PC World Komputer 1996 February
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C/C++ Source or Header
121 lines
* $Header: ocidfn.h 7001200.2 92/12/20 17:46:21 twang Generic<base> $
/* Copyright (c) 1991 by Oracle Corporation */
ocidfn.h - OCI Definations
Shipped to users.
rkooi2 11/27/92 - Changing e* datatypes to s*
rkooi2 10/26/92 - More portability mods
rkooi2 10/22/92 - Added #ifndef ORATYPES ...
rkooi2 10/18/92 - Changes to make it portable.
sjain 03/16/92 - Creation
* ocidfn.h
* Common header file for OCI C sample programs.
* This header declares the cursor and logon data area structure.
* The types used are defined in <oratypes.h>.
#ifndef OCIDFN
#define OCIDFN
#include <oratypes.h>
/* The cda_head struct is strictly PRIVATE. It is used
internally only. Do not use this struct in OCI programs. */
struct cda_head {
sb2 v2_rc;
ub2 ft;
ub4 rpc;
ub2 peo;
ub1 fc;
ub1 rcs1;
ub2 rc;
ub1 wrn;
ub1 rcs2;
sword rcs3;
struct {
struct {
ub4 rcs4;
ub2 rcs5;
ub1 rcs6;
} rd;
ub4 rcs7;
ub2 rcs8;
} rid;
sword ose;
dvoid *rcsp;
/* the real CDA, padded to 64 bytes in size */
struct cda_def {
sb2 v2_rc; /* V2 return code */
ub2 ft; /* SQL function type */
ub4 rpc; /* rows processed count */
ub2 peo; /* parse error offset */
ub1 fc; /* OCI function code */
ub1 rcs1; /* filler area */
ub2 rc; /* V7 return code */
ub1 wrn; /* warning flags */
ub1 rcs2; /* reserved */
sword rcs3; /* reserved */
struct { /* rowid structure */
struct {
ub4 rcs4;
ub2 rcs5;
ub1 rcs6;
} rd;
ub4 rcs7;
ub2 rcs8;
} rid;
sword ose; /* OSD dependent error */
dvoid *rcsp; /* pointer to reserved area */
ub1 rcs9[64 - sizeof (struct cda_head)]; /* filler to 64 */
typedef struct cda_def Cda_Def;
/* the logon data area (LDA)
is the same shape as the CDA */
typedef struct cda_def Lda_Def;
/* input data types */
#define SQLT_CHR 1 /* (ORANET TYPE) character string */
#define SQLT_NUM 2 /* (ORANET TYPE) oracle numeric */
#define SQLT_INT 3 /* (ORANET TYPE) integer */
#define SQLT_FLT 4 /* (ORANET TYPE) Floating point number */
#define SQLT_STR 5 /* zero terminated string */
#define SQLT_VNU 6 /* NUM with preceding length byte */
#define SQLT_PDN 7 /* (ORANET TYPE) Packed Decimal Numeric */
#define SQLT_LNG 8 /* long */
#define SQLT_VCS 9 /* Variable character string */
#define SQLT_NON 10 /* Null/empty PCC Descriptor entry */
#define SQLT_RID 11 /* rowid */
#define SQLT_DAT 12 /* date in oracle format */
#define SQLT_VBI 15 /* binary in VCS format */
#define SQLT_BIN 23 /* binary data(DTYBIN) */
#define SQLT_LBI 24 /* long binary */
#define SQLT_UIN 68 /* unsigned integer */
#define SQLT_SLS 91 /* Display sign leading separate */
#define SQLT_LVC 94 /* Longer longs (char) */
#define SQLT_LVB 95 /* Longer long binary */
#define SQLT_AFC 96 /* Ansi fixed char */
#define SQLT_AVC 97 /* Ansi Var char */
#define SQLT_LAB 105 /* label type */
#define SQLT_OSL 106 /* oslabel type */
#endif /* OCIDFN */