dialog "i_jc" "Remember boss, civilians are not swiss cheese, so keep the non-hostile body count down." "dialog/intro/jc/rmmbr2.wav" 1 5
waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/rmmbr2.wav" 0.1
//dialog "i_jc" "We get triple the bonus if we preserve life AND property, and man does papa need a new pair of shoes!" "dialog/intro/jc/rmmbr2a.wav" 1 5
//waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/rmmbr2a.wav" 0.1
//Blade dialog
//dialog "i_blade" "You're such a money grubber JC, did you know that?" "dialog/intro/blade/mngrb1.wav" 1 5
dialog "i_jc" "Blade, try for a rooftop landing at the bank. I'll keep an eye on what's going on inside the bank with the security cams." "dialog/intro/jc/rftp4.wav" 1 5
//not in demo- dialog "i_jc" "O'Brian, Hiroku, get ready; Blade's around the corner." "dialog/intro/jc/brn3.wav" 1 5
//not in demo- waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/brn3.wav" 0.3
//not in demo- end
//not in demo- jc_no_bargaining:
//jc dialog
//not in demo- dialog "i_jc" "You can't bargain with these guys! Take them down!" "dialog/intro/jc/brgn1.wav" 1 5
//not in demo- waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/brgn1.wav" 0.3
//not in demo- end
/////////Thug hostage dialog///////////
//not in demo- thug_move_and_they_die:
//not in demo- local.thug1 string parm.thug1
//not in demo- local.thug1 dialog "i_thug" "Make a move and they're dead!" "dialog/intro/thug/host4.wav" 1 2
//not in demo- waitForSound "dialog/intro/thug/host4.wav" 0.3
//not in demo- end
//not in demo- thug_put_gun_down:
//not in demo- local.thug1 string parm.thug1
//not in demo- local.thug1 dialog "i_thug" "Put the gun down or they're dead meat!" "dialog/intro/thug/host5.wav" 1 2
//not in demo- waitForSound "dialog/intro/thug/host5.wav" 0.3
//not in demo- end
//not in demo- thug_million_dollars_or_baggies:
//not in demo- local.thug1 string parm.thug1
//not in demo- local.thug1 dialog "i_thug" "We want a million dollars or these people are comin home in baggies!" "dialog/intro/thug/host1.wav" 1 2
//not in demo- waitForSound "dialog/intro/thug/host1.wav" 0.3
//not in demo- end
//not in demo- thug_its_the_fuzz:
//not in demo- local.thug1 string parm.thug1
//not in demo- local.thug1 dialog "i_thug" "It's the fuzz! Kill the hostages!" "dialog/intro/thug/host3.wav" 1 2
//not in demo- waitForSound "dialog/intro/thug/host3.wav" 0.3
//not in demo- end
//not in demo- thug_million_dollars_and_chopper:
//not in demo- local.thug1 string parm.thug1
//not in demo- local.thug1 dialog "i_thug" "We've got hostages! We want a million dollars and a chopper or these people are dead!" "dialog/intro/thug/host2.wav" 1 2
//not in demo- waitForSound "dialog/intro/thug/host2.wav" 0.3
//dialog "i_hcofficer" "We've got a situation at Freeport Bank. Unknown numbers of hostiles have taken multiple hostages. All available HC units, coverage on Freeport Bank now!" "dialog/intro/hc/hc1.wav"
//waitForSound "dialog/intro/hc/hc1.wav" 0.3
// HC dispatch officer briefing dialog
//dialog "i_hcofficer" "Hostiles are armed and extremely dangerous - Approach with deadly force!" "dialog/intro/hc/hc2.wav"
//waitForSound "dialog/intro/hc/hc2.wav" 0.3
// HC dispatch officer dialog
dialog "i_hcofficer" "Unit seven, report status. I SAID REPORT STATUS!" "dialog/intro/hc/hc4.wav" 1 6
waitForSound "dialog/intro/hc/hc4.wav" 0.3
//not in demo-hc_no_nudie_mags:
// HC dispatch officer dialog
//not in demo-dialog "i_hcofficer" "You too buddy! Hey, you with the nudie mags, put those back under the seat!" "dialog/intro/hc/hc3.wav" 1 6
//not in demo-waitForSound "dialog/intro/hc/hc3.wav" 0.3
//not in demo-end
// HC dispatch officer warning dialog
dialog "i_hcofficer" "We're taking friendly fire! HC units, watch your targets!" "dialog/intro/hc/hc5.wav" 1 6
waitForSound "dialog/intro/hc/hc5.wav" 0.3
////Misc JC dialog//////////
//not in demo-jc_new_job:
//jc dialog
//not in demo-dialog "i_jc" "Great, it's time to find a new job!" "dialog/intro/jc/nwjb1.wav" 1 5
//not in demo-waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/nwjb1.wav" 0.3
