home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* ===== activation.css ================================================
- == Used by Activation overlay wizardpages.
- ===================================================================== */
- @namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul");
- /* ::::: text in grid boxes of new and existing account wizard pages ::::: */
- .activationFieldLabel {
- text-align:right;
- }
- .wizard-header {
- background: url("chrome://browser/skin/header.png") #FFFFFF no-repeat 50% 50%;
- height : 60px;
- }
- #AccountWizard[currentpageid="ispPage1"] > .wizard-header,
- #AccountWizard[currentpageid="accounttype"] > .wizard-header,
- #AccountWizard[currentpageid="accounttype-webmail"] > .wizard-header,
- #AccountWizard[currentpageid="identitypage"] > .wizard-header,
- #AccountWizard[currentpageid="serverpage"] > .wizard-header,
- #AccountWizard[currentpageid="loginpage"] > .wizard-header,
- #AccountWizard[currentpageid="newsserver"] > .wizard-header,
- #AccountWizard[currentpageid="accnamepage"] > .wizard-header,
- #AccountWizard[currentpageid="done"] > .wizard-header {
- background: none;
- background-color: #5B7693;
- }
- .pageHeader {
- font-weight : bold;
- }
- .boldtext {
- font-weight : bold;
- }
- #registerBox {
- margin-left : 20px;
- }
- .actvLinkedText {
- cursor: pointer;
- color: #0000FF;
- text-decoration: underline;
- }
- #learnAbountNN {
- margin-left: 3px;
- margin-right: 0px;
- }
- .infoLabel {
- font-weight : bold;
- font-style: italic;
- font-size: 12pt;
- }
- separator.groove,
- separator.groove[orient="horizontal"] {
- margin-left: 6px;
- margin-right: 6px;
- }
- .infoIcon {
- margin-left: 6px;
- width: 18px;
- height: 19px;
- list-style-image: url("chrome://communicator/skin/profile/infoIcon.png");
- }
- .dynamicHelpText {
- margin-left: 6px;
- margin-right: 6px;
- }
- .moz-text-plain[wrap="true"] {
- white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;
- }
- .servicesDesc {
- margin-left: 40px;
- }
- .hiddenWindowForServerInteractions {
- visibility: hidden;
- height: 0px;
- max-height: 0px;
- }
- .helpAreaBox {
- height: 53px;
- }
- #date {
- width: 8em;
- }
- #month {
- width: 8em;
- }