ISDX_OLDVERSION=DirectX detected on your system is old, do you want to upgrade it?
ISDX_INSTALLINGDX=Installing DirectX...
ISDX_ERR_NODIRECTXFOLDER=Make sure that the DirectX folder exists on your Media.
ISDX_ERR_BADSOURCETIME=A file's date and time could not be verified or were incorrect.
DX_GAME_LICENSE=Do you want to install the Microsoft DirectX 7 drivers on your computer?\nIf so, please carefully read the terms above. If you agree to be bound by those terms, click on "Accept" below. If you do not agree to be bound by those terms, click on "Decline" below and Microsoft DirectX drivers will not be installed on your computer, and the installation program will continue.\nThis product requires the Microsoft DirectX 7 drivers to be installed in order to work properly.
DEMO_FILES=Copying demo files.
TITLE_NOT32=Wrong Windows version
ISDX_ERR_UNKNOWNOS=The operating system on your system is not currently supported.
ISDX_ERR_SOURCEFILENOTFOUND=A required source file could not be found.
ERROR_MOVEDATA=An error occurred during the move data process: %d
DX_LICENSE_INFO=Please read the following License Agreement. Press the PAGE DOWN key to see the rest of the agreement.
ISDX_NOTFOUND=DirectX not found, proceed with installation ?
ISDX_ERR_NOTENOUGHSPACE=Not enough space to install DirectX.
ISDX_ERR_CANTFINDDIR=The setup program could not find the working directory.
ERROR_WRONGOS=%P does not run under Windows NT.
ISDX_ERR_BADSOURCESIZE=A file's size could not be verified or was incorrect.
FINISH1=%P Setup is almost complete.\n
ISDX_REBOOT=Setup has finished copying files to your computer.\nBefore you can use the program, you must restart Windows or your Computer.
FINISH2=I would like to launch %P
GAME_FILES=Copying game files.
ISDX_ERR_NOCOPY=A file's version could not be verified or was incorrect.
DIRECTX_YESNO=Do you want to install DirectX 7 ?
ISDX_ERR_CANTFINDINF=A required .inf file could not be found.
ERROR_VGARESOLUTION=This program requires VGA or better resolution.
ISDX_ERR_SERVICEPACKNUM=Incorrect service pack number for DirectX setup.
ISDX_ERR_NOTPREINSTALLEDONNT=The version of Windows NT on the system does not contain\nthe current version of DirectX. An older version of DirectX\nmay be present, or DirectX may be absent altogether.
ERROR_NOT32=%P does not support the Windows version on the system.
SHORTCUT=Do you want to add a shortcut to %P on the desktop?
ISDX_ERR_USERHITCANCEL=The Cancel button was pressed before the application was fully installed.
ISDX_ERR_BADWINDOWSVERSION=DirectX does not support the Windows version on the system.
PRODUCT_NAME=Superbike 2000
ERROR_UNINSTSETUP=unInstaller setup failed to initialize. You may not be able to uninstall this product.