RegisterPrompt1=NOTE: Sierra highly recommends that you register your product. This allows us to notify you regarding enhancements to this product, keep you informed about the latest events at Sierra and to provide you the finest in customer support.
RegisterPrompt2=Would you like to take a few seconds now to register your product via modem, if you have one (we use an 800 number, there's no charge or long distance phone call).
DirectWarn1=DirectX was detected on your system.
DirectWarn2=It will NOT be overwritten.
DirectWarn3=Please see the readme file for information
DirectWarn4=about updating the version of DirectX
DirectWarn5=on your system.
WinNTTitle=Not Supported
WinNTFail=Silent Thunder does not run under Windows NT.
JoyTitle=Joystick Drivers
JoyText1=Would you like to install the standard Windows joystick driver? (A joystick is optional for playing Silent Thunder.)
JoyText2=Note: If you have custom joystick drivers for your joystick under Windows, choose 'No'. If you choose 'Yes', the existing drivers will be replaced.
VfwFailTitle=Video For Windows Install Result
VfwFailText1=The Video For Windows Install did not complete successfully. You may have difficulties viewing movies in Silent Thunder.