INTRODUCTION: .+ To use this disk, you only need to do 3 easy steps: .+ 1. Switch to your CD-ROM drive. 2. Type RUN. 3. Enter or Return. .+ To help clear our guidelines in this file, we will indicate a keystroketo be pressed by putting it into a set of brackets, for instance [F1]..+ HELP SCREENS [F1]: .+ Since this may be your first time using this product, we suggest you use[F1] from time to time. [F1] is our ON-LINE help guide. It will answermost questions you may have about this CD-ROM. Our HELP statements havebeen carefully designed so they are easily understood by everyone. Afteryour question has been answered, just use [F1] again to take you back towhere you first had your question. We have built in two help levels foreach of our main areas to make using this CD-ROM as smooth as possible..+ .++ MANUAL & RUN.TXT FILES: .+ By highlighting MANUAL from our main screen, you can browse through thisentire manual on your screen. If you prefer a hard copy, just print outa file called RUN.TXT. Set your printer to its top of form position. Thisfile will print about 60 lines per page, leaving a top & bottom margin.In total, this file will take 6 pages to print out. .+ COPYING & UNZIPPING OF FILES [F5] & [F6]: .+ When using [F5] or [F6] to copy or uncompress any file or group of files,it is important to be certain there is enough free space on your targetdisk drive. RUN will crash out if there is not enough space. This isdone on purpose so you know this particular file or group of files cannot be copied [F5] or uncompressed [F6] in their entire form(s). RUN canbe restarted from your DOS prompt without any harm to it in case it hasaccidentally been crashed in this fashion. .+ PLEASE NOTE: You may copy [F5] as many as ten (10) files PLUS unzip [F6]as many as 10 files. Both of these operations can be done at one time.Be sure to read an IMPORTANT operation note under SWITCH & TAG FEATURE..++ PRINT A CHAPTER LISTING [F2]: .+ Another feature which is built into this CD-ROM is a print command. Thisprint command will print a CHAPTER of file listings. For instance, if youare in CHAPTER B of a directory that has 3 CHAPTERS, you will only printCHAPTER B. It is important to be sure your printer has paper in it aswell as being on-line when [F2] is pressed. Any CHAPTER you want to printwill be a maximum length of 6 pages using a standard 66 line default.From this default, [F2] will actually print 50 lines of text. .+ You will notice files on printed pages are numbered. These numbers matchwhat you see on screen when you are selecting any programs for use. Thisfeature helps you to find programs easier. In case you have a text fileviewer, we suggest you look through our sub directory known as LISTS.This listing appears very similiar to your printed file listing or whatare seeing while running our CD-ROM. .+ PLEASE NOTE: Our .LIS files are in alphabetical order just like our TOPIC& CHAPTER selections. For example, 01A.LIS will match your TOPICS inCHAPTER A of BASIC topics. .+ .++ SELECTING CHAPTERS [F3] & [F4]: .+ In some our our areas which have a large number of selections, you willsee an indicator called CHAPTERS. When a topic is first picked, it alwaysstarts with CHAPTER A. Some topics (Like Games), have multiple chapters.To advance (From A to B, etc.), just press [F4] one time. To go backwardsjust press [F3]. Your next listing of topics will be loaded really quick..+ FLIPPING PAGES: .+ When you are in either a topic or a .GIF selection, you will notice thatspecific topics or .GIFS are displayed ten (10) at a time on your screen.To flip pages, all you have to do is tap your right arrow key [->] toflip one page forward (1 to 2, etc.). To flip backwards, use your leftarrow key [<-]. You may decide to jump from page 1 of any given listingto its last page by just pressing your left arrow key [<-] from page 1..+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .++ .GIF AREA: .+ As part of this CD-ROM, we have provided a selection of viewable .GIFimages. We made this CD-ROM to work on a VGA Monitor with a 512k VideoCard. If you use other configurations, we CAN NOT PREDICT acceptableresults. We have 2 suggestions for you. First, copy those .GIFS into yourviewing area. Second, put your view program in your path statement(AUTOEXEC.BAT file). You can now view any .GIF directly from our CD-ROM..+ PLEASE NOTE: We advise disabling of any TSR memory programs which maycreate operating conflicts with our viewing program. .