//not in demo-end
//not in demo-jc_watch_the_property:
//jc dialog
//not in demo-dialog "i_jc" "Hey, watch the property, Blade!" "dialog/intro/jc/wtchpr.wav" 1 5
//not in demo-waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/watchpr.wav" 0.3
//not in demo-end
//not in demo-jc_there_goes_the_bonus:
//jc dialog
//not in demo-dialog "i_jc" "Damn, there goes the bonus boss!" "dialog/intro/jc/dmnbn2.wav" 1 5
//not in demo-waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/dmnbn2.wav" 0.3
//not in demo-end
//jc dialog
dialog "i_jc" "Nice shooting, Tex. That billboard ain't gettin up." "dialog/intro/jc/nctx5.wav" 1 5
waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/nctx5.wav" 0.3
//blade dialog
dialog "i_blade" "Eh, I never liked that billboard anyway" "dialog/intro/blade/bllbr3.wav" 1 5
waitForSound "dialog/intro/blade/bllbr3.wav" 0.3
jc dialog
dialog "i_jc" "Nice shooting, Tex. That billboard won't attack anyone ever again." "dialog/intro/jc/nctx2.wav" 1 5
waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/nctx2.wav" 0.3
blade dialog
dialog "i_blade" "Eh, I never liked that billboard anyway" "dialog/intro/blade/bllbr3.wav" 1 5
waitForSound "dialog/intro/blade/bllbr3.wav" 0.3
//jc dialog
dialog "i_jc" "Blade, what the HELL are you shooting at?" "dialog/intro/jc/hllsh1.wav" 1 5
waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/hllsh1.wav" 0.3
//not in demo-jc_what_are_you_shooting_at2:
//jc dialog
//not in demo-dialog "i_jc" "Blade, what the HELL are you shooting at?" "dialog/intro/jc/hllsht.wav" 1 5
//not in demo-waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/hllsht.wav" 0.3
//not in demo-end
//jc dialog
dialog "i_jc" "Did that make you happy, Blade?" "dialog/intro/jc/mkhpp1.wav" 1 5
waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/mkhpp1.wav" 0.3
//not in demo-jc_make_you_happy2:
//jc dialog
//not in demo-dialog "i_jc" "Oh, did that make you happy, Blade?" "dialog/intro/jc/mkhppy.wav" 1 5
//not in demo-waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/mkhppy.wav" 0.3
//not in demo-end
//jc dialog
dialog "i_jc" "Blade! What are you doing wasting your time sightseeing? Get to the bank NOW!" "dialog/intro/jc/sts1.wav" 1 5
waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/sts1.wav" 0.3
//jc dialog
dialog "i_jc" "Man we're getting slaughtered inside! What are you doing wandering around out here?" "dialog/intro/jc/slght1.wav" 1 5
waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/slght1.wav" 0.3
//not in demo-jc_slaughtered_inside2:
//jc dialog
//not in demo-dialog "i_jc" "Man we are getting slaughtered inside! What are you doing wandering around out here?" "dialog/intro/jc/slght2.wav" 1 5
//not in demo-waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/slght2.wav" 0.3
//not in demo-end
//not in demo-jc_get_in_there:
//jc dialog
//not in demo-dialog "i_jc" "Hurry up and get in THERE!" "dialog/intro/jc/hrryp3.wav" 1 5
//not in demo-waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/hrryp3.wav" 0.3
//not in demo-end
//not in demo-jc_get_going:
//jc dialog
//not in demo-dialog "i_jc" "Hurry up and get GOING!" "dialog/intro/jc/hrryp4.wav" 1 5
//not in demo-waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/hrryp4.wav" 0.3
//not in demo-end
//jc dialog
dialog "i_jc" "There goes the city!" "dialog/intro/jc/gcty1.wav" 1 5
waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/gcty1.wav" 0.3
//not in demo-jc_unemployment:
//jc dialog
//not in demo-dialog "i_jc" "Oh man, time for unemployment!" "dialog/intro/jc/nmply1.wav" 1 5
//not in demo-waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/nmply1.wav" 0.3
//not in demo-end
//not in demo-jc_bank_balance:
//jc dialog
//not in demo-dialog "i_jc" "Blade, have you checked the bank balance recently?" "dialog/intro/jc/mnbnk1.wav" 1 5
//not in demo-waitForSound "dialog/intro/jc/mnbnk1.wav" 0.3
dialog "i_thug" "That's nothin' compared with last week. I shot this cop in the head... he never even saw it coming!" "dialog/intro/cinematic/thug/neversaw.wav" 1 5