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- // Setting up stage to have one main Observer, so we dont have tons of observers for Aim state changes
- // Global variables which get set based on the buddylist panel is Sidebar/App
- var IsApp =false;
- var IsSidebar = true;
- /*
- * Function: CheckIfApp(inType)
- * Arguments:
- * inType -- the name of the window type
- * Return: Boolean
- * Description: This function is called on load of buddylist panel. It will check if the window is standalone
- * type and return true if it is. It uses the window manager interface to check if any window of input type exists.
- */
- function CheckIfApp(inType)
- {
- const nsIWindowMediator = Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator;
- var windowManager = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1'].getService(nsIWindowMediator);
- //var windowManagerInterface = windowManagerDS.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
- var topWindow = windowManager.getMostRecentWindow( inType );
- if (topWindow) {
- IsApp=true;
- return true
- }
- return false;
- }
- /*
- * Function: CheckIfSidebar()
- * Arguments: None
- * Return: Boolean
- * Description: This function is called on load of buddylist panel. It will check if the window is sidebar.
- * It basically looks for the ad-box which is missing in sidebar. If there is no adbox, then it is sidebar, if it
- * exists then it is standalone.
- */
- function CheckIfSidebar()
- {
- if (top.document.getElementById("ad-box"))
- {
- IsSidebar=false;
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }