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~The Settlers
A complete selection of hints and tips - By Simon Burrows
`Well, it's a little time now since this smart little strategy
`game from Blue Byte software was released. It is said to be a
`cross between Sim City and Populous, but also has links to games
`like Utopia, Powermonger, Genesia, and more vaguely to Theme
`Park, Mega lo Mania and even another of Blue Byte's creations,
`Battle Isle.
`The game itself has two titles: "The Settlers" being the English
`release, and "Serf City: Life is Feudal", the American. It is
`really a sort of medieval foray in which you must build your own
`little settlement with the aim of ultimately attacking, and
`defeating, your enemies.
`After my successes in writing about games like Sim City 2000,
`Theme Park, UFO: Enemy Unknown, and Desert Strike, I've now
`decided to create this huge selection of hints and tips to cover
`the widest area of features deserving of mention in this game.
`This documents covers the main aspects of the game in parts 1 to
`nine, (for example, buildings, roads, food, mines etc.) then the
`final part, part ten, covers a very loose step-by-step guide you
`could follow to help yourself through the first few minutes of
`the game.
`Anyway, enough chat. Onto the tips...
~` * * *
~`Part One - Placing your castle
`Obviously, the first building you've got to worry about is your
`castle. The positioning of this at the start of the game is a
`big factor in how successful you can be later on - so choose your
`position wisely.
`Firstly, take a bit of time to survey the whole area to see what
`the possibilities are. There are a few obvious hints in location
`choice like you must be near mountains, forests and lakes. Also,
`remember that deserts are completely useless, so it's no good
`building in one of these.
`There are two options available to you really: either you place
`your castle quickly before his, or you let him go first to give
`yourself longer to think. The first of those two can lead to
`your opponent placing his castle near your border to limit your
`movement once he knows where you are, but if you take the second
`option you could find that your opponent takes the prime spot in
`the landscape leaving you in a less desirable position. I
`recommend that you take this second option, because, although you
`may lose out on the best spot, this is far better than being
`crippled by your enemy starting up near your border and shutting
`you off from some vital resources.
~`Part Two - Starting up
`When you have your castle down you need to start building up your
`little town. It's quite likely that the area around your castle
`worth building on (ie, the flat land) is cluttered with rock
`and trees, so by placing a quarryman and a lumberjack you can
`clear the area ready for building, and generate some useful
`building materials at the same time. When the area is clear and
`ready for building on, burn down the two huts, and you're ready
`to go.
`Probably your first job after doing this is to build some guard
`huts at the limits of your territory. This will expand your area
`quickly, which is, or course, one of the main ideas of the game
`in the first place.
`Now you need to think about creating the rest of your town. When
`you initially start up, don't try to build too many buildings at
`once. If you do this, your workers will be slowed down and your
`knights spread thinner over your territory.
`At the beginning of the game you will find that you will need
`quite a lot of everything, but things should get easier as you go
`through. Just remember that you WILL run out of wood, for
`example, if you forget to build a sawmill early on, so always be
`on your toes and build everything that you're going to need.
`One of the best layouts for a town is to have your castle near
`the centre, and the different 'industries' to each side. So, for
`example, you could have your castle in the middle, then mines and
`metalworks to one side, food and farming to another, and forestry
`and saw-milling to a third. This will reduce travelling time to
`a minimum, and avoid clogging up roads.
~`Part Three - Construction
`One thing to think about before constructing a new building is
`enemy presence. Do not build anything new if you know that the
`enemy is within reach, especially if that enemy is building, or
`is about to build, a watch-tower or guardhouse. If you do do
`this, and you are unlucky enough for his building to be completed
`before yours, his border will sometimes approach and invade your
`territory, cutting off some of your buildings. This leads to
`the building being destroyed, together with all the stock inside
`it, which is a big loss to any player unless you're cheating!
`As well as putting buildings near to the stocks they will use
`(Eg, fisherman's huts near to the lakes), it is also important to
`think about where to position them in relation to other
`buildings. For example, buildings that rely on each other would
`be much better close by to save lots of time travelling between
`them, and buildings that go together to create a little
`'production line' would be best in that order, with the last
`building near to where the final product will be used. Two useful
`examples of this may be :-
`■ A lumberjack, a forester and a sawmill close by will create an
` almost constant stream of building planks ready to be sent off
` to wherever they're needed, and it involves no interaction
` with the castle, saving time, and reducing congestion.
