PC World Komputer 1996 February
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Text File
508 lines
Begin Form frmQuote
BorderStyle = 3 'Fixed Double
Caption = "Quotes"
ClientHeight = 6450
ClientLeft = 1815
ClientTop = 1800
ClientWidth = 5715
Height = 7140
Left = 1755
LinkTopic = "Form2"
MaxButton = 0 'False
ScaleHeight = 6450
ScaleWidth = 5715
Top = 1170
Width = 5835
Begin CommandButton cmdExit
Caption = "Exit"
Height = 495
Left = 4200
TabIndex = 12
Top = 5520
Width = 1215
Begin TextBox txtNewPerson
Height = 375
Left = 3600
TabIndex = 11
Top = 4560
Width = 1815
Begin CommandButton cmdAddPerson
Caption = "Add:"
Height = 375
Left = 2880
TabIndex = 10
Top = 4560
Width = 615
Begin CommandButton cmdAddCategory
Caption = "Add:"
Height = 375
Left = 240
TabIndex = 7
Top = 4560
Width = 615
Begin TextBox txtNewCat
Height = 375
Left = 960
TabIndex = 8
Top = 4560
Width = 1695
Begin CommandButton cmdAddQuote
Caption = "Add Quote"
Enabled = 0 'False
Height = 375
Left = 3360
TabIndex = 3
Top = 960
Width = 1215
Begin CommandButton cmdDeleteQuote
Caption = "Delete"
Height = 375
Left = 3360
TabIndex = 4
Top = 1440
Width = 1215
Begin Frame Frame2
Caption = "Quote"
Height = 2055
Left = 240
TabIndex = 16
Top = 120
Width = 4455
Begin TextBox TheQuote
DataField = "quote"
DataSource = "quotedata"
Height = 1095
Left = 120
MultiLine = -1 'True
TabIndex = 2
Top = 840
Width = 2775
Begin OraData quotedata
AllowMoveLast = -1 'True
AutoBinding = -1 'True
Caption = "Reading"
Connect = ""
DatabaseName = ""
Height = 270
HiddenName = "quotedata"
Left = 120
Options = 0
ReadOnly = 0 'False
RecordSource = ""
TabIndex = 5
Top = 360
TrailingBlanks = 0 'False
Width = 2775
Begin ListBox perlist
Height = 1395
Left = 2880
TabIndex = 9
Top = 3000
Width = 2535
Begin ListBox catlist
Height = 1395
Left = 240
TabIndex = 6
Top = 3000
Width = 2415
Begin CommandButton cmdDropTables
Caption = "Drop Tables"
Height = 495
Left = 2160
TabIndex = 1
Top = 5520
Width = 1455
Begin CommandButton cmdCreateTables
Caption = "Create Tables"
Enabled = 0 'False
Height = 495
Left = 480
TabIndex = 0
Top = 5520
Width = 1455
Begin Frame Frame1
Caption = "Table Management"
Height = 1095
Left = 240
TabIndex = 13
Top = 5160
Width = 3615
Begin Label Label3
Caption = "Quote Filter:"
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 9.75
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = -1 'True
Height = 255
Left = 2040
TabIndex = 17
Top = 2400
Width = 1455
Begin Label label1
Caption = "Category:"
Height = 255
Left = 960
TabIndex = 14
Top = 2640
Width = 1215
Begin Label Label2
Caption = "Person:"
Height = 255
Left = 3600
TabIndex = 15
Top = 2640
Width = 1215
Begin Menu mFile
Caption = "&File"
Begin Menu mFileExit
Caption = "E&xit"
Begin Menu mAbout
Caption = "&About"
Begin Menu mAboutQuote
Caption = "About Quote"
Sub catlist_Click ()
Call QueryQuotes
' if we've got a real value, we can enable addnew
If catlist <> "any" And perlist <> "any" Then
cmdAddQuote.Enabled = True
cmdAddQuote.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Sub cmdAddCategory_Click ()
If Len(newcat) <= 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
' we're adding a new category
' construct the sql statement and add to the database
' note that the primary key (catnum) is generated by the trigger
' we created when we created the table
sql$ = "insert into qcats (category) values ('"
sql$ = sql$ + newcat
sql$ = sql$ + "')"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
' add to the list
catlist.AddItem newcat
newcat = ""
End Sub
Sub cmdAddPerson_Click ()
If Len(newperson) <= 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
' we're adding a new category
' construct the sql statement and add to the database
' note that the primary key (catnum) is generated by the trigger
' we created when we created the table
sql$ = "insert into qpersons (pname) values ('"
sql$ = sql$ + newperson
sql$ = sql$ + "')"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
' add to the list
perlist.AddItem newperson
newcat = ""
End Sub
Sub cmdAddQuote_Click ()
Dim mydyn As object
