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- Prisoners Under Sentence of Death:1980-1987 Characteristic 1980 1984 1985 1986 1987
- Total 714 1,405 (1)1,575 1,781 1,984
- White 427 804 896 1,006 1,138
- Black & other 287 601 679 775 846
- Under 20 years 11 11 13 19 10
- 20-24 years 173 215 212 217 222
- 25-34 years 334 702 804 872 969
- 35-54 years 186 453 531 639 744
- 55 years & over 10 24 31 34 39
- Years of school completed:
- 7 years or less 68 121 147 164 181
- 8 years 74 137 159 174 183
- 9-11 years 204 401 483 577 650
- 12 years 162 385 440 515 591
- More than 12 years 43 110 127 143 168
- Unknown 163 251 235 208 211
- Marital status:
- Never married 268 570 655 772 856
- Married 229 443 487 525 571
- Divorced(2) 217 392 449 484 557
- Time elapsed since sentencing:
- Less than 12 months 185 279 273 293 295
- 12-47 months 389 694 739 757 804
- 48-71 months 102 228 303 376 412
- 72 months & over 38 204 276 355 473
- Legal status at arrest:
- Not under sentence 384 739 861 992 1123
- Parole or probation 115 279 (3)350 (3)409 (3)480
- Prison or escaped 45 66 81 82 91
- Unknown 170 321 299 298 290
- 1. Revisions to the total number of prisoners were not carried to the
- characteristics except for race.
- 2. Includes persons married by separated, widows, widowers, and
- unknown.
- 3. 1985 and 1986, include 20 persons; 1987, includes 22 persons on
- mandatory conditional release, work release, leave, AWOL, or bail.
- Source:U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics.