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Assembly Source File
1,522 lines
; ▄┌═════════════════┐▄ ;
; ─══╣│ CPUidle for DOS │╠══─ ;
; ▀└─────────────────┘▀ ;
; Kernel name: CPUidle for DOS.
; Kernel version: V2.10 [Build 0077]
; Programming stage: Working version, Under development.
; Last modified: 1998 May 07.
; Ralphs intlist -> more idle possibilities.
;║ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ RESIDENT PART OF PROGRAM ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ ║;
;░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ GLOBAL CODE & DATA FOR ALL HANDLERS ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░;
ideal ; Yep, this prog is TASM 4.0 coded!
include "_stddata.ah"
include "_tsrres.ah"
include "_dcon.ah"
Struct qk_item
prog db 12 dup (0), 0 ; Name of the child process.
hooknum db 0 ; Number of FN hooks.
execnum dw 0 ; "PID number" of child.
Struct qk_hook
fnaddr dw 0 ; Address of FN to hook.
newaddr dw 0 ; New address of the FN.
oldaddr dw 0 ; Old address of the FN.
MODE_OPTIMIZE = 01h ; Set if CPU optimization selected.
MODE_HLT = 02h ; Set if normal HLT method selected.
MODE_APM = 04h ; Set if APM cooling method selected.
MODE_NOFORCE = 08h ; Set if any FORCE MODE is disabled.
MODE_WFORCE = 10h ; Set if WEAK FORCE strategy selected.
MODE_SFORCE = 20h ; Set if STRONG FORCE strategy selected.
IRQ_00 = 01h ;
IRQ_01 = 02h ;
IRQ_02 = 04h ;
IRQ_03 = 08h ;
IRQ_04 = 10h ;
IRQ_05 = 20h ; Flag set if that specific IRQ was
IRQ_06 = 40h ; invoked. Should later be cleared by
IRQ_07 = 80h ; kernel...
INT_XXH_FORCE = 300 ; # of calls to FN before forced HLT.
Align 4
int_xxh_fcount dd 0 ; # int xxh FN(x) called repeatedly.
mode_flags db MODE_SFORCE ; Config flags for program startup.
irq_flags db 0 ; IRQ flags for kernel.
quirk_table qk_item <"NC.EXE", 1, 0>
qk_hook <int_21h_fntable + 2ch * 2, int_xxh_forcehlt, int_xxh_zerocount>
qk_item <"SCANDISK.EXE", 1, 0>
qk_hook <int_21h_fntable + 0bh * 2, int_xxh_zerocount, int_xxh_forcehlt>
exec_calls dw 200 ; Count of DOS FN 4bh calls.
child_name db 13 dup (0) ; Name of the child to be executed.
Proc _str_cmp ; NOTE: Copied from _string.h!!
push ax cx si di
mov cx,DEF_STR_LEN ; CX = default string length.
@@cmp: mov al,[ds:si] ; Read char from string #1.
cmp al,[es:di] ; Char (#1) == char (#2)?
jne short @@done ; Nope, strings can't be equal.
test al,al ; Done (char (#1) = char (#2) = 0)?
jz short @@done ; Yes, string are equal.
inc si ;
inc di ;
loop @@cmp ; Continue.
@@done: pop di si cx ax
Proc int_xxh_forcehlt
inc [int_xxh_fcount] ; Increase force counter.
cmp [int_xxh_fcount],INT_XXH_FORCE ; Over the minimum?
jb short @@done ; Nah, don't HLT yet.
mov [irq_flags],0 ; Clear IRQ flags.
sti ; Enable IRQs for following HLT.
test [mode_flags],MODE_APM ; APM usage requested?
jnz short @@apm ; Yes.
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
@@std: test [mode_flags],MODE_SFORCE ; Running under STRONG FORCE mode?
jnz short @@stds ; Yes.
@@stdw: hlt ; Enter power saving mode.
ret ; Fast exit.
@@stds: and [irq_flags],not IRQ_00 ; Clear IRQ0 occurred flag.
hlt ; Enter power saving mode.
cmp [irq_flags],IRQ_00 ; Was it IRQ0 (timer) ONLY?!
je @@stds ; Yes, go back HLTing.
ret ; Fast exit.
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
@@apm: test [mode_flags],MODE_SFORCE ; Running under STRONG FORCE mode?
jnz short @@apms ; Yes.
@@apmw: mov ax,5305h ;
pushf ;
call [dword old_int_15h] ; Call APM FN to put the CPU idle.
@@apms: and [irq_flags],not IRQ_00 ; Clear IRQ0 occurred flag.
mov ax,5305h ;
pushf ;
call [dword old_int_15h] ; Call APM FN to put the CPU idle.
cmp [irq_flags],IRQ_00 ; Was it IRQ0 (timer) ONLY?!
je @@apms ; Yes, go back HLTing.
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
@@done: ret
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
Proc int_xxh_zerocount ; Zero ALL FORCE counters.
mov [int_xxh_fcount],0 ; Zero int xxh force counter.
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
Proc int_xxh_skip ; Skip ALL FORCE counter updates.
;░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ INT 21H HANDLER ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░;
INT_21H_TOPFN = 4ch ; Highest FN that is handled.