thequote.Visible = True ' make sure quote can be typed
' add a new record to the quote dynaset
' we want to fill in the catnum and pnum fields
' this requires a quick query to the database
' we can get both numbers at once
sql$ = "select catnum, pnum from qcats,qpersons where category = '"
sql$ = sql$ + catlist
sql$ = sql$ + "' and pname = '"
sql$ = sql$ + perlist
sql$ = sql$ + "'"
Set mydyn = OraDatabase.DbCreateDynaset(sql$) ' get the data
mydyn.DbMoveFirst ' move to first record
quotedata.Recordset.Fields("catnum").Value = mydyn.Fields("catnum")
quotedata.Recordset.Fields("pnum").Value = mydyn.Fields("pnum")
' set the focus to the quote text
End Sub
Sub cmdCreateTables_Click ()
' The schema we're creating here is a little more complex than is really
' needed for this application. We've "normalized" the quotes data so that
' the repeated person and category information is placed in separate tables.
' Here, the extra tables don't have much in them - just a string. In a real
' application there would be more data per row of the extra tables, with a
' corresponding increase in the efficiency of storage and access.
' The tables are broken out here as an example of one way to write a
' multiple-table application.
' create the quotes table
sql$ = "create table quotes "
sql$ = sql$ + "(qnum number not null primary key, "
sql$ = sql$ + "catnum number not null, " ' foreign key to category table
sql$ = sql$ + "pnum number not null, " ' foreign key to person table
sql$ = sql$ + "quote varchar2(200) not null)" ' the quote
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
' create a sequence to be used to give the quotes (& persons & categories) unique values
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL ("create sequence quoteseq")
' create the category table
sql$ = "create table qcats "
sql$ = sql$ + "(catnum number not null primary key, " ' category key
sql$ = sql$ + "category varchar2(20) not null)" ' the category
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
' create the person table
sql$ = "create table qpersons "
sql$ = sql$ + "(pnum number not null primary key, " ' person key
sql$ = sql$ + "pname varchar2(20) not null)" ' person's name
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
' now create triggers on the tables so that the table indices always get unique values on insert
sql$ = "create trigger quotesinsert " ' create a trigger
sql$ = sql$ + "before insert on quotes for each row " ' to be fired on each row insert
sql$ = sql$ + "declare ii number; begin "
sql$ = sql$ + "select quoteseq.nextval into ii from dual; " ' get the next value from the sequence
sql$ = sql$ + ":new.qnum := ii; " ' and set our key to it
sql$ = sql$ + "end;"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
' do the same for the other tables
sql$ = "create trigger qcatsinsert " ' create a trigger
sql$ = sql$ + "before insert on qcats for each row " ' to be fired on each row insert
sql$ = sql$ + "declare ii number; begin "
sql$ = sql$ + "select quoteseq.nextval into ii from dual; " ' get the next value from the sequence
sql$ = sql$ + ":new.catnum := ii; " ' and set our key to it
sql$ = sql$ + "end;"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
sql$ = "create trigger qpersonsinsert " ' create a trigger
sql$ = sql$ + "before insert on qpersons for each row " ' to be fired on each row insert
sql$ = sql$ + "declare ii number; begin "
sql$ = sql$ + "select quoteseq.nextval into ii from dual; " ' get the next value from the sequence
sql$ = sql$ + ":new.pnum := ii; " ' and set our key to it
sql$ = sql$ + "end;"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
' fill the category table
sqla$ = "insert into qcats (category) values "
sql$ = sqla$ + "('romance')" ' this will be 1
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
sql$ = sqla$ + "('animals')"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
sql$ = sqla$ + "('politics')"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
' if any are added the quotes table inserts need to be changed (see below)!
