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Text File | 2006-01-06 | 43.3 KB | 1,384 lines |
- var enterCR_pref_value = false;
- var Tab_pref_value = false;
- var args;
- var message="";
- var sendAwayMessage = true;
- var showTimestampVal;
- var isChatContent = false;
- var firstSend = 1;
- //this variable is used for checking the typing indicator pref (in Privacy pane) after an IM is sent.
- //We send typing indicators based on this pref.
- var gTypingPref = checkTypingPref();
- //This variable is used to check whether we need to send an event. This variable is reset everytime
- //the typing indicator flag changes (Typing, NotEmpty etc).
- var gSendTypingEvent = 1;
- //This variable is used to send Non Empty typing event
- var gSendNonEmptyEvent = 0;
- var gTypingTimeoutid;
- var gTypingEnum = Components.interfaces.nsAimInputStateFlags;
- var gEditorLength;
- /*
- * Function: KnockKnockAddDenyList()
- * Arguments: None
- * Return: None
- * Description: This function is called when the user clicks on the deny button in the KnockKnock window.
- * It blocks screen name of the incoming message and closees the dialog window.
- */
- function KnockKnockAddDenyList()
- {
- val = cmdPeopleBlock();
- if ( val == true )
- window.close();
- }
- /*
- * Function: toggleKnockKnockPref()
- * Arguments: None
- * Return: None
- * Description: This function is called when the user chooses not to display the KnockKnock
- * message window. There is a checkbox in the first KnockKnock window which when checked,
- * sets a pref. Once this pref is set, from next time on, there will nit be KnockKnock again.
- * This function justs sets the pref according to the checkbox value.
- */
- function toggleKnockKnockPref()
- {
- var element = document.getElementById("IMKnockKnockCheckbox");
- if (aimPrefsManager() && element.checked == true ) {
- aimPrefsManager().SetBoolPref("aim.privacy.knockknock", false , null, false);
- }
- else if ( aimPrefsManager() && element ) {
- aimPrefsManager().SetBoolPref("aim.privacy.knockknock", true , null, false);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Function: pokeKnockKnockMessage( scname )
- * Arguments: scname
- * Return: None
- * Description: This function is called when there is a incoming KnockKnock message. It adds the
- * necessary text to the knockknock window including the sender's screen name and their current warning percent.
- * The sender's screen name is obtained from the input parameter scname. The warning level of sender is obtained
- * by using the locatemanager. It puts up a Ok and Cancel button. clicking Ok will open a Im indow by calling the
- * StartConveration function (See below). It also checks the KnockKnock pref to see if it has been set or not
- * and updates the checkbox in window.
- */
- function pokeKnockKnockMessage(scname)
- {
- var msg = aimString("knock.msg");
- var warning = aimString("knock.warning");
- var message = aimString("knock.preamble").replace(/%ScreenName%/, scname);
- if (isIcq()) {
- var icqmsg = aimString("knock.icqmsg");
- var icqelement = document.getElementById("IMKnockKnockIcqMsg");
- var icqtextNode = document.createTextNode(icqmsg);
- icqelement.appendChild(icqtextNode);
- }
- else {
- document.getElementById("IMKnockKnockIcqMsg").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- }
- var element = document.getElementById("IMKnockKnockHtml");
- var textNode = document.createTextNode(message);
- element.appendChild(textNode);
- element = document.getElementById("IMKnockKnockMessage");
- textNode = document.createTextNode(msg);
- element.appendChild(textNode);
- document.getElementById("IMKnockKnockWarningTitle").setAttribute("label", scname);
- var locateManager = aimLocateManager();
- var LocateCallbackObject = new Object();
- LocateCallbackObject.OnRequestUserInfoDefaultComplete = function(screenname, userobj)
- {
- var element = document.getElementById("IMKnockKnockWarning");
- var percent = userobj.GetWarningPercent();
- var message = warning.replace(/%Level%/, percent);
- document.getElementById("IMKnockKnockWarning").value = message;
- }
- LocateCallbackObject.OnRequestUserInfoDefaultError = function(screenname, error)
- {
- // do nothing
- }
- locateManager.RequestUserInfoDefault( LocateCallbackObject, scname );
- labels = document.getElementById("okCancelButtons");
- element = document.getElementById("ok");
- element.setAttribute("label", labels.getAttribute("button1Label"));
- element = document.getElementById("cancel");
- element.setAttribute("label", labels.getAttribute("button2Label"));
- doSetOKCancel(StartConversation, CancelConversation);
- element = document.getElementById("IMKnockKnockCheckbox");
- var currentVal = aimPrefsManager().GetBoolPref("aim.privacy.knockknock" ,null,false);
- if ( currentVal == true )
- element.setAttribute("checked", false);
- else
- element.setAttribute("checked", true);
- }
- /*
- * gFirstTime is a global to determine if our onload handler has been called yet.
- * For some reason, our onunload handler is getting called before onload
- * on the first time we create IM.xul. This is a workaround.
