PC/CD Gamer UK 6
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Tips for Levels Four and onwards, contributed By Wayne Roberts.
~Level Four
You will encounter a new enemy on this level in the form of bats.
They will attack you when you get close to them so try and kill
them as they attack, by standing still whilst swinging your sword.
Getting past the spikes in the walls need good timing, so simply
watch and run past when it dissapears back into the wall.
The swinging balls are easy to pass, simply wait for the first
to swing back then run past the lot of them in one go.
With the bricks in the wall that move in and out simply, watch the
pattern then go for it, making sure your timing is right on each
The skeletons can be a bit awkward to kill, the best way is to fire
apples at them when they are exchanging their head for a bomb. If
you're brave you can also kill them with your sword. You will also
have to watch out for the flying bones when they explode, the easiest
way to do this is move Aladdin so as the skeleton is no longer on the
After the long series of jumps upwards, you will encounter a guard.
The best way to kill him is to stay on the chain and fire apples
at him, rather than use your sword.
~Level 5
The red statues need to be hit a few times, to open up any barriers
that may stop your path. You may have to go back on yourself to
find the statues.
If you're having problems killing the statues that only move when
you walk past, then try walking past and turning quickly with a
swipe of your blade, they will receive a hit where as you won't.
Standing on some stones will propell you up into hard to reach
places, simply stand on them and look out for ledges that can be
jumped onto or things to collect.
Little ghosty things will appear on occasions, try and kill them
as soon as they appear, else they will follow you around and make
life a little more difficult for you.
Having problems with a red statue that is stuck on a hard to reach
ledge ? Well simply jump left and fire a few apples at it until
you succeed in blowing it up.
When the shopkeeper appears, buy as many lives as you can then
spend the rest on extra apples. Drop down left and head right
to the Boss.
To defeat the boss, simply move from left to right as he does,
and find the best position to stand, so as you can hit him, but
not him hit you.
Once he's defeated jump on the magic carpet and ride it until you
have to jump off. At this stage just keep running whilst jumping
off each rock at the very last moment. Upon reahing safety you
have two choices, you can either go through, the rock to gain some
bonuses or you can jump on the moving ledge and jump all the way
up to the rock to collect the lamp.
~Level Six
This level is straght forward but needs a lot of accuracy to succeed,
one slight mistake and it's back to the beginning.
The rocks across the lava, will sink when you step on them so bear
this in mind when you are crossing them.
When you are running through the tunnels with a huge rock on your
tail, just keep running, DON'T bother jumping for any bonuses,
and jump at the latest moment possible.
After the third tunnel, you will emerge back in the lava filled
cavern, keep running to the edge and jump onto the next ledge,
otherwise the boulder will squat you. Once out of the tunnels
and safely standing on the rock, you'll have to cross a few
more ledges but this is easy as long as you jump from the
edges of the rocks. The easy route is the higher route, so I
suggest taking this unless you want to get the bonus level bonus
and more probable, killed.
Upon reaching the second set of tunnels, keep to the lower route
and upon reachin the end of the last tunnel, jump right to land
on the carpet.
~Level Seven
This one gets a bit fast and furious near to the end, will need a
lot of concentration, but once you've done it a couple of times
you get the hang of it.
This level sees you flying through a lava filled cavern with a wave
of hot lava on your backside. Through the level you will have to
colect bonuses whilst avoiding the rocks that block you path. Well
when you get here, you'll see what I mean. You will early on get
pointers but here are the moves that you should make (these are for
the Megadrive version, but as the rest of the game is identical I'm
sure these are to !!). I will use U for Up and D for Down.
U, D, D, D, U, D, U, U, U, D, U, U, D, U, U, U, D, D, D, U, D, U, D,
D, U, D, U, D.
~Level Eight
This one needs very little explaining simply follow the arrows and
you'll safely arrive at your destination.
When walking on the blue smoke, make sure you don't fall through,
to avoid this simply do a short jump upwards evry now and again.
Also keep an eye out for the hidden trampolines in the blue path,
as these will allow you to get to bonuses that otherwise can't be
When you get to the balloons, start to concentrate as you'll need
to make each jump right first time, else it's back to the start of
them for you !! Just jump right each time, not pressing any other
key else the balloons will dissapear and Aladdin will drop.
After the balloons use the hands to toss you upwards and use the
heads to bounce off of, to continue right. Some hands shrink so
make sure you jump off them quickly else you'll drop downwards
either killing yourself or having to start from lower down and
work your way back up again !!
The rest of the level is quite easy, simply use the hands and heads
to bounce you to the exit, oh and don't forget the extra life which
can be found by falling off the pillar near the end.
~Level Nine
From the beginning head left, jumping on the flamingoes.
Use your apples on the fish and guards rather than trying to get
closer, so as to swipe your sword.
Ride the carpet rather than continuing on right, climb the ropes
and go left to save position. There is also another carpet ride
which will take you to loads of apples.
Stay on the second carpet and it will drop down a chute. Continue
right to find another carpet. Stay on this and you will be taken
high above the palace and dropped later on. Once off the carpet,
head left and jump to climb the tresses.
Upon reaching the cage containing Abu, jump up and then head right
to drop down into the secret door.
Killing the bird can be done easily in one of two places. First, on
the far left, jump onto the barrel and then on the ledge, or secondly
from the ladder on the far right.
Don't get too close, as it's best to use hit and run techniques as
the ghosts constantly reform and chase you. If you run out of apples
more will appear on the far left so don't panic.
~Level Ten
From the start jump on the higher of platforms to avoid the fire,
kill the statues as before. The rest of thi section is very
straightforward and if you've got this far you should know the
techniques by now.
When on the carpet, try and grab as any apples as you can as you will
be needing these later to defeat the dragon.
Throw apples at the Jaffer continuously, and when he casts his spell,
move left until you are just on the edge of the right hand platform,
then run right to break it. Keep at this then he'll chnage into the
Throw apples at him to kill, whilst you keep running and jumping over
the dragon's head. Run off the other podium and stand between them
again. Continue this pattern until he dies......