+ VIEW OR COPY .GIFS [F5] & [F6]: .+ Browse through our file descriptions like you do for topics. [F5] letsyou copy to any drive, while [F6] tags .GIFS for viewing. To view 1 .GIF,press [F6], then [ENTER]. To view up to 10 .GIFS, [F6] your choices (Theymay be on different pages). Press [ENTER] to begin. A title indicatingyour next choice appears briefly. Tap any key to see your next selection..+ .+ .++ ESCAPE FUNCTION [ESC]: .+ If you are browsing through either descriptions of topics or .GIFS, &would like to return to your main selection just press your [ESCAPE] keyonce. This will return you to either our 28 major topics OR to our 12.GIF choices. Pressing [ESCAPE] again will return you to our main menuscreen you see when you first start our CD-ROM. .+ SWITCH & TAG FEATURE: .+ As you know, [F5] will allow you to copy either a file or a .GIF image.[F6] Lets a file be unzipped or a .GIF viewed. If you change your mindabout either of these tag features, we have a method to switch them. Justmove your highlight bar over any file or .GIF you wish to switch. By onlypressing your F key again you can untag a file or .GIF. For instance: ifyou picked a file to be copied with [F5], press [F5] again to untag it.If you wish to unzip a file rather than copy it, just move your highlightbar over your choice again then press [F6]. Be aware these notes willwork in this same manner on .GIFS, just a view instead of an unzip. .+ IMPORTANT NOTE: All copies [F5] & unzips [F6] must be entered before youchange Chapters or Topics, if not, RUN.EXE will lock up your system.TO ERASE A COPIED FILE [F5] OR UNZIPPED FILE [F6]: .+ To ERASE, just highlight our ERASE function on our main menu selection..+ First, ERASE will ask you if you want to remove either a file which wascopied [F5] or a directory RUN has made by unzipping a file [F6]. Yourchoice is made by using either your left or right arrow key. .+ Next, ERASE will ask you for your target drive. This is your drive letterwhich will be searched for either copied files or unzipped directories..+ ERASE will only display directories unzipped [F6] from this CD-ROM,VERSION 3.0. When a file is unzipped, a .DIR extension is added to itsdirectory name. This is what ERASE looks for. By using this method, ERASEwill ignore all other directories on any given target disk drive. .+ If ERASE finds some directories with this extension, it will sort all ofthem instantly, then it will display them (10 at a time) on your screen.You will notice ERASE gives you a number of pages plus a total of howmany directories it finds with our .DIR extension. Use your left & rightarrows to 'FLIP' pages if you have more than 10 directories. Scrolling isdone by using your up & down arrow keys. When you have highlighted a directory you would like to be deleted, justtap your [ENTER] key. This will now place a GONE message just left ofyour choice. In case you change your mind to save this particulardirectory, just highlight it again then tap your [ENTER] key. Basically,your ENTER key is a toggle switch for erasing. To ACTUALLY delete a directory at this point, just use your ESCAPE key. Once you have returnedback to your main menu selections, any directories you may have taggedwith a GONE message are now gone. .+ ERASE will remove all files within a directory in addition to a directoryname in 1 easy step. In case you are deleting large volumes of data froma floppy disk, you will notice this procedure may take a few seconds. Anydirectory removals are much quicker from a hard drive. .+ Some added features you will notice about ERASE is that it lets you knowhow many directories it has found, number of directories you have chosenfor deletion, plus number of remaining directories (If any). These factsare also presented as a confirmation just before your ESCAPE key takesyou back to your main menu selections. .+ .+ .++ It should be noted that ERASE can be used to view directories made fromthis CD-ROM without actually removing any of them. To do this, just useyour ESCAPE key. Do not tag any files with a GONE message. .+ These same simple steps apply to removing of copied files & .GIFS [F5]..+ RUN.EXE TECHNICAL SUPPORT: .+ Regarding technical support, publisher can only provide help for RUN.EXE.For specific questions about any individual programs, we ask you contactthat program's author(s) for assistance. If you have any suggestions forimprovements to future releases, please tell us. This is our only way ofknowing exactly what our customers want from our CD-ROM. .