// sound has linear falloff from minDist to maxDist. Within minDist sound is at normal volume. Units are 16 = 1 foot.
//Carl's explanation of channels:
//Audio channel notes:
//- All audio channels except for the "auto" channel only allow one sound to be played on them by any particular entity. So, for example, you could have three different Germans all playing sounds on their "weapon" channel, but you couldn't have a single German playing three sounds on his single "weapon" channel.
//- Nothing is allowed to override sounds made by the player's character except other player sounds, regardless of channel number.
//Audio channel descriptions:
//Sound channel priority from lowest to highest is:
//0 - auto - This is considered the lowest audio channel priority. It always plays if possible (hardware audio channel available) and they don't override previously played sounds. If no channels are available, the sound will just not play. This is best used for things that do not have a particular entity or character related to them (like bullet hit sounds), or are not overly important sound (like shell casing landing sounds or footsteps).
//1 - body - these are sounds made by a characters body. These include sounds like impact sounds (from falling & landing hard) and equipment movement jingles.
//2 - item - These are sounds made by items on a character, or that represent some sort of item related sound. These would include sounds made by any misc items carried by a character like papers or binorulars, but could also be used as a second weapon sound channel if it is required for a weapon to play two different sounds at the same time. This is also the channel that should be used for weapon reload sound to prevent them from cutting off long firing sounds.
//3 - weaponidle - is for constant sound made by weapons or possibly the character itself. An example from Quake3 would be the rail gun hum, but I can't think of any examples from MoH.
//4 - voice - These are vocal sounds made by a character such as pain, death, and yelling during combat. This is effectively a lower priority dialog channel for general use throughout the majority of the game.
//5 - local - This plays a sound that is considered to be "local" to the player. Meaning, it does not do 3D spatialization on the sound. It does adjust the volume of the sound according to distance though. This is best used for playing sounds that should sound omni-directional like rain or lightning.
//6 - weapon - These are the sound that are made by the characters' weapons. These include the firing sounds, but not reloading sounds.
//7 - dialog_secondary - This is a secondary backup dialog channel. Good for use with lower priority dialog such as idle chatter between characters, as it's considered to be lower priority than regular dialog. This should only include spoken dialog that will have subtitle text.
//8 - dialog - This is the primary sould channel for playing character dialog. This should only include spoken dialog that will have subtitle text.
//9 - menu - This is the sound channel for menu sounds to play on.