home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // These are our hooks into the public mozilla
- // header viewing code. This is where we can insert AIM presence
- // information into the message pane.
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- var gPrefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"];
- gPrefs = gPrefs.getService();
- gPrefs = gPrefs.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
- // list of emails we did not have a buddy list association with
- var domNodes = new Object();
- var emailList = new Array();
- var emailNodeList = new Array();
- var emailNodeList2 = new Array();
- // callback for RequestGroupPresenceByEmailAddress()
- var LocateCallback = new Object();
- LocateCallback.OnRequestGroupInfoPresenceComplete = function(pArraySize, pEmailList, pScreenNameList, pPresenceList)
- {
- for(i in emailNodeList)
- {
- var emailNode = emailNodeList[i];
- // always set the screen name...even if the user is not online...
- if (pScreenNameList[i])
- {
- emailNode.setTextAttribute("IMScreenName", pScreenNameList[i]);
- if (emailNodeList2[i])
- emailNodeList2[i].setTextAttribute("IMScreenName", pScreenNameList[i]);
- }
- if(pPresenceList[i])
- {
- emailNode.setAttribute("BuddyStateString", "ActiveOnline");
- // this silly align hack is because css isn't noticing the alignment
- // attribute unless I set it to something...then set it back to what
- // I really want...
- emailNode.setAttribute("align", "left");
- emailNode.setAttribute("align", "right");
- emailNode.setAttribute("max-height", "15px");
- SetSendIMTo (emailNode);
- if(emailNodeList2[i])
- {
- emailNode = emailNodeList2[i];
- emailNode.setAttribute("BuddyStateString", "ActiveOnline");
- // this silly align hack is because css isn't noticing the alignment
- // attribute unless I set it to something...then set it back to what
- // I really want...
- emailNode.setAttribute("align", "left");
- emailNode.setAttribute("align", "right");
- emailNode.setAttribute("max-height", "15px");
- SetSendIMTo (emailNode);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // this is a hack to get the email addresses that do not have an aim
- // image to align with the addresses that do have an image next to
- // them. This hack will add a 1pxX15px transparent image next to
- // the address that does not have the aim icon.
- emailNode.setAttribute("BuddyStateString", "Blank");
- // this silly align hack is because css isn't noticing the alignment
- // attribute unless I set it to something...then set it back to what
- // I really want...
- emailNode.setAttribute("align", "left");
- emailNode.setAttribute("align", "right");
- emailNode.setAttribute("max-height", "15px");
- emailNode.removeAttribute("padding-left");
- // Clear attributes in case they exist from a cached emailNode
- ClearSendIMTo (emailNode);
- }
- }
- }
- LocateCallback.OnRequestGroupInfoPresenceError = function(pErrMsg)
- {
- //dump("LocateCallback.OnRequestGroupInfoPresenceError\n");
- emailList.length = 0;
- emailNodeList.length = 0;
- emailNodeList2.length = 0;
- }
- /* AddExtraAddressProcessing is called by the msgHdrViewOverlay whenever it encounters
- an email address. This gives us the chance to insert presence information.
- It's important to realize that each email address is represented by a borderless
- title button. For presence, we just need to poke the image url associated
- with that title button
- */
- function AddExtraAddressProcessing(emailAddress, emailNode)
- {
- // take the email Address, figure out if we have an AIM uri for this
- // email address...if we do, create a titled button element and based on
- // the online presence, give that button a class. Add it to our watch list
- // so we can change this dom element later on. And then insert it into the enclosingNode
- if (emailAddress && aimBuddyManager())
- {
- if(gPrefs)
- {
- var showPresence = gPrefs.getBoolPref("aim.mail.presence");
- if(!showPresence)
- return;
- }
- else
- return;
- var screenName;
- try
- {
- // Please DO NOT change the 3rd param of getPersonalAbCardFromAttribute() call to
- // PR_TRUE (ie, case insensitive) without reading bugs #128535 and #121478.
