PC World Komputer 1999 mARCH
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Hello, and Welcome to <I><FONT COLOR="#0000FF">Soft</FONT></I>NET. This
is your Y2K resource network, designed to help you recover the information
required to complete the Survive 2000 computer solution, ultimately giving
your PC(s) hardware and operating systems Year 2000 compliance.
<P><I><B>Note:</B> <FONT COLOR="#0000FF">Soft</FONT></I>NET requires that
you are currently connected to the internet and that you are actually reading
this through your favorite WebBrowser. We recommend Netscape Navigator
Gold ver. 3.01 and above or a current version of IE (Microsoft Internet
<P><B><I>Note: </I></B>Before you can use this tool, you have to have already
used the Survive 2000 software to get the computer details: ie: BIOS Details,
Operating System, Processor Type & Y2K Compliance test results. Once
you have obtained these details this resource centre will become extremely
useful to help complete the compliance task. Happy Hunting!
<P><B><FONT SIZE=+1>What Is Survive 2000?</FONT></B>
<P>Survive 2000 is a testing , reporting and research kit that gives computer
users the ability to ensure that their IBM compatible computer is 100%
year 2000 compatible.
<P><B>Basically, Survive 2000 is Your Year 2000 PC Survival Kit. </B>
<P>Survive 2000 was developed from the frustration of being told that it
was going to cost $1,000 per PC to find out if our office computers would
survive the year 2000 and beyond. After months of research, we discovered
that the vast majority of Year 2000 consultants were only interested in
businesses using mainframes, or mini computers. Yet the research done by
a major consultancy in the USA showed that up to 93% of personal computers
would not cope with the change from two digit dates to four digit dates
as required after January 1st, 2000.
<P>Firstly we needed to know if our office technology would survive. Once
we had figured out that not one of the PCs in our office would handle the
event, we knew we had to find an affordable solution to the situation.
<P>More research, more reading and more conflicting information led us
to Survive 2000. Survive 2000 was built to provide Small Office and
Home Office computer users an affordable solution to their Year 2000 compliance
<P>Survive 2000 is a complete testing, reporting and solution kit that
uses several related components to get to a final result. This manual gives
an overview of the problem, instructions on how to use the software, instructions
on how to use the kit, and guidance on (A), the most cost effective
ways to ensure year 2000 compatibility and (B), the easiest and safest
way to ensure Year 2000 compliance.
<P>The truth is there is NO QUICK FIX. Each and every IBM compatible computer
has to have three components checked. These components are:
<BR> · The Hardware BIOS
<BR> · The Computers Operating System
<BR> · The Software Installed on the Hard Drive.
<P>The most important aspect is the hardware, you must know that itÆs going
to survive before you start working on any other aspect. <B><I>Survive
2000 - The PC Compliance Kit </I></B>will give you the "need to know" information
so you know where to start.
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<CENTER><A HREF="index.htm">Click Here to Continue...</A></CENTER>
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<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+3>Survive 2000 - The PC Compliance Kit</FONT></B></CENTER>
<P><B>Developed by Cache Investments Pty Ltd</B>
<BR><B>Published under licence by: Kombu Australia Pty Ltd<BR>
<FONT SIZE=-1>ACN: 082 138 789</FONT></B>
<BR><B>E-mail kombu@kombu.com</B>
<BR><B>Web Site www.kombu.com</B>
<BR><B>Copyright 1997</B>
<CENTER>©Copyright 1997.</CENTER>
<CENTER>Cache Investments Pty Ltd</CENTER>
<CENTER><B><I>Distributed Under Licence by:</I></B></CENTER>
<CENTER><B>Kombu Australia</B></CENTER>
<CENTER><B>PO Box 140</B></CENTER>
<CENTER><B>Springwood Qld</B></CENTER>
<CENTER><B>Australia 4127</B></CENTER>
<P>Phone: 07 3290 4290
International Phone +6170 3290 4290 Australian Eastern Time
<BR>Fax: 07 3290 3080
International Fax +6170 3290 3080 24 hours
<BR>Web Site: www.kombu.com E-mail kombu@kombu.com
<P><B><FONT SIZE=+1>Disclaimer of Warranty:</FONT></B>
<BR><B>Cache Investments Pty Ltd / Kombu Australia Pty Ltd assumes no responsibility
for errors or omissions in these materials. These Materials are provided
"As Is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including,
but not limited to, the implied warranties or merchantability, fitness
for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Cache / Kombu further does
not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics,
links or other items contained within these materials.</B>
<P><B>Cache / Kombu shall not be liable for any special, indirect, incidental,
or consequential damages, including without limitation, lost revenues or
lost profits, which may result from the use of these materials. Cache
/ kombu may make changes to these materials, or to the products described
therein, at any time without notice. Cache / Kombu makes no commitment
to update the information contained herein.</B>