Align 4
old_int_21h rmdw <0, 0>
int_21h_fntable dw int_xxh_zerocount ; FN 00h: Terminate.
dw int_21h_normalhlt ; FN 01h: Keyboard input.
dw int_xxh_zerocount ; FN 02h: Display char.
dw int_xxh_skip ; FN 03h: Auxiliary input.
dw int_xxh_zerocount ; FN 04h: Auxiliary output.
dw int_xxh_zerocount ; FN 05h: Printer output.
dw int_21h_fn06h ; FN 06h: Console I/O.
dw int_21h_normalhlt ; FN 07h: No echo unfiltered input.
dw int_21h_normalhlt ; FN 08h: No echo input.
dw int_xxh_zerocount ; FN 09h: Display string.
dw int_xxh_skip ; FN 0ah: Buffered input.
dw int_xxh_forcehlt ; FN 0bh: "Keypressed?"
dw int_xxh_skip ; FN 0ch: Clear buffer and input.
dw 24h dup (int_xxh_zerocount) ; FNs 0dh - 30h.
dw int_21h_fn31h ; FN 31h: Terminate and Stay Resident.
dw 19h dup (int_xxh_zerocount) ; FNs 32h - 4ah.
dw int_21h_fn4bh ; FN 4bh: Execute child process.
dw int_21h_fn4ch ; FN 4ch: Terminate child process.
Proc int_21h_fn06h ; DOS FN: Console I/O.
cmp dl,0ffh ; "Keypressed?" function requested?
jne short @@done ; No.
jmp [int_21h_fntable + 0bh * 2] ; Force HLT (as FN 0bh does it).
@@done: ret
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
Proc int_21h_fn31h ; DOS FN: Terminate and Stay Resident.
jmp int_21h_fn4ch ; Same as standard exit...
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
Proc int_21h_fn4bh ; DOS FN: Execute child process.
push es ;
mov bp,sp ; BP = ptr to entry DS on stack.
inc [exec_calls] ; Increase count of exec calls.
test al,al ; Load and execute child?
jnz short @@done ; No, no work for us.
mov ax,[ss:bp + 2 + 16 + 2] ; Get DS from stack.
mov es,ax ;
mov di,dx ; ES:DI = caller's DS:DX = child name.
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
lea si,[child_name] ; DS:SI = target buffer for child name.
xor bx,bx ; BX = index of char at [DS:SI].
@@read: mov al,[es:di] ; Get char of child name in int 21h.
mov [ds:si + bx],al ; Save it to our buffer.
cmp al,':' ; Was it a DRIVE specifier?
je short @@kill ; Yes.
cmp al,'\' ; Was it a PATH separator?
jne short @@next ; No.
@@kill: mov bx,-1 ; Restart savig to buffer...
@@next: inc di ;
inc bx ; Advance index pointers.
test al,al ; At end of ASCIIZ filename?
jnz @@read ; No.
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
lea bx,[quirk_table] ; BX = ptr to table of quirky programs.
mov cx,QK_ITEMS ; CX = number of entries in table.
lea di,[child_name] ;
mov ax,ds ;
mov es,ax ; ES:DI = ptr to ASCIIZ name of child.
@@find: lea si,[(qk_item bx).prog] ; SI = ptr to quirky child name.
call _str_cmp ; Is this child being executed?
je short @@set ; Yes, handle it.
mov al,[(qk_item bx).hooknum] ; AL = number of FN hooks.
mov ah,size qk_hook ; AH = size of one FN hook.
mul ah ; AX = value to increment BX with.
add bx,ax ;
add bx,size qk_item ;
loop @@find ; Continue.
jmp short @@done ; Child is NOT a quirky program, done.
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
@@set: mov ax,[exec_calls] ;
mov [(qk_item bx).execnum],ax ; Save "PID" of this quirky program.
xor ch,ch ;
mov cl,[(qk_item bx).hooknum] ; CX = number of hooks to install.
add bx,size qk_item ; BX = ptr to first hook data.
test cl,cl ; No hooks needed?
jz short @@done ; Yes, crazy but quit...
@@hook: mov si,[(qk_hook bx).fnaddr] ; SI = address of FN to hook.
mov ax,[ds:si] ; Get old FN handler.
mov [(qk_hook bx).oldaddr],ax ; Save it.
mov ax,[(qk_hook bx).newaddr] ; Get new address for FN handler.
mov [ds:si],ax ; Hook FN.
add bx,size qk_hook ;
loop @@hook ; Continue.
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
@@done: pop es
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
Proc int_21h_fn4ch ; DOS FN: Terminate child process.
lea bx,[quirk_table] ; BX = ptr to table of quirky programs.
mov cx,QK_ITEMS ; CX = number of entries in table.
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
@@find: mov ax,[(qk_item bx).execnum] ; Get "PID" of saved program.
cmp ax,[exec_calls] ; Is it this program?
je short @@set ; Yes, handle it.
mov al,[(qk_item bx).hooknum] ; AL = number of FN hooks.
mov ah,size qk_hook ; AH = size of one FN hook.
mul ah ; AX = value to increment BX with.
add bx,ax ;
add bx,size qk_item ;
loop @@find ; Continue.
jmp short @@done ; Finish, program wasn't found.
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
@@set: xor ch,ch ;
mov cl,[(qk_item bx).hooknum] ; CX = number of hooks to deinstall.
add bx,size qk_item ; BX = ptr to first hook data.
test cl,cl ; No hooks needed?
jz short @@done ; Yes, crazy but quit...
