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- /*
- * Function: aimIMObject()
- * Arguments: None
- * Return: nsIAimIM interface
- * Description: This function is queries for it and returns the nsIAimIM interface
- */
- function aimIMObject()
- {
- var pIIMManager = aimManager();
- if ( pIIMManager )
- return pIIMManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIAimIM);
- else
- return null;
- }
- /*
- * Function: aimIMInvokeIMForm(screenName)
- * Arguments:
- * screenName -- the buddy name which appears on the To field in the IM window (selected buddy name)
- * Return: None
- * Description: This function calls the InvokeIMUI function which on the AimIM interface which puts
- * up the IM conversation window. The Screenname param which is passed, is used to prefill the To field.
- */
- function aimIMInvokeIMForm(screenName)
- {
- var pIAimIM = aimIMObject();
- if(pIAimIM)
- pIAimIM.InvokeIMUI(screenName, null);
- }
- /*
- * Function: aimIMDoesIMExist(screenName)
- * Arguments:
- * screenName -- screen name to be checked
- * Return: Boolean
- * Description: This function is used to find out if there is already an existing aim conversation
- * going on with the specified screenname. If there is already a window open with the screenname in
- * the To:field or title of the window, then this returns true. If no window exists for this screen
- * name, this returns false;
- */
- function aimIMDoesIMExist(screenName)
- {
- var pIAimIM = aimIMObject();
- if(pIAimIM)
- {
- var pWindow = pIAimIM.GetExistingIM(screenName);
- if(pWindow)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**************** Private Methods ***********************/
- /*
- * Function: aimPIMObject()
- * Arguments: None
- * Return: nsPIAimIM interface
- * Description: This function queries for it and returns the nsPIAimIM interface
- */
- function aimPIMObject()
- {
- var pIIMManager = aimManager();
- if(pIIMManager)
- return pIIMManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsPIAimIM);
- else
- return null;
- }
- /*
- * Function: aimPIMSendIM(wnd, screenName, message)
- * Arguments:
- * wnd -- window from which the message is sent
- * screenName -- screenname to whom the message is to be sent
- * message -- message to be sent.
- * Return: None
- * Description: This function is used to send a instant message from the window
- * where the Send button is clicked. The message (the formatted contents of the IM window)
- * is sent to the screenname which is the second input parameter ( from the To:field in IM window).
- */
- function aimPIMSendIM(wnd, screenName, message, text)
- {
- var pPIAimIM = aimPIMObject();
- if(pPIAimIM)
- pPIAimIM.SendMsg(wnd, screenName, message, text);
- }
- /*
- * Function: setStyles ()
- * Arguments:
- * Return: None
- * Description: This function is used to set the style elements,
- * which are read from the prefs, and overridden by
- * getStyles.
- *
- * Author: jelwell@netscape.com
- */
- var sessionType =aimPrefsManager().GetIntPref("aim.session.sessiontype", null, false);
- if(sessionType == 0) {
- var aimStylePrefManager = aimPrefsManager();
- var faceType = aimStylePrefManager.GetCharPref("aim.style.fontface", null, false);
- var fontSize = aimStylePrefManager.GetCharPref("aim.style.fontsize", null, false);
- var textstyles = aimStylePrefManager.GetCharPref("aim.style.textstyles", null, false);
- var italics = aimStylePrefManager.GetBoolPref("aim.style.italics", null, false);
- var bold = aimStylePrefManager.GetBoolPref("aim.style.bold", null, false);
- var underline = aimStylePrefManager.GetBoolPref("aim.style.underline", null, false);
- var currentColor = aimStylePrefManager.GetCharPref("aim.style.forecolor", null, false);
- var backgroundColor = aimStylePrefManager.GetCharPref("aim.style.backcolor", null, false);
- }
- if (sessionType ==2) {
- var aimStylePrefManager = aimPrefsManager();
- var faceType = aimStylePrefManager.GetCharPref("icq.style.fontface", null, false);
- var fontSize = aimStylePrefManager.GetCharPref("icq.style.fontsize", null, false);
- var textstyles = aimStylePrefManager.GetCharPref("icq.style.textstyles", null, false);