- */
- var gFirstTime = 1;
- /*
- * Function: AimIMOnWndLoad()
- * Arguments: None
- * Return: None
- * Description: Onload handler for IM conversation window. It creates a IM Object which is
- * used to store all the focus information and initialises it. It also retrieves the IM Mode and
- * screen name from the window arguments. It adds an event listener to capture keypress events
- * which gets handles by ComposeKeyPress handler. This is in place to take care of IM specific keydown
- * handling like tab and enter key. If it is knockKnock mode then PokeKnockKnockMessage function (See Above)
- * gets called. Otherwise call StartConversation function ( See Below) brings up the IM window.
- */
- function AimIMOnWndLoad()
- {
- gFirstTime = 0;
- top.imObject = new Object();
- top.imObject.logHasFocus = false;
- top.imObject.editorHasFocus = true; /* doesn't work */
- top.imObject.screenNameHasFocus = false;
- // Focus on the compose window on start
- top.document.getElementById("ComposeWnd").contentWindow.focus(); // S. Lang Feb 4, 2005
- /**
- * retrieve window arguments, extract IM mode and screen name
- */
- args = aimGetArgs(top.arguments[0]);
- top.document.getElementById("IMAttribs").setAttribute("imMode", args.Mode);
- /* capture some events, BEFORE editor does */
- var bbox = document.getElementById("ComposeWnd");
- if (bbox) {
- // bugscape bug 10832, Macintosh is not receiveing the keydown properly.
- if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Macintosh") != -1)
- bbox.addEventListener("keypress", composeKeyPress, true);
- else
- bbox.addEventListener("keydown", composeKeyPress, true);
- }
- // set initial timestamp value for this window, and seed the menu item
- showTimestampVal = aimPrefsManager().GetBoolPref("aim.general.im.timeStamp",
- null, false);
- SetTimestampMenuItem();
- updateCurrentComposeWindow();
- window.setTimeout('delayedOnWndLoad()', 0);
- document.getElementById("paragraphMenu").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- document.getElementById("listMenu").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- document.getElementById("decreaseIndent").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- document.getElementById("increaseIndent").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- document.getElementById("alignMenu").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- document.getElementById("tableMenu").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- document.getElementById("objectProperties").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- document.getElementById("removeLinksMenuitem").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- document.getElementById("removeNamedAnchorsMenuitem").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- document.getElementById("removeSep").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- document.getElementById("tabSep").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- document.getElementById("identingSep").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- document.getElementById("tableSep").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- //hide some insert menuitems
- document.getElementById("insertImage").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- document.getElementById("insertTable").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- document.getElementById("insertAnchor").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- document.getElementById("insertHline").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- document.getElementById("insertHTMLSource").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- document.getElementById("insertChars").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- document.getElementById("insertTOC").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- document.getElementById("insertMenuSeparator").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- document.getElementById("insertBreakAll").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- // style the conversation log box
- var logdoc = document.getElementById("LogWnd").contentDocument;
- if (logdoc)
- {
- logdoc.close();
- logdoc.open();
- logdoc.write('<html><head>');
- logdoc.write('<link rel="important stylesheet" href="chrome://aim/content/smileys.css">');
- logdoc.write('</head><body></body></html>');
- logdoc.close();
- }
- else
- dump("chatContentOnWinLoad: couldn't style log window");
- }
- /*
- * Name: delayedOnWndLoad
- * Arguments: None
- * Description: This is code that logically belongs to AimIMOnWndLoad.
- * It must executed after AimIMOnWndLoad has returned to its caller.
- * This was necessary to make the code in this function work. For some
- * reason it did not work when it was placed directly in AimIMOnWndLoad.
- * The theory is, this is caused by the callback mechanism used in this function,
- * which conflicts with the call frame in which AimIMOnWndLoad is executed.
- * Return Value: None
- * Original Code: portions moved from AimIMOnWndLoad, portions Kai Engert 10/2001
- *
- */
- function delayedOnWndLoad()
- {
- function CapabitiliesObtainer()
- {
- }
- CapabitiliesObtainer.prototype = {
- OnRequestUserInfoCapabilitiesError: function(aScreenName, ErrMsg)
- {
- // Unable to obtain, do not enable encryption
- },
- OnRequestUserInfoCapabilitiesComplete: function(aScreenName, aUserObj)
- {
- var capMask = aUserObj.GetCapabilities();
- var capEnums = Components.interfaces.nsAimCapabilitesMask;
- if (capEnums.secureIM & capMask) {
- var btnLock = document.getElementById("btnLock");
- if (btnLock) {
- btnLock.removeAttribute("hidden");
- }
- /* we don't want to show it, but we use it to keep track of a window's encryption status*/
- var chkboxCrypt = document.getElementById("chkboxCrypt");
- if (chkboxCrypt) {
- chkboxCrypt.checked = true;
- //chkboxCrypt.removeAttribute("hidden");
- }
- var encryptStatus = document.getElementById("encryptStatus");
- if (encryptStatus) {
- encryptStatus.removeAttribute("hidden");
- }
- if (capEnums.unicode & capMask)
- {
- alert("unicode");
- document.getElementById("unicode").setAttribute("value", "1");
- }
- else
- {
- alert("not unicode");
- document.getElementById("unicode").setAttribute("value", "");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- args = aimGetArgs(top.arguments[0]);
- var locateMgr = aimLocateManager();
- if (locateMgr) {
- try {
- var obtainer = new CapabitiliesObtainer();
- locateMgr.RequestUserInfoCapabilities(obtainer, args.ScreenName);
- } catch (ex) {
- dump("* ERROR: unable to retrieve AIM user capabilities for '"+args.ScreenName+"'\n* REASON: " + ex);
- }
- }
- /**
- * if knock knock, let user approve it, also, check to see if we should
- * autoreply, and do so if necessary
- */
- var pPAimIM = aimPIMObject();
- var screenName = AimIMGetFormScreenName();
- aimIM().SetIMWndIcon(screenName);
- if ( args.Mode == "KnockKnock" ) {
- pokeKnockKnockMessage( screenName );
- /**
- * we have to set this focus or ok/cancel buttons will not work
- * with the key equivalents. lame
- */
- setTimeout('window.focus()',300);
- return;
- }
- else
- doSetOKCancel(DoNothing, DoNothing);
- /**
- * otherwise, do what we have always done
- */
- StartConversation();
- }
- function composeKeyPress(event)
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- if (!editor)
- return;
- var screenName = AimIMGetFormScreenName();
- if (gTypingPref && gSendTypingEvent) {
- aimIM().SetInputStateFlag(gTypingEnum.Typing, screenName);
- //reset this variable. we need to set this only if there is a change in typing state.