@@unhk: mov si,[(qk_hook bx).fnaddr] ; SI = address of FN to unhook.
mov ax,[(qk_hook bx).oldaddr] ; Get old FN handler.
mov [ds:si],ax ; Restore original handler.
add bx,size qk_hook ;
loop @@unhk ; Continue.
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
@@done: dec [exec_calls]
Proc int_21h_normalhlt
sti ; Enable IRQs for following HLT.
mov ah,0bh ; Int 21h FN: "Keypressed?".
test [mode_flags],MODE_APM ; APM usage requested?
jnz short @@apml ; Yes.
@@stdl: hlt ; Enter power saving mode.
pushf ;
call [dword old_int_21h] ; Simulate int 21h without reentrancy.
cmp al,0ffh ; Keystroke ready?
jne @@stdl ; No, continue HLTing.
jmp short @@done ; Finish.
@@apml: mov ax,5305h ;
pushf ;
call [dword old_int_15h] ; Call APM FN to put the CPU idle.
mov ah,0bh ; Int 21h FN: "Keypressed?"
pushf ;
call [dword old_int_21h] ; Simulate int 21h without reentrancy.
cmp al,0ffh ; Keystroke ready?
jne @@apml ; No, continue HLTing.
@@done: ret
Align 16
Proc int_21h_handler ; DOS functions handler.
push ax bx ds
mov bx,cs ;
mov ds,bx ; CODE = DATA.
cmp ah,INT_21H_TOPFN ; FN irrelevant for our handler?
ja short @@old ; Yes, zero force counter and chain.
xor bh,bh ;
mov bl,ah ;
add bx,bx ; BX = index to int_21h_fntable.
add bx,offset int_21h_fntable ; BX = offset of handler.
call [word bx] ; Call the appropriate FN handler.
jmp short @@oldn ; Chain without zeroing force count.
@@old: mov [int_xxh_fcount],0 ; Zero int xxh force counter.
@@oldn: pop ds bx ax
jmp [dword cs:old_int_21h] ; Chain to old interrupt handler.
;░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ INT 16H HANDLER ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░;
INT_16H_TOPFN = 12h ; Highest FN that is handled.
Align 4
old_int_16h rmdw <0, 0>
int_16h_fntable dw int_16h_normalhlt ; FN 00h: Keyboard input.
dw int_xxh_forcehlt ; FN 01h: "Keypressed?".
dw int_xxh_forcehlt ; FN 02h: "SHIFT Keypressed?".
dw 0dh dup (int_xxh_zerocount) ; FNs 03h - 09h.
dw int_16h_normalhlt ; FN 10h: Keyboard input (101-keys).
dw int_xxh_forcehlt ; FN 11h: "Keypressed?" (101-keys).
dw int_xxh_forcehlt ; FN 12h: "SHIFT Keypressed?" (101).
Proc int_16h_normalhlt
inc ah ; Int 16h FN: Is keystroke ready?
mov bh,ah ; Save AH (FN number).
sti ; Enable IRQs for following HLT.
test [mode_flags],MODE_APM ; APM usage requested?
jnz short @@apml ; Yes.
@@stdl: pushf ;
call [dword old_int_16h] ; Simulate int 16h without reentrancy.
jnz short @@done ; If ZF == 0 then key is ready.
hlt ; Enter power saving mode.
mov ah,bh ; Restore saved AH (FN number).
jmp @@stdl
@@apml: pushf ;
call [dword old_int_16h] ; Simulate int 16h without reentrancy.
jnz short @@done ; If ZF == 0 then key is ready.
mov ax,5305h ;
pushf ;
call [dword old_int_15h] ; Call APM FN to put the CPU idle.
mov ah,bh ; Restore saved AH (FN number).
jmp @@apml ; No, continue HLTing.
@@done: ret
Align 16
Proc int_16h_handler ; BIOS keyboard functions handler.
push ax bx ds
mov bx,cs ;
mov ds,bx ; CODE = DATA.
cmp ah,INT_16H_TOPFN ; FN irrelevant for our handler?
ja short @@old ; Yes, zero force counter and chain.
xor bh,bh ;
mov bl,ah ;
add bx,bx ; BX = index to int_16h_fntable.
add bx,offset int_16h_fntable ; BX = offset of handler.
call [word bx] ; Call the appropriate FN handler.
jmp short @@oldn ; Chain without zeroing force count.
@@old: mov [int_xxh_fcount],0 ; Zero int xxh force counter.
@@oldn: pop ds bx ax
jmp [dword cs:old_int_16h] ; Chain to old interrupt handler.
;░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ INT 2FH HANDLER ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░;
INT_2FH_TOPFN = 0ffffh ; Highest FN that is handled.
Align 4
old_int_2fh rmdw <0, 0>
Align 16
Proc int_2fh_handler
push dx ds
mov dx,cs ;
mov ds,dx ; CODE = DATA.
cmp ax,1680h ; DPMI release time slice?
je short @@dpmi ; Yes.
cmp ax,1607 ; Windows VMPoll Idle callout?
jne short @@old ; No, exit.
@@vmpl: cmp bx,0018h ; Is it the VMPoll VxD ID number?
jne short @@old ; No, exit.
test cx,cx ; Is it the VMPoll driver?
jnz short @@old ; No, exit.
@@dpmi: call int_xxh_forcehlt ; Enter power saving mode.
jmp short @@oldn ; Chain without zeroing force count.
@@old: mov [int_xxh_fcount],0 ; Zero int xxh force counter.
@@oldn: pop ds dx
jmp [dword cs:old_int_2fh] ; Chain to old interrupt handler.
;░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ INT 14H HANDLER ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░;
INT_14H_TOPFN = 03h ; Highest FN that is handled.
Align 4
old_int_14h rmdw <0, 0>
int_14h_fntable dw int_xxh_zerocount ; FN 00h: Init COM port.
dw int_xxh_zerocount ; FN 01h: Send char to COM port.
dw int_14h_normalhlt ; FN 02h: Read char from COM port.
dw int_xxh_forcehlt ; FN 03h: "Char ready?"
Proc int_14h_normalhlt
sti ; Enable IRQs for following HLT.
test [mode_flags],MODE_APM ; APM usage requested?
jnz short @@apml ; Yes.
@@stdl: hlt ; Enter power saving mode.
mov ah,03h ; Int 14h FN: Get serial port status.
pushf ;
call [dword old_int_14h] ; Simulate int 14h without reentrancy.
test ah,1 ; Is data ready?
jz @@stdl ; No, continue loop.
jmp short @@done ; Finish.
@@apml: mov ax,5305h ;
pushf ;
call [dword old_int_15h] ; Call APM FN to put the CPU idle.
mov ah,03h ; Int 14h FN: Get serial port status.
pushf ;
call [dword old_int_14h] ; Simulate int 14h without reentrancy.
test ah,1 ; Is data ready?
jz @@apml ; No, continue loop.
@@done: ret
Align 16
Proc int_14h_handler ; BIOS serial I/O handler.
push ax bx ds
mov bx,cs ;
mov ds,bx ; CODE = DATA.
cmp ah,INT_14H_TOPFN ; FN irrelevant for our handler?
ja short @@old ; Yes, zero force counter and chain.
xor bh,bh ;
mov bl,ah ;
add bx,bx ; BX = index to int_14h_fntable.
add bx,offset int_14h_fntable ; BX = offset of handler.
call [word bx] ; Call the appropriate FN handler.
jmp short @@oldn ; Chain without zeroing force count.
@@old: mov [int_xxh_fcount],0 ; Zero int xxh force counter.
@@oldn: pop ds bx ax
jmp [dword cs:old_int_14h] ; Chain to old interrupt handler.
;░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ INT 1xH HANDLER ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░;
Align 4
old_int_10h rmdw <0, 0> ;
old_int_15h rmdw <0, 0> ; Original vector values.
Proc int_10h_handler ; BIOS video functions handler.
mov [cs:int_xxh_fcount],0 ; Zero int xxh force counter.
jmp [dword cs:old_int_10h] ; Chain to old interrupt handler.
Proc int_15h_handler ; BIOS AT Services handler.
cmp ax,5305h ; APM function: CPU idle called?
je short @@old ; No.
mov [cs:int_xxh_fcount],0 ; Zero int xxh force counter.
@@old: jmp [dword cs:old_int_15h] ; Chain to old interrupt handler.
;░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ IRQ HANDLERS ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░;
Align 4
old_masterirqs rmdw 8 dup (<0, 0>) ; Original handlers of the hooked IRQs.
new_masterirqs rmdw <irq_00_handler, @CODE16>, <irq_01_handler, @CODE16>
rmdw <irq_02_handler, @CODE16>, <irq_03_handler, @CODE16>
rmdw <irq_04_handler, @CODE16>, <irq_05_handler, @CODE16>
rmdw <irq_06_handler, @CODE16>, <irq_07_handler, @CODE16>
Align 16
Proc irq_00_handler ; Handler for IRQ 0 (timer).
or [cs:irq_flags],IRQ_00 ; Mark that IRQ 0 occurred.
jmp [dword cs:old_masterirqs] ; Chain to old interrupt handler.
Proc irq_01_handler ; Handler for IRQ 1 (keyboard).
or [cs:irq_flags],IRQ_01 ; Mark that IRQ 1 occurred.
mov [cs:int_xxh_fcount],0 ; Zero int xxh force counter.
jmp [dword cs:old_masterirqs + 4] ; Chain to old interrupt handler.
Proc irq_02_handler ; Handler for IRQ 2 (slave PIC).
or [cs:irq_flags],IRQ_02 ; Mark that IRQ 2 occurred.
mov [cs:int_xxh_fcount],0 ; Zero int xxh force counter.
jmp [dword cs:old_masterirqs + 8] ; Chain to old interrupt handler.
Proc irq_03_handler ; Handler for IRQ 3 (COM2).
or [cs:irq_flags],IRQ_03 ; Mark that IRQ 3 occurred.
mov [cs:int_xxh_fcount],0 ; Zero int xxh force counter.
jmp [dword cs:old_masterirqs + 12] ; Chain to old interrupt handler.
Proc irq_04_handler ; Handler for IRQ 4 (COM1).
or [cs:irq_flags],IRQ_04 ; Mark that IRQ 4 occurred.
mov [cs:int_xxh_fcount],0 ; Zero int xxh force counter.
jmp [dword cs:old_masterirqs + 16] ; Chain to old interrupt handler.
Proc irq_05_handler ; Handler for IRQ 5.
or [cs:irq_flags],IRQ_05 ; Mark that IRQ 5 occurred.
mov [cs:int_xxh_fcount],0 ; Zero int xxh force counter.
jmp [dword cs:old_masterirqs + 20] ; Chain to old interrupt handler.
Proc irq_06_handler ; Handler for IRQ 6.
or [cs:irq_flags],IRQ_06 ; Mark that IRQ 6 occurred.
mov [cs:int_xxh_fcount],0 ; Zero int xxh force counter.
jmp [dword cs:old_masterirqs + 24] ; Chain to old interrupt handler.
Proc irq_07_handler ; Handler for IRQ 7.
or [cs:irq_flags],IRQ_07 ; Mark that IRQ 7 occurred.
mov [cs:int_xxh_fcount],0 ; Zero int xxh force counter.
jmp [dword cs:old_masterirqs + 28] ; Chain to old interrupt handler.
;║ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ INITIALIZATION PART OF PROGRAM ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ ║;
include "_tsrinit.ah"
include "_cmdline.ah"
include "_console.ah"
include "_process.ah"
include "_test.ah"
include "_irq.ah"
include "_vcpi.ah"
include "_cpu.ah"
KERNEL_NAME equ "CPUidle for DOS" ; Name of the kernel.
KERNEL_FILE equ "DOSidle" ; Name of the .exe (compiled) kernel.
KERNEL_ID equ 0deedh ; ID number of this program.
SYS_RAW = 01h ;
SYS_VCPI = 02h ; Flags for PM hosts driving the
SYS_DPMI = 04h ; system.
db 2000 dup (?) ; Stack for initialization part.
psp_seg dw 0
env_seg dw 0
dos_version dw 0 ; MS-DOS version.
apm_version dw 0 ; Advanced Power Management version.
apm_state db OFF ; State of APM (enabled, disabled).
sys_type db SYS_RAW ; Type of system (Raw, VCPI, DPMI).
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
par_table par_item <"-H", par_help>
par_item <"-?", par_help>
par_item <"-U", par_uninst>
par_item <"-ON", par_on>
par_item <"-OFF", par_off>
par_item <"-CPU", par_cpu>
par_item <"-HLT", par_hlt>
par_item <"-APM", par_apm>
par_item <"-FM0", par_noforce>
par_item <"-FM1", par_weakforce>
par_item <"-FM2", par_strongforce>
par_item <0> ; Marks end of par_table.
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
msg_intro db KERNEL_NAME, " V2.10 [Build 0077]", NL
db "Copyright (C) by Marton Balog, 1998.", NL,0
msg_help db "Syntax: ", KERNEL_FILE, " [Options]", NL
db "--------", NL,0
msg_options_1 db "Standard -On Activate ", KERNEL_FILE, ".", NL
db "Options: -Off Suspend ", KERNEL_FILE, ".", NL
db "-------- -U Uninstall ", KERNEL_FILE, ".", NL
db " -H, -? Display this help message.", NL,0
msg_options_2 db "Advanced -Cpu Optimize processor for performance.", NL
db "Options: -Hlt Select cooling method: HLT idle cycles (default).", NL
db "-------- -Apm Select cooling method: APM V1.00+ cycles.", 0
msg_options_3 db " -Fm2 Select cooling strategy: Strong Forcing (default).", NL
db " -Fm1 Select cooling strategy: Weak Forcing.", NL
db " -Fm0 Select cooling strategy: No Forcing.", NL,0
msg_examples_1 db "Example: ", KERNEL_FILE, " Install and activate ", KERNEL_FILE, ".", NL
db "-------- ", KERNEL_FILE, " -Off Suspend ", KERNEL_FILE, " temporarily.", 0
msg_examples_2 db " ", KERNEL_FILE, " -Fm2 -Apm Enable Strong Forcing and use APM for cooling.",NL
db " ", KERNEL_FILE, " -Fm1 -Cpu Enable Weak Forcing and optimize CPU.", NL,0
msg_inst db NL, KERNEL_FILE, " installed successfully.",0
msg_uninst db KERNEL_FILE, " uninstalled successfully.",0
msg_activate db KERNEL_FILE, " is now activated.",0
msg_suspend db KERNEL_FILE, " is now suspended.",0
msg_marci db "Zsuzsmi",0
msg_nl db NL, 0
msg_na db "N/A",0
msg_detect db "DETECTING...", 0
msg_cpudet db "[Processor]: ", 0
msg_apmdet db "[Power/Man]: ", 0
msg_osdet db "[Op/System]: ", 0
msg_pmdet db "[32-bit mode]: ", 0
msg_apm db "APM V",0
msg_apm_on db " [Enabled].",0
msg_apm_off db " [Disabled].",0
msg_msdos db "MS-DOS V",0
msg_msdos_std db " [Standard].",0
msg_msdos_win db " [Windows 95/98].",0
msg_raw db "16-bit MS-DOS interface.",0
msg_vcpi db "32-bit VCPI interface.",0
msg_dpmi db "32-bit DPMI interface.",0
msg_optimize db NL, "OPTIMIZING...", 0
msg_cpuopt db "[Processor]: ", 0
msg_optnomod db "No modifications made",0
err_str db "FATAL ",0
err_resize db "[#10]: Failed to resize program memory.",0
err_notinst db "[#20]: ", KERNEL_FILE, " is not installed.",0
err_inst db "[#21]: ", KERNEL_FILE, " is already installed.",0
err_uninst db "[#22]: Cannot uninstall ", KERNEL_FILE ,".",0
err_activate db "[#23]: ", KERNEL_FILE, " is already activated.",0
err_suspend db "[#24]: ", KERNEL_FILE, " is already suspended.",0
err_cpu db "[#30]: A 386 CPU or better is required.",0
err_dos_vers db "[#32]: MS-DOS 5.00 or later is required.",0
err_cmdln db "[#40]: Invalid command-line switch.",0
err_v86 db "[#50]: CPU in V86 mode and no VCPI or DPMI host present.",0
Proc error_exit ; Exits with error message.
