home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- [Version]
- Signature="$CHICAGO$"
- SetupClass=BASE
- AdvancedInf=2.5
- [DefaultInstall]
- CustomDestination = ie4.destination
- Copyfiles = IE4.SysDir.COPYFILES,IE4.ProgDir.COPYFILES
- UpdateInis = AddGrpItem.Grp
- RegisterOCXs=RegisterOCXSection.browser
- AddReg = IE40.success.reg
- [DefaultInstall.Uninstall]
- CustomDestination = ie4.destination
- UpdateInis = AddGrpItem.Grp.Un
- UnRegisterOCXs=RegisterOCXSection.browser
- AddReg = IE40.success.reg
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; self register all browser ocxs
- ; adpack will automatically call into the ocx dlls and call
- ; DllRegisterServer and then DllInst to register the ocx/dll
- ; to add another ocx, just make sure it's on the filecopy list and then
- ; add the destination dir below
- ;
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [RegisterOCXSection.browser]
- %11%\webchk16.dll,I
- [Browser.UpdateAutoExec]
- PrefixPath=49000
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 55 = "%SrcDsk55%","subscrpt.cab",1
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- [DestinationDirs]
- IE4.ProgDir.COPYFILES = 49000 ; default dir
- IE4.WinDir.COPYFILES = 25 ;windows directory
- IE4.SysDir.COPYFILES = 11 ;system directory
- iesubmgr.exe,,,1
- ierunsub.exe,,,1
- webchk16.dll,,,1
- notifctn.dll,,,1
- [IE40.success.reg]
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\SUBSCRPT40","DisplayName",,"TEST"
- [ie4.Destination]
- 49000,49001=ProgramFilesDir,5
- [ProgramFilesDir]
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\InstallInfo","Install Dir",,"%24%"
- [AddGrpItem.Grp]
- setup.ini, progman.groups,,"MyGroup=%MyGrp%"
- setup.ini, MyGroup,,"""%SubsMgr%"",""%49001%\iesubmgr.exe"",,,,"%49001%",%SubsMgr%"
- [AddGrpItem.Grp.un]
- setup.ini, progman.groups,,"MyGroup=%MyGrp%"
- setup.ini, MyGroup,,"""%SubsMgr%"""
- setup.ini, progman.groups,,"MyStartUp=%StartUp%"
- setup.ini, MyStartUp,,"""%DownLoadSubsMgr%"""
- [Strings]
- MyGrp = "Internet Explorer 4.0"
- SubsMgr = "Subscription Manager"
- StartUp = "StartUp"
- DownLoadSubsMgr = "Download Subscription Manager"
- REG_EXPAND_SZ = 0x00020000
- ; this number is FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_DWORD. See setupapi.h.
- REG_COMPAT = 0x00010001
- INTL_DATA = "Software\Microsoft\internet explorer\International"
- ;[End]