`■ By having foundries on the foothills of mined mountains, and
` then blacksmiths and toolmakers in between there and the
` castle, you create a little production line. Basically, the
` iron ore from the mine goes to the foundry, the coal from
` another mine and the iron from the foundry go to the
` blacksmith and the toolmakers, then the weapons and tools from
` the tool-maker and blacksmith can be transported directly to
` the castle for distribution.
`...Creating these little set-ups will save time, reduce
`congestion, and probably increase output as well, so it's worth
`thinking about it when laying down your buildings etc.
~`Part Four - Buildings
`Early on it is advisable to set building occupancy to weak,
`because there is no need to guard buildings which won't get
`attacked this early on in the game. It is far better to leave
`your knights in the castle where they will get trained up
`quicker, and be ready for attack. Later on in the game when the
`enemy comes close in a threatening mood, increase the occupancy
`level again ready for the oncoming attack.
`Boatyards are only important in those levels where there is lots
`of water about. Remember that you will only need a certain
`amount of boats, so to conserve wood, turn off it's delivery to
`the boat-yard as soon as you have enough boats, otherwise you're
`just wasting it.
`Obviously castles are very important, and you will undoubtedly
`know quite a lot about them from playing the game and from the
`manual. One thing I can add is a little cheaty tip you can use
`when placing your castle. If your enemy finds an excellent place
`to put his castle in a level, immediately restart the level and
`place your castle there before he can! Ooooh, what fun!
`Farms are the other main food source for your settlement. A farm
`can produce corn for flour then bake the flour for bread, as well
`as growing corn straight for pig food. (Don't you ever wonder
`where they get the yeast from??) You should find that two farms
`will suffice for a small settlement, but after a while you will
`find the need to build more as demand for food increases.
`Obviously, the best place for farms is in wide, flat areas where
`farmers can have the best fields.
`Fishermen's huts are also very important at the start of the
`game, because fish are the easiest way of feeding your workers.
`As an added problem in the game, it is quite possible to 'over-
`fish' a lake, so it's best not to build too many huts around one
`lake, and, instead, to conserve stocks by allowing reserves to
`re-build after each fishing spree.
`Sawmills are very important buildings because they process the
`trees cut down by your woodcutters into planks ready to be used
`in building. You are really going to need a sawmill right at the
`start of the game to get straight to work at creating the
`necessary materials for early building.
`A warehouse is very similar to a castle, so is a very important
`building and should be protected by at least one stronghold. If
`you lose a warehouse it can be a very big blow to your campaign.
`One of the best 'uses' of a warehouse is for training knights
`because they will be taught much faster in a warehouse than in a
`These two are obviously also very important because without them
`you won't even have the wood for the sawmill to plank. Because
`the two do completely opposite jobs (ie, one cutting down, and
`one planting trees), it's a good idea to have the two working in
`harmony with each other, so that as one chops down an old forest,
`the other can start planting another. If you're wondering about
`the best place to start a new forest, one that grows on the
`slopes of a mountain is your best bet since this uses up
`otherwise useless land and conserves the flat land for building
~`Part Five - Roads
`If you are to become successful in this game you will need to
`have a good road network at all times. If your network is poor,
`or non-existent, things can get completely clogged up as you
`build a bigger and bigger empire. Important goods can get slowed
`down as transporters move less-important goods out of the way,
`and this leads to everything slowing down and becoming much less
`The best road-network to construct is a little Milton Keynes type
`grid of roads that covers your whole land. This is best as it
`gives your workers and transporters the best chance of a direct
`route to their destination, saving valuable time and helping to
`reduce congestion.
`The worst road-network you can build is one where all roads lead
`to and from your major buildings in sort of star shapes. This
`doesn't work at all because, for anyone to go anywhere they have
`to take long routes to places they don't want to go to, before
`they can then go on to their desired destination.
`One thing you musn't do is to change the path to a building
`whilst rock or wood is being transported there. This will
`bewilder the men doing the transporting, and more than often
`they'll just turn around and head back the way they came!
`Another aspect of transporting is the 'flags'. Transporters will
`always take the shortest route possible to their destination, and
`this is calculated by the number of these 'flags' that are passed
`- the more 'flags', the longer the journey. Because of this,
`reducing the number of flags to the minimum will also minimise
`transportation times.
