home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 2006-01-06 | 59.5 KB | 1,891 lines |
- var IMServiceClass = Components.classes['@netscape.com/aim/IMManager;1'];
- var pIIMManager = IMServiceClass.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIMManager)
- var lastRadio = null;
- var lastViewRadio = null;
- var allEnums = Components.interfaces.nsAimPrivacyModes;
- var stateEnums = Components.interfaces.nsAimOnlineStates;
- var globalPrivacyObject = pIIMManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIAimPrivacy);
- var MozPreferences = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1'];
- MozPreferences = MozPreferences.getService();
- MozPreferences = MozPreferences.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
- //connection panel
- var connLinks = new Object();
- connLinks.ConnectionName = "";
- connLinks.SessionType = "";
- connLinks.Host = "";
- connLinks.Port = "";
- connLinks.ProxyHost = "";
- connLinks.ProxyPort = "";
- connLinks.ProxyUser = "";
- connLinks.ProxyPassword = "";
- connLinks.ProxyProtocol = "";
- connLinks.IsProxy = false;
- connLinks.ConnectionType = 0;
- //end connection panel
- function getString(name)
- {
- if (aimStringBundle()){
- return aimStringBundle().GetStringFromName(name);
- }
- else{
- return "";
- }
- }
- var awayarg;
- function EditAwayMessageOnLoad()
- {
- var nameItem = document.getElementById("awayMessageName");
- var textItem = document.getElementById("awayMessageText");
- nameItem.value = window.arguments[1];
- textItem.value = window.arguments[2];
- nameItem.focus();
- if (window.arguments[1] == "" && window.arguments[2] == "")
- window.title= aimString("away.newmsg");
- else
- window.title= aimString("away.editmsg");
- // construct some of the static labels here; had problems placing
- // '%' into an DTD ENTITY
- var labelItem = document.getElementById("editAwayMessageSpecial1");
- var stringItem = getString( "editAwayMessageSpecial1" );
- labelItem.setAttribute( "value", stringItem );
- labelItem = document.getElementById("editAwayMessageSpecial2");
- stringItem = getString( "editAwayMessageSpecial2" );
- labelItem.setAttribute( "value", stringItem );
- labelItem = document.getElementById("editAwayMessageSpecial3");
- stringItem = getString( "editAwayMessageSpecial3" );
- labelItem.setAttribute( "value", stringItem );
- labelItem = document.getElementById("editAwayMessageSpecial4");
- stringItem = getString( "editAwayMessageSpecial4" );
- labelItem.setAttribute( "value", stringItem );
- // set the OK, Cancel callbacks
- awayarg = window.arguments[3];
- if (awayarg) {
- document.getElementById("savelater").removeAttribute("hidden");
- var imaway = aimString("msg.imaway");
- document.getElementById("ok").setAttribute("label", imaway);
- }
- else {
- document.getElementById("savelater").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- }
- if (nameItem.value == "")
- doSetOKCancel(AddAwayMessageOnOK, 0);
- else
- doSetOKCancel(EditAwayMessageOnOK, 0);
- }
- function PrefIMAwayOnLoad()
- {
- if((!IsSignedOn()) || (isIcq())) {
- var offlinetxt = aimString("away.plsfirstsignon");
- var element = document.getElementById("AwayOffline");
- var textNode = document.createTextNode(offlinetxt);
- element.appendChild(textNode);
- document.getElementById("AwayGroup").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- document.getElementById("AwayMsgs").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- return;
- }
- document.getElementById("AwayOffline").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- GetRDFService();
- sidebar_file = GetRdfFileUrl("default-messages.rdf", "dm.rdf");
- datasource = RDF.GetDataSource(sidebar_file);
- var tree = document.getElementById("AwayMessages");
- tree.database.AddDataSource(datasource);
- tree.setAttribute('ref', tree.getAttribute('ref'));
- }
- /*
- * Function: PrefIMStyleOnload ()
- * Arguments:
- * Return: None
- * Description: This function intializes the pref-IM_style.xul panel
- * In paticular the text and background color widgets
- * are filled in and the Special Text Styles are turned
- * on or off depending on the pref.
- *
- * Author: jelwell@netscape.com
- */
- function PrefIMStyleOnload()
- {
- var textData = document.getElementById("textColorData");
- var backgroundData = document.getElementById("backgroundColorData");
- var customTextColor = textData.getAttribute("value");
- var customBackgroundColor = backgroundData.getAttribute("value");
- if ( !customBackgroundColor || customBackgroundColor == "")
- customBackgroundColor = "#FFFFFF";
- if ( !customTextColor || customTextColor == "")
- customTextColor = "#000000";
- setColorWell("textCW", customTextColor);
- setColorWell("backgroundCW", customBackgroundColor);
- textData.setAttribute("value", customTextColor);
- backgroundData.setAttribute("value", customBackgroundColor);
- SwapSpecialStyles();
- }
- /*
- * Function: SwapSpecialStyles()
- * Arguments:
- * Return: None
- * Description: This function is used to toggle the special
- * text style checkboxes, on and off depending
- * on the pref and current setting.
- *
- * Author: jelwell@netscape.com
- */
- function SwapSpecialStyles()
- {
- if (document.getElementById("textstyles").getAttribute("value") == "1")
- {
- document.getElementById("bold").removeAttribute("disabled");
- document.getElementById("italics").removeAttribute("disabled");
- document.getElementById("underline").removeAttribute("disabled");
- }
- else
- {
- document.getElementById("bold").setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- document.getElementById("italics").setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- document.getElementById("underline").setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- }
- }
- /*
- * Function: GetColorAndUpdate(ColorWellID)
- * Arguments:
- * ColorWellID -- id of the color spacer inside the button.
- * Return: None
- * Description: This function is used to change the background
- * color of the spacer based on prefs.
- *
- * Author: jelwell@netscape.com
- */
- function GetColorAndUpdate(ColorWellID)
- {
- var colorObj = new Object;
- var colorWell = document.getElementById(ColorWellID);
- var customTextColor = document.getElementById("textColorData").getAttribute("value");
- var customBackgroundColor = document.getElementById("backgroundColorData").getAttribute("value");
- if (!colorWell) return;
- // Don't allow a blank color, i.e., using the "default"
- colorObj.NoDefault = true;
- switch( ColorWellID )
- {
- case "textCW":
- colorObj.Type = "Text";
- colorObj.TextColor = customTextColor;
- break;
- case "backgroundCW":
- colorObj.Type = "Page";
- colorObj.PageColor = customBackgroundColor;
- break;
- }
- window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdColorPicker.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", "", colorObj);
- // User canceled the dialog
- if (colorObj.Cancel)
- return;
- var color = "";
- switch( ColorWellID )
- {
- case "textCW":
- color = customTextColor = colorObj.TextColor;
- document.getElementById("textColorData").setAttribute("value", color);
- break;
- case "backgroundCW":
- color = customBackgroundColor = colorObj.BackgroundColor;
- document.getElementById("backgroundColorData").setAttribute("value", color);
- break;
- }
- setColorWell(ColorWellID, color);
- // SetColorPreview(ColorWellID, color);
- }
- // Add a user to the allow or deny list. top.addMode defines which list
- function GetUserAdd()
- {
- var fldUserName = top.document.getElementById("fldUserName");
- var pIAimPrivacy = aimPrivacy();
- var name = fldUserName.value;
- if ( name && name != "" ) {
- if ( top.addMode == "Allow" ) {
- pIAimPrivacy.AllowListAdd( name );
- }
- else if ( top.addMode == "Deny" ) {
- pIAimPrivacy.DenyListAdd( name );
- }
- //pIAimPrivacy.UpdateStorage();
- top.opener.updateListBoxSelection(top.addMode);
- top.window.close();
- }
- }
- function updateListBoxSelection(mode){
- var targetListBox = document.getElementById(mode);
- var targetListBoxSelectedCount = targetListBox.selectedCount
- var targetListBoxRows = targetListBox.listBoxObject.getRowCount();
- if(targetListBoxRows >0 && targetListBoxSelectedCount <1){
- targetListBox.selectedIndex=0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Name: StandardURL
- *
- * Arguments: URI string, e.g., chrome://foo/bar
- *
- * Description: obtains an instance of nsIURL and sets the spec to the passed
- * uri. Returns the nsIURL instance.
