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- [Version]
- Signature="$Chicago$"
- AdvancedINF=2.5
- ProductVersion=4.71.0537
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; SETUP.INF file for Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 for Windows 3.1
- ; Copyright (c) 1997, All rights reserved
- ;
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [NOTWin95.Win16]
- CopyFiles = BOOTNOTWin95Copy, BOOTWinDirCopy
- [bootInstall.Win16]
- CopyFiles = BOOTSysDirCopy
- AddReg = OLE2.WIN16.REG
- UpdateIniFields = UpdateLoadLine
- [bootInstall.dbg.Win16]
- CopyFiles = BOOTSysDirCopy, BOOTDbgFilesCopy
- AddReg = OLE2.WIN16.REG
- UpdateIniFields = UpdateLoadLine
- [bootUninstall.Win16]
- DelFiles = BOOTSysDirDel
- [bootUninstall.dbg.Win16]
- DelFiles = BOOTSysDirDel
- [Options]
- CmdLine=""
- ParamLine=""
- UninstallCmd=""
- UninstallParam=""
- ;setup.exe size, ieaktemp extracted size
- Size=1418,2803
- ;after setup.exe copies files to systemdir, space used, space used on windows drive
- InstalledSize=2460,2460
- [DestinationDirs]
- BOOTSysDirCopy = 11 ; 11 Copies to the system directory
- BOOTDbgFiles = 11 ; 11 Copies to the system directory
- BOOTWinDirCopy = 25 ; windir location
- BOOTSysDirDel = 11 ; 11 Deletes from the system directory
- BOOTNOTWin95Copy = 11 ; 11 Deletes from the system directory
- [BOOTSysDirCopy]
- win16x.dll,win16x.d_l,,32
- sdslib16.dll,sdslib16.d_l,,32
- urlmon16.dll,urlmon16.d_l,,32
- jobexc16.dll,jobexc16.d_l,,32
- inseng16.dll,inseng16.d_l,,32
- regdll16.exe,regdll16.e_e,,32
- msnls.dll,msnls.d_l,,32
- ole2prox.dll,ole2prox.d_l,,32
- ole2.reg,ole2.r_g,,48
- [BOOTNOTWin95Copy]
- storage.dll,storage.d_l,,32
- compobj.dll,compobj.d_l,,32
- ole2.dll,ole2.d_l,,32
- ole2nls.dll,ole2nls.d_l,,32
- ole2disp.dll,ole2disp.d_l,,32
- typelib.dll,typelib.d_l,,32
- ole2conv.dll,ole2conv.d_l,,32
- stdole.tlb,stdole.t_b,,32
- olecli.dll,olecli.d_l,,32
- [BOOTSysDirDel]
- advpck16.dll,,,1
- inseng16.dll,,,1
- jobexc16.dll,,,1
- regdll16.exe,,,1
- sdslib16.dll,,,1
- setupx16.dll,,,1
- sucomct2.dll,,,1
- mlang16.dll,,,1
- urlmon16.dll,,,1
- [BOOTWinDirCopy]
- wininit.exe,wininit.e_e,,32
- [BOOTDbgFilesCopy]
- mshtmdbg.dll,mshtmdbg.d_l,,32
- xx_dbg16.dll,xx_dbg16.d_l,,32
- [OLE2.WIN16.REG]
- HKCR,"Software\Microsoft\OLE1\UnregisteredVerb","",,%STR_Edit%
- HKCR,"Software\Microsoft\OLE2\UnknownUserType","",,%STR_Unknown%
- HKCR,"StaticMetafile","",,%STR_PictMetaFile%
- HKCR,"CLSID\{00000315-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}","",,%STR_PictMetaFile%
- HKCR,"CLSID\{00000315-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\AuxUserType\2","",,%STR_Picture%
- HKCR,"CLSID\{00000316-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\AuxUserType\2","",,%STR_Picture%
- HKCR,"StaticDib","",,%STR_PictDIB%
- HKCR,"CLSID\{00000316-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}","",,%STR_PictDIB%
- HKCR,"CLSID\{0003000a-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}","",,%STR_PaintPict%
- HKCR,"CLSID\{00030007-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}","",,%STR_MSDrawing%
- HKCR,"CLSID","",,%STR_OLEParts%
- HKCR,"Software","",,%STR_OLEParts%
- HKCR,"Interface","",,%STR_OLEParts%
- HKCR,"TypeLib","",,%STR_OLEParts%
- HKCR,"FileType","",,%STR_OLEParts%
- [UpdateLoadLine]
- %25%\win.ini,"windows","load","*ierunsub.exe",,1
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 55 = "IE 4.0 Setup","precab.cab",1
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- ; NOTE 00040050 == 4.80
- ; NOTE 000003EA == 1002
- [InitFiles]
- win16x.dll=00040000,000003EA
- urlmon16.dll=00040000,000003EA
- setupx16.dll=00040000,000003EA
- advpck16.dll=00040000,000003EA
- [Strings]
- ; --- TO BE LOCALIZED ---
- STR_Edit=Edit ; localize The string "Edit".
- STR_Unknown="Unknown" ; localize The string "Unknown".
- STR_PictMetaFile="Picture (Metafile)" ; Localize The string "Picture (Metafile)"
- STR_Picture="Picture" ; Localize The string "Picture".
- STR_PictDIB="Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)"; Localize The string "Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)"
- STR_PaintPict="Paintbrush Picture" ; Localize The string "Paintbrush Picture"
- STR_MSDrawing="Microsoft Drawing" ; Localize The string "Microsoft Drawing"
- STR_OLEParts="OLE (Part * of 5)" ; Localize The string "OLE (Part * of 5)"