home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*------------------------------ nsContextMenu ---------------------------------
- | This JavaScript "class" is used to implement the IM standalon's |
- | content-area context menu. |
- | |
- | For usage, see references to this class in contextMenu.xul. |
- | |
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- // global context menu
- //var contextMenu = null;
- function nsContextMenu( xulMenu ) {
- this.menu = null;
- this.onlineTab = false;
- this.listSetupTab = false;
- this.sidebar = false;
- this.screenName = "";
- this.target = null;
- // Initialize new menu.
- this.initMenu( xulMenu );
- }
- // Prototype for nsContextMenu "class."
- nsContextMenu.prototype = {
- // onDestroy is a no-op at this point.
- onDestroy : function () {
- },
- // Initialize context menu.
- initMenu : function ( popup, event ) {
- this.menu = popup;
- // Get contextual info.
- this.setTarget( document.popupNode );
- // Initialize (disable/remove) menu items.
- this.initItems();
- },
- initItems : function () {
- this.initOnlineItems();
- this.initListSetupItems();
- var supportmailim = aimPrefsManager().GetBoolPref("aim.session.supportmailim", null, false);
- if (!supportmailim) {
- this.setItemAttr("menu_switchview","hidden", "true");
- this.setItemAttr("dispNameseparator","hidden", "true");
- this.setItemAttr("context-editbuddyinfo","hidden", "true");
- // this.setItemAttr("context-editdispname","hidden", "true");
- // this.setItemAttr("context-updateemail","hidden", "true");
- this.setItemAttr("preemailseperator","hidden", "true");
- this.setItemAttr("context-sendemail","hidden", "true");
- this.setItemAttr("context-checkemail","hidden", "true");
- this.setItemAttr("gmiseparator","hidden", "true");
- }
- },
- initOnlineItems : function () {
- this.showItem("context-getMemberInfo", this.onlineTab );
- this.showItem( "context-sendIM", this.onlineTab );
- this.showItem( "context-sendChat", this.onlineTab );
- this.showItem("context-block");
- this.showItem("blockseperator");
- if (this.screenName != "" && this.screenName != null) {
- this.setItemAttr("sendfileseparator","hidden", this.listSetupTab);
- this.showItem( "context-sendFile", this.onlineTab );
- this.showItem("context-block", this.menu);
- this.showItem("blockseperator", this.menu);
- var isInList = new Object();
- aimBuddyManager().IsBuddyInAlertList(this.screenName, isInList);
- if ( isInList.value == false ) {
- // Set the appropriate node's screen name to the buddy alert menu item
- this.setItemAttr("context-editbuddyAlert","hidden", "true");
- this.setItemAttr("context-delbuddyAlert","hidden", "true");
- var Msg1=window.document.getElementById("context-buddyAlert").getAttribute("label1");
- var Msg2=window.document.getElementById("context-buddyAlert").getAttribute("label2");
- var newlabel=Msg1+this.screenName+Msg2;
- window.document.getElementById("context-buddyAlert").setAttribute('label', newlabel);
- this.setItemAttr("buddyalertseperator","hidden", "false");
- this.setItemAttr("context-buddyAlert","hidden", "false");
- }
- else {
- // Set the Edit and Del buddy alert menu item
- var Msg1=window.document.getElementById("context-delbuddyAlert").getAttribute("label1");
- var Msg2=window.document.getElementById("context-delbuddyAlert").getAttribute("label2");
- var newlabel=Msg1+this.screenName+Msg2;
- this.setItemAttr("context-buddyAlert","hidden", "true");
- window.document.getElementById("context-delbuddyAlert").setAttribute('label', newlabel);
- this.setItemAttr("context-editbuddyAlert","hidden", "false");