push si
lea si,[err_str] ;
call con_writef ; Print "[FATAL]: "
pop si
call con_writeln ; Print error message.
exit 0 ; Off we go...
Proc init
mov ax,cs ;
mov ds,ax ; Set data segment.
mov [psp_seg],es ; Save PSP segment.
mov ax,[es:2ch] ;
mov [env_seg],ax ; Save enviroment segment.
lea si,[msg_intro] ;
call con_writeln ; Display program name, copyright...
call test_cpu ; Get CPU family number.
lea si,[err_cpu] ;
cmp al,3 ; Less than a 386 (286-)?
jb error_exit ; Yep, error.
mov ax,3000h ;
int 21h ; Get DOS version.
mov [dos_version],ax ; Save it.
lea si,[err_dos_vers] ; Prepare for error.
cmp al,5 ; Is DOS new enough (5.00+)?
jb error_exit ; No (4.99-) fail.
mov ax,[psp_seg] ; Shrink DOSidle's memory block to
mov cx,1000h ; 64 KBs now, TSR will shrink more
call mem_lresize ; later...
Proc par_help
lea si,[msg_help] ;
call con_writeln ; Display help message.
lea si,[msg_options_1] ;
call con_writeln ; Display options help part 1.
lea si,[msg_options_2] ;
call con_writeln ; Display options help part 2.
lea si,[msg_options_3] ;
call con_writeln ; Display options help part 3.
lea si,[msg_examples_1] ;
call con_writeln ; Display examples help part 1.
lea si,[msg_examples_2] ;
call con_writeln ; Display examples help part 2.
exit 0
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
Proc par_uninst
mov dx,KERNEL_ID ;
call tsr_instcheck ; Is kernel installed already?
lea si,[err_notinst] ;
test ax,ax ; AX == 0 if not installed.
je error_exit ; Nope, can't uninstall, error.
mov dx,KERNEL_ID ;
call tsr_uninstall ; Try to uninstall kernel.
lea si,[err_uninst] ; Prepare for error.
test ax,ax ; Uninstallation failed?
jz error_exit ; Yes, fail.
lea si,[msg_uninst] ;
call con_writeln ; Print success message.
exit 0 ; Quit.
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
Proc par_on
mov dx,KERNEL_ID ;
call tsr_instcheck ; Is kernel installed already?
test ax,ax ; AX == 0 if not installed.
jnz short @@on ; It's installed, try to activate.
ret ; Do normal install if it's 1st time.
@@on: mov dx,KERNEL_ID ;
call tsr_reactivate ; Try to reactivate int handlers.
lea si,[err_activate] ;
test ax,ax ; Reactivation of ints failed?
jz error_exit ; Yes, fail.
lea si,[msg_activate] ;
call con_writeln ; Print success message.
exit 0 ; Quit.
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
Proc par_off
mov dx,KERNEL_ID ;
call tsr_instcheck ; Is kernel installed already?
lea si,[err_notinst] ;
test ax,ax ; AX == 0 if not installed.
jz error_exit ; Nope, can't suspend, error.
mov dx,KERNEL_ID ;
call tsr_suspend ; Try to suspend interrupt handlers.
lea si,[err_suspend] ;
test ax,ax ; Suspension of ints failed?
jz error_exit ; Yes, fail.
lea si,[msg_suspend] ;
call con_writeln ; Print success message.
exit 0 ; Quit.
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
Proc par_cpu
or [mode_flags],MODE_OPTIMIZE ; Request CPU optimization.
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
Proc par_apm
or [mode_flags],MODE_APM ;
and [mode_flags],not MODE_HLT ; Set APM MODE in config flags.
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
Proc par_hlt
or [mode_flags],MODE_HLT ;
and [mode_flags],not MODE_APM ; Set HLT MODE in config flags.
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
Proc par_noforce
or [mode_flags],MODE_NOFORCE ; Set NO FORCE in config flags.
and [mode_flags],not MODE_WFORCE
and [mode_flags],not MODE_SFORCE
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
Proc par_weakforce
or [mode_flags],MODE_WFORCE ; Set WEAK FORCE in config flags.
and [mode_flags],not MODE_SFORCE
and [mode_flags],not MODE_NOFORCE
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
Proc par_strongforce
or [mode_flags],MODE_SFORCE ; Set STRONG FORCE in config flags.
and [mode_flags],not MODE_WFORCE
and [mode_flags],not MODE_NOFORCE
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
Proc read_cmdln
mov di,80h ;
mov es,[psp_seg] ; ES:DI = ptr to command-line.
lea si,[par_table] ; DS:SI = ptr to parameter_table.
call parse_cmdln ; Process the command line.
lea si,[err_cmdln] ;
jc error_exit ; Quit if invalid command-line switch.
