100 Not enough memory to run program. Please shut down other programs and try running again.
101 This program requires that your Windows display properties be set to 256 colors or more. To change your Windows display properties, click the Start button, click Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click Display.
102 Can't open file '%s'.
105 Can't save.
106 Internal program error: Script nesting overflow.
107 Can't find string '%s'.
108 Internal program error: Invalid resource.
109 Not enough memory to capture screen. Please shut down other programs and try again.
110 Internal program error: Bad bitmap data.
111 Internal program error: Divide by zero.
112 Internal program error: Too many run messages.
113 Cannot access the printer. Make sure your printer is turned on and connected properly to your computer. Then try printing again.
115 Internal program error: Script command failed.
116 Internal program error: Out of timers.
117 Internal program error: Can't copy sprite.
118 Assertion failed: %s
119 Internal program error %d [%d]. Close all programs and turn off your computer. Then restart your computer and try again.
120 Internal program error %d. Close all programs and turn off your computer. Then restart your computer and try again.
121 Cannot find file '%s'. Run the Setup program to reinstall the software and then try starting this CD-ROM title again.
122 Internal program error: Can't load plugin '%s'.
123 Internal program error: Can't init plugin '%s'.
124 Internal program error: Missing or misnamed function in plugin(s).