- gSendTypingEvent = 0;
- gSendNonEmptyEvent = 1;
- }
- if (gTypingPref) {
- gEditorLength = editor.textLength;
- if (gEditorLength == 0) {
- aimIM().SetInputStateFlag(gTypingEnum.None, screenName);
- gSendTypingEvent = 1;
- gSendNonEmptyEvent = 0;
- }
- else {
- window.clearTimeout(gTypingTimeoutid);
- gTypingTimeoutid = window.setTimeout('CheckTypingState()', 5000);
- }
- }
- if (event.keyCode == 46 || event.keyCode == 8)
- {
- /* If user hits backspace or delete key, check if the document will be emptied*/
- checkToDisable();
- return;
- }
- // This is how it really should be for control enter
- // if ((event.ctrlKey) && (event.keyCode == 13))
- // Temporary hack since the above fails. Currently this condition is met by both control-enter
- // and control-j (Depends bug). Control-j should not send IM -bug tracked in 9007.
- if ((event.ctrlKey) && (event.charCode == 106))
- {
- event.preventBubble();
- event.preventDefault();
- if (!editor.documentIsEmpty)
- window.setTimeout('AimIMCmdSend()', 1, true);
- return false;
- }
- if ((event.keyCode == 13) || (event.keyCode == 10)){
- if (event.shiftKey || editor.selection.isCollapsed == false)
- return;
- if (SendOnEnter() == true) {
- event.preventBubble();
- event.preventDefault();
- /* Make sure user is not sending a empty message */
- if (!editor.documentIsEmpty)
- window.setTimeout('AimIMCmdSend(true)', 1, true);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- if (event.keyCode == 9) {
- if (OnTab() == true) {
- if (!editor.documentIsEmpty) {
- document.getElementById('btnSend').focus();
- FocusSend();
- }
- else{
- //send focus to the right field
- var theLogWindow = document.getElementById('LogWnd');
- var theScreenNameField = document.getElementById('fldScreenName')
- var theWindow = document.getElementById('AimIM');
- var theWindowMode = theWindow.getAttribute("imMode")
- if(theWindowMode == "Normal") {
- theScreenNameField.focus();
- }
- if(theWindowMode == "Bound") {
- top.document.getElementById("LogWnd").contentWindow.focus();
- }
- }
- event.preventDefault();
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- composeSendButtonUpdate();
- }
- function checkToDisable()
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- if (!editor)
- return;
- var origLength = editor.textLength;
- /* If there is only one element in the document and the user chooses to delete that element,
- then the document will be emptied. Disable send button in this case */
- if (origLength == 1)
- {
- DisableSendButton();
- return;
- }
- var selection = editor.selection;
- if (!selection)
- return;
- var tempString=new String(selection);
- var selectLength=tempString.length;
- /* If the user chooses to delete all or more than the contents of the document,
- then the document will be emptied. Disable send button in this case */
- if (origLength <= selectLength)
- {
- DisableSendButton();
- return;
- }
- }
- function composeMenuPaste()
- {
- /* If the user chooses Edit->Paste, this function gets called.