- *
- */
- function StandardURL(s) {
- var clazz = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/standard-url;1"];
- var iface = Components.interfaces.nsIURL;
- var obj = clazz.createInstance(iface);
- obj.spec = s;
- return obj;
- }
- /*
- * Name: Sound
- *
- * Arguments: none
- *
- * Description: Creates and returns an instance of nsISound
- *
- */
- function Sound() {
- var clazz = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/sound;1"];
- var iface = Components.interfaces.nsISound;
- var obj = clazz.createInstance(iface);
- return obj;
- }
- /*
- * Name: PlaySound
- *
- * Arguments: chrome URI to a sound file
- *
- * Description: Called by onclick handler for speaker titled buttons in
- * the sound preferences panel for IM.
- *
- */
- function PlaySound( myURIPref )
- {
- var sound = new Sound();
- var myURI;
- try {
- myURI = aimPrefsManager().GetCharPref( myURIPref , null, false );
- }
- catch(e) {
- try {
- myURI = aimPrefsManager().GetCharPref( myURIPref , null, true); // get the global one if the per screen name doesnt work
- }
- catch(e) {
- return;
- }
- }
- var uri = new StandardURL(myURI);
- if ( sound != undefined && sound != null && uri != undefined && uri != null ) {
- try {
- sound.play( uri );
- }
- catch( e ) {
- // device may not support sound, so ignore
- }
- }
- }
- /* away messages */
- var datasource = null;
- var RDF = null;
- var awayMessages = null;
- function
- GetRDFService()
- {
- if ( RDF == null ) {
- RDF=aimRDF();
- }
- }
- function
- RemoveTarget( msgName )
- {
- GetRDFService();
- var messages_file = GetRdfFileUrl("default-messages.rdf", "dm.rdf");
- var datasource = RDF.GetDataSource(messages_file);
- var container = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container;1"].createInstance();
- container = container.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainer);
- container.Init(datasource, RDF.GetResource("NC:AIM/AwayMessageBag"));
- var elements = container.GetElements();
- var target, node;
- var nameResource =
- RDF.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#MsgName");
- while ( elements.hasMoreElements() ) {
- node = elements.getNext();
- if ( node )
- target = datasource.GetTarget( node, nameResource,
- true );
- if ( target )
- target = target.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
- if ( target && target.Value == msgName ) {
- container.RemoveElement( node, true );
- datasource.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource).Flush();
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- function
- SetAwayMessageTarget( msgName, msgText )
- {
- GetRDFService();
- var messages_file = GetRdfFileUrl("default-messages.rdf", "dm.rdf");
- var datasource = RDF.GetDataSource(messages_file);
- var container = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container;1"].createInstance();
- container = container.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainer);
- container.Init(datasource, RDF.GetResource("NC:AIM/AwayMessageBag"));
- var elements = container.GetElements();
- var nametarget, texttarget, node;
- var nameResource =
- RDF.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#MsgName");
- var textResource =
- RDF.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#MsgText");
- while ( elements.hasMoreElements() ) {
- node = elements.getNext();
- if ( node )
- nametarget = datasource.GetTarget( node, nameResource,
- true );
- if ( nametarget )
- nametarget = nametarget.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
- if ( nametarget && nametarget.Value == msgName ) {
- texttarget = datasource.GetTarget( node, textResource,
- true );
- if ( texttarget )
- texttarget = texttarget.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
- if ( texttarget ) {
- var newText = RDF.GetLiteral(msgText);
- datasource.Change( node, textResource,
- texttarget, newText);
- datasource.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource).Flush();
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //XXXVISHY - two
- function modeToRadio(mode)
- {
- switch(mode) {
- case allEnums.AllowAll:
- document.getElementById("allowradio").setAttribute("selected","true");
- document.getElementById("denyradio").removeAttribute("selected");
- document.getElementById("allowmenulist").selectedIndex = 0;
- return document.getElementById("aim_privacy_contact_allowallusers");
- break;
- case allEnums.AllowBuddies:
- document.getElementById("allowradio").setAttribute("selected","true");
- document.getElementById("denyradio").removeAttribute("selected");
- document.getElementById("allowmenulist").selectedIndex = 1;
- return document.getElementById("aim_privacy_contact_allowbuddylistusers");
- break;
- case allEnums.AllowList:
- document.getElementById("allowradio").setAttribute("selected","true");
- document.getElementById("denyradio").removeAttribute("selected");
- document.getElementById("allowmenulist").selectedIndex = 2;
- return document.getElementById("aim_privacy_contact_allowonlylist");
- break;
- case allEnums.DenyAll:
- document.getElementById("denyradio").setAttribute("selected","true");
- document.getElementById("allowradio").removeAttribute("selected");
- document.getElementById("denymenulist").selectedIndex = 0;
- return document.getElementById("aim_privacy_contact_blockallusers");
- break;
- case allEnums.DenyList:
- document.getElementById("denyradio").setAttribute("selected","true");
- document.getElementById("allowradio").removeAttribute("selected");
- document.getElementById("denymenulist").selectedIndex = 2;
- return document.getElementById("aim_privacy_contact_blocklistusers");
- break;
- case allEnums.DenyAim:
- document.getElementById("denyradio").setAttribute("selected","true");
- document.getElementById("allowradio").removeAttribute("selected");
- document.getElementById("denymenulist").selectedIndex = 1;
- return document.getElementById("aim_privacy_contact_blockaimusers");
- break;
- default:
- document.getElementById("allowradio").setAttribute("selected","true");
- document.getElementById("denyradio").removeAttribute("selected");
- document.getElementById("allowmenulist").selectedIndex = 0;
- return document.getElementById("aim_privacy_contact_allowallusers");
- break;
- }
- }
- function privacyModeRadio(mode)
- {
- // this should not be needed, but believe me dont remove it
- // otherwise radio UI can show two things selected ;-)
- lastRadio.checked = false;
- lastRadio = modeToRadio(mode);
- lastRadio.checked = true;
- parent.lastPrivacyMode = mode;
- }
- function privacyChatInvites(value)
- {
- parent.lastChatInvites = value;
- }
- function privacyIdle(value)
- {
- parent.lastIdle = value;
- }
- function privacyMobile(value)
- {
- parent.lastMobile = value;
- }
- function privacyTyping(value)
- {
- parent.lastTyping = value;
- }
- function viewToRadio(view)
- {
- dump("in function viewToRadio\n" + view);
- switch(view) {
- case '1':
- return document.getElementById("nodisclosure");
- break;
- case '2':
- return document.getElementById("limiteddisclosure");
- break;
- case '3':
- return document.getElementById("fulldisclosure");
- break;
- default:
- dump("Bad privacy view\n");
- return document.getElementById("nodisclosure");
- break;
- }
- }
- function privacyViewRadio(view)
- {
- dump("privacyModeRadio\n");
- // this should not be needed, but believe me dont remove it
- // otherwise radio UI can show two things selected ;-)
- //lastViewRadio.checked = false;
- //lastViewRadio = viewToRadio(view);
- dump ("lastViewRadio is " + lastViewRadio + "\n");
- //lastViewRadio.checked = true;
- parent.lastPrivacyView = view;
- dump ("lastPrivacyView is " + parent.lastPrivacyView + "\n");
- }
- // onload handler for privacy panel. grab the privacy mode enums, and register
- // AssertChanges with prefwindow so we get called on OK presses.
- AdminCallback = new Object();
- AdminCallback.OnRequestInfoComplete = function(type,info)
- {
- dump("On RequestInfoComplete\n");
- switch (type) {
- case Components.interfaces.nsIAimAdminInfo.RegistrationStatusPreference:
- dump("info is " + info + "\n");
- parent.lastPrivacyView = info;
- dump("Got the aim privacy view\n");
- lastViewRadio = viewToRadio(parent.lastPrivacyView);
- if ( lastViewRadio != undefined && lastViewRadio != null) {
- var privacyViewElement = document.getElementById("privacyView");
- privacyViewElement.selectedItem = lastViewRadio;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- AdminCallback.OnRequestInfoError = function(pErrMsg)
- {
- dump("OnRequestInfoError\n");
- }
- adminGetterCallback = new Object();
- adminGetterCallback.ExecuteIfReady = function()
- {
- dump("about to get the disclosure level\n");
- aimAdminManager().RequestInfoRegistrationStatusPreference(AdminCallback);
- }
- function DisablePrivacyUI()
- {
- document.getElementById("contact").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- document.getElementById("whocancontact").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- document.getElementById("whocancontact1").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- }
- function IsSignedOn()
- {
- var state = aimSession().CurrentState;
- dump( "state is " + state + " \n" );
- if ( state == stateEnums.Online || state == stateEnums.OnlineAway )
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- function PrefIMPrivacyOnLoad()
- {
- var hideprivacy = false;
- var offlinetxt;
- if((!IsSignedOn()) || (isIcq())) {
- offlinetxt = aimString("msg.offline");
- hideprivacy = true;
- }
- else {
- var feedbag = aimFeedbagManager();
- var flag = feedbag.CheckFeedbag();
- if (!flag) {
- //feedbag is down, hide all the fields. you cannot do any thing in privacy pane without feedbag.
- offlinetxt = aimString("msg.feedbagdown");
- hideprivacy = true;
- }
- }
- if (hideprivacy) {
- var element = document.getElementById("privacyOfflineIntro");
- var textNode = document.createTextNode(offlinetxt);
- element.appendChild(textNode);
- DisablePrivacyUI();
- return;
- }
- document.getElementById("privacyOfflineIntro").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- parent.hPrefWindow.registerOKCallbackFunc( AssertPrivacyChanges );
- var sessionType =aimPrefsManager().GetIntPref("aim.session.sessiontype", null, false);
- if(sessionType == 0) {
- var tree = document.getElementById("Allow");
- tree.database.AddDataSource(aimRDF().GetDataSource("rdf:AIM"));
- tree.setAttribute('ref', tree.getAttribute('ref'));
- var tree = document.getElementById("Deny");
- tree.database.AddDataSource(aimRDF().GetDataSource("rdf:AIM"));
- tree.setAttribute('ref', tree.getAttribute('ref'));
- }
- var priv = aimPrivacy();
- // do it only the first time!
- if (parent.lastPrivacyMode == undefined)
- parent.lastPrivacyMode = priv.PrivacyMode;
- lastRadio = modeToRadio(parent.lastPrivacyMode);
- if ( parent.lastChatInvites != undefined && parent.lastChatInvites != null) {
- var checkbox = document.getElementById("chatInvites");
- if ( checkbox != undefined && checkbox != null)
- checkbox.setAttribute("selected",parent.lastChatInvites);
- }
- var loggedin = true;
- if (loggedin && (parent.lastPrivacyView == undefined))
- aimAdminManager().ExecuteIfReady(adminGetterCallback);
- var prefmask = feedbag.GetBuddyPrefs();
- if (prefmask & Components.interfaces.nsAimBuddyPrefs.DiscloseIdleTime) {
- document.getElementById("idle").checked = true;
- parent.lastIdle = true;
- }
- else
- parent.lastIdle = false;
- var mobilepresence = feedbag.GetBosPrefs();
- if (mobilepresence & Components.interfaces.nsAimBosPrefs.HideWireless) {
- document.getElementById("mobile").checked = true;
- parent.lastMobile = true;
- }
- else
- parent.lastMobile = false;
- if ( prefmask & Components.interfaces.nsAimBuddyPrefs.DiscloseTyping) {
- document.getElementById("showtyping").checked = true;
- parent.lastTyping = true;
- }
- else
- parent.lastTyping = false;
- updateListBoxSelection("Allow");
- updateListBoxSelection("Deny");
- }
- function PrefIMPrivacyOnUnload()
- {
- // nothing for now
- }
- // grab a screenname from the user.
- function PostGetUserDlg( which )
- {
- openDialog("chrome://aim/content/pref-IM_getuser.xul", "",
- "modal=yes,chrome", which);
- }
- // delete the screenname entered by the user from the allow or deny list.
- // "which" indicates which list to purge from
- function DeleteFromList( which )
- {
- var listbox = document.getElementById(which);
- var pIAimPrivacy = aimPrivacy();
- var selectedUser;
- for (var i = 0; i <= listbox.selectedItems.length; i++) {
- selectedUser = listbox.selectedItems[i].getAttribute("label");
- if ( which == "Allow" ) {
- pIAimPrivacy.AllowListRemove( selectedUser );
- }
- else if ( which == "Deny" ) {
- pIAimPrivacy.DenyListRemove( selectedUser );
- }
- updateListBoxSelection(which);
- break;
- }
- }
- // onload handler for the dialog used to get a screenname from the user
- function GetUserOnLoad()
- {
- doSetOKCancel(GetUserAdd, 0);
- top.addMode = window.arguments[0];
- document.getElementById("fldUserName").focus();
- }
- // called when OK button is pressed in privacy mode preferences panel. Figure
- // out what changed, communicate this to AIM Glue backend
- function AssertPrivacyChanges()
- {
- // We cannot use global variables as this is called in the
- // context of the Parent window much later!!
- var IMServiceClass = Components.classes['@netscape.com/aim/IMManager;1'];
- var pIIMManager = IMServiceClass.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIMManager)
- var lastRadio = null;
- var allEnums = Components.interfaces.nsAimPrivacyModes;
- var pIAimPrivacy = pIIMManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIAimPrivacy)
- if ( pIAimPrivacy == undefined || pIAimPrivacy == null )
- return;
- // This has been simplified and made correct
- pIAimPrivacy.PrivacyMode = parent.lastPrivacyMode;
- var tvalues = false;
- var pAimAdmin = pIIMManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIAimAdminManager);
- if ( pAimAdmin == undefined || pAimAdmin == null )
- return;
- adminSetterCallback = new Object();
- adminSetterCallback.ExecuteIfReady = function()
- {
- // this kinda code is dangerous -- should not glom so many
- // things that can fail into one statement XXX
- Components.classes['@netscape.com/aim/IMManager;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIMManager).QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIAimAdminManager).ChangeRegistrationStatusPreference(null,parent.lastPrivacyView);
- }
- pAimAdmin.ExecuteIfReady(adminSetterCallback);
- var pAimPrefs = pIIMManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefsManager);
- if (parent.lastChatInvites != undefined)
- pAimPrefs.SetBoolPref("aim.chat.unavailable", parent.lastChatInvites, null, false);
- var chatInvite_pref=false;
- try {
- chatInvite_pref= pAimPrefs.GetBoolPref("aim.chat.unavailable", null, false);
- }
- catch (ex) {
- dump("chat announce pref could not be read\n");
- chatInvite_pref = false;
- }
- pChatManager= pIIMManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIAimChatManager);
- // Suresh: Setting it to complement coz the pref is aim.chat._un_available. Gee...This is confusing..heh.
- pChatManager.SetAvailableForChat(!chatInvite_pref);
- var feedbag = aimFeedbagManager();
- try {
- prefmask = feedbag.GetBuddyPrefs();
- var typingmask = Components.interfaces.nsAimBuddyPrefs.DiscloseTyping;
- var idlemask = Components.interfaces.nsAimBuddyPrefs.DiscloseIdleTime;
- var typingset=prefmask & typingmask;
- var idleset=prefmask & idlemask;
- // User is setting it only now, the typing pref was not set before
- if (parent.lastTyping && !(typingset)) {
- prefmask += typingmask;
- }
- // User is clearing it, even though the typing pref was set to begin with
- else
- if (!parent.lastTyping && (typingset)) {
- prefmask -= typingmask;
- }
- // User is setting it only now, the idle pref was not set before
- if (parent.lastIdle && !(idleset)) {
- prefmask += idlemask;
- }
- // User is clearing it, even though the idle pref was set to begin with
- else
- if (!parent.lastIdle && (idleset)) {
- prefmask -= idlemask;
- aimSession().AimIdleStop();
- }
- feedbag.SetBuddyPrefs(prefmask);
- }
- catch (ex) {}
- //Mobile stuff
- if (parent.lastMobile)
- feedbag.SetBosPrefs(Components.interfaces.nsAimBosPrefs.HideWireless);
- else
- feedbag.SetBosPrefs(0);
- return;
- }
- function
- FindAwayMessageTargetByName( msgName )
- {
- GetRDFService();
- var messages_file = GetRdfFileUrl("default-messages.rdf", "dm.rdf");
- var datasource = RDF.GetDataSource(messages_file);
- var container = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container;1"].createInstance();
- container = container.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainer);
- container.Init(datasource, RDF.GetResource("NC:AIM/AwayMessageBag"));
- var elements = container.GetElements();
- var target, node;
- var nameResource =
- RDF.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#MsgName");
- while ( elements.hasMoreElements() ) {
- node = elements.getNext();
- if ( node )
- target = datasource.GetTarget( node, nameResource,
- true );
- if ( target )
- target = target.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
- if ( target && target.Value == msgName )
- return target.Value;
- }
- return null;
- }
- function
- EditAwayMessageOnOK()
- {
- var nameItem = document.getElementById("awayMessageName");
- var textItem = document.getElementById("awayMessageText");
- var nameValue = null;
- var textValue = null;
- if ( !nameItem || nameItem == undefined )
- return;
- if ( !textItem || textItem == undefined )
- return;
- nameValue = nameItem.value;
- textValue = textItem.value;
- if ( nameValue == "" ) {
- alert(getString("away.EnterLabel"));
- return;
- }
- if ( textValue == "" ) {
- alert(getString("away.EnterMessage"));
- return;
- }
- if ( textValue.length > 900 ) {
- alert(getString("away.TooLongMessage"));
- return;
- }
- var target = FindAwayMessageTargetByName( nameValue );
- if ( target == null ) {
- retval = confirm(getString("away.DoesNotExist"));
- if ( retval == true )
- AssertAwayMessage( nameValue, textValue );
- else
- return;
- } else
- SetAwayMessageTarget( nameValue, textValue )
- top.window.close();
- }
- function AddAwayMessageOnOK()
- {
- var nameItem = document.getElementById("awayMessageName");
- var textItem = document.getElementById("awayMessageText");
- var nameValue = null;
- var textValue = null;
- if ( !nameItem || nameItem == undefined )
- return;
- if ( !textItem || textItem == undefined )
- return;
- nameValue = nameItem.value;
- textValue = textItem.value;
- if ( nameValue == "" ) {
- alert(getString("away.EnterLabel"));
- return;
- }
- if ( textValue == "" ) {
- alert(getString("away.EnterMessage"));
- return;
- }
- if ( textValue.length > 900 ) {
- alert(getString("away.TooLongMessage"));
- return;
- }
- if (awayarg) {
- var locateManager = aimLocateManager();
- locateManager.SetUserInfoAwayMessage(textValue);
- if (!document.getElementById('savelater').checked) {
- top.window.close();
- return;
- }
- }
- if ( FindAwayMessageTargetByName( nameValue ) != null ) {
- // ask them if they would like to overwrite (i.e.,
- // turn this into an edit).
