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- /*
- * Function: AimAddGroupWndOnLoad()
- * Arguments: None
- * Return: None
- * Description: This function is called when the user chooses to add a group and the addgroup window gets loaded.
- * It sets the Ok button to do addgroup function and sets focus to the groupname text box field.
- */
- function AimAddGroupWndOnLoad()
- {
- doSetOKCancel(AddGroup, 0);
- setTimeout("document.getElementById('fldGroupName').focus()",200);
- }
- // build an array of groups
- // generate a list of checkboxes for each
- /*
- * Function: AimAddBuddyWndOnLoad()
- * Arguments: selectedGroups, tree, screenname, (optional) url-argument
- * Return: None
- * Description: This function is called when the user chooses to add a buddy and the addbuddy window gets loaded.
- * It builds the check box list with all the group names by calling BuildGroupFrame with selectedGroups value.
- * The user can choose which groups the buddy name needs to be added to. It also sets the listSetupTree attribute
- * on the window with the tree name. It sets the Ok button to do addbuddy function and sets focus to the buddyname
- * text box field.
- */
- function AimAddBuddyWndOnLoad()
- {
- var gps = window.arguments[0];
- if (window.arguments.length > 3) {
- if((window.arguments[3] != null) && (window.arguments[0] != null)) {
- gps = gps.split(",");
- }
- }
- if (isIcq())
- {
- var icqtitle=window.document.getElementById("AimAddBuddyPanel").getAttribute("icqtitle");
- window.document.getElementById("AimAddBuddyPanel").setAttribute("title", icqtitle);
- icqtitle=window.document.getElementById("labelBuddyName").getAttribute("icqvalue");
- window.document.getElementById("labelBuddyName").setAttribute("value", icqtitle);
- window.document.getElementById("labelDisplayName").setAttribute("hidden", "false");
- window.document.getElementById("fldDisplayName").setAttribute("hidden", "false");
- window.document.getElementById("icqSearchButton").setAttribute("hidden", "false");
- window.document.getElementById("icqseparator").setAttribute("hidden", "false");
- window.document.getElementById("separator1").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- window.document.getElementById("separator2").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- window.document.getElementById("labelEmailName").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- window.document.getElementById("fldEmailName").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- }
- else
- {
- var imtitle=window.document.getElementById("AimAddBuddyPanel").getAttribute("imtitle");
- window.document.getElementById("AimAddBuddyPanel").setAttribute("title", imtitle);
- imtitle=window.document.getElementById("labelBuddyName").getAttribute("imvalue");
- window.document.getElementById("labelBuddyName").setAttribute("value", imtitle);
- window.document.getElementById("icqSearchButton").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- window.document.getElementById("icqseparator").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- var supportmailim = aimPrefsManager().GetBoolPref("aim.session.supportmailim", null, false);
- if (!supportmailim) {
- window.document.getElementById("labelDisplayName").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- window.document.getElementById("fldDisplayName").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- window.document.getElementById("labelEmailName").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- window.document.getElementById("fldEmailName").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- }
- else {
- window.document.getElementById("labelEmailName").removeAttribute("hidden");
- window.document.getElementById("fldEmailName").removeAttribute("hidden");
- }
- window.document.getElementById("separator1").setAttribute("hidden", "false");
- window.document.getElementById("separator2").setAttribute("hidden", "false");
- }
- top.listSetupTree = window.arguments[1];
- if (isIcq())
- doSetOKCancel(IcqAddContact, 0);
- else
- doSetOKCancel(AimAddBuddies, 0);
- BuildGroupFrame(gps);
- if(window.arguments[2]) {
- document.getElementById("fldBuddyName").value=window.arguments[2]
- return;
- }
- else {
- setTimeout("document.getElementById('fldBuddyName').focus()",200);
- }
- }
- function AimAddBuddies()
- {
- var fldBuddy = top.document.getElementById("fldBuddyName");
- var buddy = fldBuddy.value;
- var buddyRelative = null
- var found = false;
- var error = false;
- var error2 = false;
- var a = top.a;
- var pIAimBuddy = aimBuddyManager();
- var aimIBuddy = Components.interfaces.nsIAimBuddy;
- var service= new Object();
- if (!pIAimBuddy || !aimIBuddy) {
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.BadBuddy"));
- return;
- }
- if ( buddy == "" || !buddy ) {
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.EnterBuddy"));
- return;
- }
- var buddies = buddy.split(",");
- for (var j=0; j < buddies.length; j++)
- {
- var isAllDigits = true;
- buddies[j] = buddies[j].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
- isAllDigits=IsIcqServiceUser(buddies[j]);
- if (isAllDigits == true)
- service[j]=1;
- else
- service[j]=0;
- }
- var fldDisplay = top.document.getElementById("fldDisplayName");
- var display = fldDisplay.value;
- var disp_buddies=null;
- if (display) {
- disp_buddies = display.split(",");
- for (var j=0; j < disp_buddies.length; j++) {
- // Mini Parser to extract all the display names....
- disp_buddies[j] = disp_buddies[j].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
- }
- } //if display
- var emailAddress = top.document.getElementById("fldEmailName").value;
- emailAddress = emailAddress.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
- var emailAddresses=null;
- if (emailAddress) {
- emailAddresses = emailAddress.split(",");
- for (var k=0; k < emailAddresses.length; k++) {
- emailAddresses[k] = emailAddresses[k].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
- if (!validateEmailAddress(emailAddresses[k])) {
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.enterValidEmail"));
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( top.groupSelected ) {
- found = true;
- buddyRelative = FindBuddySelected( top.groupSelected, top.listSetupTree );
- try {
- //now add each buddies in the each group selected
- for (var j=0; j < buddies.length; j++) {
- if (display) {
- if (emailAddress) {
- if (aimBuddyAddBuddyAfter( top.groupSelected, buddies[j], buddyRelative, disp_buddies[j], service[j], emailAddresses[j]) == 1)
- error = true;
- }
- else {
- if (aimBuddyAddBuddyAfter( top.groupSelected, buddies[j], buddyRelative, disp_buddies[j], service[j], null) == 1)
- error = true;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (emailAddress) {
- if (aimBuddyAddBuddyAfter( top.groupSelected, buddies[j], buddyRelative, null, service[j], emailAddresses[j]) == 1)
- error = true;
- }
- else {
- if (aimBuddyAddBuddyAfter( top.groupSelected, buddies[j], buddyRelative, null, service[j], null) == 1)
- error = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- if (pIAimBuddy.GetnResetError() == aimIBuddy.TooManyBuddies){
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.BigBuddyList").replace(/%MaxBudNum%/, "" + pIAimBuddy.GetMaxBudNum()));
- return;
- }
- else
- error2 = true;
- } //catch
- } //ifcheckbox
- if (error2 == true) {
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.BadBuddy"));
- top.document.getElementById('fldBuddyName').focus();
- }
- else
- if ( found == true) {
- top.window.close();
- }
- else if ( error == true) {
- top.document.getElementById('fldBuddyName').focus();
- }
- }
- function IcqAddContact()
- {
- var fldBuddy = top.document.getElementById("fldBuddyName");
- var buddy = fldBuddy.value;
- var buddyRelative = null
- var found = false;
- var error = false;
- var error2 = false;
- var a = top.a;
- var pIAimBuddy = aimBuddyManager();
- var aimIBuddy = Components.interfaces.nsIAimBuddy;
- var service= new Object();
- if (!pIAimBuddy || !aimIBuddy) {
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.BadBuddy"));
- return;
- }
- if ( buddy == "" || !buddy ) {
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.EnterBuddy"));
- return;
- }
- var buddies = buddy.split(",");
- for (var j=0; j < buddies.length; j++) {
- var isAllDigits=true;
- buddies[j] = buddies[j].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
- isAllDigits=IsIcqServiceUser(buddies[j]);
- if (isAllDigits == true)
- service[j]=1;
- else
- service[j]=0;
- }
- var fldDisplay = top.document.getElementById("fldDisplayName");
- var display = fldDisplay.value;
- /*
- var selectedGroups=0;
- for (var i=0; i < a.length; i++) {
- chkboxname = "checkBox" + a[i];
- chkbox = document.getElementById(chkboxname);
- if ( chkbox.checked )
- selectedGroups++;
- }
- if (selectedGroups > 1) {
- // Adding same buddy to more than 1 group
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.MultipleGroups"));
- return;
- }
- */
- for (var j=0; j < buddies.length; j++) {
- var isInList = new Object();
- aimBuddyManager().IsInBuddyList(buddies[j], isInList);
- if ( isInList.value == true ) {
- // Adding buddy who is already in contact list
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.ExistingContact"));
- return;
- }
- var isInAuthList = new Object();
- aimFeedbagManager().IsInAuthList(buddies[j], isInAuthList);
- if ( isInAuthList.value == true ) {
- // Adding buddy who is already in auth await list
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.alreadyrequested"));
- return;
- }
- } //for loop
- if ( display == "" || !display ) {
- // Display name field is empty!
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.EnterDisplay"));
- return;
- }
- if ((display - 0) > 0) {
- // Display name field should not be a number - enough with icq numbers!
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.EnterCharDisplay"));
- return;
- }
- var disp_buddies = display.split(",");
- for (var j=0; j < disp_buddies.length; j++) {
- // Mini Parser to extract all the display names....
- disp_buddies[j] = disp_buddies[j].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
- }
- if ((buddies.length) != (disp_buddies.length)) {
- // if number of buddies and number of display names do not match.
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.MismatchDisplay"));
- return;
- }
- // for ( var i=0; i < a.length; i++ ) {
- // if ( GetCheckBoxState( a, i ) == true ) {
- if ( top.groupSelected ) {
- found = true;
- buddyRelative = FindBuddySelected( top.groupSelected, top.listSetupTree );
- try {
- //now add each buddies in the each group selected
- for (var j=0; j < buddies.length; j++) {
- if (aimBuddyAddBuddyAfter( top.groupSelected, buddies[j], buddyRelative, disp_buddies[j], service[j], null) == 1)
- error=true;
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- if (pIAimBuddy.GetnResetError() == aimIBuddy.TooManyBuddies){
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.BigBuddyList").replace(/%MaxBudNum%/, "" + pIAimBuddy.GetMaxBudNum()));
- return;
- }
- else
- error2 = true;
- } //catch
- } //ifcheckbox
- // } //for
- if (error2 == true) {
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.BadBuddy"));
- top.document.getElementById('fldBuddyName').focus();
- }
- else
- if ( found == true && error == false ) {
- top.window.close();
- }
- else if ( error == false ) {
- top.document.getElementById('fldBuddyName').focus();
- }
- }
- function AddGroup()
- {
- var fldGroup = top.document.getElementById("fldGroupName");
- var group = fldGroup.value;
- if (group && group != "") {
- // trim the spaces before and after the group.
- group = group.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
- }
- if (group && group.toLowerCase() == "offline") {
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.GroupAlreadyInList"));
- return;
- }
- if ( group && group != "" ) {
- if ( !aimBuddyAddBuddyGroup(group, null) )
- top.window.close();
- }
- else
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.EnterGroup"));
- }
- function KeyPressAddGroup(event){
- if(event.keyCode== 13){
- AddGroup();
- }
- }