Labels:text | font OCR: and music, while Faren's handful of rabid and wild- eyed followers attempted to focus the chaos that surrounded them. Qor's malevolent path attracted a disquieting number of self-centered, arrogant citizens who proudly put themselves above others. Rilja was all but ignored, his path inscrutable to all but a few. During the reign of Zarcos ill, it was discovered that wherever the Meridian touched the world, one would find a mana node - a naturally-flowing current of magical power: Qor's followers wasted no time putting this new power source to use. in an orgy of destruction, they laid the Temple of Jala to waste In a single day. But they underestimated their opposition: the other Temples quickly united. protecting the mana nodes and laying siege to the Temple of Oor. Qor's priestesses loose ...