium', or 'Fast'. The
fourth option, Error Messages, can be set to 'Yes' (displays a
context-sensitive error message each time an error occurs), or
'No' (does not display the error messages, errors are
indicated by beeps if Sound is either Full or Partial).
Finally, the fifth option, Use Same Deck, can be set to 'Yes'
(the same deal is used for both players during each game of a
Tournament), or 'No' (the deck is redealt for each player).
You will be prompted to enter the desired option for Mouse,
Sound, Speed, Error Messages, and Use Same Deck, in that
order. Press either [Y], [N] or [A] for Mouse; [F], [P] or [O]
for Sound; [S], [M] or [F] for Speed; [Y] or [N] for Error
Messages, and [Y] or [N] for Use Same Deck. Press [Enter]
after selecting each one. Currently selected options are
highlighted. If you are playing from a floppy-disk, do NOT
write-protect the disk, otherwise Config will not be able to
write the configuration information.
AUTO: the computer finishes the current game for you.
Pyramid User's Manual
INFO: displays Copyright and Version information, and your
registration number if you have a registered copy. Press any
key to return to the game after you are done viewing the
? HELP: displays a help file. Use the cursor keys (Up Arrow,
Down Arrow, PgUp, PgDn, Home, and End) to move around the
file, and press [Esc] when you are done viewing it.
QUIT: quits Pyramid. You are asked to confirm by selecting
either 'Yes' or 'No' from a dialog box. Press either [Y] or
[N] to enter your selection.
Tournament Play
Once you start Tournament play, you stay in Tournament mode until you
select EXIT to get back to standard play. NEW will start a new
Tournament match, using the same settings (number of players, human or
computer opponent, and player names) of the current match. All other
commands work as described above, except for HINT, TOUR, AUTO, and QUIT.
These three commands are not available during Tournament Play, and are
replaced by the following commands:
TOP 10: displays the Top 10 scores. A list of the ten best
Tournament scores (that is, the net score of a series of six
games) is maintained. The score must be greater than zero to
enter the Top 10 list.
SAVE: saves the current game to the file PYRAMID.SAV. The game
can be resumed later by selecting RESTORE from the TOUR menu.
SCORE: displays the current score.
EXIT: exits Tournament mode, getting you back to Standard
* Pyramid will not finish a game if any valid moves can be made using
the available cards. If you have gone through the three passes and
the game seems to be 'locked up', check the Pyramid carefully for
possible moves. If in Standard mode, you can use the HINT command.
Once all valid moves are made, the game will finish and the score
will be displayed.
* If you do not make any moves during a pass, Pyramid will assume you
have reached a standstill and will cut the game short, not allowing
you other pass(es).
Pyramid User's Manual
* After a saved game is restored, the PYRAMID.SAV file is erased.
* At the beginning of each tournament, and each time you clear the
Pyramid, you'll hear a song (if you have Full Sound turned on). You
do not have to wait for the song to finish; the song will play in the
background as you make your moves.
* When you start a Tournament, you are prompted for the players' names.
The last names used in the current session are suggested as default;
if you want to use the same names, simply press [Enter]. If you want
to use new names, you don't have to erase the previous ones; simply
start typing the new name and the old one will be overwritten.
The following options can be specified when you load Pyramid:
-mouse selects the mouse as the input device. This option is
ignored if a mouse driver is not found.
-nomouse selects the keyboard as the input device.
-ask asks whether or not you want to use the mouse. This option
is ignored if a mouse driver is not found. [Default]
-fullsound turns full sound (songs and error beeps) on. [Default]
-partsound turns partial sound (error beeps, but no songs) on.
-nosound turns both songs and error beeps off.
-slow selects slow Auto play speed.
-medium selects medium Auto play speed. [Default]
-fast selects fast Auto play speed.
-errormsgon turns error messages on. [Default]
-errormsgoff turns error messages off.
Note that the command-line switches have precedence over the settings
selected through the Config command. So, if you have Pyramid currently
configured to use the mouse and the slow Auto play speed, but you load
it as
pyramid -nomouse -fast
the keyboard and the fast Auto play speed will be used.
Pyramid User's Manual
You are granted a license to try this program for a period of 21 days.
