<P>If you have a Phoenix BIOS, read question 6 on this page. <A HREF="http://www.firmware.com/pb4ts/year2000.htm">http://www.firmware.com/pb4ts/year2000.htm</A>
<P>If you cannot identify the mother board manufacturer, but you have the
chip set information, there is still a possibility that you can get a third
party upgrade from <A HREF="http://www.mrbios.com">Mr BIOS</A> or another
3rd Party BIOS Vendor.
<P>If all this fails, a new motherboard will have to be fitted between
now and the Year 2000 (ASAP is probably best!) Contact a local computer
store that supplies hardware and ask them for any information and prices
on Y2K (Year 2000) Compliant motherboards/chip-sets. (Warning, outside
the USA, it is HIGHLY unlikely that Y2K OK components will be available
before the end of 1997.) We strongly recommend that you use the stores
repair service to either change the motherboard or chip-set. Incorrect
handling or procedures with vital computer parts could cost a great deal
of unnecessary headaches and many dollars to replace!
<P><B>If you are Successful: </B>in obtaining the correct brand of motherboard
(i.e.: AMI, Award or Phoenix) and the Flash BIOS upgrade is <B>not</B>
available, you have three more options:
<P>1: Contact a 3rd party BIOS vendor like <A HREF="http://www.mrbios.com">Mr.
BIOS. </A>
<P>2: If a fix cannot be found or doesn't exist, the motherboard will have
to be replaced to achieve Year 2000 compatibility. Very few companies are
supporting computers more than 2 or 3 years old.
<P>3. The final option open to users is the year 2000 fix available with
your Survive 2000 Package.
<P><A HREF="softnet2.htm" target="main">Continue to <I>Step 2</I></A>