`When laying roads, try to keep them as flat as possible. If it is
`a necessity to lay a steep road (appearing red), then put a flag
`either side of the hill, so you have one transporter going up and
`down the hill slowly, while other transporters can go further,
`Whilst building roads, you must take into consideration the land
`that they take up. If you build too many roads you will start
`taking over more and more land leaving less space for planting
`new trees to replace those already cut down. The more and more
`you do this the less and less trees you will have in the future,
`and as trees are the most important ingredient in expansion, this
`is no good thing. Basically, although you do need roads, you
`need to be a little careful in where you put them, so you need to
`plan ahead and not just chuck them down all over the place.
~`Part Six - Mining, Tools and Weapons
`When deciding which mines to build, remember that coal mines are
`far more important than the other, so you should have at least
`twice as many of these that the alternatives.
`It is important to get a tool maker up and running BEFORE you run
`out of tools because he cannot make them quickly. It doesn't
`really matter where you build his hut, so just slot it into any
`available space.
`When attack is impending, it is important to build several
`blacksmiths with their support structures, plus mines and gold
`foundries. If you don't take these precaution you won't have
`weapon stocks when battle arrives, and it will be too late then
`because weapon production is very slow.
`It is best to space your blacksmiths, gold mines and foundries
`widely around your land so that your enemy cannot halt your whole
`production with just the capture of one of your guard posts.
`(Ie, he may stop the production of one mine, foundry or
`blacksmith, but you will have many others, a long way from the
`captured one, which can continue production for you.)
~`Part Seven - Food
`At the very beginning of a new game then the best food to produce
`is fish, because this is a quick and easy way to feed your mine
`workers. All you need to do is build your fisherman's hut near
`the water and you're away.
`One of the silly parts of this game is the fact that the only
`need for food is in feeding miners. But, hey, don't complain;
`this means that if, for some reason, you don't have any mines
`working, you don't need to produce any food at all!
`The above means that you don't need to produce as much food as
`you might think. Over-producing just wastes time as your little
`men lug bread, bacon and fish around your roads, creating
`congestion too. It also means that if you are busy making too
`much food you're wasting land with farms that you don't even
`If you do have mines running (which 95% of the time you will),
`then I recommend that you don't bother with pig farming.
`Instead, once you've got up and running a bit, rely less on your
`fisherman by building up until you have three corn farms, a baker
`and two windmills. This lot should do the job of feeding the
`workers from at least ten mines all year round.
~Part Eight - Attacking
`Unlike in other, similar games, battle isn't the best way of
`doing things. It is far better to hang on and not fight until
`you absolutely have to, in order to give yourself the best chance
`of winning. Also, there is no point in fighting for small
`pickings, so only fight when there's something good to be won
`like a mountain containing a vital material.
`Instead of directly attacking your enemy (ie, sending in your
`knights), it is better to keep enlarging your territory by
`building guard posts on your border. Doing this gives you the
`opportunity to rotate your knights between the castle and the
`guardpost, so some are defending the guardposts, whilst the
`others are training in the castle. You can then keep rotating
`this, ensuring that the guardposts are always satisfactorily
`defended, and you will ultimately get a good strong army of
`highly ranked knights ready to attack when needed.
`Getting your knights into good nick before making your first
`attacks is vital. At the start of the game you'll find that your
`knights have low armour, and are in bad training. The best way
`to get them trained up is to build plenty of warehouses, because
`they offer the best training. If that's not an option, knights
`can also be trained in the garrisons, although this is less
`proficient. The best rule to use is that your knights should be
`used as late as possible to give them the best chance of being
`The first thing to remember is that only 'military' buildings
`(watch-towers, strongholds, and guard towers) can be attacked
`during play. The first thing to do when weighing up the
`possibility of attacking a building, or just when trying to find
`out about it, is to look at the flag that is flying outside it.
`Of course, the colour of this immediately shows you who occupies
`the building, but you'll also find that the higher the flag is
`flying on the pole, the more soldiers are defending the building.
`This allows you to see whether it's likely you'll be able to
`capture the building or not.
`The best attacking tactic is to save your game before every
`battle, and then again if you win the battle. That way, if you
`lose, you can re-load and be none the worse for wear. This
`allows you to try some more risky attacks like using only one
`captain to attack an enemy castle. This kind of battle is
`possible to win - one in about five tries usually - so you can
`keep restarting until you make it.
`When you do come to make an attack, don't just attack anything -
`it is important to make the attack count. Try to select targets
`that will cause the most problems for your enemy if you control
`them. For example, if you can find a well-used road in his
`empire, then attacking and controlling this means that whatever
`used to pass down it cannot any more. An example would be a road
`where raw materials go from a mine to a foundry - after all,
`it's no good your enemy mining iron ore if he can't get it to a
`foundry to process!