Proc init_modes
test [mode_flags],MODE_NOFORCE ; FORCE MODE disabled?
jz short @@sfor ; No.
mov [byte int_xxh_forcehlt],0c3h ; Disable FORCE HLT/APM procedure.
@@sfor: test [mode_flags],MODE_SFORCE ; STRONG FORCE MODE enabled?
jz short @@apm ; No.
cmp [sys_type],SYS_DPMI ; Running under DPMI (possibly Win95)?
jne short @@apm ; No
cmp [byte dos_version],7 ; Windows MS-DOS 7.00+ (Win95)?
jb short @@apm ; No.
or [mode_flags],MODE_WFORCE ; Set WEAK FORCE in config flags.
and [mode_flags],not MODE_SFORCE
and [mode_flags],not MODE_NOFORCE
@@apm: test [mode_flags],MODE_APM ; APM usage requested?
jz short @@cpu ; No.
and [mode_flags],not MODE_APM ; Assume APM is disabled/disengaged.
cmp [apm_state],OFF ; APM disabled/disengaged?
je short @@cpu ; Yes, no APM.
mov ax,5304h ;
xor bx,bx ;
int 15h ; Disconnect Real-mode APM interface.
jc short @@cpu ; Call failed, no APM.
mov ax,5301h ;
xor bx,bx ;
int 15h ; Connect Real-mode APM interface.
jc short @@cpu ; Call failed, no APM.
mov ax,530eh ;
xor bx,bx ;
mov cx,[apm_version] ;
xchg cl,ch ; Connect appropriate version of APM
int 15h ; BIOS (needed for V1.00+).
jc short @@cpu ; Call failed, no APM.
mov ax,5305h ;
int 15h ; Call APM FN to put the CPU idle.
jc short @@cpu ; Call failed, no APM.
or [mode_flags],MODE_APM ; It's safe to use APM...
@@cpu: test [mode_flags],MODE_OPTIMIZE ; CPU optimization requested?
jz short @@done ; No.
lea si,[msg_optimize] ;
call con_writeln ; Print optimization message.
lea si,[msg_cpudet] ;
call con_writef ; Print message for CPU detection.
call cpu_optimize ; Optimize CPU.
lea si,[msg_optnomod] ; Assume optimization failed.
jc short @@prnt ; Go..
call cpu_getname ;
lea si,[cpu_name] ; Get full name of CPU.
@@prnt: call con_writef ; Print results of optimization.
mov al,'.' ;
call con_writech ; Period.
mov al,CR ;
call con_writech ;
mov al,LF ;
call con_writech ; New line.
@@done: ret
Proc check_system
call test_vcpi ; Running under VCPI server?
jne short @@dpmi ; No.
mov [sys_type],SYS_VCPI ; Mark that running under VCPI.
jmp short @@done
@@dpmi: call test_dpmi ; Running under DPMI host?
jne short @@v86 ; No.
mov [sys_type],SYS_DPMI ; Mark that running under DPMI.
jmp short @@done
@@v86: call test_v86 ; Running in V86 mode without PM host?
lea si,[err_v86] ; Yes, can't execute HLT instruction,
je error_exit ; fail program.
@@done: ret
Proc hook_ints
xor ax,ax ;
mov gs,ax ; GS = segment of IVT.
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
mov eax,[gs:(10h * 4)] ;
mov [dword old_int_10h],eax ; Get and save original int 10h.
mov eax,[gs:(15h * 4)] ;
mov [dword old_int_15h],eax ; Get and save original int 15h.
mov eax,[gs:(14h * 4)] ;
mov [dword old_int_14h],eax ; Get and save original int 14h.
mov eax,[gs:(16h * 4)] ;
mov [dword old_int_16h],eax ; Get and save original int 16h.
mov eax,[gs:(21h * 4)] ;
mov [dword old_int_21h],eax ; Get and save original int 21h.
mov eax,[gs:(2fh * 4)] ;
mov [dword old_int_2fh],eax ; Get and save original int 2fh.
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
mov ax,@CODE16 ;
shl eax,16 ; High WORD of EAX = CODE16.
mov bl,10h ; BL = int number of video handler.
mov ax,offset int_10h_handler ; EAX = new handler for int 10h.
call tsr_hookint ; Hook int 10h.
mov bl,15h ; BL = int number of AT services.
mov ax,offset int_15h_handler ; EAX = new handler for int 15h.
call tsr_hookint ; Hook int 15h.
mov bl,14h ; BL = int number of BIOS COM handler.
mov ax,offset int_14h_handler ; EAX = new handler for int 14h.
call tsr_hookint ; Hook int 14h.
mov bl,16h ; BL = int number of keyboard handler.
mov ax,offset int_16h_handler ; EAX = new handler for int 16h.
call tsr_hookint ; Hook int 16h.
mov bl,21h ; BL = int number of DOS FNs handler.
mov ax,offset int_21h_handler ; EAX = new handler for int 21h.
call tsr_hookint ; Hook int 21h.
mov bl,2fh ; BL = int # of DOS Multiplex handler.
mov ax,offset int_2fh_handler ; EAX = new handler for int 2fh.
call tsr_hookint ; Hook int 2fh.
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
Proc hook_irqs
xor ax,ax ;
mov gs,ax ; GS = segment of IVT.