- this.setItemAttr("context-delbuddyAlert","hidden", "false");
- }
- }
- else {
- //selected node has no screen name so it is a group
- this.setItemAttr("sendfileseparator","hidden", "true");
- //this.setItemAttr("buddyalertseperator","hidden", "true");
- this.setItemAttr("context-buddyAlert","hidden", "true");
- this.setItemAttr("context-editbuddyAlert","hidden", "true");
- this.setItemAttr("buddyalertseperator","hidden", "true");
- this.showItem( "context-sendFile", false);
- this.showItem("sendfileseparator", false);
- //this.showItem("context-editdispname", false);
- //this.showItem("context-sendemail", false);
- //this.showItem("context-checkemail", false);
- //this.showItem("context-updateemail", false);
- //this.setItemAttr("dispNameseparator","hidden", "true");
- //this.setItemAttr("preemailseperator","hidden", "true");
- //this.setItemAttr("emailseperator","hidden", "true");
- this.setItemAttr("sendfileseparator","hidden", "true");
- }
- this.showItem( "onlineseparator", this.onlineTab );
- //this.showItem( "context-EditList", this.sidebar );
- },
- initListSetupItems : function () {
- //this.showItem("context-buddyAlert", this.listSetupTab );
- //this.showItem( "context-addBuddy", this.listSetupTab );
- // this.showItem( "context-addGroup", this.listSetupTab );
- // this.showItem( "context-delete", this.listSetupTab );
- //this.showItem( "context-editAB", this.listSetupTab );
- this.setItemAttr("sendfileseparator","hidden", this.listSetupTab);
- this.setItemAttr("dispNameseparator","hidden", this.listSetupTab);
- },
- // Set various context menu attributes based on the state of the world.
- setTarget : function ( node ) {
- // Remember the node that was clicked.
- this.target = node;
- var sidebarframe=window;
- // determine if we're in the standalone or sidebar
- var parentState = top.document.getElementById("AimSidebarState");
- if(!parentState)
- {
- var tab = sidebarframe.document.getElementById("OnlineOrgTabPanel");
- if (tab.selectedIndex == 0 )
- {
- this.sidebar = true;
- this.onlineTab = true;
- this.listSetupTab = false;
- }
- else
- {
- this.sidebar = true;
- this.onlineTab = false;
- this.listSetupTab = true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- var curTab;
- curTab = parentState.getAttribute("AimSidebarTab");
- // Determine if we're in the Online tab or List Setup tab
- if(curTab == "Online")
- {
- this.onlineTab = true;
- this.listSetupTab = false;
- this.sidebar = false;
- }
- else
- {
- this.listSetupTab = true;
- this.onlineTab = false;
- this.sidebar = false;
- }
- }
- // set the screen name based on the target
- //this.screenName = this.target.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('ScreenName');
- this.screenName = getSelectedScreenName();
- },
- // sendIM
- cmdContextSendIM : function () {
- dump("Context: Send IM\n");
- cmdNewIM();
- /* if (aimIMDoesIMExist(this.screenName))
- aimErrorBox(aimString("msg.DuplicateIM"));
- else
- aimIMInvokeIMForm(this.screenName);
- */
- },
- // sendChat
- cmdContextSendChat : function () {
- //window.openDialog('chrome://aim/content/chatInviteBuddy.xul','_blank','chrome,all,dialog=no','', false,'outgoingchat');
- inviteArgsObj = {
- inviteProposalScreenName: '',
- inviteProposalObj: null,
- invitedScreenNames: getSelectedBuddiesFromList(),
- inviteToExistingWindow: false,
- inviteMode: 'outgoingchat'
- }
- window.openDialog('chrome://aim/content/chatInviteBuddy.xul','_blank','chrome,all,dialog=no',inviteArgsObj);
- dump("Context: Chat\n");
- },
- cmdContextSendFile : function () {
- inviteArgsObj = {
- inviteProposalScreenName: getSelectedScreenName(),
