If the game runs too slowly on your system, we have incorporated
several detail options that will help increase the speed of the game.
You may decrease and increase the game's screen resolution by pressing
the - and + keys. The smaller (lower) the screen resolution, the better
the game speed. You may also decrease and increase the graphical detail
level by pressing the [ and ] keys. Again, the lower the detail level,
the faster the game.
All of the gladiators share a core set of fight moves ranging from
simple evasion maneuvers to advanced assaults. The following explains
how to execute some of the special moves found in the game.
Symbol What you press
U Up
D Down
L Left
R Right
F Forward (press directional key that moves you towards your
B Back (press directional key that moves you away from your
SP Speed Punch
PP Power Punch
SK Speed Kick
PK Power Kick
A + between symbols means to press and hold down the corresponding keys
together. A space between symbols means to press the corresponding keys
one after the other, releasing the first key before pressing the next
one. Here are some example:
Fast Advance: F F
Move quickly towards opponent.
Fast Retreat: B B
Move quickly away from opponent.
Attacking Recovery: F (press and hold until fighter gets up)
Get up from falling down by advancing towards opponent with an attack move.
Retreating Recovery: B (press and hold until fighter gets up)
Get up from falling down by moving away from opponent. Be careful with this move when you are backed up against the arena edge.
Leap: L+U or R+U
Jump high into the air, possibly over opponent.
Guard: B+D
Crouch down and protect your body from damage. You receive only one fourth of an attackÆs damaging effects when you are hit while in a guarding position.
Flying Kick: U+PK or U+SK
Jump at opponent, leading with your foot.
Knock Down (throw): PK+PP (while close to opponent)
Knock down your opponent when close to him or her.