- This will enable the send button if the user is online */
- var isOnline= aimSession().IsOnline();
- if (isOnline)
- EnableSendButton();
- }
- function composeSendButtonUpdate()
- {
- // Give time for editor to update the document after mouse events
- setTimeout("checkcomposeSend()", 5);
- }
- function checkcomposeSend()
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- if (editor && editor.textLength > 0)
- EnableSendButton();
- else
- DisableSendButton();
- }
- function DoNothing()
- {
- return false;
- }
- function CancelConversation()
- {
- args = aimGetArgs(top.arguments[0]);
- var screenName = AimIMGetFormScreenName();
- var session = aimSession();
- if ( session ) {
- session.AddKnockKnockReject(screenName);
- }
- window.close();
- }
- function StartConversation()
- {
- doSetOKCancel(DoNothing, DoNothing);
- args = aimGetArgs(top.arguments[0]);
- var screenName;
- var displayName;
- var isKnockKnock = false;
- if(args.ScreenName)
- screenName= args.ScreenName;
- else
- screenName = "";
- if(args.DisplayName)
- displayName= args.DisplayName;
- else
- displayName = "";
- if(args.Message) {
- message= args.Message;
- }
- else
- message = "";
- if ( args.Mode == "KnockKnock" ) {
- var session = aimSession();
- if ( session ) {
- session.AddKnockKnockAccept(screenName);
- }
- args.Mode = "Bound";
- isKnockKnock = true;
- if ( AimOnlineAway())
- ComeBack(); // return from away state if we are in it
- }
- top.document.getElementById("IMAttribs").setAttribute("imMode", args.Mode);
- top.imObject.logHasFocus = false;
- //top.imObject.editorHasFocus = true; /* XXX */
- var editorElement = document.getElementById("ComposeWnd");
- if (!editorElement)
- return;
- EditorSharedStartup();
- var commandManager = GetCurrentCommandManager();
- try {
- commandManager.addCommandObserver(gIMEditorStateObserver, "obs_documentCreated");
- commandManager.addCommandObserver(gIMEditorStateObserver, "cmd_setDocumentModified");
- // Load empty page to create the editor
- editorElement.webNavigation.loadURI("about:blank", // uri string
- 0, // load flags
- null, // referrer
- null, // post-data stream
- null);
- } catch (e) {
- dump(" Failed to startup editor: "+e+"\n");
- }
- top.document.getElementById("fldScreenName").value = screenName;
- top.document.getElementById("fldDisplayName").value = displayName;
- // if we have a screen name, put the focus on the content window
- // otherwise, put the focus in the "To:" field
- if(screenName != "") {
- // setTimeout('contentWindow.focus()',300);
- top.imObject.editorHasFocus = true;
- LoadBuddyIcon(screenName);
- }
- else {
- //setTimeout('top.document.getElementById("fldScreenName").focus()', 350);
- setTimeout("DoFocusAdjust()",200);
- }
- AimIMSetFormScreenName(screenName, displayName);
- // XXX For some reason, we need to refresh the title after the
- // onload handler or it won't change
- setTimeout('AimIMRefreshScreenName()', 10);
- SetTimestampMenuItem();
- // since we overlay the edit menu from the editorOverlay.xul file,
- // we have to reset the oncommad to be AIM specific
- var pPAimIM = aimPIMObject();
- if(pPAimIM) {
- if(args.setWantBI)
- pPAimIM.OnWindowLoad(screenName, top, sendAwayMessage, true);
- else
- pPAimIM.OnWindowLoad(screenName, top, sendAwayMessage, false);
- if ( sendAwayMessage == true ) {
- var curVal = aimPrefsManager().GetBoolPref("aim.away.autoreply", null, false);
- if ( curVal == true )
- pPAimIM.SendAwayMessageMaybe(AimIMGetFormScreenName(), top);
- sendAwayMessage = false;
- }
- }
- setTimeout("setStyles()", 100);
- /*
- var theLogNode = top.frames['LogWnd'];
- var myRange = theLogNode.document.createRange();
- var theLogHead = theLogNode.document.getElementsByTagName("head").item(0);
- myRange.setStartAfter(theLogHead);
- var docFrag;
- docFrag = myRange.createContextualFragment("<style type='text/css'>body.timestampHidden span.logtimestamp { display: none}</style>");
- theLogHead.appendChild(docFrag);
- */
- if (commandManager && isIcq()) {//ICQ
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_indent");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_outdent");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_bold");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_italic");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_underline");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_tt");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_strikethrough");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_superscript");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_subscript");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_nobreak");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_em");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_strong");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_cite");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_abbr");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_acronym");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_code");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_samp");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_var");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_ol");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_ul");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_dt");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_dd");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_removeList");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_paragraphState");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_fontFace");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_fontColor");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_backgroundColor");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_highlight");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_align");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_removeStyles");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_increaseFont");
- unregisterCommand(commandManager, "cmd_decreaseFont");
- }
- }
- /*
- * gIMEditorStateObserver is the listener which the IM compose window uses.
- * NotifyDocumentCreated gets called by the editor after the editor is created and
- * document is built.
- * If there is any IM message from the input arguments, then that is added
- * to the compose window and the send button is enabled.
- */
- var gIMEditorStateObserver =
- {
- observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData)
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- var commandManager = GetCurrentCommandManager();
- if (!editor || !commandManager || commandManager != aSubject)
- return;
- switch (aTopic)
- {
- case "obs_documentCreated":
- //XXX Do we need an init call to C++ here?