`Another possibility might be to attack and cut off a little
`'pocket' of your enemy's territory, so there's no way he can
`expand it or try and get it back. This allows you to destroy it,
`or keep it and gloat to your enemy for as long or as little as
`you like!
`Finally, when selecting a post to attack, look to see whether
`your opponent is fickle enough to have but one blacksmith or
`foundry. If he does, and it is possible to attack these, it is
`possible for you to halt your opponent's entire weapon or tool
`production in one fell swoop!
`Another good reason for attacking might be to take control of a
`guard post which has an extremely valuable resource piled up by
`the flag outside. It may get to the stage where it is worth
`doing this at the loss of a few knights, because the resource is
`so valuable for you to get control of. (Or, if you're mean like
`that, so your enemy can't have it!)
`If you are looking to attack a big enemy fort, you must have a
`strength and morale level of at least 90%. To increase morale,
`collect gold, as each piece collected will increase your knight's
`morale, and you'll also find that winning battles has a positive
`effect on morale. Another thing to think about is your supply of
`weapons. I suggest that you build a weapon maker as soon as
`possible to give a large collection of weapons. The raw
`materials needed for swords and shields are coal and iron, so
`take these into consideration when you position things too.
`Another thing to bear in mind with knights is their tiredness.
`If they have to walk a long way to the front line they will get
`tired on the journey and be less effective in battle. Their
`status is shown with four symbols ranging from active on the left
`to sleeping on the right, so refer to this to help you plan out
~`Part Nine - Defending
`Defensive possibilities in this game are rather limited to say
`the least! If you find yourself in a situation where your front
`line has an unsatisfactory number of knights, you can reduce the
`number manning third line and inner guard posts, and some will
`then leave these areas and go back to the castle. From the
`castle the knights can then go onto the front line and man the
`unsatisfactorily defended guard posts. The main problem with this
`method is that the knights will spend a long time walking around,
`so you must act quickly so you don't get attacked before the
`knights arrive.
`If it comes to the situation where you can see the enemy marching
`upon one of your guard posts, there is little you can do about
`it! As long as the enemy is still a fair way away, (if they're
`close you won't be able to do this) you could destroy the
`targeted guard post so that, although it will be lost, it won't
`get into enemy hands.
`Another possibility would be to find the nearest enemy garrison
`and attack this. If you are lucky, your troops will begin to
`march on this, but they will meet the approaching enemy army on
`the way, and begin to attack them there. This means that your
`building stays in safety - at least for now. The only thing to
`worry about is the fact that your troops must see the enemy ones,
`or vice-versa, for the confrontation to occur, so if there's a
`mountain in the way, for example, the two armies could march past
`each other and you'll look incredibly silly!
~`Part Ten - An Example Step-by-Step Start
~`The following guide by no means compensates the tips in parts 1
~`to 9. It does not cover many aspects of the game, and misses out
~`some vital tips. It's just a quick piece to help you get into
~`the game and start your own little civilisation.
`The first decision is placing your castle. It might be a good
`idea to survey the different mining locations first, and position
`it at the best of these; one with water and forests if possible.
`The first buildings to construct should be guard posts on your
`border to expand territory.
`After this you can loosely say that you now need at least one of
`each construction except for the boat yard, butcher and pig farm.
`The first to get up and running should be some mines, so get the
`geologists out and find some good mines, then get them set-up.
`Next you'll need to find some food for the miners, so build 1 or
`2 fisherman's huts by a lake.
`Next you need some building materials. Build a woodcutter with a
`forester so that one compensates for the other, then build a
`stone cutter. When the latter of these has exhausted the surface
`stone in the area, burn down his hut then build another for him
`somewhere else, otherwise he'll be forever perambulating around
`your land trying to find his way home!
`You now need to convert the logs from the woodcutter into some
`wood planks ready for building. To do this, build a sawmill
`close to your castle. As well as this, build the other
`manufacturing buildings, going in the order of production, with
`the final building closest to your castle (ie, mine furthest
`away, then foundry, then tool-maker, blacksmith and goldsmith
`closest to the castle).
`Soon you will find that your miners start running out of food, so
`get a corn farm up and running. To process it's corn you'll also
`need a windmill or a baker nearby.
`As your power becomes greater, it would help to build a new
`goldsmith to get more morale-boosting gold, and another armourer
`to increase your fighting power.
~` That'll do for now folks...
~` Hope this increases your success in this smart game...
~` Simon Burrows