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- [Version]
- Signature=$Chicago$
- DisplayName=%SetupTitle%
- MinFileSize=5000
- AdvancedINF=2.5
- ProductVersion=4.71.0537
- ; OsFlags= 1 = Okay to install on Win 3.X
- ; 2 = Okay to install on NT
- ; 4 = Okay to install on Win 95
- ;
- ; In download only case:
- ; DownFlags= 1 = Default is checked
- ; 2 = User is not allowed to edit field
- ; 8 = Dont show this to user (in the UI)
- ;
- ;
- ; In Install/Downlad case:
- ; InstFlags 1 = Default is checked
- ; 2 = user is not allowed to edit field
- ; 8 = Dont show this to user (in the UI)
- ;
- ; BROWSER 1075
- ; JAVA 1072
- ; DIALER 1078
- ; SUBSCR 1079
- ; CHANNELS 1080
- ; OUTLOOK 1081
- [OLE2_Win16]
- DisplayName="%OLE%"
- Size=548,1265
- GUID={89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383}
- URL1="ole.cab",3,ole.inf
- Locale=%LCORE%
- Command1="ole.inf"
- Type1=0
- Switches1=""
- Version=4,0,0,1812.2
- UninstallKey="OLE2"
- Reboot=0
- InstalledSize=1235,1235
- [BASEIE40_Win16]
- DisplayName="%Browser%"
- Size=3586,8050
- GUID={89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4384}
- URL1="Browser.cab",3,Browser.inf
- URL2="mshtml16.cab",2
- Locale=%LCORE%
- Command1="Browser.inf"
- Type1=0
- Switches1=""
- Version=4,0,0,1812.2
- UninstallKey="BASEIE40"
- Reboot=0
- InstalledSize=8050,7639
- Dependencies=IE_CORE_Win16
- GUID=>{60B49E34-C7CC-11D0-8953-00A0C90347FF}MICROSO
- DisplayName=Browser Customizations
- Size1=3,16
- Version=1,0,0,2
- Locale=%LCORE%
- Command1=INSTALL.INF
- Reboot=1
- Dependencies=IE_CORE_Win16
- Size=9,1
- InstalledSize=0,1
- Type1=0
- [JAVA_Win16]
- DisplayName="%IE4_JAVA%"
- DisplayLongName="%JavaVMLong1%%JavaVMLong2%%JavaVMLong3%%JavaVMLong4%"
- Size=536,1325
- GUID={89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4385}
- URL1="java.cab",3,java.inf
- Locale=%LCORE%
- Command1="java.inf"
- Type1=0
- ;Switches1=""
- Version=4,0,0,1812.2
- UninstallKey="JAVA"
- Reboot=0
- InstalledSize=1325,0
- OsFlags=7
- DownFlags=0
- InstFlags=0
- bitmap=1075
- [MailNews_Win16]
- DisplayName="%IE4_MAIL%"
- DisplayLongName="%OEMailLong%"
- Size=1929,4347
- GUID={89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4386}
- URL1="mailnews.cab",3,mailnews.inf
- Locale=%LCORE%
- Command1="mailnews.inf"
- Type1=0
- ;Switches1=""
- Version=4,0,0,1812.2
- UninstallKey="MAILNEWS"
- ;Reboot=0
- InstalledSize=4347,1708
- Dependencies=IE_CORE_Win16
- OsFlags=7
- DownFlags=0
- InstFlags=0
- bitmap=1081
- [IE4StackDialer_Win16]
- DisplayName="%IE4_COMM%"
- DisplayLongName="%StackndLong1%%StackndLong2%%StackndLong3%%StackndLong4%"
- Size=783,2179
- GUID={89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4388}
- URL1="stacknd.cab",3,stacknd.inf
- Locale=%LCORE%
- Command1="stacknd.inf"
- Type1=0
- Switches1=""
