Mortgage Debt Outstanding, By Type of Property & Holder:1970-1987 [In billions of dollars; as of Dec. 31.] Type of Property & Holder 1970 1975 1980 1985 1987
Mortgage debt, total 474 792 1,457 2,269 2,908
Residential nonfarm 358 583 1,106 1,681 2,162
1- to 4-family homes 297 482 964 1,467 1,888
Savings institutions 167 247 487 554 598
Mortgage pools or trusts(1) 3 28 122 383 654
Government National
Mortgage Assoc. (Z) 18 92 207 310
Federal Home Loan
Mortgage Corp. - 1 13 100 206
Commercial banks 42 77 160 213 275
Individuals & others(2) 40 44 101 166 183
Federal & related agencies 22 38 61 110 124
Federal National Mortgage Assoc. 15 26 52 92 90
Federal companies 1 4 14 29 40
Life insurance companies 27 18 18 12 13
5 or more units 60 101 142 214 274
Commercial 86 159 255 482 656
Farm 30 50 96 106 90
Type of Holder
Savings institutions 208 356 603 781 856
Commercial banks 73 136 263 429 591
Life insurance companies 74 89 131 172 212
Finance companies 1 4 14 29 40
Individuals & others(2) 79 109 190 297 345
Mortgage pools or trusts(1) 5 34 142 415 670
Government National Mortgage Assoc. (Z) 18 94 212 318
Federal Home Loan
Mortgage Corp. - 2 17 100 213
Federal National
Mortgage Association - - - 55 140
Farmers Home Administration(3) 4 14 32 48 (Z)
Federal & related agencies 34 67 115 167 193
Federal National Mortgage Assoc. 16 32 57 98 97
Farmers Home Administration(3) 2 1 3 1 43
Federal Land Banks 7 17 38 47 34
Federal Home Loan Morgage Corp. (Z) 5 5 14 13
Federal Housing & Veterans Admin. 4 5 6 5 6
Government National Mortgage Assoc. 5 7 5 1 (Z)
- Represents zero.
Z=Less than $500 million.
1. Outstanding principal balances of mortgage pools backing
securities insured or guaranteed by the agency indicated.
2. Includes mortgage companies, real estate investment trusts, state
and local retirement funds, noninsured pensions funds, credit
unions, and other U.S. agencies.
3. FmHA-guaranteed securities sold to the Federal Financing Bank were
reallocated from FmHA mortgage pools to FmHA mortgage holdings in
1986 because of accounting changes by the Farmers Home Administra-
Source:Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.