- //gMsgCompose.initEditor(editor, window.content);
- setTimeout("sendButtonListeners()",100);
- var nsIPlaintextEditor = Components.interfaces.nsIPlaintextEditor;
- editor.flags |= nsIPlaintextEditor.eEditorNoCSSMask;
- if (message)
- {
- editor.insertHTML(message);
- EnableSendButton();
- }
- //see bugzilla bug 112960 for why we have a timeout call
- setTimeout("setStyles()", 100);
- break;
- case "cmd_setDocumentModified":
- var commandParams = newCommandParams();
- if (commandParams)
- {
- /*
- if (!commandManager) {
- dump("**** commandManager not found in IM.js ****\n");
- }
- commandManager.getCommandState("cmd_setDocumentModified", top.frames['ComposeWnd'], commandParams);
- dump("**** Completed commandManager.getCommandState in IM.js ****\n");
- */
- // commandManager.getCommandState("cmd_setDocumentModified", commandParams);
- // SLang Jan 11/05
- // Commented SLang Feb 4/05
- // if (commandParams.getBooleanValue("state_attribute"))
- // EnableSendButton();
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- function DoFocusAdjust()
- {
- var ScrElement=document.getElementById("fldScreenName");
- if (top.imObject.screenNameHasFocus == false)
- setTimeout("DoFocusAdjust()",100);
- if (ScrElement.value == "")
- {
- ScrElement.focus();
- top.imObject.screenNameHasFocus=true;
- return;
- }
- }
- function AimIMOnWndUnload()
- {
- // XXX See note at the top of the file
- if(gFirstTime == 1)
- return;
- var screenName = AimIMGetFormScreenName();
- var pPAimIM = aimPIMObject();
- if(pPAimIM)
- pPAimIM.OnWindowUnload(screenName, top);
- // send the none input state flag
- aimIM().SetInputStateFlag(gTypingEnum.None, screenName);
- }
- function AimIMCmdSend(strip)
- {
- AimIMSetFormAction(true);
- var isOnline= aimSession().IsOnline();
- if (!isOnline) {
- if (!isIcq())
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.LogInToSendIM"));
- else
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.LogInToSendIM_ICQ"));
- // MERC: SL - this XUL window left incomplete
- // toOpenWindowByType('Aim:AimApp', 'chrome://aim/content/App.xul');
- return false;
- }
- var screenName = AimIMGetFormScreenName();
- var displayName = AimIMGetFormDisplayName();
- if ( !screenName || screenName == "" ) {
- if (isIcq() == false) {
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.EmptyScreenName"));
- }
- else {
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.EmptyScreenName_ICQ"));
- }
- top.document.getElementById("fldScreenName").focus();
- return false;
- }
- if (firstSend) {
- var cp = new String(screenName);
- if (!IsValidChar(cp)){
- // Cannot contain invalid characters
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.InvalidScreenName"));
- top.document.getElementById("fldScreenName").focus();
- return false;
- }
- }
- if(!AimIMIsBound() ) {
- // XXX Should be handled when blur works.
- AimIMSetFormScreenName(top.document.getElementById("fldScreenName").value, top.document.getElementById("fldDisplayName").value);
- screenName = AimIMGetFormScreenName();
- }
- var bodyText;
- var plainBodyText = null;
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- if (!editor)
- return;
- if (aimPrefsManager().GetSessionType() == 2) {//ICQ
- plainBodyText = editor.outputToString("text/plain", 2);
- // because of bug in dom text serializer, last call inserts additional new line at the end
- // we need to eliminate it
- plainBodyText = plainBodyText.replace(/\r\n$|\r$|\n$/, "");
- if (plainBodyText) {
- var icqMsgLength = plainBodyText.length;
- if (icqMsgLength > 1024) {
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.BigIM").replace(/%BigBy%/, ""+ (icqMsgLength-1024)));
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- var bodyText = editor.outputToString("text/html", 8 + 4);
- /* smiley conversion */
- bodyText = bodyText.replace(/<\/span><\/span>/g, " ");
- bodyText = bodyText.replace(/<span class="moz-smiley-s[0-9][0-9]?"><span>/g, " ");
- // *** placeholder for getting strip pref.
- //var strip=true
- bodyText = bodyText.replace(/<br>/gi, "");
- bodyText = bodyText.replace(/\n/g, "");
- bodyText = bodyText.replace(/\r/g, "");
- bodyText = bodyText.replace(/\n/g, "");
- bodyText = bodyText.replace(/\r/g, "");
- bodyText = bodyText.replace(/<big>/gi, "<font size=\"+1\">");
- bodyText = bodyText.replace(/<\/big>/gi, "<\/font>");
- bodyText = bodyText.replace(/<small>/gi, "<font size=\"-1\">");
- bodyText = bodyText.replace(/<\/small>/gi, "<\/font>");
- bodyText = bodyText.replace(/<br><br>/gi, "<br>");
- bodyText = bodyText.replace(/<br><\/body>/i, "<\/body>");
- bodyText = bodyText.replace(/\u00a0/gi, " ");
- var backgroundcolor = document.getElementById("cmd_backgroundColor");
- if (backgroundcolor) {
- backgroundcolor = backgroundcolor.getAttribute("state");
- bodyText = bodyText.replace(/<body bgcolor[^>]*>/gi, "<body><font BACK=\"" + backgroundcolor +"\"> ");
- bodyText = bodyText.replace(/<\/body>/gi, "<\/font><\/body>");
- }
- if (bodyText) {
- var imMsgLength = bodyText.length;
- if (imMsgLength > 1024) {
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.BigIM").replace(/%BigBy%/, ""+ (imMsgLength-1024)));
- return;
- }
- }
- if (AimOnlineAway())
- ComeBack(); // if away, come back
- if (firstSend) {
- //if it is the first msg we are sending...load the BI. This shd execute for only the first outgoing IM.