- var response = confirm(getString("away.AlreadyExists"));
- if (response) {
- EditAwayMessageOnOK();
- return;
- }
- else {
- alert(getString("away.EnterLabel"));
- return;
- }
- }
- AssertAwayMessage( nameValue, textValue );
- top.window.close();
- }
- function
- AssertAwayMessage( nameValue, textValue )
- {
- GetRDFService();
- var newmsg = RDF.GetAnonymousResource();
- var messages_file = GetRdfFileUrl("default-messages.rdf", "dm.rdf");
- var datasource =
- RDF.GetDataSource(messages_file);
- datasource.Assert(newmsg,
- RDF.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#MsgName"),
- RDF.GetLiteral(nameValue), true);
- datasource.Assert(newmsg,
- RDF.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#MsgText"),
- RDF.GetLiteral(textValue), true);
- var container = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container;1"].createInstance();
- container = container.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainer);
- container.Init(datasource, RDF.GetResource("NC:AIM/AwayMessageBag"));
- container.AppendElement(newmsg);
- datasource.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource).Flush();
- }
- function
- AddAwayMessage()
- {
- // title is window.arguments[1];
- // content is window.arguments[2];
- window.openDialog("chrome://aim/content/AddAwayMessage.xul","_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", "", "", "");
- }
- function
- EditAwayMessage()
- {
- // title is window.arguments[1];
- // content is window.arguments[2];
- var msgName, msgText;
- var response;
- response = FindSelectedAwayMessage();
- if ( response == null ) {
- alert(getString("away.PleaseSelectToEdit"));
- return;
- } else {
- msgName = response.msgName;
- msgText = response.msgText;
- }
- window.openDialog("chrome://aim/content/AddAwayMessage.xul","_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar, modal", "", msgName, msgText);
- }
- function
- RemoveAwayMessage()
- {
- var msgName, msgText;
- var response;
- response = FindSelectedAwayMessage();
- if ( response == null ) {
- alert(getString("away.PleaseSelectToRemove"));
- return;
- }
- answer = confirm(getString("away.AreYouSure").replace(/%AwayMsg%/,response.msgName));
- if ( answer == true )
- RemoveTarget( response.msgName );
- }
- function
- FindSelectedAwayMessage()
- {
- var selection;
- var tree = document.getElementById("AwayMessages");
- var response = new Object();
- if ( tree )
- selection = tree.contentView.getItemAtIndex(tree.currentIndex);
- if ( selection) {
- response.msgName = selection.getAttribute("MsgName");
- response.msgText = selection.getAttribute("MsgText");
- return response;
- }
- return null;
- }
- //XXXVISHY - per screen name stuff
- function getCurrentScreenName()
- {
- var myaimSession = aimSession();
- if (myaimSession) {
- return myaimSession.CurrentScreenName;
- }
- else
- return "";
- }
- // XXXVISHY - the aimPreferenceOnload function MUST be called in the
- // onload handler of every aim preference panel so as to do the
- // per screen name munging
- /* every element has: prefstring, preftype, preattribute, pref (true/false), prefscope(0,1,2)
- preftype, a type of value to retrieve;
- preattribute, a type of element attribute to assign
- preftype = true, if it is for preference element only
- prefscope = 0, PER_SN,
- prefscope = 2, SESSION_GLOBAL,
- prefscope = 1, GEN_GLOBAL
- */
- function aimPreferenceOnload()
- {
- dump("starting aimPreferenceOnload\n");
- var aimprefs = document.getElementsByAttribute("pref", "true");
- var sN;
- var qPreference;
- var curDefPref;
- var panelType = 0;
- for (var i = 0 ; i < aimprefs.length ; i++) {
- var preference = aimprefs[i].getAttribute("prefstring");
- var curprefScope = aimprefs[i].getAttribute("prefscope");
- dump("curprefScope=" + curprefScope + "\n");
- if (curprefScope == 2 || curprefScope == 1) {
- if (panelType == 0)
- qPreference = preference + ".aim";
- else //panelType == 2
- qPreference = preference + ".icq";
- }
- else { // scope == 0, PER_SN
- if (panelType == aimPrefsManager().GetSessionType())
- {
- sN = getCurrentScreenName() + ".";
- qPreference = sN + preference;
- if (MozPreferences.getPrefType(qPreference) == Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_INVALID)
- {
- // first time with this pref, so create a per screen name copy
- if (MozPreferences.getPrefType(preference) == Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_INVALID)
- {
- // "preference" is not default name, create default name
- if (panelType == 0)
- curDefPref = preference + ".aim";
- else //panelType == 2
- curDefPref = preference + ".icq";
- }
- else {
- curDefPref = preference;
- }
- dump("curDefPref=" + curDefPref + "\n");
- switch (MozPreferences.getPrefType(curDefPref)) {
- case Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_STRING:
- var sPref = MozPreferences.getCharPref(curDefPref);
- MozPreferences.setCharPref(qPreference, sPref);
- break;
- case Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_INT:
- var iPref = MozPreferences.getIntPref(curDefPref);
- MozPreferences.setIntPref(qPreference, iPref);
- break;
- case Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_BOOL:
- var bPref = MozPreferences.getBoolPref(curDefPref);
- MozPreferences.setBoolPref(qPreference, bPref);
- break;
- default:
- dump("Bad pref type for NIM\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- qPreference = "__sys." + preference;
- }
- }
- aimprefs[i].setAttribute("prefstring", qPreference);
- }
- }
- /*
- XXXVISHY - this is a hack. The aimPreferenceOnload would have munged
- aim.mail.presence into a per-screen name pref. This function
- will unmunge it back into a global preference. This is done in this
- ugly manner since it is the least invasive way at this point.
- */
- function aimMailPresenceUnMunge()
- {
- var mailPref = document.getElementById("mailPresence");
- mailPref.setAttribute("prefstring", "aim.mail.presence");
- }
- /************* Related to the Connection/Proxy Panel ********************/
- // Remove whitespace from both ends of a string
- function TrimString(string)
- {
- if (!string) return "";
- return string.replace(/(^\s+)|(\s+$)/g, '')
- }
- function PrefIMConnectionOnload()
- {
- var proxPass = "";
- DoEnabling();
- parent.ConnectionLoad = 1;
- parent.connectionSaved = 0;
- if (parent.ConnectionCallback == undefined ||
- parent.ConnectionCallback == null ) {
- // Register the OK callback func once, and unmunge the initial value
- parent.ConnectionCallback = 1;
- parent.hPrefWindow.registerOKCallbackFunc(AssertProxyChanges);
- var pIAimSession = aimSession();
- if (pIAimSession) {
- var aimPrefs = aimPrefsManager();
- var mungedproxypassword = aimPrefs.GetWCharPrefEdit("aim.session.proxypassword.aim", null, 1, null, -1);
- proxPass = pIAimSession.UnMungeString(mungedproxypassword);
- parent.proxyPassword = proxPass;
- }
- }
- else {
- // we switched back from some other panel, so restore the
- // saved off value from the unload handler
- proxPass = parent.proxyPassword;
- }
- document.getElementById("proxyPassword").value = proxPass;
- }
- function AssertProxyChanges()
- {
- parent.proxyPassword = document.getElementById("proxyPassword").value;
- // if the connection panel is loaded, base64 the current password
- if (parent.ConnectionLoad == 1)
- MungeProxyPassword();
- // set this so the unload handler doesn't do anything when called
- parent.connectionSaved = 1;
- }
- function PrefIMConnectionOnunload()
- {
