Labels:book | bulletin board | comic book | person | plant | poster | sky | windowpane OCR: GReeting "Sometimes you just wake up in trouble, and he certainhy looks like he's dropped into a pile of cack which could be set to beat the alltime record poo as featured in Jurassic Park Full Throttie hero rict motorbike doesn't shave probably smokes Lucky Strike and quite possibly partial to the odd bottle of JD although, course that isn't featured in the demo included some brill road music great graphics and our dead pre, hero Lucasarts have outdone themselves this time Doom levels This month' bund le has been harvested from as tar away Australia and the USA Down in the shareware scene the pick of this month' courtesy of the Internet.If anyone do want senc bulletin board downl loads is XQuest simple but me an e-mail or game for inclusion on CD Gamer strang ely mixture of mouse dexterit ...