- LoadBuddyIcon(screenName);
- aimIM().SetIMWndIcon(screenName);
- firstSend = 0;
- }
- aimIM().SetInputStateFlag(gTypingEnum.None, screenName);
- gSendNonEmptyEvent = 0;
- aimPIMSendIM(top, screenName, bodyText, plainBodyText);
- var session = aimSession();
- if ( session )
- session.AddKnockKnockAccept( screenName );
- gTypingPref = checkTypingPref();
- editor.selectAll();
- getStyles();
- editor.deleteSelection(null);
- /* After the contents have been emptied, disable the send button*/
- DisableSendButton();
- setStyles();
- //*** return focus to editor after clicking send ***
- top._content.focus();
- return true;
- }
- function AimIMIsBound()
- {
- var mode = AimIMGetFormMode();
- if("Bound" == mode)
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- function AimIMUpdateWarningPercent()
- {
- //AimIMUpdateWarningPercent
- }
- //************ Form Accessors ****************
- function AimIMGetFormMode()
- {
- return top.document.getElementById("IMAttribs").getAttribute("imMode");
- }
- function AimIMGetFormScreenName()
- {
- //var myScreenName = top.document.getElementById("IMAttribs").getAttribute("imScreenName");
- //if (!myScreenName || myScreenName == "") {
- myScreenName = top.document.getElementById("fldScreenName").value;
- if (!myScreenName || myScreenName == "" || myScreenName == undefined)
- if(args && args.ScreenName)
- myScreenName = args.ScreenName;
- //}
- return myScreenName;
- }
- function AimIMGetFormDisplayName()
- {
- var myDisplayName = top.document.getElementById("fldDisplayName").value;
- if (!myDisplayName || myDisplayName == "" || myDisplayName == undefined)
- if(args && args.DisplayName)
- myDisplayName = args.DisplayName;
- return myDisplayName;
- }
- function AimIMRefreshScreenName()
- {
- AimIMSetFormScreenName(top.document.getElementById('fldScreenName').value, top.document.getElementById('fldDisplayName').value);
- }
- function toKeyPress(event)
- {
- switch(event.keyCode) {
- case 9:
- if (!event.shiftKey) {
- var SN = top.document.getElementById('fldScreenName').value;
- if (SN && SN != "")
- LoadBuddyIcon(SN);
- window._content.focus();
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- break;
- case 13:
- var SN = top.document.getElementById('fldScreenName').value;
- if (SN && SN != "")
- LoadBuddyIcon(SN);
- window._content.focus();
- break;
- }
- }
- function AimIMSetFormScreenName(screenName, displayName)
- {
- var pPAimIM = aimPIMObject();
- if(pPAimIM)
- pPAimIM.OnWindowScreenNameChange(screenName, top);
- var title;
- if("" == screenName || !screenName) {
- if (isIcq() == true)
- title = aimString("icq.title.Unbound");
- else
- title = aimString("im.title.Unbound");
- }
- else {
- if (isIcq() == true) {
- if ((displayName == "") || (!displayName))
- title = aimString("icq.title.Bound").replace(/%ScreenName%/, screenName);
- else
- title = aimString("icq.title.Bound").replace(/%ScreenName%/, displayName+", "+ screenName);
- }
- else {
- if ((displayName == "") || (!displayName))
- title = aimString("im.title.Bound").replace(/%ScreenName%/, screenName);
- else
- title = aimString("im.title.Bound").replace(/%ScreenName%/, displayName+", "+ screenName);
- }
- }
- top.title = title;
- }
- function AimIMSetFormAction(action)
- {
- top.document.getElementById("IMAttribs").setAttribute("imAction", action);
- }
- //*********** Window Resizing *****************
- function AimIMWindowResize(sWidth,sHeight){
- top.resizeTo(sWidth,sHeight)
- }
- //************ Command Handling ****************
- function cmdFileNewIM()
- {
- aimIMInvokeIMForm(null);
- }
- function cmdEditCut()
- {
- if ( top.imObject.editorHasFocus == true ) {
- EditorCut();
- }
- }
- function cmdEditCopy()
- {
- if ( top.imObject.logHasFocus == true ) {
- //Focus window is log wnd
- }
- else if ( top.imObject.editorHasFocus == true ) {
- //Focus window is edit wnd
- EditorCopy();
- }
- }
- function cmdEditPaste()
- {
- if ( top.imObject.editorHasFocus == true ) {
- //Focus window is edit wnd
- EditorPaste();
- }
- }
- function cmdEditSelectAll()
- {
- if ( top.imObject.logHasFocus == true ) {
- //Focus window is log wnd
- }
- else if ( top.imObject.editorHasFocus == true ) {
- //Focus window is edit wnd
- EditorSelectAll();
- }
- }
- function cmdAddressBook()
- {
- var screenName = AimIMGetFormScreenName();
- var card = aimABInfo().getPersonalAbCardFromAttribute("_AimScreenName", screenName, false);
- // if no card, should we create one?