- // we already saved (e.g., here because OK was hit), so juswt return
- if ( parent.connectionSaved == 1 )
- return;
- // ok, switching to some other panel. Save off the current value
- // to be restored in the onload handler, and remember we are not
- // visible so we deal with the AssertProxyChanges() callback in
- // the correct manner
- parent.proxyPassword = document.getElementById("proxyPassword").value;
- parent.ConnectionLoad = 0;
- }
- function DoEnabling()
- {
- var host = document.getElementById("proxyHost");
- var port = document.getElementById("proxyPort");
- var protocol = document.getElementById("proxyProtocol");
- var userName = document.getElementById("proxyUserName");
- var password = document.getElementById("proxyPassword");
- var radiogroup0 = document.getElementById("proxyProtocolSocks4");
- var radiogroup1 = document.getElementById("proxyProtocolSocks5");
- var radiogroup2 = document.getElementById("proxyProtocolHttps");
- var radiogroup3 = document.getElementById("proxyProtocolHttp");
- // convenience arrays
- var manual = [host, port, protocol, userName, password, radiogroup0, radiogroup1, radiogroup2, radiogroup3];
- // checkbox button
- var checkboxitem = document.getElementById("proxyUse");
- if ( checkboxitem.checked ) {
- for( var i = 0; i < manual.length; i++ ) {
- manual[i].setAttribute( "disabled", "false" );
- manual[i].removeAttribute( "disabled" );
- }
- } else {
- for( var i = 0; i < manual.length; i++ )
- manual[i].setAttribute( "disabled", "true" );
- }
- }
- /*This function must be called ONLY by AsserProxyChanges function */
- function MungeProxyPassword()
- {
- var IMServiceClass = Components.classes['@netscape.com/aim/IMManager;1'];
- var pIIMManager = IMServiceClass.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIMManager);
- var pIAimSession = pIIMManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIAimSession);
- var proxPass = "";
- if(pIAimSession) {
- var aimPrefs = pIIMManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefsManager);
- proxPass = pIAimSession.MungeString(parent.proxyPassword);
- aimPrefs.SetWCharPrefEdit("aim.session.proxypassword.aim", proxPass, null, 1, null, -1);
- }
- }
- function changePort()
- {
- var proxyprotocol = document.getElementById("proxyProtocol").value;
- if (proxyprotocol == "1" || proxyprotocol == "2" || proxyprotocol == "4")
- document.getElementById("aimPort").value = "5190";
- else
- document.getElementById("aimPort").value = "443";
- }
- function resetConnection()
- {
- document.getElementById("aimHost").value = "login.oscar.aol.com"
- document.getElementById("aimPort").value = "5190";
- //reset all the proxy stuff. clear all the fields.
- document.getElementById("proxyUse").checked = false;
- document.getElementById("proxyHost").value = "";
- document.getElementById("proxyPort").value = "1080";
- document.getElementById("proxyUserName").value = "";
- document.getElementById("proxyPassword").value = "";
- parent.proxyPassword = "";
- document.getElementById("proxyProtocolSocks4").setAttribute("selected","true");
- document.getElementById("proxyProtocolSocks5").removeAttribute("selected");
- document.getElementById("proxyProtocolHttps").removeAttribute("selected");
- document.getElementById("proxyProtocolHttp").removeAttribute("selected");
- DoEnabling();
- }
- /*connection panel end*/
- function UpdateAwayButtons()
- {
- var selection;
- var tree = document.getElementById("AwayMessages");
- if (tree)
- selection = tree.contentView.getItemAtIndex(tree.currentIndex);
- if ( selection ) {
- document.getElementById("buttonEditMess").setAttribute("disabled", "false");
- var parent = selection.parentNode;
- if (parent.childNodes.length != 1) {
- // If this is the last element in away tree, do not allow remove
- document.getElementById("buttonRemoveMess").setAttribute("disabled", "false");
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- function DisableButtons()
- {
- document.getElementById("buttonEditMess").setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- document.getElementById("buttonRemoveMess").setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- }
- function PrefIMBuddyIconOnLoad() {
- if((!IsSignedOn()) || (isIcq())) {
- var offlinetxt = aimString("bi.plsfirstsignon");
- var element = document.getElementById("OfflineIntro");
- var textNode = document.createTextNode(offlinetxt);
- element.appendChild(textNode);
- DisableBIElements();
- return;
- }
- var biframe = document.getElementById("content");
- var biurl = aimRegionString("aim.buddyiconpage");
- if (biframe)
- biframe.setAttribute("src", biurl);
- var nimBuddy = aimBuddyManager();
- nimBuddy.InitBuddyIconsState();
- //select the first element *My Buddy Icon* on pref load.
- var buddyTree = document.getElementById("buddyIconTree");
- var treeselection = buddyTree.treeBoxObject.selection;
- treeselection.select(0);
- document.getElementById("OfflineIntro").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- LoadPersonalBuddyIcon();
- }
- function buddyIconBrowse() {
- var buddyTree = document.getElementById("buddyIconTree");
- var startIndex = {};
- var endIndex = {};
- buddyTree.treeBoxObject.selection.getRangeAt(0, startIndex, endIndex);
- var sindex = startIndex.value;
- var eindex = endIndex.value;
- var view = buddyTree.treeBoxObject.view;
- var level = view.getLevel(sindex);
- var selectedItem = view.getCellText(sindex, "ListSetupCol");
- if ((level == 0) && (sindex > 0)) {
- //some group is selected....just return;
- return;
- }
- var fileHandler = GetFileHandler();
- var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
- var biimage = document.getElementById("buddyIconImage");
- var pIAimSession = pIIMManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIAimSession);
- var pDir = pIAimSession.profileDir;
- //set the image to current picture.gif
- var pictureDir = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
- pictureDir.initWithPath(pDir.path);
- //buddy picture directory.
- var bpictureDir = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
- bpictureDir.initWithPath(pDir.path);
- var fp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker);
- if (!fp) {
- dump("Unable to create file picker...\n");
- return;
- }
- fp.init(window, aimString("bibrowse.title"), Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker.modeOpen);
- fp.appendFilter(aimString("bi.filetypes"), "*.gif;*.jpg;*.bmp;*.ico;*.xbm");
- var ret = fp.show();
- if (ret == Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker.returnOK && fp.fileURL.spec) {
- var fileurl = fp.fileURL.spec;
- var Ifile = fp.fileURL.file;
- var filesize = Ifile.fileSize;
- if(filesize > 7168) {
- aimErrorBox(aimString("bi.toolarge"));
- return;
- }
- }
- //if the slected item is *my BI* then do this
- if ((level == 0) && (selectedItem == "*My Buddy Icon*") && (sindex == 0)) {
- pictureDir.append("picture.gif");
- if (pictureDir.exists()) {
- //delete the existing file
- pictureDir.remove(false);
- }
- Ifile.copyTo(pDir, "picture.gif");
- var anotherPictureDir = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
- anotherPictureDir.initWithPath(pDir.path);
- anotherPictureDir.append("picture.gif");
- if (anotherPictureDir.exists()) {
- var tfileurl = fileHandler.getURLSpecFromFile(anotherPictureDir);
- if (biimage) {
- //The picture.gif will be stored in cache. so everytime you click browse and change you image
- //the url remains the same and it loads from cache. That's the reason a unique value is used.
