MainForm.lShowTrayIconWarning.Caption=NOTE: Hiding the tray icon will prevent you from accessing the configuration menu. You can set a hotkey (see below) to bring the icon back.
MailSelectForm.lePop3Test.EditLabel.Caption=Check For New Mails
NetworkCardForm.Caption=Select NIC
NetworkCardForm.cbAlwaysUseThisNIC.Caption=Always use this network card
RunPerMin=Run every X min
RunPerSec=Run every X sec
SaveChanges=Save Changes?
CouldNotFindImage=Could not find your previous background image
SelectedCounter=Selected Counter
FileNotExists=File does not exist.
InvalidImage=Unknown image type.
SelectTextFile=Select Text File to monitor
SelectConsoleProgram=Select Console program
SelectWaveFile=Select Wave File
DivideBy=Divide by
MultiplyBy=Multiply by
NoChangesMade=No Changes Made to Return Value
ExecutingAllScripts=Executing All Scripts
ExecutingAllPlugins=Executing All Plugins
LoadingLang=Loading language file
PleaseWait=Please wait
WarningText=Warning: Total Area too Large, Expect Some Performance Loss!
NumObjects=Number of Objects Selected
NoObjects=No Object Selected
IncompatibleDLL=Incompatible DLL.
OpenConfigText=Open Config
Merge=Merge with Config
CheckingLatestVersion=Checking latest version
VersionError=Could not obtain latest version number.
NewVersionAvailable=A new version of Samurize is available
DownloadNewVersion=Would you like to download it?
AreYouSure=Are you sure?
ConfigName=Config Name
InstanceName=Instance Name
ConfigFile=Config File
NoConfigFilesFound=No config files found
NoConfigFilesFoundExtended=Samurize could not find any config files in your Configs folder. You must first create a config using the Config program before you can display anything with the Server.
MBMStartError=Error starting MBM.dll
MBMNewVersion=Please ensure you have the latest version of Motherboard Monitor installed (
MBMLoadError=Error loading MBMstarter.dll
MBMNewVersion2=Please ensure you have the latest version of Motherboard Monitor installed (, and then reinstall Serious Samurize.
NoImageEditor=No Image Editor specified in preferences
LaunchInstance=Launch Instance
EnterInstanceName=Enter Instance Name
EnterInstanceNameLong=Please enter the instance name to assign this config to:
BATTERY_ERROR=[Error reading BatteryStatus]
BATTERY_NONE=No System Battery
VolumeName=Volume Name
MouseInput=Meter Linkage
ToolTip=Tool Tip
SelectInput=--- None ---
MeterLocked=is locked
Warning = Warning
WarningGroupDelete = Warning this will delete all the meters in this group. Are you sure?
NewVersionAvailable=A new version of Samurize is available
DownloadNewVersion=Would you like to download it?
CheckingLatestVersion=Checking latest version
YourVersion=Your version
IsUpToDate=is up-to-date.
UnableToConnect=Samurize was unable to connect to the server, please try again later
UpdateAlreadyRunning=There is a Samurize Update already running, please try again in a few minutes
UpdateError=An Error has occurred while contacting the Samurize update server. Please try again later, the the problem persists please report the problem
NotUnique=Meter Name is not unique
[Plugin General]
ClickConfigure=Click the Configure button to enter settings.
OnlyClient=This plugin only works with the Client.