- goEditCardDialog("moz-abmdbdirectory://abook.mab", card, null);
- }
- function cmdPeopleSendChatInvitation()
- {
- //dump("Implement Menu Command cmdPeopleSendChatInvitation()\n");
- }
- function cmdPeopleBlock()
- {
- var screenName = AimIMGetFormScreenName();
- if( !screenName )
- return false;
- var pIAimPrivacy = aimPrivacy();
- if ( !pIAimPrivacy )
- return false;
- pIAimPrivacy.BlockUser( screenName );
- return true;
- }
- function cmdPeopleUnblock()
- {
- var screenName = AimIMGetFormScreenName();
- if( !screenName )
- return false;
- var pIAimPrivacy = aimPrivacy();
- if ( !pIAimPrivacy )
- return false;
- pIAimPrivacy.UnblockUser( screenName );
- return true;
- }
- function cmdAddABuddy()
- {
- openDialog("chrome://aim/content/BuddyAddBuddy.xul", "", "modal=yes,titlebar,chrome", null, null, AimIMGetFormScreenName());
- }
- function cmdCmdWarn()
- {
- //dump("Implement Menu Command cmdCmdWarn()\n");
- }
- /**** routines to track Focus */
- function composeWndFocus(boolval)
- {
- if ( top.imObject )
- top.imObject.editorHasFocus = boolval;
- if (boolval) {
- var SN = top.document.getElementById('fldScreenName').value;
- if (SN && SN != "")
- LoadBuddyIcon(SN);
- }
- }
- function logWndFocus(boolval)
- {
- if ( top.imObject )
- top.imObject.logHasFocus = boolval;
- }
- function AimIMFldScreenNameFocus(focus)
- {
- if(false == focus)
- AimIMSetFormScreenName(top.document.getElementById("fldScreenName").value, top.document.getElementById("fldDisplayName").value);
- }
- function SendOnEnter()
- {
- // if enterCR_pref_value is true, the pref was set so that enter was a CR
- // if enterCR_pref_value is false, the user wants enter to send the IM message
- try {
- pref = aimPrefsManager();
- enterCR_pref_value = pref.GetBoolPref("aim.general.im.enterCR", null, false);
- }
- catch (ex) {
- // default to be "send on enter key"
- enterCR_pref_value = true;
- }
- return (!enterCR_pref_value);
- }
- function OnTab()
- {
- try {
- Tab_pref_value = aimPrefsManager().GetBoolPref("aim.general.im.tabKey", null, false);
- }
- catch (ex) {
- // default
- Tab_pref_value = true;
- }
- return (!Tab_pref_value);
- }
- function EnableSendButton()
- {
- top.document.getElementById("btnSend").setAttribute("disabled", "false");
- top.document.getElementById("cmd_Send").setAttribute("disabled", "false");
- }
- function DisableSendButton()
- {
- top.document.getElementById("btnSend").setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- top.document.getElementById("cmd_Send").setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- UnFocusSend();
- }
- function UnFocusSend()
- {
- top.document.getElementById("btnSend").removeAttribute("focus-ring");
- }
- function FocusSend()
- {
- top.document.getElementById("btnSend").setAttribute("focus-ring", "true");
- }
- function sendButtonListeners()
- {
- /* Add listeners to cut , copy and paste items in menu and context menu */
- var delmenu=document.getElementById("menu_delete");
- if (delmenu)
- delmenu.addEventListener("mouseup", checkToDisable, true);
- var cutmenu=document.getElementById("menu_cut");
- if (cutmenu)
- cutmenu.addEventListener("mouseup", checkToDisable, true);
- var pastemenu=document.getElementById("menu_paste");
- if (pastemenu)
- pastemenu.addEventListener("mouseup", composeMenuPaste , true);
- var cmdelmenu=document.getElementById("menu_delete_cm");
- if (cmdelmenu)
- cmdelmenu.addEventListener("mousedown", checkToDisable, true);
- var cmcutmenu=document.getElementById("menu_cut_cm");
- if (cmcutmenu)
- cmcutmenu.addEventListener("mousedown", checkToDisable, true);
- var cmpastemenu=document.getElementById("menu_paste_cm");
- if (cmpastemenu)
- cmpastemenu.addEventListener("mousedown", composeMenuPaste , true);
- var bbox = document.getElementById("ComposeWnd");
- if (bbox) {
- bbox.addEventListener("mousedown", composeSendButtonUpdate, true);
- bbox.addEventListener("mouseup", composeSendButtonUpdate, true);
- bbox.addEventListener("dragdrop", composeSendButtonUpdate, true);
- }
- }
- function converseKeyCodeListener()
- {
- if (event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode == 9)
- {
- aimAutoCompleteAddress('aimScreenNameType', 'fldScreenName');
- window._content.focus();
- setTimeout('AimIMRefreshScreenName()',50);
- return true;
- }
- setTimeout('AimIMRefreshScreenName()',50);
- return false;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // IM Log Context Menu helper routines --> The following routines are used by
- // the context menu in the IM log overlay...
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function initializeIMLogContextPane(aContextMenu)
- {
- // our base nsContextMenu class is going to take care of enabling/disabliing all our menu items
- // for us. All we need to do is make sure we show and hide the appropriate separators...
- aContextMenu.showItem( "context-sep-open", aContextMenu.onSaveableLink || (aContextMenu.inDirList && aContextMenu.onLink));
- aContextMenu.showItem( "context-sep-bookmark", aContextMenu.onLink );
- aContextMenu.showItem( "context-sep-save", aContextMenu.onSaveableLink || aContextMenu.onImage);
- }
- function LoadBuddyIcon(screenname)
- {
- var aimPrefs = aimPrefsManager();
- if (aimPrefs)
- var biValue = aimPrefs.GetIntPref("aim.buddyicon.displayBuddyIcons", null, false);
- else
- return;
- //check for Never *display* BI pref before displaying...
