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- /* This overlay JS file contains the JS necessary for integrating
- AIM presence into the messenger msg header pane overlay (msgHdrViewOverlay).
- It allows us to dynamically modify the msg hdr view overlay to add
- presence indication for email addresses in that pane.
- */
- // cache the properties we are interested in...
- var buddyStateString = RDF.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#BuddyStateString");
- // This array of dom nodes is an array indexed by URI that keeps track of the
- // dom nodes in the msg header pane we care about...
- var domNodes = new Object();
- /* SetPresence updates the titled button image (node)
- based on the property value of presence
- */
- function SetPresence(node, presence)
- {
- if (node)
- {
- // if we have a node that corresponds to this URI, then we need to poke
- // it....
- var targetString = presence.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral).Value;
- node.setAttribute("BuddyStateString", targetString);
- // this silly align hack is because css isn't noticing the alignment
- // attribute unless I set it to something...then set it back to what
- // I really want...
- node.setAttribute("align", "left");
- node.setAttribute("align", "right");
- node.setAttribute("max-height", "15px");
- }
- }
- /* Extract the AIM ID from the node and send an instant message
- */
- function SendIMFor (node)
- {
- //XXXjelwellXXX might need to change state from OnlineAway to Online
- var target = aimRDFDataSource().GetTarget(aimRDFSession(), aimRDFSessionState(), true);
- var state = target.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral).Value;
- if ("OnlineAway" == state)
- {
- if ( aimLocateManager() ) {
- aimLocateManager().SetUserInfoAwayMessage(null);
- }
- }
- if (node)
- {
- var screenName = node.getAttribute("IMScreenName");
- if (screenName)
- {
- aimIMInvokeIMForm(screenName);
- }
- else
- aimIMInvokeIMForm(null);
- }
- }
- function AddToBuddyListFor(node)
- {
- //XXXjelwellXXX might need to change state from OnlineAway to Online
- if (node)
- {
- var screenName = node.getAttribute("IMScreenName");
- openDialog("chrome://aim/content/BuddyAddBuddy.xul", "", "modal=yes,titlebar,chrome", null, null, screenName);
- }
- }