- biimage.setAttribute("src", tfileurl+"?foobar="+currentTime);
- }
- }
- try {
- pIAimSession.SetBuddyIcon(false);
- }
- catch(e) {
- dump("Error setting Buddy Icon...:" + e + "\n");
- }
- } //end of setting personal BI
- else {
- pictureDir.append("picture");
- if(!pictureDir.exists()) {
- return;
- }
- bpictureDir.append("picture");
- if(!bpictureDir.exists()) {
- return;
- }
- pictureDir.append(selectedItem+".gif");
- if (pictureDir.exists()) {
- //delete the existing one
- pictureDir.remove(false);
- }
- var newfileName = selectedItem + ".gif";
- Ifile.copyTo(bpictureDir, newfileName);
- bpictureDir.append(newfileName);
- if (!bpictureDir.exists()) {
- return;
- }
- var buddyBI = fileHandler.getURLSpecFromFile(bpictureDir);
- if (biimage) {
- //The picture.gif will be stored in cache. so everytime you click browse and change you image
- //the url remains the same and it loads from cache. That's the reason a unique value is used.
- biimage.setAttribute("src", buddyBI+"?foobar="+currentTime);
- }
- //this guy should set the reject flag in *defaulr-BI.rdf* (Not in Buddy List DS)
- // for this buddy so that the user won't receive BI from that remote Buddy.
- //this guy should also call the main RDF code to set the hasBI property.
- var rdf = aimRDF();
- var nimIM = aimIM();
- nimIM.SetHasBIBuddyIconFlag(selectedItem, true);
- var wantBIres = rdf.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#WantBI");
- var falseliteral = rdf.GetLiteral("false");
- nimIM.SetBuddyIconFlag(selectedItem, wantBIres, falseliteral);
- var nimBuddy = aimBuddyManager();
- nimBuddy.SetHasBuddyIconFlag(selectedItem, true);
- } //else
- }
- function GetFileHandler()
- {
- var IOService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
- return IOService.getProtocolHandler("file")
- .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFileProtocolHandler);
- }
- function clearBuddyIcon()
- {
- var userresponse;
- userresponse = confirm(getString("bi.clearbi"));
- if (!userresponse)
- return;
- var buddyTree = document.getElementById("buddyIconTree");
- var startIndex = {};
- var endIndex = {};
- buddyTree.treeBoxObject.selection.getRangeAt(0, startIndex, endIndex);
- var sindex = startIndex.value;
- var eindex = endIndex.value;
- var view = buddyTree.treeBoxObject.view;
- var level = view.getLevel(sindex);
- var selectedItem = view.getCellText(sindex, "ListSetupCol");
- var biimage = document.getElementById("buddyIconImage");
- var pIAimSession = pIIMManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIAimSession);
- var pDir = pIAimSession.profileDir;
- //set the image to current picture.gif
- var pictureDir = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
- pictureDir.initWithPath(pDir.path);
- if ((level == 0) && (selectedItem == "*My Buddy Icon*") && (sindex == 0)) {
- clearPersonalBuddyIcon();
- clearBuddyIconImage();
- return;
- }
- if ((level == 0) && (sidex > 0)) {
- //a group is selected
- return;
- }
- //four steps done.
- //1. Delete the <SN>.gif
- //2. Clear the RejectBI flag, if any.
- //3. Clear the HasBI flag, if any.
- //4. Clear in any open IM windows
- pictureDir.append("picture");
- if (!pictureDir.exists()) {
- return;
- }
- pictureDir.append(selectedItem+".gif");
- if (pictureDir.exists()) {
- //remove the picture file
- pictureDir.remove(false);
- }
- var nimIM = aimIM();
- nimIM.SetHasBIBuddyIconFlag(selectedItem, false);
- var rdf = aimRDF();
- //clear wantBI flag
- var wantBIres = rdf.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#WantBI");
- var trueliteral = rdf.GetLiteral("true");
- nimIM.SetBuddyIconFlag(selectedItem, wantBIres, trueliteral);
- //clear reject BI flag
- var rejBIres = rdf.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#Reject");
- var falseliteral = rdf.GetLiteral("false");
- nimIM.SetBuddyIconFlag(selectedItem, rejBIres, falseliteral);
- //clear FileSize BI res
- var filesizeBIres = rdf.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#FileSize");
- var filesizeliteral = rdf.GetIntLiteral(0);
- nimIM.SetBuddyIconFlag(selectedItem, filesizeBIres, filesizeliteral);
- //clear checksum BI res
- var checksumBIres = rdf.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#CheckSum");
- var csliteral = rdf.GetIntLiteral(0);
- nimIM.SetBuddyIconFlag(selectedItem, checksumBIres, csliteral);
- var nimBuddy = aimBuddyManager();
- nimBuddy.SetHasBuddyIconFlag(selectedItem, false);
- nimBuddy.SetBuddyIconRejectFlag(selectedItem, false);
- clearBuddyIconImage();
- //4. Clear in any open IM windows
- setBuddyIconImageinIMWindow(selectedItem, null);
- }
- function setBuddyIconImageinIMWindow(screenName, url)
- {
- var aimIM = aimIMObject();
- var existingIM = aimIM.GetExistingIM(screenName);
- if (existingIM) {
- var biElement = existingIM.document.getElementById("BuddyIcon");
- if (biElement)
- biElement.setAttribute("src", url);
- }
- }
- function clearAllBuddyIcons()
- {
- var userresponse;
- userresponse = confirm(getString("bi.clearall"));
- if (userresponse == false)
- return;
- clearPersonalBuddyIcon();
- clearAllRemoteBuddyIcons();
- var nimIM = aimIM();
- nimIM.ClearAllBuddyIconFlags();
- clearBuddyIconImage();
- }
- /*clears all the remote buudies BI
- deletes the entries in picture directory */
- function clearAllRemoteBuddyIcons()
- {
- var pIAimSession = pIIMManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIAimSession);
- var pDir = pIAimSession.profileDir;
- var pictureDir = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
- pictureDir.initWithPath(pDir.path);
- pictureDir.append("picture");
- if ((pictureDir.exists()) && (pictureDir.isDirectory())) {
- var fileslist = pictureDir.directoryEntries;
- while(fileslist.hasMoreElements()) {
- var nextfile = fileslist.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
- if (nextfile && !nextfile.isDirectory())
- nextfile.remove(false);
- }
- }
- }
- /*Clears the personal Buddy Icon from the profilr directory and in COOL */
- function clearPersonalBuddyIcon()
- {
- var biimage = document.getElementById("buddyIconImage");
- var pIAimSession = pIIMManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIAimSession);
- var pDir = pIAimSession.profileDir;
- var pictureDir = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
- pictureDir.initWithPath(pDir.path);
- pictureDir.append("picture.gif");
- if (pictureDir.exists()) {
- //remove the image from the profile dir. clear the bi. send signal back to COOL.