+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .++ BBS SUPPORT: .+ We have attempted to support BBS operators by including a file in eachsubdirectory (01A, etc). This file is called FILES.BBS. This is an exactcopy of what is available in our LISTS subdirectory. All information inthese files are plain ASCII text data. If your program requires this formof information for your BBS, perhaps this will be of help to your system..+ Another feature we added for BBS operators is in our LISTS sub-directoryyou will notice a file called FILES.ZIP. This is a complete listing ofall our list files in our LISTS sub-directory. One difference is that allmultiple chapter areas have been combined into one listing. This zippedfile can be quickly downloaded by any user this enables a user to obtaina COMPLETE, unzippable, ASCII file listing of all programs found on thisCD-ROM without spending a lot of time just browsing through list afterlist on your BBS. .+ PLEASE NOTE: FILES.ZIP contains file & program listings found in our 28topic selections plus our 12 .GIF image listings plus our three sounddirectories. It does not have any files found in our VOICE sub-directory..+ .++ SOUND & MUSIC SUB-DIRECTORY: .+ For people who may have a SOUNDBLASTER, TRAKBLASTER, MIDI, or ADLIB musicboard as part of their system, we have a dedicated directory of files foryour enjoyment. From your CD-ROM prompt change your directory to eitherSOUND1, SOUND2, or SOUND3. These areas are set aside since they requirea board which everybody may not have. Just use DOS commands or a utilityto copy these files where you want them. Descriptions can be found in ourLISTS sub-directory as SOUND1.LIS, SOUND2.LIS & SOUND3.LIS. .+ SPEECH SYNTHESIS & VOICE RECOGNITION SUB-DIRECTORY: .+ For those users who may have a speech synthesis or a voice recognitionboard in their PC, we suggest you to look at our VOICE subdirectory. Hereyou will find a specially designed program which will work with a HEARSAYboard. Please read a file called README.DOC before you start using thisarea of our CD-ROM. This special area on our CD-ROM is not part of ourRUN program. This enhancement requires installation on a hard drive, plusan extra board. A little bit of practice is also needed to feel at easeusing this setup. To gain access to voice & speech interaction, return toyour DOS prompt for your CD-ROM drive then CD to our VOICE sub-directory..++ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: .+ We would like to personally thank you to each author to has contributedcountless hours creating programs to make this CD-ROM a reality for manyusers to enjoy. .+ REMEMBER: If this system of distribution called Shareware is to work forfor all of us, it is up to each of us to contribute registration fees forthese programs. Afterall, you expect a paycheck for your work right ?.+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .++ FEES & REGISTRATIONS FOR BBS USAGE: .+ FEES & REGISTRATIONS: PUBLISHER OFFERS THIS CD-ROM & ALL SUBJECT PROGRAMSCONTAINED ON IT WITHOUT ANY ADDITIONAL PAYMENT OF ROYALITIES. IF ANY SUCHFEE IS NOTED, IT IS FOR ONE OF 2 REASONS. IT IS EITHER A DIRECT PAYMENTTO A GIVEN AUTHOR FOR REGISTRATION OF A SPECIFIED PROGRAM. OR, IT IS FORA BBS OPERATOR FOR ON-LINE OR DOWNLOAD TIME. PUBLISHER DOES NOT RECIEVEANY PORTION OF THESE FEES. PUBLISHER HAS NO CONTROL OVER EITHER OF THESEFEES & DOES NOT ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEM. .+ DISCLAIMERS: .+ Publisher does not advise or recommend use of any program or applicationsoftware included on this CD-ROM. Upon execution of said software, a useragrees not to hold publisher or any of its members responsible for anydamages or losses encountered by misuse. Programs given to or obtained bypublisher are not warrantied either written or implied by publisher. Ifany such statements are found in any program, they are made only by thatpublisher will not be held responsible in any manner for such claims..+ .+ .++ WARRANTY: .+ Our only warranty is limited to this, actual CD-ROM. It is deemed to befree from manufacturing defects for a period of 12 months from date ofpurchase. Our warranty also is limited to operations of RUN.EXE. We havefound this program to work as intended when used as specified. Any otheruses other than as a retrieval program are not warrantied. Any changes ormodifications to this program will void our warranty. .+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .+ .++