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~Arcade Pool
An edit cheat for 'Survivor Matches' - By Simon Burrows
`I've recently been playing all the 3D pool and snooker sims
`presently available on the PC market (ie, Jimmy White's, Pool
`Shark, Archer Maclean's etc.) and found these both entertaining
`and very realistic simulations of the real thing. When I came
`across Arcade Pool from Team 17, I was ready for a similar type
`of thing, but was surprised to see that the technology had seemed
`to have gone backwards, jumping back to the time of top-down
`After playing through the game for a while, looking out for
`subjects to go into edit cheats, I soon realised that there were
`hardly any. On the brink of giving up, however, I noticed that
`with the 'survival matches' option, players have 3 lives, one of
`which they lose each time a shot is made which doesn't result in
`a ball being pocketed. After playing around with the option for
`a while, I sussed out the programmers system, and created the
`edit cheat contained in this doc, which shows you how to edit the
`amount of lives any player has.
`The edit can be used for three main purposes: The first is to
`cheat. This seems really pointless to me, because winning
`unfairly in this sort of game is boring and unsatisfying. An
`example would be to set the number of lives your opponent has
`left to 1, and the number you have as 100 - surely you couldn't
`fail to win after doing that; The second purpose would be to
`extend the length of a match to make it more exciting and last
`longer. An example for this would be to change the number of
`lives both yourself and your opponent have, to about 10 or 15;
`Finally, another purpose would be to use it as a handicapping
`system, to even out the differences in skill of the players, so
`that each player has an equal chance of winning. For example, if
`you have three players: one novice, one of intermediate skill,
`and one a bit of a pro, you could set the first one's lives to
`10, the second to 5, and the third to 2.
`The cheat works by editing the save-game file Arcade Pool creates
`when you save your game. Because of this, to get it working you
`must first create this save-game file. To do this, load the
`game, and then begin a new 'survivor match'. You may start the
`match with any amount of players you like, any of which may be
`computer or human controlled. However, when you have selected
`which players will be in the game (the default being 'Player
`One' and 'Daniel Emery'), you must write all the names down on a
`piece of paper unless you've got a good memory. When you've done
`this, start the match, and wait until it is any of the human
`players' turns to take a shot. Now click on the 'Save' button at
`the bottom of the screen, and answer 'yes' to the resulting
`You have now generated the save-game file, so quit back to DOS
`and you'll be ready to make the edits. From the DOS prompt, in
`the main Arcade Pool directory, load up a Hex Editor (such as
`the one in the Norton Utilities package), and pop-up the file
`'SAVE. ' Before making the edits, decide how many lives you
`want each of your players to have. This will depend for what
`purpose you are using the cheat (see above)).
`When you have decided upon the number of lives each player will
`have, use the list below to find the location in the save-game
`file that the relevant player's lives are stored. To get to
`these locations, use the cursor keys, and guide yourself to the
`Hex location written by the player's name in the table below.
`When you arrive, edit the number there to your new one. The
`highest number you can have is 255, but remember that numbers are
`stored in hexadecimal mode, so 10 is 0A, 100 is 64 and 255 is FF,
`for example. You must only edit those player's which you put
`into the match earlier, so leave well alone those that aren't.
`(That's why it is a good idea to make a full written list of the
`players before saving the match.)
`When you've finished editing, save the changes, quit back to DOS,
`load Arcade Pool up again, and answer 'yes' to the question about
`loading your saved game or not. You should now find that you are
`taken back to the match you saved earlier, with everything
`exactly the same, except that each of the players will now have
`the amount of lives you specified during the editing earlier.
Here's the list, then....
~` Player's Name Hex Location
` Player One - D45
` Player Two - D79
` Player Three - DAD
` Player Four - DE1
` Player Five - E15
` Player Six - E49
` Player Seven - E7D
` Player Eight - EB1
` Mario Savoia - EE5
` Martyn Brown - F19
` Marcus Dysan - F4D
` Al Brimble - F81
` Don Kay - FB5
` Nick Walkland - FE9
` Tim Tucker - 101D
` Derek D'Fuente - 1051
` Max Reynaud - 1085
` Stefano Petrulo - 10B9
` Matt Richards - 10ED
` Nik Lawrence - 1121
` Steve Shields - 1155
` Alex Simmons - 1189
` John Davison - 11BD
` Andy Shaw - 11F1
` Daniel Emery - 1225
` Ed Ricketts - 1259
` Dino Boni - 128D
` Dave Westley - 12C1
` Cal Jones - 12F5
` Christina Ersk - 1329
` Dean Evans - 135D
` Dave Upchurch - 1391
` Chris Buxton - 13C5
` Ged Start - 13F9
` Gary Whitta - 142D
` Dan Slingsby - 1461
` James Binns - 1495
` Rik Skews - 14C9
` Kevin Cook - 14FD
` Mark Stamps - 1531
`For example, if you started a match with the three players,
`Player 2, Alex Simmons and Dan Slingsby playing, and you wanted
`to make the game last longer, you would go to the three locations
`in turn (D79, 1189 and 1461) and change the data stored there
`to something like 0A, which would give the three players 10 lives
`NOTE: If you decide to use custom names for your human players
` (eg, by deleting the name 'Player 1' in the edit players
` menu, and inserting your own name), to edit that player's
` lives-tally you must go to the hex-address for the
` original name. (For example, if you'd inserted your new
` name over the top of Player 2, you would still go to the
` hex location written by Player 2 in the table above.)
Good Luck...
~Simon Burrows.