- var italics = aimStylePrefManager.GetBoolPref("icq.style.italics", null, false);
- var bold = aimStylePrefManager.GetBoolPref("icq.style.bold", null, false);
- var underline = aimStylePrefManager.GetBoolPref("icq.style.underline", null, false);
- var currentColor = aimStylePrefManager.GetCharPref("icq.style.forecolor", null, false);
- var backgroundColor = aimStylePrefManager.GetCharPref("icq.style.backcolor", null, false);
- }
- function setStyles ()
- {
- // find body node
- var bodyelement = GetBodyElement();
- if (bodyelement)
- {
- if (backgroundColor && backgroundColor != "")
- bodyelement.setAttribute("bgcolor", backgroundColor);
- var backgroundcolor = document.getElementById("cmd_backgroundColor");
- if (backgroundcolor)
- backgroundcolor.setAttribute("state", backgroundColor);
- }
- if (currentColor && currentColor != "") {
- EditorSetTextProperty("font", "color", currentColor);
- // bodyelement.setAttribute("text", text_color);
- var commandcolor = document.getElementById("cmd_fontColor");
- if (commandcolor)
- commandcolor.setAttribute("state", currentColor);
- }
- if (textstyles && textstyles != "") {
- if (italics)
- EditorSetTextProperty("i", "", "");
- if (bold)
- EditorSetTextProperty("b", "", "");
- if (underline)
- EditorSetTextProperty("u", "", "");
- }
- if (fontSize && fontSize != "")
- EditorSetTextProperty(fontSize, "", "");
- if (faceType == "tt")
- {
- EditorSetTextProperty("tt", "", "");
- }
- else if (faceType && faceType != "")
- {
- EditorRemoveTextProperty("font","face");
- EditorSetTextProperty("font", "face", faceType);
- }
- document.getElementById("cmd_preferences").setAttribute("disabled", "false");
- }
- function changeFont()
- {
- faceType = document.getElementById('FontFaceSelectStyle').value;
- EditorRemoveTextProperty("font","face");
- EditorSetTextProperty("font", "face", faceType);
- }
- /*
- * Function: getStyles ()
- * Arguments:
- * Return: None
- * Description: This function is used to get the style elements,
- * to be saved for retrieval for the next message
- * sent in this session.
- *
- * Author: jelwell@netscape.com
- */
- function getStyles ()
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- if (!editor)
- return;
- editor.selectAll();
- var firstHas = new Object;
- var anyHas = new Object;
- var allHas = new Object;
- allHas.value = false;
- // Find Font Face
- // Fixed width (second menu item) is special case: old TT ("teletype") attribute
- EditorGetTextProperty("tt", "", "", firstHas, anyHas, allHas);
- if (!allHas.value)
- {
- var children = top.document.getElementById("FontFacePopupStyle").childNodes;
- // Skip over default, TT, and separator
- for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
- {
- var menuitem = children.item(i);
- faceType = menuitem.getAttribute("value");
- if (faceType)
- {
- EditorGetTextProperty("font", "face", faceType, firstHas, anyHas, allHas);
- if (allHas.value)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!allHas.value)
- faceType = "";
- }
- else
- faceType = "tt";
- // End Find Font Face
- // Find Big or Small
- EditorGetTextProperty("big", "", "", firstHas, anyHas, allHas);
- if (allHas.value)
- {
- fontSize = "big";
- }
- else
- {
- EditorGetTextProperty("small", "", "", firstHas, anyHas, allHas);
- if (allHas.value)
- fontSize = "small";
- else
- fontSize = "";
- }
- // End Find Big or Small
- EditorGetTextProperty("i", "", "", firstHas, anyHas, allHas);
- if (allHas.value)
- italics = true;
- else
- italics = false;
- EditorGetTextProperty("b", "", "", firstHas, anyHas, allHas);
- if (allHas.value)
- bold = true;
- else
- bold = false;
- EditorGetTextProperty("u", "", "", firstHas, anyHas, allHas);
- if (allHas.value)
- underline = true;
- else
- underline = false;
- if (italics || bold || underline)
- textstyles = 1;
- var commandcolor = document.getElementById("cmd_fontColor");
- if (commandcolor) {
- currentColor = commandcolor.getAttribute("state");
- }
- var backgroundcolor = document.getElementById("cmd_backgroundColor");
- if (backgroundcolor) {
- backgroundColor = backgroundcolor.getAttribute("state");
- }
- }