- var card = aimABInfo().getPersonalAbCardFromAttribute("PrimaryEmail", emailAddress, false);
- if (card)
- screenName = card.aimScreenName;
- else {
- screenName = null;
- }
- }
- catch (ex)
- {
- screenName = null;
- dump("ex: " + ex + "\n");
- }
- if (screenName)
- {
- var rdfResourceForName = aimBuddyManager().GetUserResource(screenName);
- if (rdfResourceForName)
- {
- try {
- var target = aimRDFDataSource().GetTarget(rdfResourceForName, buddyStateString, true);
- if (target)
- SetPresence(emailNode, target);
- }
- catch (ex) {
- dump("ex: " + ex + "\n");
- }
- domNodes[rdfResourceForName.Value] = emailNode;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // add this email address to the list that will be processed later with the LocateManager
- var length = emailList.length;
- if(emailList[length-1] == emailAddress && length != 0)
- {
- emailNodeList2[length-1] = emailNode;
- }
- else
- {
- emailList[length] = emailAddress;
- emailNodeList[length] = emailNode;
- }
- emailNode.setAttribute("BuddyStateString", "Blank");
- }
- // be sure to set the screen name as an attribute on the node so we can get it later...
- emailNode.setTextAttribute("IMScreenName", screenName);
- }
- }
- // This will kick off the group processing of presence for email addresses
- function FinishEmailProcessing()
- {
- //dump("FinishEmailProcessing()\n");
- if(gPrefs)
- {
- var showPresence = gPrefs.getBoolPref("aim.mail.presence");
- if(!showPresence)
- return;
- }
- else
- return;
- try
- { aimLocateManager().RequestGroupPresenceByEmailAddress(LocateCallback, emailList.length, emailList); }
- catch(ex)
- {
- emailList.length = 0;
- emailNodeList.length = 0;
- emailNodeList2.length = 0;
- }
- }
- // NotifyClearAddresses --> use to clear any observers on the email
- // addresses that maybe in the hdr view overlay. Each time a new
- // message is loaded in message pane, we'll call this function...
- function NotifyClearAddresses()
- {
- for (i in emailNodeList)
- emailNodeList[i].removeAttribute("BuddyStateString");
- for (i in emailNodeList2)
- emailNodeList2[i].removeAttribute("BuddyStateString");
- for (i in domNodes)
- domNodes[i].removeAttribute("BuddyStateString");
- // throw away our knowledge of old data sources..
- domNodes = new Object();
- emailList = new Array();
- emailNodeList = new Array();
- emailNodeList2 = new Array();
- }
- // fillEmailAddressMenu - the onpopupshowing handler for the email address popu menu.
- // node --> the popup node that has been selected.
- function fillEmailAddressMenu(node)
- {
- // we need to determine if we are online or not. If we aren't online, disable the
- // AIM related menu items. If we are online, then make sure they are enabled.
- var target = aimRDFDataSource().GetTarget(aimRDFSession(), aimRDFSessionState(), true);
- var state = target.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral).Value;
- var online = false;
- if (state == "Online" || "OnlineAway" == state)
- online = true;
- var screenName = node.getAttribute("IMScreenName");
- var buddyStateString = node.getAttribute("BuddyStateString");
- var haveGoodBuddyStateString = true;
- var haveScreenName = false;
- if (screenName && screenName != "")
- haveScreenName = true;
- if((buddyStateString == "Blank") || (buddyStateString == ""))
- haveGoodBuddyStateString = false;
- ShowMenuItem("aimEmailAddressSeparator", online);
- ShowMenuItem("sendIMForAddress", online);
- EnableMenuItem("sendIMForAddress", online && haveScreenName && haveGoodBuddyStateString);
- ShowMenuItem("addAddressToBuddyList", online);
- EnableMenuItem("addAddressToBuddyList", online && haveScreenName && haveGoodBuddyStateString);
- return true;
- }
- function SetSendIMTo (node)
- {
- if (node)
- {
- var screenName = node.getTextAttribute("IMScreenName");
- var buddyStateString = node.getAttribute("BuddyStateString");
- if (screenName)
- {
- node.GetIconNode().setAttribute("data", screenName);
- node.GetIconNode().setAttribute("BuddyStateString", buddyStateString);
- node.GetIconNode().setAttribute("ondblclick", "aimIMInvokeIMForm(getAttribute('data'))");
- }
- else
- node.GetIconNode().setAttribute("ondblclick", "aimIMInvokeIMForm(null)");
- }
- }
- // Clear attributes in case they exist from a cached node.
- function ClearSendIMTo (node)
- {
- if (node)
- {
- node.GetIconNode().removeAttribute("data");
- node.GetIconNode().removeAttribute("BuddyStateString");
- node.GetIconNode().removeAttribute("ondblclick");
- }
- }