- biimage.removeAttribute("src");
- pIAimSession.SetBuddyIcon(true);
- pictureDir.remove(false);
- }
- }
- function DisableBIElements()
- {
- document.getElementById("buddyIconTree").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- document.getElementById("btnBrowseFile").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- document.getElementById("btnClear").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- document.getElementById("btnClearAll").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- document.getElementById("acceptFromUsers").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- document.getElementById("buddyKnockKnock").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- document.getElementById("neverAccept").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- document.getElementById("neverDisplay").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- document.getElementById("imagegpbox").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- document.getElementById("content").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- document.getElementById("prefgpbox").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- }
- function changeKnockKnock()
- {
- var displayBI = document.getElementById("displayBI").value;
- var kk = document.getElementById("buddyKnockKnock");
- if(displayBI == "0")
- kk.removeAttribute("disabled");
- else
- kk.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- }
- function onBISelectionChange()
- {
- var buddyTree = document.getElementById("buddyIconTree");
- var startIndex = {};
- var endIndex = {};
- buddyTree.treeBoxObject.selection.getRangeAt(0, startIndex, endIndex);
- var sindex = startIndex.value;
- var eindex = endIndex.value;
- var view = buddyTree.treeBoxObject.view;
- var level = view.getLevel(sindex);
- var selectedItem = view.getCellText(sindex, "ListSetupCol");
- if ((level == 0) && (sindex > 0)) {
- //a group is selected. disable the buttons and clear the image.
- document.getElementById("btnBrowseFile").setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- document.getElementById("btnClear").setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- clearBuddyIconImage();
- return;
- }
- else {
- document.getElementById("btnBrowseFile").setAttribute("disabled", "false");
- document.getElementById("btnClear").setAttribute("disabled", "false");
- }
- if (sindex == 0) {
- LoadPersonalBuddyIcon();
- return;
- }
- if ((sindex >0) && (level != 0)) {
- //load the remote buddies buddy icon
- LoadRemoteBuddyBuddyIcon(selectedItem);
- }
- }
- /* As the name implies, this guy loads the buddy Icon of the remote buddy from the picture directory*/
- function LoadRemoteBuddyBuddyIcon(buddyname)
- {
- var pIAimSession = pIIMManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIAimSession);
- var pDir = pIAimSession.profileDir;
- //set the image to current picture.gif
- var pictureDir = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
- pictureDir.initWithPath(pDir.path);
- pictureDir.append("picture");
- if(!pictureDir.exists()) {
- return;
- }
- pictureDir.append(buddyname + ".gif");
- if (!pictureDir.exists()) {
- clearBuddyIconImage();
- return;
- }
- var fileHandler = GetFileHandler();
- var tfileurl1 = fileHandler.getURLSpecFromFile(pictureDir);
- //avoid loading from cache
- var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
- var biimage = document.getElementById("buddyIconImage");
- biimage.setAttribute("src", tfileurl1+"?foobar="+currentTime);
- return;
- }
- /*This just clears the image from the pref panel. */
- function clearBuddyIconImage() {
- var biimage = document.getElementById("buddyIconImage");
- biimage.removeAttribute("src");
- return;
- }
- /*This loads the personal Buddy Icon from the profile directory*/
- function LoadPersonalBuddyIcon() {
- var biimage = document.getElementById("buddyIconImage");
- var pIAimSession = pIIMManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIAimSession);
- var pDir = pIAimSession.profileDir;
- //set the image to current picture.gif
- var pictureDir = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
- pictureDir.initWithPath(pDir.path);
- pictureDir.append("picture.gif");
- if (pictureDir.exists()) {
- var fileHandler = GetFileHandler();
- var tfileurl1 = fileHandler.getURLSpecFromFile(pictureDir);
- //avoid loading from cache
- var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
- biimage.setAttribute("src", tfileurl1+"?foobar="+currentTime);
- }
- else {
- clearBuddyIconImage();
- }
- return;
- }
- //Most of these code are inherited from browser code.
- //And a note to whoever own the Buddy Icons content page: Please do not change the urls. ;-)
- function bicontentAreaClick(event)
- {
- var target = event.target;
- var linkNode;
- var local_name = target.localName;
- if (local_name)
- local_name = local_name.toLowerCase();
- switch (local_name) {
- case "a":
- case "area":
- case "link":
- if (target.hasAttribute("href"))
- linkNode = target;
- break;
- default:
- linkNode = findBIParentNode(event.originalTarget, "a");
- // <a> cannot be nested. So if we find an anchor without an
- // href, there is no useful <a> around the target
- if (linkNode && !linkNode.hasAttribute("href"))
- linkNode = null;
- break;
- }
- if (linkNode) {
- var linkNodehref = linkNode.href;
- //if the url contains aol.com just load it in BI pref pane
- if (linkNodehref.substr(0, 18) == aimRegionString("aim.aolurl"))
- return false;
- else {
- //if url does not contain aol.com and it is a http url load it in a new window.
- if (linkNodehref.substr(0, 7) == aimRegionString("aim.httpurl")) {
- event.preventDefault();
- openTopWin(linkNodehref);
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function findBIParentNode(node, parentNode)
- {
- if (node && node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- while (node) {
- var nodeName = node.localName;
- if (!nodeName)
- return null;
- nodeName = nodeName.toLowerCase();
- if (nodeName == "body" || nodeName == "html" ||
- nodeName == "#document") {
- return null;
- }
- if (nodeName == parentNode)
- return node;
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- return null;
- }
- function boottoggle(value)
- {
- parent.isBootEnabled = value;
- }
- function instantMessageOnOk()
- {
- var winhooksService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/winhooks;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowsHooks);
- if (winhooksService) {
- if (parent.isBootEnabled)
- winhooksService.startupAddOption("-aim");
- else
- winhooksService.startupRemoveOption("-aim");
- }
- }
- function instantMessageOnload()
- {
- var todayhide = aimPrefsManager().GetBoolPref("aim.internal.hidetoday", null, false);
- if (todayhide)
- {
- document.getElementById("today").setAttribute("style", "display: none" );
- }
- if (navigator.platform != "Win32")
- {
- document.getElementById("boot").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- // If all the elements in the Sign On group are removed, get ride of the groupbox
- // Otherwise we'll show an empty groupbox!
- if (todayhide)
- {
- document.getElementById("signongroup").setAttribute("style", "display: none" );
- }
- return;
- }
- if (!parent.hPrefWindow)
- {
- setTimeout("instantMessageOnload()", 1);
- return;
- }
- parent.hPrefWindow.registerOKCallbackFunc(instantMessageOnOk);
- if (!aimSession().CheckConflictRunKey())
- {
- var winhooksService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/winhooks;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowsHooks);
- if (winhooksService) {
- parent.isBootEnabled = winhooksService.isOptionEnabled("-aim");
- document.getElementById("boot").checked = parent.isBootEnabled;
- }
- }
- else
- document.getElementById("boot").setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- }
- function openfilepicker()
- {
- var nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
- var fp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(nsIFilePicker);
- fp.init(window, aimString('file.choose'), nsIFilePicker.modeGetFolder);
- fp.appendFilters(nsIFilePicker.filterAll);
- try {
- fp.show();
- }
- catch (ex) {
- dump ("filePicker.chooseInputFile threw an exception\n");
- return false;
- }
- var kdir_separator = "/";
- if (navigator.platform == 'MacPPC')
- kdir_separator = ":";
- else if (navigator.platform == 'Win32')
- kdir_separator = "\\";
- if (fp.file && fp.file.path.length > 0)
- document.getElementById("location").setAttribute("value", fp.file.path + kdir_separator);
- }