home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 Open
- 103 \aol.exe -u
- 104 SOFTWARE\Classes\HTTP\shell\open\command
- 105 SOFTWARE\America Online\AOL\CurrentVersion
- 106 AppPath
- 107 http://www.musicmatch.com/
- 200 200, OK- no further action necessary
- 210 210, Request accepted, more data follows
- 230 230, Server closing - Goodbye
- 300 300, Server pending
- 510 510, No request sent to server
- 550 550, The request to the server is invalid
- 590 590, the server has timed out
- 1400 QueryInfoStatusCode returned Unintelligible request
- 1404 URL not found
- 1405 The server does not support the requested method
- 1500 Unknown server error
- 1503 Server capacity reached
- 2001 The Get New Key request failed
- 2002 The purchase MMJB request failed
- 2003 The FTP url is not valid
- 2004 There is no default browser set in registry
- 2005 The HTTP url is not valid
- 2006 ExecuteCommand returned nothing
- 2007 UploadCustoInfo: Trigger condition not satisfied