- Version=4,0,0,1812.2
- UninstallKey="STACKND40"
- Reboot=0
- InstalledSize=2179,12
- Dependencies=IE_CORE_Win16
- OsFlags=1
- DownFlags=4
- InstFlags=4
- bitmap=1078
- [IE_CORE_Win16]
- DisplayName=%CORE%
- Locale=%LCORE%
- Size=532,1146
- GUID={89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4387}
- URL1="ieCore.cab",3,ieCore.inf
- Command1="ieCore.inf"
- Type1=0
- Switches1=""
- Version=4,0,0,1812.2
- UninstallKey="IECORE40"
- Reboot=0
- InstalledSize=1146,1019
- [IESubscrpt]
- DisplayName="%IE4_SUB%"
- DisplayLongName="%SubLong1%%SubLong2%%SubLong3%"
- Size=215,530
- GUID={89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4389}
- URL1="subscrpt.cab",3,subscrp.inf
- Locale=%LCORE%
- Command1="subscrp.inf"
- Type1=0
- Switches1=""
- Version=4,0,0,1812.2
- UninstallKey="SUBSCRPT40"
- Reboot=0
- InstalledSize=530,471
- Dependencies=BASEIE40_Win16
- OsFlags=7
- DownFlags=0
- InstFlags=0
- bitmap=1079
- [IE4Chnls]
- DisplayName="%IE4_Chnl%"
- DisplayLongName="%ChnlLong1%%ChnlLong2%%ChnlLong3%%ChnlLong4%"
- Size=641,814
- GUID={89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4390}
- URL1="chnls.cab",3,chnls.inf
- Locale=%LCORE%
- Command1="chnls.inf"
- Type1=0
- Switches1=""
- Version=4,0,0,1812.2
- UninstallKey="CHNLS40"
- Reboot=0
- InstalledSize=814,310
- Dependencies=IESubscrpt
- OsFlags=7
- DownFlags=0
- InstFlags=0
- bitmap=1080
- DisplayName="%IE4_RA%"
- DisplayLongName="%RA_Long1%%RA_Long2%%RA_Long3%%RA_Long4%"
- Size=1138,2276
- GUID={89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4391}
- URL1="RA.cab",3,RA.inf
- Locale=%LCORE%
- Command1="RA.INF"
- Type1=0
- Switches1=""
- Version=4,0,0,1812.2
- UninstallKey="RA40"
- Reboot=0
- InstalledSize=2276,0
- Dependencies=
- OsFlags=1
- DownFlags=0
- InstFlags=0
- bitmap=1074
- ;=======================================================================
- ;
- ; To show additional components in ActiveSetup, the cif file must
- ; have a [AddOns] section.
- ; [addons] defines the items that can be added to the addon list
- ; the user sees during install
- ; NOTE: An entry here will not always show up in the Addon dlg.
- ; That's because the user only sees items, that are not
- ; already pre-selected by modes in the ie4setup.inf (no duplicates)
- ; The names listed in the addons section MUST be the same
- ; used in this file to identify the component, and also used in the
- ; registry path created below.
- ; Each addon must also have a section to add it's entries to the registry
- ; this must HAVE A SECTION NAME with the format "Addon.addonname"
- ; where 'addoname' = the cif component name
- ;
- ; the modes for the addons must include all modes created by IEAK
- ; otherwise the user can select a addon, but since it wasn't
- ; identified by the currently selected mode, it won't get installed.
- ;
- ; Priority note: To make sure the browser shows up first, and the
- ; addons are added during download and installation, we should
- ; make sure the priorities are lower on addons
- ;=======================================================================
- [Addons]
- MailNews_Win16
- IE4StackDialer_Win16
- IESubscrpt
- IE4Chnls
- JAVA_Win16
- [Addon.JAVA_Win16]
- AddReg=JAVA_Win16.reg
- [Addon.MailNews_Win16]
- AddReg=MailNews_Win16.reg
- [Addon.IE4StackDialer_Win16]
- AddReg=IE4StackDialer_Win16.reg
- [Addon.IE4Chnls]
- AddReg=IE4Chnls.reg
- [Addon.IESubscrpt]
- AddReg=IESubscrpt.reg
- AddReg=REALAUDIO.reg
- [JAVA_Win16.reg]
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_JAVA\DisplayName,,,"%IE4_JAVA%"
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_JAVA,Priority,1,04,03,00,00
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_JAVA\JAVA_Win16,InstallModes,,"%MODES%"
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_JAVA\JAVA_Win16,ReInstallFlag,,"A"
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_JAVA\JAVA_Win16,Priority,1,07,00,00,00
- [MailNews_Win16.reg]
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_MAIL\DisplayName,,,"%IE4_MAIL%"
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_MAIL,Priority,1,74,03,00,00
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_MAIL\MailNews_Win16,InstallModes,,"%MODES%"
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_MAIL\MailNews_Win16,ReInstallFlag,,"A"
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_MAIL\MailNews_Win16,Priority,1,06,00,00,00
- [IE4StackDialer_Win16.reg]
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_COMM\DisplayName,,,"%IE4_COMM%"
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_COMM,Priority,1,24,03,00,00
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_COMM\IE4StackDialer_Win16,InstallModes,,"%MODES%"
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_COMM\IE4StackDialer_Win16,ReInstallFlag,,"A"
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_COMM\IE4StackDialer_Win16,Priority,1,02,00,00,00
- [IESubscrpt.reg]
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_SUB\DisplayName,,,"%IE4_SUB%"
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_SUB,Priority,1,54,03,00,00
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_SUB\IESubscrpt,InstallModes,,"%MODES%"
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_SUB\IESubscrpt,ReInstallFlag,,"A"
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_SUB\IESubscrpt,Priority,1,09,00,00,00
- [IE4Chnls.reg]
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_CHNL\DisplayName,,,"%IE4_CHNL%"
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_CHNL,Priority,1,34,03,00,00
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_CHNL\IE4Chnls,InstallModes,,"%MODES%"
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_CHNL\IE4Chnls,ReInstallFlag,,"A"
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_CHNL\IE4Chnls,Priority,1,08,00,00,00
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_RA\DisplayName,,,"%IE4_RA%"
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_RA,Priority,1,14,03,00,00
- HKCU,%JOBKEY%\IE4_RA\REALAUDIO,Priority,1,10,00,00,00
- [Strings]
- JOBKEY ="Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\jobs\job.IE4"
- MODES ="012356"
- CORE = "Core Components"
- LCORE = "EN"
- SetupTitle = "Internet Explorer 4.0 Active Setup"
- OLE = "Object Linking And Embedding 2.03"
- Browser = "Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0"
- JavaVMLong1 = "The Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java allows you "
- JavaVMLong2 = "to run Java-based applications embedded in HTML "
- JavaVMLong3 = "pages. This feature is not recommended for "
- JavaVMLong4 = "configurations smaller than 16 megabytes of memory."
- IE4_JAVA = "Microsoft VM for Java for Win 3.1/Win NT 3.51"
- IE4_MAIL = "Outlook Express for Win 3.1/Win NT 3.51"
- IE4_COMM = "Stack and Dialer for Win 3.1"
- IE4_SUB = "Subscription Mgr for Win 3.1/Win NT 3.51"
- IE4_CHNL = "Channels for Win 3.1/Win NT 3.51"
- IE4_RA = "RealPlayer 4.01 for Win 3.1"
- OEMailLong = "Microsoft Outlook Express allows you to use Internet e-mail and newsgroups."
- StackndLong1 = "The Microsoft dialer allows you to use a modem. "
- StackndLong2 = "If you already use another product to connect to the Internet , "
- StackndLong3 = "you will not need to install it."
- stackndLong4 = " If you already use the Microsoft dialer, you should re-install it"
- SubLong1 = "The Microsoft Subscription Manager allows you to "
- SubLong2 = "automatically connect and update the local copy "
- SubLong3 = "of a site according to a schedule that you select."
- ChnlLong1 = "The Microsoft Channels allow you select a channel to subscribe to, "
- ChnlLong2 = "to update channel content automatically according to a "
- ChnlLong3 = "schedule determined by the channel provider, and to have that "
- ChnlLong4 = "channel appear in the Channel pane."
- RA_Long1 = "RealPlayer provides live and on-demand real-time RealAudio and "
- RA_Long2 = "RealVideo streaming content on the Web. Access thousands of hours "
- RA_Long3 = "of sports, music, news, and live events over the Internet. "
- RA_Long4 = "(You will need to install Video for Windows before it can run)"