' fill the person table
sqla$ = "insert into qpersons (pname) values "
sql$ = sqla$ + "('shakespeare')" ' this will be sequence number 4
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
sql$ = sqla$ + "('blake')"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
sql$ = sqla$ + "('poe')"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
sql$ = sqla$ + "('lincoln')"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
sql$ = sqla$ + "('burns')"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
sql$ = sqla$ + "('dickinson')"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
' fill the quotes table
' note that we are using explicit values for the foreign keys (catnum & pnum)
' it would be better if we looked up the number for the persons and the categories
' so that if another category was added the person numbers would still be valid
sqla$ = "insert into quotes (catnum, pnum, quote) values "
sql$ = sqla$ + "(1, 4, 'shall I compare thee to a summer''s day?')"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
sql$ = sqla$ + "(2, 5, 'tyger, tyger, burning bright, in the forests of the night')"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
sql$ = sqla$ + "(2, 6, 'quoth the raven, ''nevermore''')"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
sql$ = sqla$ + "(1, 4, 'let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediment')"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
sql$ = sqla$ + "(1, 8, 'my love is like a red, red rose')"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
sql$ = sqla$ + "(2, 4, 'eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog')"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
sql$ = sqla$ + "(3, 7, 'public opinion in this country is everything')"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
sql$ = sqla$ + "(3, 7, 'the ballot is stronger than the bullet')"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
sql$ = sqla$ + "(1, 9, 'i cannot live with you, it would be life, and life is over there, behind the shelf')"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
sql$ = sqla$ + "(2, 9, 'bees are black with gilt surcingles, buccaneers of buzz')"
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL (sql$)
' fix up enabled state
cmdCreateTables.Enabled = False
cmdDroptables.Enabled = True
perlist.Enabled = True
catlist.Enabled = True
cmdDeleteQuote.Enabled = True
' fill the list boxes
Call FillLists
End Sub
Sub cmdDeleteQuote_Click ()
nrecs% = quotedata.Recordset.RecordCount
If nrecs% = 1 Then
' we've deleted the only one
thequote.Visible = False
' let's navigate to another record
' the combination of these two always get us
' to the next record (or previous if there is no next)
End If
End Sub
Sub cmdDropTables_Click ()
' any errors will probably be that we're dropping something that doesn't exist
' just keep going.
On Error Resume Next
' drop the quotes tables
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL ("drop table quotes")
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL ("drop table qcats")
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL ("drop table qpersons")
' drop the triggers and sequence
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL ("drop trigger quotesinsert")
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL ("drop trigger qcatsinsert")
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL ("drop trigger qpersonsinsert")
OraDatabase.DbExecuteSQL ("drop sequence quoteseq")
' clear the lists
' fix up interface
cmdCreateTables.Enabled = True
cmdDroptables.Enabled = False
perlist.Enabled = False
catlist.Enabled = False
cmdDeleteQuote.Enabled = False
thequote = ""
End Sub
Sub cmdExit_Click ()
Call mFileExit_Click
End Sub
Sub Form_Load ()
' set up the data control
quotedata.Connect = Connect$
quotedata.DatabaseName = DatabaseName$
On Error GoTo handleerr
' fill list boxes
Call FillLists
' start the quotes
Call QueryQuotes
Exit Sub
ii% = Err
If Err = 440 Then ' couldn't open dynasets - tables don't exist?
cmdDroptables.Enabled = False
cmdCreateTables.Enabled = True
catlist.Enabled = False
perlist.Enabled = False
cmdDeleteQuote.Enabled = False
' don't know what to do with this error
MsgBox Error$
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub mAboutQuote_Click ()
frmAbout.Show MODAL
End Sub
Sub mFileExit_Click ()
End Sub
Sub perlist_Click ()
Call QueryQuotes
' if we've got a real value, we can enable addnew
If catlist <> "any" And perlist <> "any" Then
cmdAddQuote.Enabled = True
cmdAddQuote.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Sub quotedata_Validate (action As Integer, save As Integer)
If action = 5 Then
' starting to add a record
quotedata.Caption = "Adding"
ElseIf action = 3 Then
' Moving (could be done with adding record)
quotedata.Caption = "Reading"
End If
End Sub