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
@@vcpi: cmp [sys_type],SYS_VCPI ; Running under VCPI?
jne short @@dpmi ; No.
call vcpi_getpic ; Get VCPI IRQ mappings.
jmp short @@hook
@@dpmi: cmp [sys_type],SYS_DPMI ; Running under DPMI?
jne short @@raw ; No.
call irq_getpic ; Assume RM IRQ settings (should work).
jmp short @@hook
@@raw: call irq_getpic ; Get IRQ mappings.
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
@@hook: movzx ebx,bl ; EBX = base int # for master PIC.
mov cx,8 ; CX = number of IRQ in master PIC.
xor di,di ; DI = index to irq arrays.
@@mstr: mov eax,[gs:(ebx * 4)] ;
mov [dword old_masterirqs + di],eax ; Get and save old IRQ handler.
mov eax,[dword new_masterirqs + di] ; Get new handler of IRQ.
call tsr_hookint ; Hook IRQ.
inc bl ; BL = next interrupt # for IRQ.
add di,4 ; DI = next IRQ number.
loop @@mstr
;- - - - - - - - - - -;
@@done: ret
Proc detect_cpu
lea si,[msg_cpudet] ;
call con_writef ; Print message for CPU detection.
call cpu_getname ; Get full name of CPU.
lea si,[cpu_name] ;
call con_writef ; Print it.
mov al,'.' ;
call con_writech ; Period.
lea si,[msg_nl] ;
call con_writef ; New Line.
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
Proc detect_os
lea si,[msg_osdet] ;
call con_writef ; Print message for OS detection.
lea si,[msg_msdos] ;
call con_writef ; Print "MS-DOS V"
movzx eax,[byte dos_version] ;
call con_writedec ; Print major version number.
mov al,'.' ;
call con_writech ; Put a decimal point for version.
movzx eax,[byte dos_version+1] ;
call con_writedec ; Print minor version number.
lea si,[msg_msdos_std] ; Assume MS-DOS V6.22-
cmp [byte dos_version],7 ; Is it V7.00+ (for Win95/98)?
jb short @@osok ; No.
lea si,[msg_msdos_win] ; It's V7.00+ (for Win95/98).
@@osok: call con_writeln ; Print DOS type.
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
Proc detect_apm
lea si,[msg_apmdet] ;
call con_writef ; Print message for APM detection.
stc ;
mov ax,5300h ;
mov bx,0 ;
int 15h ; APM V1.00+: installation check.
jnc short @@cont ; Yes, it's installed, continue.
lea si,[msg_na] ;
call con_writeln ; No APM, print N/A message.
jmp short @@done ; Finish.
@@cont: xchg al,ah ; AL = major version, AH = minor.
mov [apm_version],ax ; Save APM version.
lea si,[msg_apm] ;
call con_writef ; Print "APM V"
movzx eax,[byte apm_version] ;
call con_writedec ; Print major version number.
mov al,'.' ;
call con_writech ; Put a decimal point for version.
movzx eax,[byte apm_version+1] ;
call con_writedec ; Print minor version number.
test cx,18h ; Is the APM disabled/disengaged?
jnz short @@off ; Yes.
@@on: mov [apm_state],ON ; Mark that APM is unusable.
lea si,[msg_apm_on] ; It's enabled.
jmp short @@done ; Finish up.
@@off: mov [apm_state],OFF ; Mark that APM is unusable.
lea si,[msg_apm_off] ; It's disabled.
@@done: call con_writeln ; Print APM state.
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
Proc detect_pm
lea si,[msg_pmdet] ;
call con_writef ; Print message for PM detection.
lea si,[msg_raw] ; Assume raw DOS.
test [sys_type],SYS_RAW ; Running under raw DOS?
jnz short @@pmok ; Yes, done.
lea si,[msg_vcpi] ; Assume VCPI.
test [sys_type],SYS_VCPI ; Running under VCPI?
jnz short @@pmok ; Yes, done.
lea si,[msg_dpmi] ; Now it's DPMI for sure.
@@pmok: call con_writeln ; Print PM system.
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
Proc info_detect
lea si,[msg_detect] ;
call con_writeln ; Print detection message.
call detect_cpu ; Print CPU detection results.
call detect_apm ; Print APM detection results.
call detect_os ; Print OS detection results.
call detect_pm ; Print PM host detection results.
Proc install_kernel
lea si,[msg_inst] ;
call con_writeln ; Print success message.
mov dx,KERNEL_ID ;
mov bx,[psp_seg] ;
mov ax,[env_seg] ;
call tsr_install ; Make kernel TSR.
Proc main
call init ; Do general startup work.
call read_cmdln ; Read cmd-ln params (maybe uninstall).
mov dx,KERNEL_ID ;
call tsr_instcheck ; Is kernel installed already?
lea si,[err_inst] ;
cmp ax,1 ; AX == 1 if installed.
je error_exit ; Yes, quit now (don't install twice).
call check_system ; Check for VCPI, DPMI, etc.
call info_detect ; Detect CPU, system, APM, etc.
call init_modes ; Init FORCE, Test and other modes.
call hook_ints ; Hook needed interrupts.
call hook_irqs ; Hook needed IRQs.
call cpu_powersave ; Enable power saving features.
call install_kernel ; Make kernel TSR.
End main