- inviteProposalObj: null,
- inviteToExistingWindow: false,
- inviteMode: 'outgoingfile'
- }
- window.openDialog('chrome://aim/content/sendfile.xul','_blank','chrome,all,dialog=no',inviteArgsObj);
- },
- cmdContextGetMemberInfo : function () {
- var screenName = getSelectedScreenName();
- window.openDialog('chrome://aim/content/GetMemberInfo.xul','_blank','chrome,all,dialog=no', screenName);
- },
- // Edit List
- cmdContextEditList : function () {
- dump("Context: Edit List\n");
- //toOpenWindowByType2('Aim:AimApp', 'chrome://aim/content/App.xul');
- },
- // addbuddy
- cmdContextAddBuddy : function () {
- dump("Context: Add Buddy\n");
- cmdAddBuddy();
- },
- // addGroup
- cmdContextAddGroup : function () {
- dump("Context: Add Group\n");
- cmdAddGroup();
- },
- // delete
- cmdContextDelete : function () {
- dump("Context: Delete\n");
- cmdDelete();
- },
- cmdContextBuddyAlert : function (isedit) {
- var screenName = getSelectedScreenName();
- var groupName = getGroupForScreenName();
- if (screenName && (screenName != null) && groupName && (groupName != null))
- {
- if (isedit == 1)
- window.openDialog('chrome://aim/content/AimBuddyAlert.xul','_blank','chrome,all,dialog=no', screenName, groupName, 1);
- else
- window.openDialog('chrome://aim/content/AimBuddyAlert.xul','_blank','chrome,all,dialog=no', screenName, groupName, null);
- }
- },
- cmdContextDelBuddyAlert : function () {
- var screenName = getSelectedScreenName();
- var groupName = getGroupForScreenName();
- if (screenName && (screenName != null) && groupName && (groupName != null))
- aimBuddyManager().DeleteBuddyFromAlertList(screenName, groupName);
- },
- cmdContextBlockBuddy : function () {
- var pIAimPrivacy = aimPrivacy();
- if ( !pIAimPrivacy )
- return false;
- pIAimPrivacy.BlockUser(this.screenName);
- },
- //cmdContextEditAB : function () {
- //dump("Context: Edit AddressBook\n");
- //cmdAbEditCard();
- //},
- // Utilities
- // Show/hide one item (specified via name or the item element itself).
- showItem : function ( itemOrId, show ) {
- var item = null;
- if ( itemOrId.constructor == String ) {
- // Argument specifies item id.
- item = document.getElementById( itemOrId );
- } else {
- // Argument is the item itself.
- item = itemOrId;
- }
- if ( item ) {
- var styleIn = item.getAttribute( "style" );
- var styleOut = styleIn;
- if ( show ) {
- // Remove style="display: none;".
- styleOut = styleOut.replace( "display: none;", "" );
- } else {
- // Set style="display: none;".
- if ( styleOut.indexOf( "display: none;" ) == -1 ) {
- // Add style the first time we need to.
- styleOut += "display: none;";
- }
- }
- // Only set style if it's different.
- if ( styleIn != styleOut ) {
- item.setAttribute( "style", styleOut );
- }
- }
- },
- // Set given attribute of specified context-menu item. If the
- // value is null, then it removes the attribute (which works
- // nicely for the disabled attribute).
- setItemAttr : function ( id, attr, val ) {
- var elem = document.getElementById( id );
- if ( elem ) {
- if ( val == null ) {
- // null indicates attr should be removed.
- elem.removeAttribute( attr );
- } else {
- // Set attr=val.
- elem.setAttribute( attr, val );
- }
- }
- },
- // Set context menu attribute according to like attribute of another node
- // (such as a broadcaster).
- setItemAttrFromNode : function ( item_id, attr, other_id ) {
- var elem = document.getElementById( other_id );
- if ( elem && elem.getAttribute( attr ) == "true" ) {
- this.setItemAttr( item_id, attr, "true" );
- } else {
- this.setItemAttr( item_id, attr, null );
- }
- }
- };