If you continue to use it after the trial period is over, you must
register by sending the registration form and $15 (registration only) or
$20 (registration, latest version on disk, and printed manual) to
Eduardo Martins
Station A P.O. Box 2052
Champaign, IL 61825-2052
When you register Pyramid, you receive a registration number and
instructions on how to store it into your copy. This number will then be
displayed instead of the 'Unregistered Evaluation Copy' message on the
opening screen and on the Info window, and the Shareware screen that is
displayed after you quit the game will be suppressed.
Note that, except for the differences listed above, the evaluation and
the registered copies are identical. The evaluation copy is fully
All registered users are entitled to free upgrades to the latest version
of Pyramid. It can be downloaded from CompuServe's IBMNEW Forum (Library
6), GEnie's IBMPC RoundTable (Software Library 7) or from Bulletin Board
Systems all over the country. The following BBS will always have the
latest version, uploaded directly by me:
SikhNet 209-683-2085
Argus Computerized Exchange 617-229-2345
The Third Millenium 208-664-2983
Xanadu 217-384-2127
AJAX 201-256-7499
PC Help Desk 205-882-6167
You can also get it directly from me, by sending a $5 check to cover
diskette and mailing costs. If you get it from me, I will also send a
PostScript quality printed manual.
Pyramid User's Manual
If you have any questions or comments about Pyramid, please write to
Eduardo Martins
Station A, P.O. Box 2052
Champaign, IL 61825-2052
or leave electronic mail to 73300,267 on CompuServe or E.MARTINS on
GEnie. The fastest way to reach me is through CompuServe - I log on
about twice a day, opposed to about once a week on GEnie. Don't hesitate
to write, I belive in supporting my users, and would like to hear from
While I have made every effort to ensure that this software works
properly, I know better than to claim that you will never experience
problems while using it. If you believe you have found a bug, please
report it in as much detail as possible, including a reproducible
sequence of events that leads to the problem, a complete description of
your hardware (including mouse manufacturer and mouse driver version
number), DOS version used, amount of free memory reported by CHKDSK, and
a copy of your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files.
Pyramid was written using Borland's Turbo Pascal 5.0, Turbo Power
Software's Turbo Professional 5.0, and Genus Microcomputing's PCX
Programmer's Toolkit and PCX Effects.
I wish to thank everybody at CompuServe's Borland (BPROGA) Forum. Their
help and support has been invaluable. I also wish to thank the following
* Neil Rubenking, author of PianoMan, used to add the songs;
* Scott Bussinger, author of the BackPlay unit, used to play the
PianoMan tunes in the background;
* Michael Day, author of the Mouse unit, used to add mouse support;
* Tim Godfrey, author of the GrafText unit, used for the extremely fast
graphics-mode screen writes;
* and, last but not least, the best beta-test team in the world: Mael
Martins, Joan Friedman, Howard Silverman, Angel Cruz, Tom Canaday,
Diane Clayton, Fred Hill, Martin Schiff, Neil Rubenking, Don
Gloistein, and David L. Blair. Special thanks to Howard Benner and
the whole TAPCIS crew.
Pyramid User's Manual
(Definition supplied by the Association of Shareware Professionals)
Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before
buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are
expected to register. Individual programs differ on details -- some
request registration while others require it, some specify a maximum
trial period. With registration, you get anything from the simple right
to continue using the software to an updated program with a printed
Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software, and the
copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as
stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like
commercial authors, and the programs are of comparable quality. (In both
cases, there are good programs and bad ones!) The main difference is in
the method of distribution. The author specifically grants the right to
copy and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a
specific group. For example, some authors require written permission
before a commercial disk vendor may copy their Shareware.
So, Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You
should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether it's
commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting your needs
easier, because you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is
low, prices are low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back
guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you don't pay for it.
This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle
works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem
with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to
help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with
an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members'
products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue,
WA 98006 or send a Compuserve message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman
Pyramid User's Manual
To register Pyramid, please send this form and a $15 (registration only)
or $20 (registration, latest version on disk, and printed manual) check
or money order to
Eduardo Martins
Station A P.O. Box 2052
Champaign, IL 61825-2052
NAME: ______________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________
Where did you get your copy of Pyramid?
|_| CompuServe CIS User ID: ____________________
|_| GEnie GEnie address: __________________
|_| BBS (please give name and number): _____________________________
|_| Disk vendor (please specify): __________________________________
|_| Other (please specify): ________________________________________
Thank you for registering Pyramid!