- // 0 - Aceept BI from users in Buddy list.
- // 1 - Never accept BI
- // 2 - Never *display* BI's.
- if (biValue == 2)
- return;
- if ((screenname == "") || (screenname == null)) {
- return;
- }
- var nimSession = aimSession();
- var pictDir = nimSession.profileDir;
- var biPath = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
- biPath.initWithPath(pictDir.path);
- biPath.append("picture");
- if (!biPath.exists()) {
- return;
- }
- biPath.append(screenname+".gif");
- if (!biPath.exists()) {
- //The buddy doesn't have BI.
- return;
- }
- var fileHandler = GetFileHandler();
- var bifileurl = fileHandler.getURLSpecFromFile(biPath);
- var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
- var BIfield = top.document.getElementById("BuddyIcon");
- BIfield.setAttribute("src", bifileurl+"?foobar="+currentTime);
- }
- function GetFileHandler()
- {
- var IOService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
- return IOService.getProtocolHandler("file")
- .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFileProtocolHandler);
- }
- function updateCurrentComposeWindow()
- {
- if (isIcq() == true ) {
- document.getElementById('icqDisplayFields').setAttribute('hidden', false);
- document.getElementById('fldDisplayName').setAttribute('hidden', false);
- var elems = document.getElementById("sessionComposeWatcher");
- elems.setAttribute("sessionMode", "Icq");
- var icqval=document.getElementById('composetoolbarmenu').getAttribute('icqlabel','value');
- document.getElementById('composetoolbarmenu').setAttribute('label', icqval);
- icqval=document.getElementById('AimIM').getAttribute('icqtitle','value');
- document.getElementById('AimIM').setAttribute('title', icqval);
- icqval=document.getElementById('menu_newMsg').getAttribute('icqlabel','value');
- document.getElementById('menu_newMsg').setAttribute('label', icqval);
- icqval=document.getElementById('menu_peopleadd').getAttribute('icqlabel','value');
- document.getElementById('menu_peopleadd').setAttribute('label', icqval);
- icqval=document.getElementById('tbAddBuddy').getAttribute('icqlabel','value');
- document.getElementById('tbAddBuddy').setAttribute('label', icqval);
- icqval=document.getElementById('tbAddBuddy').getAttribute('icqtooltip','value');
- document.getElementById('tbAddBuddy').setAttribute('tooltiptext', icqval);
- icqval=document.getElementById('btnSend').getAttribute('icqtooltip','value');
- document.getElementById('btnSend').setAttribute('tooltiptext', icqval);
- icqval=document.getElementById('tbBlock').getAttribute('icqlabel','value');
- document.getElementById('tbBlock').setAttribute('label', icqval);
- icqval=document.getElementById('tbBlock').getAttribute('icqtooltip','value');
- document.getElementById('tbBlock').setAttribute('tooltiptext', icqval);
- document.getElementById('formatMenu').setAttribute('hidden', true);
- document.getElementById('insertMenu').setAttribute('hidden', true);
- }
- }
- function checkTypingPref()
- {
- var prefmask = aimFeedbagManager().GetBuddyPrefs();
- if (prefmask & Components.interfaces.nsAimBuddyPrefs.DiscloseTyping)
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- function CheckTypingState()
- {
- var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
- if (!editor)
- return;
- var newLength = editor.textLength;
- //SURESH: This is bit hacky. My guess is something is wrong with the way editor returns for textLength.
- //gEditorLength is off by 1 when you type something or backspace. :(
- if (gSendNonEmptyEvent && newLength > 0 && ((newLength == gEditorLength + 1) || (newLength == gEditorLength - 1))) {
- var screenName = AimIMGetFormScreenName();
- aimIM().SetInputStateFlag(gTypingEnum.NotEmpty, screenName);
- gSendTypingEvent = 1;
- //reset the non empty typing event, so that it is not sent for every key press
- gSendNonEmptyEvent = 0;
- }
- }
- function openUILinkIM(url, where)
- {
- var gPrefService = null;
- if ((url == null) || (url == ""))
- return;
- // xlate the URL if necessary
- if (url.indexOf("urn:") == 0) {
- url = xlateURL(url); // does RDF urn expansion
- }
- // avoid loading "", since this loads a directory listing
- if (url == "") {
- url = "about:blank";
- }
- if (where == "default") {
- gPrefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
- var openPref = gPrefService.getCharPref("browser.tabs.localfile.open");
- if (openPref == "overwrite")
- where = "current";
- else {
- where = "tab"; // openPref == "new" is default
- }
- gPrefService = null;
- }
- var w = (where == "window") ? null : getTopWin();
- if (!w) {
- openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no", url);
- return;
- }
- var browser = w.document.getElementById("content");
- switch (where) {
- case "current":
- browser.loadURI(url);
- w._content.focus();
- break;
- case "tabshifted":
- case "tab":
- var tab = browser.addTabAt(url);
- if (!getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadInBackground", false)) {
- browser.selectedTab = tab;
- w._content.focus();
- }
- break;
- }
- }