PC World Komputer 1996 February
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rem $Header: utlmail.sql 7010200.1 93/11/15 00:13:45 snataraj Generic<base> $
Rem Copyright (c) 1991 by Oracle Corporation
Rem utlmail.sql - upgrade mail database for access from rpc
Rem Upgrade the mail database with the appropriate user, views and
Rem privs so that the dbms_mail pl/sql package can be used to send email.
Rem NOTE: Run this script as user "email".
Rem The password of the email account of this database need not
Rem be divulged.
Rem There needs to be an user in this database (e.g., rmail/rmail)
Rem so that the package "dbms_mail" can be created.
Rem This account should only have "connect" privilege. This account
Rem name and password will need to be given to the installer of the
Rem "dbms_mail" package so that they can create appropriate database
Rem links.
Rem This user also needs to be a valid Oracle*Mail user. For example,
Rem create user rmail as follows:
Rem create user rmail identified by rmail;
Rem grant connect to rmail;
Rem <now add rmail as a valid Oracle*Mail user>
Rem NOTE: If you run this script multiple times, you will get an error
Rem regarding the creation of the sequence "m_id_seq" since it already
Rem exists. This error message is *OK*. Do NOT drop this sequence
Rem once created. If you do, and recreate it, you will then get
Rem DUPLICATE mail ids.
Rem rkooi 04/20/93 - various P3 and P4 bugs (improved comments)
Rem mmoore 02/05/93 - #(149230) use create user instead of grant
Rem glumpkin 10/20/92 - Renamed from MAILUPGD.SQL
Rem rkooi 09/30/92 - add s_user_name view
Rem fnazem,rkooi 01/22/92 - Creation
Rem ===== S_SENDER_INFO =====
Rem "s_user_name" is used by the client to determine if it is using an
Rem anoymous dblink, or a dblink with name and password.
drop view s_user_name
create view s_user_name (user_name) as select user from dual
grant select on s_user_name to public
drop view s_sender_info
Rem Provide sender information to the remote sending database.
Rem This view is also used by the views defined below to ensure that
Rem sender_id corresponds the the actual sender.
create view s_sender_info (name, sender_name, msg_node, user_id,
user_node) as
select user_name, user_name||'.'||domain_name, node_id+1000000000,
user_id, user_node
from email.m_user_info u, email.m_domain d, email.m_cur_node c
where d.domain_id=c.domain_id and u.domain_id=c.domain_id
and user_name=user and ua_node=node_id
grant select on s_sender_info to public
Rem ====== V_SEND_HEADER, S_SEND_HEADER ======
drop view s_send_header
drop view v_send_header
Rem v_send_header enforces various integrity constraints
Rem s_send_header disallows selects while still allowing the
Rem "select */describe" needed for access from remote database
create view v_send_header (msg_id, msg_node, type, part_type, hdr_flags,
sender_id, sender_node, sender_date, reply_to, to_str, cc_str, bcc_str,
subject, from_str, sender_name, deferred, inclusion_id, inclusion_node)
select msg_id, msg_node, type, part_type, hdr_flags, sender_id,
sender_node, sender_date, reply_to, to_str, cc_str, bcc_str, subject,
from_str, sender_name, deferred, inclusion_id, inclusion_node
from email.m_header h
where type=1 and part_type=0 and hdr_flags=0 and inclusion_id=0
and inclusion_node=0 and deferred='N' and exists
(select 1 from email.s_sender_info s
where s.sender_name=h.sender_name and s.msg_node=h.msg_node
and s.user_id=h.sender_id and s.user_node=h.sender_node)
with check option
create view s_send_header as select * from v_send_header where 1=0
Rem need select in order to be able to insert from remote node
grant select,insert on s_send_header to public
Rem ====== V_SEND_BODY, S_SEND_BODY ======
drop view s_send_body
drop view v_send_body
Rem v_send_body enforces various integrity constraints
Rem s_send_body disallows selects while still allowing the
Rem "select */describe" needed for access from remote database
create view v_send_body (msg_id, msg_node, part, order_no, msg_line) as
select msg_id, msg_node, part, order_no, msg_line
from email.m_body b
where part=0 and exists
(select 1
from email.m_instance i, email.m_header h, email.s_sender_info s
where h.msg_id=b.msg_id and h.msg_node=b.msg_node
and i.msg_id=b.msg_id and i.msg_node=b.msg_node and folder_id=2
and s.user_id=h.sender_id and s.user_node=h.sender_node)
with check option
create view s_send_body as select * from v_send_body where 1=0
Rem need select in order to be able to insert from remote node
grant select,insert on s_send_body to public
drop view s_send_instance
drop view v_send_instance
Rem v_send_instance enforces various integrity constraints
Rem s_send_instance disallows selects while still allowing the
Rem "select */describe" needed for access from remote database
create view v_send_instance (msg_id, msg_node, node_id, msg_owner,
folder_id, retention_date, unread_flag, flags) as
select msg_id, msg_node, node_id, msg_owner, folder_id, retention_date,
unread_flag, flags
from email.m_instance i
where folder_id=2 and unread_flag='Y' and flags=0 and exists
(select 1 from email.m_header h, email.s_sender_info s
where h.msg_id=i.msg_id and h.msg_node=i.msg_node
and s.user_id=h.sender_id and s.user_node=h.sender_node
and s.user_id=i.msg_owner and s.user_node=i.node_id)
with check option
create view s_send_instance as select * from v_send_instance where 1=0
Rem need select in order to be able to insert from remote node
grant select,insert on s_send_instance to public
Rem ====== M_ID_SEQ ======
Rem use sequence to get the mail id. This is because the updates to
Rem this database may be part of a distributed transaction and we don't want
Rem to lock out other mail senders for the duration of that transaction
Rem NOTE: Do NOT drop this sequence once created. If you do, and
Rem recreate it, you will then get DUPLICATE mail ids.
create sequence email.m_id_seq start with 10000
grant select on email.m_id_seq to public