PC World 2000 February
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
223 lines
This document describes the D00 music format (used by the AdLib player
v4.01 coded by JCH/Vibrants) in more detail than the docs of EdLib
(therespective tracker, also coded by JCH) do.
1. The D00 header
2. The Instrument data
3. The SpFX data
4. The arrangement data
5. The pattern data
6. Some more infos
7. Closing words
1. The D00 header
A description of the D00 header can be found in the player's docs. So
I won't show it again here. But JCH gives very cryptic names to the
other file structures, so I'll call them differently:
JCH's names | My names
TPoin tables = Arrangment data
SeqPointer tables = Sequence data
Instrument data = Instrument data
DataInfo text = Song description
Special tables = SpFX data
Also, I should mention that all the pointers to these tables are meant
relative to the beginning of the D00 file.
2. The Instrument data
The instrument data simply consists of all instruments used in the
song. Since the number of instruments is stored nowhere inside the file,
loaders should the start offset of the next structure for determining if
they have read enough data.
The data for each instrument consists of 16 bytes, which occur in the
same order as the corresponding bytes in the EdLib Instrument table:
xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
└────────────┘ └────────────┘ │ │ │ │ │ │
Carrier data Modulator data │ │ │ │ └──┴Unused
│ │ │ └Hard restart SR value
│ │ └Hard restart timer
│ └Fine-tune
└AM/FM + Feedback
For the exact meaning of these bytes, read the EdLib manual.
Note that in the Carrier and Modulator data the ADSR parts are not
stored word-oriented, but byte-oriented. That means, they aren't stored
as a word whose High byte is the AD part and whose Low byte is the SR
part (although the display in EdLib creates that assumption). Instead
they're simply stored as two bytes of which the first one's the AD part
and the second one's the SR part.
3. The SpFX data
The SpFX data ist stored more or less like the Instrument data, but
one single table entry consists of only 8 bytes arranged like this:
xxxx xx xx xx xx xxxx (note xx's are BYTES and xxxx's are WORDS!)
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ └Pointer to next SpFX entry
│ │ │ │ └Duration of SpFX entry in Frames
│ │ │ └Modulator Level add
│ │ └New Modulator level
│ └Note add value
└Instrument to use
Again, to really understand the meaning of these parts, you should
read the
EdLib docs.
4. The Arrangement data
The arrangement data determines which sequence is to be played on
which channel at which moment and in which way, if you understand what I
mean :)
It consists of two parts: The Pointer part and the Data part (I simply
call them that way now :). The Pointer part consists of 16 word pointers
and one endmark (all endmarks are FFFFh, by the way). Only the first
nine pointers are used at the moment: one for each one of the nine AdLib
channels. Each one of these nine pointers points to the part of the Data
part which belongs to its channel.
The Data part consists, as you'd have guessed before, of nine
independent arrangement streams. Each one of tese streams has the
following format:
First comes a word telling the speed of that stream. Since this
information is stored at the beginning of EVERY stream, I assume that
every channel may have its own unique speed, and EdLib simply doesn't
support this. After that, the real arrangement data is stored.
This data is organized like this: If a word below 8000h is read, it's
the number of a sequence to be played. In that case, the saved transpose
data is used.
But if a word 8XYYh is read, with X and YY being any value, the
transpose data is updated to X and YY (see the EdLib docs for
information on the meaning of X and YY). I have found out that the first
arrangement entry for an arrangement stream that contains at least one
sequence is always such a command to set the internal transpose data. So
no default value is required to be loaded into the transpose data before
playing. And looping the arrangement stream becomes easier.
If the word FFFFh is read, the arrangement stream has arrived at its
looping point. The word following the FFFFh is an offset into the
arrangement stream telling at which position the stream should be
If the word FFFEh is read, the arrangement stream has reached its end.
Unlike the Loop command (FFFFh), the stream mustn't get restarted but
halted. Also, there is no word following the FFFEh command.
5. The Sequence data
(I guess you have been waiting for this :)
The Sequence data again consists of a pointer part and a data part.
But this time these two parts aren't stored in different parts of the
file, the data part is stored directly after the pointer part.
Therefore, a reference to a specific pattern should be seen as a
reference to a word counted from the beginning of the Sequence data.
This word (e.g. the first word for Pattern 0000h) then points to the
offset of the actual sequence data inside the file. I hope you got my
Then, each sequence is stored as follows:
Read a word. If it's high byte is below 20h, then it's a note. Note
that RESTs and HOLDs are also counted as notes. In this case, the low
byte can contain the following values:
00h = REST - The high byte tells the number of rests to insert minus
e.g. a REST with a high byte of 01h means "Two RESTs"
01h - 7Dh = Note - The value of this note byte tells the amount of
halfnotes to add to C-0 (e.g. 01h would mean C#0). In
this case,the high byte tells the number of HOLDs to insert
after the note.
7Fh = HOLD - The high byte tells the number of HOLDs minus one again!
If the high byte is 20h or above, but below 40h, it's a note again,
but this time with Tienote switched on. The high word is used as
repetition count again, but don't forget to substract 20h before
evaluating it!!
If the high bzte is 40h or above, it's an effect. In this case, the
complete word can simply be interpreted like any EdLib effect (set
instrument, set volume etc.). See the EdLib docs for a list of them. The
note word this effect refers to follows directly after the ceffect word.
If the read word is FFFFh, it indicates the end of that sequence. In
that case, the next sequence to be played should be determined and
loaded and the first effect/note of it should be played.
6. Some more infos
The Song description (which is referred to as "DataInfo" by JCH) can
contain simply any kind of data, but it's mostly used as a container for
a descriptive text. This data is also terminated by an endmark (FFFFh),
even if it contains no other data.
7. Closing words
Okay, this was it. Now you should know as much about the D00 format as
I know. I hope that you understood my way of describing things and wish
you best luck with your own tracker/player, maybe both...
I hope that someone finds this text interesting and useful for his
purposes. I will most probably base my own tracker format (if I code a
tracker some day :) on a mixture of D00 and TFMX (which is pretty much
the same), maybe with some bits of XM... In my opinion JCH's sequence
system is far superior to all of the other pattern-oriented tracker
formats I know. Even XM can't compete with this system in terms of
pattern size. I hope that someone will introduce a sequence-based sample
tracker system some day (Hope JCH is reading
this... ;).
Greetings go to:
-Christoph Brzozowski - Greatest Amiga warrior around
-Akintunde Omitowoju - Pushed me to make this description
-Jens Christian Huus alias JCH/Vibrants - Maker of EdLib
-Chris Hülsbeck - Maker of SidPlay on the C64 and TFMX on the Amiga
If you wanna contact me, send me an E-Mail:
*** j.fenkes@public.ndh.com ***
Joachim Fenkes