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- <!--
- Page 1 can only go to page 2, 3, 4 or 5. (This page chooses what option you want to take)
- Page 2 can only finish. (This page is for using your activated screen name)
- Page 3 can only finish. (This page is for picking an existing screen name, when none are found on your computer)
- Page 4 can only finish. (This page is for picking an existing screen name, when AIM names ARE found on your computer)
- Page 5 can only go to page 6. (This page explains how to choose a new screen name in the next page)
- Page 6 can only finish. (This page pops open the AOL web page for picking a new name, and lets you input it)
- -->
- <!--**************
- * Page One *
- **************-->
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- <radio id="setupname" label="&page1.option3.text;" oncommand="setUseNewScreenName();"/>
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- * Page Two *
- **************-->
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- * Page Three *
- **************-->
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- * Page Four *
- **************-->
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- </vbox>
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- <!--**************
- * Page Five *
- **************-->
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- * Page Six *
- **************-->
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- <!--**************
- * Page Done *
- **************-->
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